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There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned: A Women’s Courage to Endure Suffering for the Sake of Love!
There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned: A Women’s Courage to Endure Suffering for the Sake of Love!
There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned: A Women’s Courage to Endure Suffering for the Sake of Love!
Ebook105 pages1 hour

There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned: A Women’s Courage to Endure Suffering for the Sake of Love!

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There’s nothing like a woman scorned. It will have you feeling all types of mixed emotions. This book is about a single, well put together, classy, very intelligent woman named Aja, who owns her own clothing business. Never wanted for nothing until one day when she bumped into this nice handsome man named Leon. Leon was a man that held his own. It was like a dream come true. That’s until the day Leon started to struggle with his business, then all hell broke loose. Verbal, Physical and sexual abuse started to occur. The weapon of one fist, can cause so much damage to one’s heart. Sometimes love hurts, but it shouldn’t hurt like this. Will Aja survive this type of love, or will she die from it? Domestic violence is not ok coming from a man or woman. If your relationship comes down to being abusive, then it’s time for you to get some help.
Release dateJul 16, 2020
There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned: A Women’s Courage to Endure Suffering for the Sake of Love!

Dawna Durham

Dawna Durham mother of four lives in Buffalo, NY, but was born in Poughkeepsie, NY. She has written several plays such as, Love Hurts, Forgive me Beloved, The Nursing Home, and Love at last. In which she received a Proclamation from the Mayor in Niagara Falls, NY in 2011 for her play, Love Hurts, which is about Domestic violence. Dawna herself had experienced domestic violence at a young age. Not only that, she lost a close friend to it as well. Dawna is one of the most humble, smart, talented women that I ever met. Her drive, and passion for helping others is a gift in itself.

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    There's Nothing Like a Woman Scorned - Dawna Durham

    Copyright © 2020 Dawna Durham. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/16/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6616-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6615-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020912051

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    I’m not your door mat

    you just can’t walk on me

    then expect me to be

    all I can be.

    I have taken in everything

    you can wipe on me.

    You punch me and slap me

    you do everything to hurt me.

    Than you turn around

    and want to make love to me.

    After you’re done, you fall asleep on me.

    I’m not your door mat,

    I’m better than that,

    I’m the one who held your hand,

    I made you my main man,

    I helped you get back on your feet,

    you think you can say and do what you want.

    Who do you think you are,

    you just can’t piss on me

    than set me aside to dry my eyes.

    You see, I soaked it all in

    dried it up and spit it back out.

    I’m a strong sister

    I stuck threw it to the bitter end,

    but after today,

    this story will end

    I’m not your door mat.

    -Dawna Durham



    You have beaten me, I am bruised.

    I cry and I cry.


    You have rapped me; you have taken me, forcefully.

    I cry and I cry.


    You have destroyed me; torn me to shreds.

    I cry and I cry.

    You whisper,

    I love you; if you leave your dead.

    I cry and I cry.

    For I have feared to speak my truths.

    Dead…am I.


    Be Aware

    A Women’s Smile and Laughter,

    Can be the shield that hides her Truths

    - M.R.D.J



    Chapter 1    The Beginning

    Chapter 2    Business as usual

    Chapter 3    The night we meet

    Chapter 4    The morning after

    Chapter 5    At the store

    Chapter 6   The night that changed everything

    Chapter 7    Nothing but smiles

    Chapter 8    The right things to say

    Chapter 9    Six months later

    Chapter 10    The verbal and physical abuse continues

    Chapter 11    The heat is on

    Chapter 12    The Heat continues

    Chapter 13    The rage

    Chapter 14    The Rage Continues

    Crisis Services

    About the Author


    I’d like to take a moment and give thanks to those who have believed in my dedication to bring awareness to those suffering in silence.

    To Mindy DeJesus, co-author of There’s nothing like a Women Scorned. You are indeed a rare individual who without reservation, assist me more than I can thank you for Many Blessing my friend.

    To Author House who helped me publish this book. Thank you for believing in the cause.

    To my best friend, I miss you every day. I wish I could have heard your unspoken truths. I wish I could have seen past your beautiful smile and infectious laughter. My heart aches to think you were suffering alone. I pray every day that even one person will find the courage to speak up and fight for a better tomorrow. One day we will meet again, until then I’ll hold you close to my heart. May God keep you eternally in his glory!


    The Beginning

    It all started off one day when I was sitting and minding my business at club Magic. The music was just right. My rum and coke was on point. Needless to say, I was too. I had my red thigh high boots on, with my black fitted dress and yes honey my red purse. Can you say fab-u-lous? I have all eyes on me.

    You see me; I’m not out here looking for anyone. I’m just here to have a little fun after working all week. Besides, if you meet a man in a club, he’s bond to go and find another chic in the next club. There’s no real love up in here. So I stand clear from the fuckery. I just sit back and laugh at the scenery.

    As I sit here sipping on my nice cold drink I notice that some of these ladies be cutting up on the dance floor, asses all up on different men. Hands on places they shouldn’t be unless they plan on putting out later.

    I can’t help but sit back and wonder what the fuck their doing? Not to mention, what in the hell their wearing? Seriously, your friend didn’t tell you that your clothes look Jacked up or that you look like a fucking hot mess. Shit, she isn’t a real friend.

    Let my friends come out with me looking like a hot ass mess. First thing out my mouth would be, I know you don’t think you’re going with me looking like that. You better take your ass back in the house and come back out in some other clothes. I don’t play that you’re not going to be around here embarrassing me, nor yourself.

    While my thoughts consume me, I notice a tall dark figure approach from behind me. Damn! I’m greeted with a fine ass brother. That’s until he opens his mouth Dam, girl where’s the extinguisher cause you on fire. Can I buy you a drink?

    About too act a fool and tells this man about himself, I politely say, no thank you! Apparently he’s used to rejection because he hits me with, Oh come on baby. I can take care of you.

    Men!! Do you think it’s ok to keep harassing a woman in the club? No means No. Like what you don’t get the N or the O, No!! With my nicest voice and a smile I repeat no Thank you.

    Turning in my seat to face away from him to check out the view, His response was a shock to my ears Whatever you ungrateful bitch. What happens next is completely his fault of course. I told him no, a nice no too, but I guess that wasn’t good enough and now he’s name calling, So much for being polite. Here goes my mouth. I turn to face him and the rest is history.

    "First off, you got that lame ass line from someone on social media. Get yourself a dictionary and put some words together so you can find yourself some new lines and how about go and take care of that breath. It’s about to put me in a coma. Smelling like old trash from weeks ago. Gum can’t help that shit. Might as well throw your teeth and gums away, and start all over again.

    What you gone say, you ate some onions, how about the unions ate you. Get the fuck out of here with that shit".

    Men be killing me with them whack ass lines and hot ass breath. Then have the nerve to call you out your name. Hell I tried to be nice. I know some call me crazy. I just call it keeping it real. Many don’t understand that term, to busy faking the funk, trying to impress others. I guess it’s time for me to move seeing as this fool hasn’t left yet and I don’t have the time or patience for stupidity.

    Man this club is packed tonight. I make my way across the dance floor, drink in hand held high above the crowd so I don’t spill any, which difficult seeing as I’m only about 5"4 with my heels on.

    Finally, I manage to make my way through all the drunken sweaty bodies to the dimly lit booth in the back corner. Taking a seat, I wipe the sweat from my brow and take a sip of my drink.

    Looking out at the sea of bodies I’m remember that I’m alone. Yes, I said I’m alone! My girlfriend didn’t have a babysitter. So I’m chilling by myself. Not that I have a problem being alone. It’s just that I can only talk so much shit to myself without looking crazy.

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