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How to Defeat Isis: What All of Us Must Know
How to Defeat Isis: What All of Us Must Know
How to Defeat Isis: What All of Us Must Know
Ebook54 pages33 minutes

How to Defeat Isis: What All of Us Must Know

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Background: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is a Wahhabi terrorist organization that poses a clear and present danger to the entirety of humanity, including the United States and the European homelands.

Despite military superiority of the Western coalition, ISIS continues to expand in the Middle East and beyond. A lack of understanding of ISISs historical and ideological roots has led to a poor and confused response by the Western coalition in attempting to combat this terrorist ideology.

Summary: ISIS is a Wahhabi organization. Wahhabism, as an ideology, dates back more than 1,400 years. Due to their intolerant ideology and violent background, the majority of both Sunni and Shia Muslims throughout the world despise Wahhabis. Western alignment with and support of the autocratic Wahhabi regimes in the Middle East has promoted the widespread rise of various like-minded Wahhabi groups ranging from the Taliban and al-Qaeda to ISIS, Jaysh al-Islam, Al-Nusrah, and Boko-Haram, to name a few. The Western coalition needs to reassess their policies with regimes responsible for providing ideology, rhetoric, and funding to this abhorrent organization.

Conclusion: There is an urgent need for an immediate change in US policy along the lines of the Cuban or Venezuelan crisis, one modified to adjust to Syrian realities to defeat ISIS. A comprehensive review and realignment of Middle East policy can defeat terrorism, including ISIS, while solving both the Syrian and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 18, 2016
How to Defeat Isis: What All of Us Must Know

The American

I was born in Pakistan in 1964, where I graduated in medicine in 1989. I have travelled and lived in many countries in the Middle East and Africa. I immigrated to the United States of America in 1996 and was awarded citizenship in 2010 by virtue of my contributions to the field of medicine. Since early childhood, I witnessed the growth of terrorism in Pakistani society. This terrorism was imported in the name of Islam but, in reality, destroyed all the Islamic values of my society. As a person with profound understanding of the Middle East and relevant South Asian countries, I feel a moral responsibility to write about the realities pertaining to the menace of ongoing terrorism and its roots. I hope that this booklet will be a brief but helpful read toward understanding ISIS, its roots, and solutions for the eradication of this barbaric menace. I have not provided any references for general sectarian differences among Muslims as this is not the topic of this book.

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    How to Defeat Isis - The American

    Copyright © 2016 by The American.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2016913658

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5245-3516-2

                    Softcover        978-1-5245-3515-5

                    eBook              978-1-5245-3514-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 09/14/2016







    Chapter 1 The Background

    Chapter 2 ISIS in Muslim History: The Roots

    Chapter 3 Growth of Terrorism: Ideological and Geographical Evolution of ISIS

    Chapter 4 Rise of Global Wahhabi Terrorism

    Chapter 5 Regional Changes in the Middle East Since Late 1970s

    Chapter 6 Rise of ISIS: Colonial Use of Terrorism as a Tool for Regime Change

    Chapter 7 ISIS and Syrian Crisis: A Regime Change Project

    Chapter 8 ISIS—A Grand Tool for a Grand Plan: Reshaping of World Starts in Syria

    Chapter 9 Anti-ISIS Countries: The Resistance to Terrorism

    Chapter 10 Failed Western Plans and Policies

    Chapter 11 How to Defeat ISIS—If We Really Want

    Final Words


    About the Author

    To all the victims of terrorism in the world—past and present.


    This booklet is written for general audience. It is written as a comprehensive read to explain the current crisis related to ISIS including relevant Western policies towards ISIS as well as their local and global impact. It is kept short, by design, to ensure a quick and effective read.

    Due to my first-hand knowledge of Middle Eastern politics, I want to provide a unique insight into ISIS and its roots to the Western readers especially, at a time, when the Western electorate is being bombarded, mostly, by a false narrative by the politicians and the media to influence their vote.

    Every provided reference can be copied and pasted in Google for further viewing or reading.

    Finally—this booklet is a prelude to my next book about the relationship between US foreign and domestic policies.

    I hope that the readers will find this presentation as a worthy read.


    B ackground . The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is a Wahhabi terrorist organization that poses a clear and present danger to the entirety of humanity, including the United States and the European homelands.

    Despite military superiority of the Western coalition, ISIS continues to expand in the Middle East and beyond. A lack of understanding of ISIS’s historical and ideological roots has led to a poor and confused response by the Western coalition in attempting to combat this terrorist ideology.

    Summary. ISIS is

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