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I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal
I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal
I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal
Ebook136 pages18 minutes

I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal

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The purpose of this meditation journal is to create a sacred space where you can practice expressive writing. A safe place where you can write, release, and embrace your truth.

After your time of silence (going within) you can write down inspiring thoughts, prayers, or what has been revealed to you during your meditation. You can look back on the gifts that you received from the Divine through inspiration and practicing gratitude.

I am grateful for the opportunity to share this meditative journal and my deepest reflective thoughts with you. I believe it is my life purpose to provide spiritual inspiration to those who are on the path of self-realization and spiritual development. The ability to pray, meditate, and tap into the transformed mind of the Divine within has been a rewarding process. I have learned so much about my Divine self and all my hidden talents. The process of meditating and journaling has allowed me to reconnect with my higher self the Divine within. I have spent a great deal of time meditating and praying in an attempt to give this journal a broad perspective on the journey of self-realization and spiritual development while embracing the many spiritual paths that leads me back to my home in the body of Jesus Christ. Most importantly knowing I am still as God created me. I AM LIGHT. I Am Divine Within.

This book was birthed out of asking God for divine directive on how to be of service to others on the path of self-discovery and spiritual development.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 18, 2016
I Am Divine Within: Daily Devotional Meditation & Reflection Journal

C. J. Savage

Prophetess Chayil embraces the wisdom of the divine within. This book was birthed out of asking God for divine directive on how to be of service to others on the path of self-discovery and spiritual development.

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    I Am Divine Within - C. J. Savage

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