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Chasing the Early Church Experience
Chasing the Early Church Experience
Chasing the Early Church Experience
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Chasing the Early Church Experience

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About this ebook

In her teenage years, Katherine Moore Davis felt that something was missing in her life. In Chasing the Early Church Experience, she details her search for the missing link.

By asking questions and exploring a wide range of sources - books, cassette tapes, cds, etc. Dr. Katherine shares a close up glimpse into the life of the poster child of a defeated Christian. Her quest took her to many places and before many people. Ultimately, she found the answers in the greatest book of all time: the Bible. In her search, Dr. Katherine discovered the secret of the early church—one that she now outlines for others to learn. She identifies areas and practices that the early church modeled and that can be used today to achieve a successful lifestyle. She also explores great exploits of the early church while following Jesus, the Head of the church. By tracing the pattern of the early church found in the book of Acts, Dr. Katherine commits fully to restoring Fivefold Ministry to the Body of Christ.

This study presents an examination of early church practices that can be used in the modern world to revive our spiritual lives.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 30, 2020
Chasing the Early Church Experience

Katherine Moore Davis Ed. D.

Katherine Moore Davis, Ed.D. is the Fivefold Ministry teacher, founder, director, and facilitator of Moore Life Institute, a nonprofit teaching ministry in the Body of Christ. She is an anointed Christian speaker and seminary graduate, with an accredited doctorate degree in Education, specializing in Christianity. She is also an informative and humorous speaker at workshops and conferences.

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    Chasing the Early Church Experience - Katherine Moore Davis Ed. D.

    Copyright © 2020 Katherine Moore Davis, Ed. D.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0810-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0809-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-0811-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020919375

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/28/2020


    To my husband, Victor, who is my gift from God. You are a blessing and the listening ear for me in ministry. Your love, prayers and words of wisdom keep me balanced in my daily walk. I love and appreciate you.

    To my beautiful spirit-filled Christian daughters, Charity and Chasity, you have shared me with the world all of your lives. Your love and support of what I stand for and believe in has never wavered. Your sacrifices are appreciated and will be rewarded. I love you so much.

    To my precious grand daughter, Kathryn, my name sake. Your innocence, love and wit always captivate my attention. You bring so much joy to my life. With so much love, pride and appreciation, I thank God for you.

    To my birth family: My parents, Elmer and Rachel Moore, taught by example. They took us to the House of Worship so we could gain greater insight into our Creator. They instilled Christian values, morals and ethics in all of their children. My parents are in Heaven now, however their fingerprints are forever engraved in the fabric of my memories.

    To my siblings, Bobbie, Elmer Jr., Maxine, Tommie and Joanne, who had the same Christian teachings and disciplines that I was afforded. We had fun growing up together, Although Bobbie, Elmer Jr. and Tommie are with the Lord, our family remains strong because we know their address and will see them again. Maxine, your love and support are appreciated.

    To my fellow sisters and brothers in the Vineyard: This Ministry was designed for you. God called and anointed me to teach His Word to all people . More than forty glorious years, I have ministered to the Body of Christ as a Fivefold Ministry Teacher. It is with great pleasure that I share with you For such a time as this.




    Who Am I?

    Called to Serve

    The PTIR Model

    Is There A Cause?

    The Word (Jesus)

    The Power of Prayer

    Praise and Worship

    Walking in Divine Health

    The Blessing in the Anointing Oil

    My Favorite Meal

    Restoration of Fivefold Ministry

    Trotting into a Full Sprint


    Are you an active participant in a local church fellowship? Are you disappointed in the local church fellowship? Do you see any resemblance of the early church in your local fellowship? Do you witness a family relationship in your local fellowship? Are there miracles of healing and deliverances in your local church fellowship? Is the Word of God {JESUS} taught and actively practiced in the fellowship?

    Throughout church history, early teachings that were taught and practiced by the early church and first century believers are unknown. Truths were gradually removed and replaced by popular interests of religious leaders. Today’s church exists within tradition and not truth.

    Because of my determination to find out why today’s church lacks power, I sought the answer from the Word. What was the purpose of the church? What did the early church believe? What did the early church teach? Can power be restored to the church?

    Some early church truths have been revived. Justification, Holiness, and Sanctification Doctrines have been restored to the church and is being practiced. Learning how to effectively pray the Word and praying in Tongues are being practiced with success in the church. Believers are using the anointing oil and partaking in the Lord’s Supper regularly with numerous benefits. Healing, faith and grace were restored to the church in the twentieth century. It is time to reatore Fivefold Ministry to the church. Fivefold Ministry will strengthen local fellowships with the gifts of five ministerial offices leading and governing the Body of Christ. Single leadership was never apart of Jesus’ original plan.

    I believe this book will enlighten each reader to what Jesus intended for His church. It is my prayer that this powerful truth will become an eye opener for the believer. We, the church, will only manifest power when we believe and actively practice the teachings of our Founder and Savior, Jesus. This book will teach Jesus’ plan and purpose for His church, which has power lying dormant. In this book, we learn to activate the power.


    My disappointment with the church which is passive concerning the ills of our society led me to research and investigate the problem. This book is a brief summary of my findings and the solution to our present church problem. We were created and designed to please our Creator as written in Revelation 4:11. Racism, poverty, sickness and premature death, etc. are not examples of conditions that please our Creator.

    It is not easy to look at ourselves in contrast to God’s original plan for our existence. Why? We have to destroy our sacred cows of systemic racism, hatred, gender prejudice, selfishness, ignorance, rebellion, error in teaching and belief, anger and status quo of unfairness, inequality. injustice, etc. We have to voluntarily remove ourselves from the throne of life and eagerly surrender the throne to our Creator. We must believe that God knows all and we know nothing without Holy Spirit revealing the Truth (Jesus) to us. We must sit, listen and learn from those in positions to teach and share biblical truths.

    I have been involved in active Christian ministry since age fifteen. For decades I witnessed the most powerful minister in the Protestant church being the pastor. Was this the norm? Yes, according to tradition and error. Why was this one person (at that time a male) so revered and respected as the only voice for God. Knowing that God is not a respector of persons fueled my curiosity and led me on this journey for answers.

    Being reared in a Christian home and the church placed me in the company of believers all the time. I was reared to independently think, therefore I startd questioning the status quo. I was faced with the philosophy of those days which said I was female and should accept the male dominance in Christianity. No way, are you kidding? I needed to hear my purpose in life from my Creator. That quest led me to the Word and the origin of biblical teachings and beliefs contrasting many common practices.

    It was difficult for me to accept that every ministerial call led to the office of pastor. Approximately fifteen years ago, several pastors began calling themselves bishops. Popularity of the term bishop was dictating the change in semantics. During the last decade, several pastors and bishops are calling themselves apostles. This book is not arguing the popularity of name change. This book supports one ministering in the office that he or she has been called by God. I am seeking the truth from the Word. The intent of this book is to open spiritual eyes that will lead to ministers embracing and walking in their calling with pride and skill of the Word.

    When every believer knows and accepts his or her calling, the church will explode with the supernatural and miraculous power that is ours to enjoy daily. The church has been improperly aligned for centuries. This book was written for proper alignment in the church, working together as a unified group of believers in the Body of Christ.

    Through my research I am determined more than ever to live the early church life. The fire inside grows stronger each day to receive all the blessings that Jesus gave His life for me to enjoy. I refuse to accept the status quo and a weak, powerless church family. I believe in the early church pattern of divine health and miraculous power. Every second of the day I am seeking others who believe and choose the early church supernatural life. Please join this revolution that

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