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Words from Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant Vol. Iii
Words from Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant Vol. Iii
Words from Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant Vol. Iii
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Words from Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant Vol. Iii

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Changes in the earth’s elements, promised in Revelations and by visiting angels: hurricanes, droughts, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis, fires, oceanic demise, and other destructive occurrences, are being witnessed.

Plagues over the globe: AIDS, West Nile Virus, Bird Flu, Ebola and currently COVID – 19 and its many Variants, devastating Humanity with death and debilitation, are being witnessed.

Man’s inhumane, warring slaughter of man over greed for power, differences in religious ideals, political differences, racial differences, and other such senseless foolishness is being witnessed.

There is no doubt left, among the conscious and the faithful, that God dispatched His Angels here to help warn all of this time.

The information they gave is to help navigate man through these perilous times is written here exactly as it was given.

Release dateSep 7, 2021
Words from Awaki: The Third and Final Covenant Vol. Iii

Bernetha George MD

Bernetha George, MD, is a licensed physician in Baltimore, Maryland, where the occurrences written about in Words from Awaki took place. She has been on a spiritual quest since becoming a physician in 1978 and discovering that science does not have answers to explain the fleeting existence of life or its obscure beginning. Her quest has led her to numerous workshops, seminars, and lectures on spirituality, culminating in the experience that allowed her to write this, her first published nonfiction book. Her profession necessitated that she develop precise skills of documentation, which prepared her for this feat.

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    Words from Awaki - Bernetha George MD

    2021 Bernetha George, MD. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 08/16/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3487-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3488-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-3486-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021916339

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    All Scriptures were taken from King James Version of the Bible.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This book, the end of a trilogy, is

    dedicated to Future Generations with apologies. For, had we touched your Ancestors with this knowledge your lives would be different.





    Chapter 1 The Gratest Spiritual Leaders

    Chapter 2 First Born Spiritual Leader

    Chapter 3 Second Born Spiritual Leader

    Chapter 4 The Home Of Omni

    Chapter 5 Spiritual Leader Nouveau

    Chapter 6 The Prophet

    Chapter 7 The Prophetess

    Chapter 8 Self-Taught Divine Gift

    Chapter 9 The Chosen One

    Chapter 10 Dual Divine Gifts

    Chapter 11 The Inaudible

    Chapter 12 The Faithless


    God gave me Benjamin Lester to help make the journey

    of this Trilogy of His information available to the

    masses.Thank you God and thank you Ben.

    Thank you Calvin Styles for telling me I would

    do it when my faith was absent.





    These words are being written for those yet to come. They are written less for those (faithless) who are already here.

    You may be questioning why the Creator did not warn you of the changes you see? Why didn’t He alert you earlier to the chaos and turmoil? He did. Just as He empowered the Prophet John, The Revelator, in Revelation to warn us all, He empowered Prophets and others to warn you.

    He awakened, prepared and charged Prophets, told people with Divine Gifts of Healing, Oneness of Mind, Multitudes, Presence of The Angels, Self - Taught Spiritual Gifts and others to tell you this was coming. This happened, in this universe, from November 3, 1995 through May 15, 1996 in Baltimore, Maryland mostly at the Home of Omni located on 3617 Howard Park Avenue which became The Temple of Angels.

    During those visitations, a 28 year old male’s body (Nathaniel Keys) was invaded (they just took it) by 7 Angels: Awaki, Shakardak, Laiki, Melchizedek, Myackaoka, Marchardack, Azreal variably, and he was rendered unconscious. Each angel, using his unconscious body, spoke to those present, via The Prophet (Thomas Gains), and dialogue began.

    Thomas sat directly in front of Nathaniel, the Host, so called because he hosted the angel in his body, touching knees to knees, holding his hands and resting them on both their knees.

    That took place 40-50 times throughout the 6 months. Each occurrence lasted 45 minutes to 1 hour, variably. It happened, multiple times during one day, once a day and other days no visitations at all, changeably.

    Many people, at least 100 at the Home of Omni that I am personally aware of, were told the entire 6 months, not to hold back the information that was being given to them. Go out and tell others is what they were told.

    This book, the end of a trilogy, all with the same name, is a culmination of 25 years of intense study of those visitations. It gives 10 real accounts of people whose lives personified the madrids (thousands upon thousands) spoken to worldwide then. It is written to pass on the information exactly as it was given to the people herein. Their sessions represent all of the concepts that were taught.

    Omissions, distortions, erroneously reported revelations all are sought to be rectified through these publications. To that end, many different holy writings were consulted in preparation of this book. Much of what we have been fed for generations, over centuries, has landed us here; replicating that had to be avoided. Minimally, the attempt had to be made, therefore every quote herein is verbatim, thanks to technology. No liberties were taken with the words of the Angels. The Characters’ names are ficticious but no liberties were taken with their words either.

    As time passes the authenticity of what you read here will be borne out. It already has been for me in just the past quarter-century. Being a part of a world that’s changing, continually in one steady direction, while the masses of its Beings move steadily and unceasingly, in the opposite direction, is my greatest paradox. How do you get them synchronized?

    Perhaps the generations here at the coming of the Angels were unable to believe in the possibilities of their being possible, but you, for whom this is written, will have lived through enough that your faith will have been fully born and well - honed in you, to believe and benefit from it, prayerfully.






    God sent us 7 Angels directed by Awaki, The Spirit of Angels, also known as Archangel Michael, to this universe. Their purpose was to awaken, enlighten and charge or instruct madrids of people throughout all nations, simultaneously. They began making contact with people in this universe November 3, 1995 and stopped coming May 15, 1996. They pulled people to hear them explain why they were here by their sheer power, many, not all (you weren’t allowed to choose not to go to them, if you did they overrode that choice in the end). They bestowed upon those people the Divine Gifts of Prophecy, Healing, Multitudes, Oneness of Mind, their presence, affirmation of Self-Taught Spiritual Gifts and to others the charge to just live their lives in faith and obedience before the masses using their inherent spiritual gifts, all from God.

    Those chosen to go, hear and see, from all over the world, what went on then, have kept it very quiet ever since. That is understandable because they knew, if they spoke up, no one would believe them in the first place, and worse, they would be called crazy. That being the undisputable case, did not prevent their being called and sent to you, nevertheless. So as you read what’s written here, believers, try not to judge too harshly those who failed to enlighten you. Non- believers, (if any of you dared crack the covers and continued to read) you are the epitome of why all that is currently being experienced had to come to be; up to and including the muted paralysis of those who were unable to share this with the world (faithless).

    To one of the many, whom you will read about here (provided you dare read on), one Angel said, this is a display unto the hosts of this universe that we may teach and bring unto those who seek truth, before the Third Covenant, the 11 and 40, that they may come into obedience of your God in faith and all understanding, as in your history in this universe. We have been sent unto those who have displayed an openness to receive and to help prepare the hosts of this universe in wisdom. For unless you are in faith and wisdom and can choose of us or not of us, then you cannot be expected to do what is your destiny for lack of understanding, for you are imperfect. That is why you have been chosen. You have been summoned unto us that you may achieve the knowledge that you need, that you may not mislead the multitude.

    Even with this well delivered explanation from an Angel of God Himself it was not enough to overcome that inertia, felt by those spoken to, to go out and tell those who were not spoken to, anything. They simply kept it all to themselves, for the most part, and let the chips fall where they may.

    Let me make this clear from the outset so that, as you read on, you may not feel that expectations have been placed upon you that you are unprepared to meet. Spiritual battles were and are reserved for those chosen and prepared to fight them. Other publications available may have misconstrued them to be the responsibility of all mankind but assuredly they were and are not. When questioned by one, chosen for preparation to assist in the sharing of this new knowledge with the masses, if they (the masses) should be told that they were going to be fighting Spiritual Battles, Awaki was explicitly clear. They will not be in battle; ONLY those who have been chosen by your God will fight the battles in this time and space as we direct them and we will fight the spiritual battles in the air for you. Additionally, it was assured by him that, Victory has already been claimed for you. In the far reaches of heaven, these battles have already been fought and won millions of times. How you interpret your faith will determine the outcome in this universe.

    All of this notwithstanding the information is here for you now, my apologies for all things bygone, and I invite you to read on to understand where things are in this day and time, please.

    Chapter One

    The Gratest Spiritual Leaders

    The Prophet learned from the first visits the purpose of the appearance of those, Emanations of the first thoughts of God as they described themselves, whom we called Angels. He questioned the Angel Shakardak, the Warrior Angel, the Angel of War, when he prompted him to do so.

    There are many questions that you wish to ask he told Thomas. Those that I can, within your understanding, I am charged to do so. You must ask the question, for unlike the Holy Awaki, I cannot probe your thoughts.

    The first question I have is, how should Nathaniel and I prepare for the holy battles, for the holy spiritual battles, that are to come? We were told by the Holy Awaki to read the scriptures, to read the Bible, which we’ve been doing. Some of the questions that we have are: if our preparation is also to involve other people, and if we’re to take the role of trying to convince others? the prophet asked.

    This Host is preparing to our delight. And in the case of involving others, can there only be a battle of one? Shakardak responded.

    No, the prophet said.

    Then, it is within your understanding. This Host will begin with a circle within his creative forces. He will deal with those and those will deal with others, the angel explained.

    I see. So then the preparation of others will come through conversation, through discussion? Thomas asked.

    Just like we are different in our gifts with the Infinite Mind, so shall the approach be different with each. Some will have to see and they will believe and some will not see and they will believe. Others will hear and they will believe, others will not hear and they will believe. And there will be those that will see and they will not believe, and there will be those that will hear and they will not believe, Shakardak explained. But I told you before, that as we continue to re-engineer the physical body of this host, he will start to change physically. His speaking will start to change. His persuasion and control over others will be magnified to serve the purpose and our purpose only.

    Is there anything he should do to assist in this preparation, to assist in the re-engineering of his body? Thomas asked.

    Shakardak answered, He has already done that which was required of him. This process will be complete with the first of 12 (January: the 1st of 12 months).

    Is that on his birthday or his next birthday? the Prophet asked.

    What you will label ‘birthday’ in this universe, at this time, we have no resistance of such for this host and this spirit was born many times before, and we know them all. But, in this universe, the significance of this date coincides with the year that this host came into existence in this universe. It coincides with the year all your greatest spiritual leaders was teaching all teachings to humanity.

    Thomas was just told of past births and past lives of his cousin Nathaniel, whom he knew well. Yet he let it go right over his head. This gives you some insight into the mind set of people herein, when they sat in the presence of the Angels.

    Instead of delving into that with pertinent questions he asked, Who was the teacher to whom you were referring?

    Shakardak let it drop, too, and just answered the question he was asked.

    In your universe and time he was known as Martin, but to us he was known as Mahaladek, ‘The Bringer of The Message.’ In this, I made one mistake, he said. In his generation I brought forth two of your greatest spiritual leaders for the spiritual battle and I could not guide their destiny until it was too late.

    Who was the second? the Prophet inquired.

    There is no ‘second’ for they were equal in our eyes, Shakardak corrected him.

    Who was the other? he asked.

    "The other spiritual leader in this universe was known as Malcolm, known to us as Simeon, ‘The Fighter’. It was not our intentions for the two to be at great distances from the one. So, in order that we may begin again in the next generation, it is necessary that he who has seen the face of God and heard the voices of the Angels, that the Testators must leave this universe. But, in your mind you may believe this to be harsh. But, it was not out of cruelty of us, but of man’s humanity in this universe that will kill their greatest spiritual leaders. But, they were sent unto us because I did not complete my mission.

    When I first came unto you I told you that I was Shakardak, The Warrior Spirit. I have fought many battles in many universes. I have been in charge of directing yours in your universe. I bring forth now another generation of Great Spiritual Leaders, all with a different mechanism. But, this time the same message to bring forth the preparation for the coming of the truth, the light and the life. I am still here, speak unto me, he directed the Prophet.

    I am listening, Shakardak, he said. So, you’re saying that the work of Martin and Malcom is still being done, it’s not yet completed?

    That is within your understanding, Shakardak answered yes.

    The Prophet hesitated and then let out a barrage of questions, How? Will he be a part of that work? Will Nathaniel and I be a part of the completion of that work?

    You are already a part, Shakardak said. The Host (Nathaniel) before you is chosen of that generation and the message in 12 and 40, when he reaches the point of power will be the message, and there will be others. The mistake that we made is also that we put our faith too much in humanity and the chosen people of the Infinite Mind. And, we brought forth one with peace and love and the other with truth and understanding, that at the elimination of those two there were not others. This time we bring forth many of all nations and nationalities, that the message will be one: truth, light and life.

    What is the message, Shakardak?

    The message will be, ‘repent for the kingdom of the Most High God is at hand.’ In order for humanity to exist into the third and final covenant, the Infinite Mind, where He will take His place with His people and live in harmony and love; there must be a universal reverence and repentance before judgment.

    Is that how we are to save ourselves: through ‘universal reverence and repentance’? asked the Prophet.

    Only until the masses turn away their faces from idolatry and sinful behavior, will He that gave all the heaven and earth unto them, will return and remove from this place, the existence of which you call hell. Life here on earth, in this universe, hell and heaven are conditions of your life. Shakardak answered.

    The Angel of War, dropped what sounded like info bombs all at one time. Those, needed more in depth exploration so we could reconcile what we were told: Angels made a mistake? We needed to understand how this information lined up with what we knew. Also, and most profound, we had to reconcile our long time understanding of the concepts of Heaven and Hell: conditions of life not places?

    Chapter Two

    First Born Spiritual Leader

    Malcolm X

    Those revelations by Shakardak were among some of the most shocking of all. He was actually telling us that two of the greatest known civil rights activists in history were also two of our greatest spiritual leaders in history. They were sent to us by God Himself to fight Spiritual Battles! Civil Rights Battles equated Spiritual Battles? Civil Rights activities are a harbinger of that chaos prophesied in Revelation; that to which they had come to awaken us? That for which we were being prepared to help prepare others; Spiritual Battles? All of this was one and the same? Spiritual Battles were Battles for Civil Rights of Human Beings?

    Additionally, his admission that they made a mistake in guiding their destiny strongly challenged our perception of Angels being perfect in all of their doings. They are emissaries of God, for God’s Sake, are they not perfect in all of their doings, our prior thinking. No longer, he made that clear.

    At the writing of this, the 20th, year of Armageddon, the entire world is engulfed in worldwide turmoil stemming from the most heinous violation of a human being’s physical and spiritual rights May 25, 2020. An horrific murder, by pressing a knee into a person’s neck for almost 9 uninterrupted minutes, by a policeman on duty, was viewed via video by billions around the globe. As a result, what erupted from billions around the globe, from all nations and all nationalities, was civil unrest and the cry, Black Lives Matter. Without any doubt, if Malcolm and Martin were here they would have lead that hue and cry.

    The first to have been born was Simeon, The Fighter. He was born in this universe May 19, 1925 and given the name Malcom Little in Omaha, Nebraska. He was born to activist parents, Earl Little from Georgia, of the United States, and Louise Helen Norton-Little from the country of Grenada. Both parents were removed, early, from Malcolm’s life leaving him to be reared in the Foster Home System. His daddy died when a street car struck and killed him under dubious circumstances. His controversial death was ruled an accident. His mother suffered a nervous breakdown some years later and was institutionalized for almost a quarter century before being released.

    Malcolm’s life took him on a journey that involved a stent in the United States’ prison system. While there he found guidance through religion. He aligned himself with the Nation of Islam, which was under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad another native of Georgia, USA. There Malcolm became a Minister and rapidly excelled. The Angels explained he was given the Divine Gift of Multitudes. This explained his meteoric rise, world-wide, in the organization.

    His elevation, in the arena of civil rights activism, catapulted him to the highest levels of scrutiny by his own religious organization, national government organizations, international government organizations and their respective agencies. He espoused the philosophy of self-determination for his people by any means necessary. He was unwavering in his tenacity for truth and justice and vocalized that stance constantly and consistently. This unyielding position conjured up fear and opposition among many powerful forces and arguably propelled them into offensive modes.

    There existed a chasm between Malcolm and the other spiritual leader, centered for one on their differing philosophies, which the Angels admitted they were unable to bridge until it was too late. Malcolm was murdered February 21, 1965 (age 39) by agents of those opposing forces. At his death he had pilgrimaged on a metamorphosis of names, outwardly, from Malcolm Little, to Malcolm X to finally el-Hajj Malik el – Shabazz. Inwardly, there was a metamorphosis in his philosophy regarding the coexistence and cooperation on all levels of human beings, to the end that his fight expanded from civil rights to that of human rights for his people.

    Shakardak’s acknowledgement of their misplaced faith in man’s humanity, which allowed them to murder their spiritual leaders, and in God’s chosen people, as being responsible for Malcolm’s death, gave great credibility to Malcolm’s lifelong fight and his philosophies.

    Chapter Three

    Second Born Spiritual Leader

    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    The other spiritual leader of that time was Martin Luther King, Jr. ((MLK) born Michael King, Jr. (after his father) January 15, 1929. He was born 4 years after Malcolm. He is Mahaladek, the bringer of the message before the Throne and the Angels of God. He later changed his name, as did his father, who was also Michael King initially. His father, an activist Baptist Minister, who fought for the civil rights of his people was born 1899 in Stockbridge, Georgia. After visiting Germany and becoming familiar with the German religious activist, Martin Luther, he named himself after him, Martin Luther King, Sr. His son Michael King, Jr. renamed himself, likewise, and became Martin Luther King, Jr. (An interesting caveat here: Malcolm X’s father was born in the state of Georgia as was Elijah Muhammad as well.)

    Like Malcolm X, MLK was given the Divine Gift of Multitudes also. He gained notoriety which propelled him to fame nationally and internationally when he assumed leadership of a historically famous bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama. A major civil rights battle which ended with the Supreme Court outlawing segregation on buses within the United States. This success lead to nationwide efforts, among King’s people, to earn freedom in varied aspects of their lives.

    Their religious leaders established an organization through which to accomplish this and elected this Spiritual Leader, Mahaladek, as its President: the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). His participation in the organizing and speaking at a March on Washington, DC by hundreds of thousands of people, marching for Civil Rights on August 28, 1963, earned him his constant surveillance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a national law enforcement agency, until his death. It is felt by many that that agency was complicit in his assassination on April 4, 1968.

    He advocated for acquiring civil rights for his people peacefully with nonviolent means of protest. This garnered great support, worldwide, for him and his followers who numbered in the millions. It also brought great angst, distrust, resentment and eventually his death from those who opposed his efforts. After his death, his followers were successful in having numerous streets, bridges, schools buildings and various other highly visible public mementos named for him.

    He and Malcolm X differed decidedly in their methodologies for attaining the civil rights their people were due. Malcolm advocated doing so By any means necessary and MLK restricted any gains that were made be made by peaceful passive non-violent means, strictly. Malcolm X advocated for equality being attained separately, MLK sought integration as a means of attaining equality.

    They operated from completely different ends of the spectrum in their efforts to attain equality of civil rights for their people: a shared, common people. A people believed by many to be God’s chosen people. Both were assassinated for their efforts: Malcolm X February 21, 1965, age 39; MLK April 4, 1968 (some 3 years latter) age 39.

    Chapter Four

    The Home Of Omni

    Louvinia Mariner

    A place known to me since 1984 as a place to learn meditation and grow spiritually, became a place more reverenced than any other place known on earth, in 1996. It became the Temple of Angels (The Home of Angels) instead of the Home of Omni. It was located in Baltimore, Maryland on Howard Park Avenue. On numerous occasions the angels engaged the called and the chosen day and evening at that Temple to bestow knowledge on them for themselves and for the masses.

    A husband and wife lived there together for decades, prior to the arrival of God’s Angels. They taught classes and various and sundry means of spiritual development in which countless people participated and developed, for years.

    On 3/16/1996 the angel Awaki remarked, The Spirit of this Temple, speak unto me. I hear the voice, the question of the gift. What is your confusion?

    He spoke to the wife, the owner of the Home of Omni during one of their many visits to the Home.

    Of whose gift? My gift? Louvinia, the wife, responded to him.

    It is within your understanding, he answered her.

    My gift, it is within my understanding, she said.

    It has been difficult for you, he said.

    Her response was immediate, No.

    Then you are obedient unto your God, he lauded her, praising her for her strong discipline.

    Her response was immediate again, Trying to every day, every minute, every second!

    Then, I say unto you, that within the next 40 of your days there will be change in this place. Be not alarmed for you are already accepting our presence with cheer in your spirit. But, in the shadows of the Temple there will be Angels descending. Is this within your understanding? he asked.

    Yes, it is, she said.

    Awaki is this the Temple for the Angels of God to descend upon in this universe? Thomas, queried Awaki.

    That is within your understanding. For, I have spoken unto you these words: we have sealed this place unto us, Awaki agreed.

    He confirmed that God’s home for His Angels, in this universe, was now Louvinia’s home that she had lived in for many decades with her husband.

    The Prophet continued, It is a holy place where no evil can come, where the elium lords cannot dwell. Is that correct?

    They cannot, but they will try, Awaki agreed and continued his conversation about the owner of the Temple over the next 40 days. And, in this she will see, in the shadows, the battles of the spirits.

    Is there anything for her to do other than her obedience to her God in terms of just carrying out her gift? Thomas asked for her benefit.

    She has been instructed and when she sees the changes, and when she feels the breeze, and when she hears the stillness of the Temple of her God, then pray, Awaki spoke to her directly.

    And do what, pray? she asked.

    It is within your understanding? he answered her.

    Yes, she said.

    The Home of Omni, was the Home for all seekers of spirituality and God for decades, prior to this. Many souls, seeking, had found themselves there under Louvinia’s tutelage, myself included. It was no wonder that God chose her home as one for His Angels to do His work here in this universe: awaken and prepare those of us whom He had chosen to assist Him in the last days.

    Those people were spoken of in the Bible but no one knew who they were; not even they themselves. So when the enlightenment started person after person was awakened to who they were, what their purpose was, and what the callings were that God had on their lives. They also became acutely aware of the freedom they had to do their own will in that regard. Louvinia was light in the lives of countless people and often led them to the path of light in their own lives. So what occurred there was in perfect order and of God.

    It is I, the Angel spoke on 2/21/1996.

    Is this the Holy Awaki? the Prophet asked, as usual, when he engaged the angels at the beginning of a session.

    It is within your understanding, Awaki answered.

    Hello Awaki. We’re here this afternoon with Louvinia. There are questions that she has, information that she seeks.

    Present in the sitting room were the prophet, the Host, and Louvinia whose bodies could be seen. Awaki had invaded Nathaniel’s body and was unseen but heard. He had dispatched Nathaniel to another realm. As always in the sessions, his body appeared limp, lifeless and comatose except for the movement of his lips.

    From his lips the surly voice of Awaki was heard.

    The second entity. A special one. Have her come unto me, he instructed the Prophet Thomas.

    Very well, he said and had Louvinia sit in his seat in Awaki’s presence.

    She sat knees to knees directly facing Awaki. This was the standard posture taken by all who went before the Angels direct presence. All others took a seat within the room.

    Awaki proceeded, Take the hands of this Host into your hands.

    She did.

    He then continued, "Jah, when He walked in this time and space, was special not because He was sent to you by the Infinite Mind. He was special because He was the first and last to take on your form, your feelings, your experiences, in purity of spirit with a incorruptible soul. His wisdom was that of obedience and deliverance unto He who sent Him.

    "When He chose His followers He spoke only unto them, ‘if you believe, follow me.’ And they did so. They did not question His existence. They were imperfect in the midst of perfection and could not understand His manner of wisdom and from what source did it come. But, still, they followed Him and left all that existed in their creative force behind. When Jah was questioned by one who had followed Him, to leave His presence to go back among those of his inheritance for a ceremony of resurrection, Jah said unto him, ‘let the dead bury their dead.’

    "And, when they moved on there were those who thought that His wisdom was at their discretion and for their superficial uses for insignificant and nonexistent problems in their creative force. But Jah said unto them, ‘I am about my Father’s business in obedience and

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