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The New Psychology of Sales Performance: Why Positive, Persevering, Gritty Extraverts Will Transform Your Sales Force, and How to Find Them
The New Psychology of Sales Performance: Why Positive, Persevering, Gritty Extraverts Will Transform Your Sales Force, and How to Find Them
The New Psychology of Sales Performance: Why Positive, Persevering, Gritty Extraverts Will Transform Your Sales Force, and How to Find Them
Ebook34 pages23 minutes

The New Psychology of Sales Performance: Why Positive, Persevering, Gritty Extraverts Will Transform Your Sales Force, and How to Find Them

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The New Psychology of Sales Performance sheds new light on the decades old challenge of finding and hiring successful salespeople. In this book, Dr. Coomer outlines his research findings based on a unique database of highly successful salespeople. He provides an explanation of the personality model known as HEXACO and provides highly actionable information to help you understand and identify the personality traits that lead to better sales performance. As a bonus, Dr. Coomer makes his proprietary personality model, MyPersonality, available to you through this book at no additional cost. MyPersonality provides a full HEXACO personality assessment but goes further to use this information to predict sales performance and performance across a broad set of life skills related to goal accomplishment.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 24, 2019
The New Psychology of Sales Performance: Why Positive, Persevering, Gritty Extraverts Will Transform Your Sales Force, and How to Find Them

Timothy L. Coomer PhD

Dr. Timothy L. Coomer, PhD is a serial entrepreneur, mathematician, personality researcher, and author of DISCIPLINE STRATEGY (January 2020). He has invested his career in supporting top salespeople, researching success and motivation, and helping others achieve positive life change. Dr. Coomer’s businesses and life are based in Nashville, Tennessee. He is married to Sandy Coomer and they have four adult children. When he is not working, you can find him at the airport flying his highly customized Cirrus SR22. Learn more about Dr. Coomer at

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    The New Psychology of Sales Performance - Timothy L. Coomer PhD

    Copyright © 2019 Timothy L. Coomer, PhD.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Kelly C. Danko

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2789-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2790-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019906852

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/09/2019


    1 Introduction

    2 Understanding the Relevant Personality Factors

    3 My Study

    4 The Findings

    5 How You Can Use This Information

    6 Expanding the Scope: Including DISCIPLINE STRATEGY Psychometrics to Create the MyPersonality® Assessment

    7 Conclusion



    A few years ago, I had the

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