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Here, There, and Everywhere: A Clarification of Reality
Here, There, and Everywhere: A Clarification of Reality
Here, There, and Everywhere: A Clarification of Reality
Ebook265 pages4 hours

Here, There, and Everywhere: A Clarification of Reality

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About this ebook

Growing up on a farm in the Amish region of central Pennsylvania, Bill would have many conversations with his family on their wraparound front porch—especially with his grandfather, Pap.

Pap’s assignment, or at least part of it, was to prepare his grandson for the lessons he’d receive later in life from the Everywhere.

As a youngster, Bill sensed the Everywhere, which is like a waterless ocean of all that is. In our current lives, we are part of the whole. Lives now, before, and after sort of happen concurrently, although the only life we currently sense is our present life, which we refer to as “life as we know it.”

In Here, There, and Everywhere, Bill reveals the core lessons he learned from his grandfather: family, love, honor, trust, and peace, explaining their significance so that others can benefit from them throughout their journey.

Join Bill as he shares life anecdotes and blessings from growing up in a family of “plain people” in this uplifting book of memoirs.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 4, 2018
Here, There, and Everywhere: A Clarification of Reality

Just Plain Bill

Bill Holtry, a.k.a. Just Plain Bill grew up a plain person on a farm in the Amish region of central Pennsylvania. He was mentored by his grandfather, Pap, who lived by the values he taught: family, love, honor, trust, and peace. He seeks to pass on those lessons in Here, There, and Everywhere.

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    Here, There, and Everywhere - Just Plain Bill


    There &


    A Clarification of Reality


    Copyright © 2018 Just Plain Bill.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0239-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0241-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0240-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018904614

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/24/2018



    Who Is Just Plain Bill?

    It Begins

    The Secret of Everywhere

    We Are All Connected

    A Child Returns

    Grains of Sand


    A Basket of Lessons

    Close Calls

    Lamar the Philosopher


    Values and the Wave

    Continued Learning


    Fredericko’s Gang Life


    Tabitha’s Short Journey

    Peggy the Parrot

    Being Twins

    Passing and Returning

    The Spark

    Bad Dreams

    Renauld the Painter

    Moving Forward

    Global Warming and Mother Nature


    Gossip with Abby


    Annie … Finding the Soul

    Planetary Travel

    What’s in a Name?

    Why Fear?

    Sudden Uncloaking

    Making Decisions

    Bunny and Hunter

    Jake’s Deer Company

    Never Give Up

    Everyone Has Talent

    Festival of the Catch


    Learning from Nature

    Warrior of the Wind

    The Secret to Success

    The Cave

    Pap’s Reminder

    Taking the Fork in the Road

    McGee Gets His Stripes

    Andy … Tradition and Values

    The Neighbor’s Farm

    Understanding the Wave

    The Quality of Goodness

    Pap’s Message

    It is with great love and pride that I dedicate this effort to my Nana and Pap, Helen and Ervin Holtry. They lived their lives honoring life and family by setting an example of how, during our journeys, we are here to learn lessons and, in many cases, create examples to last a lifetime.

    My Nana and Pap did just that. They didn’t worry about themselves but only about others. Whether a close relative, a neighbor, or a friend, everyone felt special having the experience of knowing two wonderful people who knew only of caring and loving others. They did so quietly and with no fanfare. It was just the right thing to do, as they would often say.

    I miss my Nana and Pap tremendously. But I also know that all who crossed paths with them feel the same. So, Pap and Nana, this book is dedicated to you. Thank you for just being you and sharing the simplicity of life with us all.


    Special thanks to my dear wife, Susan, whose love, support, and hard work provided the ability to grasp and understand the gift I have received to be able to write this book. Without Susie, I know I could never have been able to live the life of being Just Plain Bill. Thank you to my sweetheart for your hard work and understanding.

    I love you so.

    Who Is Just Plain Bill?

    I was born on March 27, 1948, to a farm family in central Pennsylvania. Our family always identified ourselves as just Plain People, somewhere in between Mennonites and Amish. When I was young, I remember looking up Plain People in the encyclopedia, and frankly, it accurately described my family. We were a typical large farm family, as we lived with my grandparents, aunts, and uncles.

    My pony, Nellie, and I were born on the same day. From day one, we had a special bond as we grew up together. She was my favorite, along with our collie, Major. Each of us thought Major was our protector from the outside world, or at least I thought so.

    Being the firstborn of my generation, I was the elder, like my grandfather was in our church. My father, the middle son, had to seek employment, as there were not enough assets to start a farm for him. So, my grandfather, Pap, designated me his sidekick as I was growing up on the farm. I was with Pap constantly, especially while my dad was away at the feed mill working. Our family conversations often went late into the evenings after a day in the fields.

    We had many conversations on our wraparound front porch as we listened to the corn grow during summer rains. It’s one of my favorite memories with my family and Pap. Pap’s assignment, or at least part of it, was to prepare me for later in life when I would receive lessons from the Everywhere.

    The Everywhere was something I sensed as a youngster, based on conversations with my Pap. Years later, I have learned that a great plan was created for me along the way.

    In preparation, I was the first in my family to graduate from college, while little did I know what life would bring me years later. There was a grand plan, yet I was unaware.

    Well into my sixty-eighth year on my current journey, I was blessed with the gift to connect with those in the Everywhere, who could tell me of great lessons learned while on their journeys and what makes the Everywhere, well, everywhere.

    My Pap, as you will see, taught me well in preparation of who I was to be. Pap spent endless hours with me just being my grandpa. But even with his passing, Pap’s time with me was far from finished. In fact, the lessons continue many years after his passing.

    As you read, you will discover these lessons are offered for all to learn; listen and feel the values of life. These are messages that the Everywhere has prepared for us.

    I am Just Plain Bill and am only the messenger. I just deliver the mail, as they say.

    My hope is that you gain understanding and peace from the lessons. Make sure you focus on the true meaning of life and what it’s all about for us as humans.

    Always remember the values … family, love, honor, trust, and peace. Carry these with you throughout your journey.

    May you have a wonderful and peace-filled day.

    It Begins

    On September 12, 2016, life took an interesting turn. It was 5:15 a.m. Apparently, I had been preparing for this for a long time. It was the day after I met with a friend who is intuitively gifted. I poured my coffee, turned up the heat, and put on my blue hoodie.

    As I sat down with my laptop, I opened a new document and waited. Why am I doing this? I don’t know. Then thoughts started pouring in, and I began to type. Some call it automatic writing.

    I sense the glow of spirits as they come to me. It’s so natural to feel. I cannot picture their bodies, for in the Everywhere, there is no body needed.

    It’s like standing in a field of flowers. Every flower has its own beauty and individuality. This is how the Everywhere can best be described today. I know Everywhere will come to me differently every day, and it is always perfect.

    My desire is to share what I am given in the hope that it will make a difference. I saw orbs this morning. Initially, I didn’t identify them as anyone or anything specifically.

    I am given that the Everywhere is a place where love, family, honor, trust, and peace prevail. There is no strife or sadness. Love is all there is. Some call it the other side, heaven, or through the veil.

    These beautiful orbs are encircling me as they come down the mountain to welcome me. I recognized the energies of Pap, Nana, and many close friends. My wife who passed, Barb, is here, and although she did not spend much time in this moment with me, it was warm and complete. We accomplished our assignment. I am so happy I stayed with Barb until she passed, and she was glad I was there. We completed our assignment.

    My grandfather, Pap, has always been there for me. His guidance is so loving and wonderful. I honor his presence in watching over me when he was here in human form and now as he stays with me in spirit. And Nana, my grandmother whom everyone adored, is always supporting and loving even though not usually communicating with me. Just her presence in my heart is so perfect.

    The lessons are here. Feeling the love of the orbs is such an overwhelming gift. I cannot see details, only presences in the orbs. It is a feeling of purpose and completion as I travel among them to gather information. Those in the Everywhere are here to help, guide, and support all of us on our journey.

    The Everywhere is like a waterless ocean of all that is. In our current lives, we are part of the whole. Lives now, before, and after sort of happen concurrently, although the only life we currently sense is our present life, which we refer to life as we know it. It is life as we know it now, but the real life we comprehend is always, ever present, and our soul is a part of the whole.

    Each of us has meaning and values to learn before we move on.

    Value is life.

    Every living thing is important. There are no differences here. Differences exist only in our minds. We are teased with the temptation of trying to be different, and yet we really are not.

    We are an ever-evolving, individual presence that is always learning new lessons to continue to keep our souls living in the moment.

    So, really, death is a state of mind. Our presence continues in our spirit. It is like hanging up our robe (our body) and stepping as spirit into the Everywhere.

    When we say, the power and the glory of the soul, this is the true meaning of everywhere and everything. The power and the glory of the spirit. It is the true meaning of life. The power of it all.

    This is special. I sense the orbs represent so many thousands and thousands around me who are smiling and saying … Yeah, it’s okay.

    It’s all about love and happiness.

    Be a good spirit …

    Be in good spirits …

    That’s all for today …

    The Secret of Everywhere

    What is interesting to me this morning is the feeling of family. Most of my ancestors, if not all, came from somewhere in Europe, primarily in the Germany/Netherlands area. I think my Nana’s family came from England or Wales. Many have a great desire to learn of their heritage. It is my understanding that eight brothers named Holtry came over in the late 1700s and landed in Philadelphia to settle in the Reading, Pennsylvania, area, at least for a bit of time. And then some ventured farther west as far as 120 miles.

    There are many families with similar beginnings in the United States, whose heritage traces back to Europe and beyond. We all refer to them as our past. Some use the term blood relatives, and even though this may be true, it’s the humanly way of tracking our past. It’s all about tracking back in time as best as we can to try to decipher our origins. I guess you could say the same for trees, birds, fish, bears, lions, and all of nature. All parts of nature came from its heritage, part of the great design of Mother Nature.

    It feels as if Pap says, And that’s the end of the story. At least for the earthly Mother Nature story. But as I am learning, our past heritage is our way of trying to piece together an understanding. What or who is Mother Nature, especially knowing that our bodies are only vessels/cloaks of this journey?

    Are the vessels/cloaks the true mystery of what we try to learn and understand? And in reality, the Everywhere creates this and other dimensions to share their own stories and journeys. When in fact the Everywhere knowingly shares that each of us in the Everywhere is from Everywhere. Our journeys, assigned as they are, go to journeys of Everywhere all the time.

    The secret of Everywhere is organizing our feelings and thoughts to maintain some type of normalcy and learning from each journey.

    The full understanding of the reality of Everywhere is between journeys when we all connect in purity and peace. You can feel the presence while returning to the Everywhere. It does not matter about our journeys. Some senses of déjà vu occur from time to time for us all, but the Everywhere is a grand understanding of the trivialness of it all, when we gather in the Everywhere.

    Pure joy, happiness, love, and the sense of belonging in the Everywhere. Journeys are short in time and are just a smidgeon of the grand existence of the Everywhere. It’s like a speck of dust in the grand plan, as time as we know it does not exist in the Everywhere.

    There are millions of planets. Imagine the true hugeness of Everywhere. We sense the grand Everywhere in this dimension as we reach out to learn about our existence on earth, only to see the endless number of dimensions existing simultaneously.

    And yet we continue to try to piece together a worldly understanding of our grand picture here on earth. Every journey is important to us, as we bring back lessons from each dimension to the Everywhere to share and understand.

    My Pap comes to me now to assure me that I am finally understanding the Everywhere and the spirit. Pap is like a project manager for me. He continues to provide master guidance to me and others. He is a leader of sorts and coordinates my lessons to the Everywhere just like my journey here on earth. The beauty of understanding Everywhere is that every person on this earth has their own Pap who leads us Here, There, and Everywhere. Yes, everyone has a Pap, and Pap has a Pap, because Everywhere is all-knowing and all things to everyone Everywhere.

    The perfection of it all is the ultimate connection.

    Now it’s clear to understand the presences of everyone pouring in over the mountains in the distance. As far as I can see, hundreds, thousands pouring down the mountains to me, surrounded by green and antique white orbs.

    It’s so beautiful.

    Why, it’s so Everywhere!

    Love to all.

    We Are All Connected

    I am at the stump this morning. Although the wind is barely recognizable, I can sense autumn is at work. I can hear the leaves becoming more brittle as they crunch, changing from green to fall colors. But even though the calmness exists, there is activity all around me. It’s as if a large doorway to the Everywhere has opened and there are spirits of beings just floating in time Everywhere, as if it is a secret time to visit the earth as we know it.

    For some, it is like stepping out of the past into the present. They enjoy a basic walk in this dimension, where they can visit the Everywhere as a reminder of a past journey. I suspect this goes on a lot, as spirits have stumps in all dimensions and can visit through stumps any time they wish.

    The beauty of the Everywhere is there are no rules or restrictions, only freedom to be and freedom to love one another, with no traditions or rules from a specific journey. I sense it’s fun for the spirits to visit since they do not have to bring baggage with them of a current culture of a specific journey. They can just freely roam in this dimension as if not being seen by most. But those who are blessed like me can see because we understand and are not afraid but welcoming of the spirits.

    We have been given the gift of understanding. Sometimes it is awkward to gather all this information because it is so overwhelming at times, but in the true moment of the moment, when a connection is being made, all that is felt is a message and the love that surrounds it. The beauty of the message is just that. It is a message with no rules or lessons. It is just a message to connect and communicate as friends, relatives, or journeys of the past. When I say journeys of the past, it is not necessarily a journey of the past. It is simply a journey because there is no time element in the Everywhere.

    The old saying what goes around, comes around best explains the Everywhere. You really must get your arms around the messages from spirits because it must be understood that it is a message to communicate, purely and simply. It is like déjà vu all over again, as Yogi Berra would say. After all, Yogi’s beautiful sayings were part of his journey. And he can visit anyone, anytime he wishes to visit from the Everywhere. Do you know why? Because he can … it’s that simple. It’s the beauty of the Everywhere.

    Although everyone has the ability to connect with the Everywhere in their own way, many have a gift or blessing to easily connect. For some, it can take a lifetime to begin this experience. For others, it is a sporadic connection, and for some it occurs from birth. It took me sixty-eight years to understand my gift of bringing messages from the Everywhere. I don’t make these up. I am the messenger, and they come to me as I type. It’s as if my fingers are controlled at the time of the message. When I sit down with my laptop, I have no idea what is going to be said, and it still amazes me.

    Who is to say for sure that a thought in our minds is not a visit from someone from the Everywhere? Now there is a mind bender. But hey, we are so connected to the Everywhere, can we say, for sure, that it’s not that way? After all, this concept certainly didn’t come from me but from the message I am receiving.

    Pap is smiling and enjoying the moment because he knows how truly connected we are. We can only try to understand the unseen connection that teases us with lessons while on our journeys. Some may have a better understanding, but be assured, everyone on their journey is connected.

    After all, those in the Everywhere are there only until the next journey. Then, for a fleeting moment, they are on a new journey and then back again to the Everywhere.

    After all, my sixty-eight years are an element of time that only exists here and not in the Everywhere. My sixty-eight years are a snap of the finger compared to the time I have in the Everywhere.

    And yes, we all return to the Everywhere, where the true sense of love, purity, and peace to all really exists.

    Thanks, Pap, for the great morning of learning.

    You have and will always bless me. I love you all.

    Thanks and peace …

    A Child Returns

    I have been preparing for this experience for so long now. As I visit the Everywhere, I can see so many now, all warmly moving along by the hundreds. I am waiting for a spirit to visit, and then Gabby, our cat, comes up to me and tries to sit on my lap as I type. I got the message, as if she was trying to say, Hey! what about me? After all, she knows I have, in the past, not been a cat person and have always favored dogs, but Gabby has taught me many lessons.

    Cats and all living things are part of the Everywhere, interwoven into the cast of the all-knowing and all-loving. Gabby sure does connect with me like my dog, Major, and my pony, Nellie. And as I eluded to before, my dog and my pony and my cat are not mine to own but ours to love as if family, because they are family.

    Now that I have acknowledged this, Gabby has calmly sat next to me as if guarding me while I visit and learn. At the same time, I notice Pap is here to say hello with a good-morning smile. It’s always so great to be in the know with Pap.

    He reaches out, and as a little girl walks by, he takes her hand and brings her to meet me. She is all smiles with tight

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