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Hmmmmm . . .: When God Redeems the Forsaked and Unforgiven
Hmmmmm . . .: When God Redeems the Forsaked and Unforgiven
Hmmmmm . . .: When God Redeems the Forsaked and Unforgiven
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Hmmmmm . . .: When God Redeems the Forsaked and Unforgiven

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About this ebook

Hmmmmm . . . is a creative work of fiction, accentuated by Gods Holy Spirit. There are true-to-life experiences about human frailties, sexuality, natural and spiritual interactions, as well as great personalities and disgusting characters.

This is not going to be one of those religious novels where the author will tell how people received Salvation through Jesus Christ and everything fell right into place. Forget it!

God knows exactly what He has created. God is good, and He loves you. Our utmost fear is (and it is fear), we are afraid to know Him in a personal relationship. Human reasoning believes its impossible to know God intimately.

Gods son, Jesus, died for pedophiles, heterosexuals, adulterers, gays/lesbians, sexual deviants, serial killers, murderers, terrorists, gangbangers, school teachers, porn stars, presidents, kings, queens, soldiers, childrenwhomever!

He made you. He made all of us. He is Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End of a thing.

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He catches the wise in their own craftiness. And again, The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile (1 Cor. 3:1920).
Release dateJun 19, 2015
Hmmmmm . . .: When God Redeems the Forsaked and Unforgiven


blakelycollierbrown is a resident of Southern California. Currently her professional career is in education, working in the middle school venue. Writing, teaching, singing, and dancing are her passions. She cultivates her love for God through her poetry, witnessing to others about His unconditional love that He has for us and teaching why we really need Him in our lives. Along with her affection for animals (wild and domestic), Blakely enjoys interior designing and decorating. Football, tennis, and bull riding are her favorite sports to watch, while volleyball, softball, bowling, and badminton are her favorite sports to play. Hmmmmm . . . is blakelycollierbrown’s second published book.

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    Book preview

    Hmmmmm . . . - BlakelyCollierBrown

    Hmmmmm …

    When God Redeems

    the Forsaked and Unforgiven




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    © 2015 blakelycollierbrown. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/15/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0279-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-0280-9 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]




    Prologue - Sylvia

    Chapter 1 Backstabbers

    Chapter 2 Oohhh… It’s Love!

    Chapter 3 Jacob’s Ladder

    Chapter 4 Pint’s Parents

    Chapter 5 Daddy’s Little Girl Is A Child Abuser!

    Chapter 6 Home Sweet Home

    Chapter 7 Isaac - Whatta Man!

    Chapter 8 Isaac’s Daughter Ice - Lunacy!

    Chapter 9 Chelsea’s Dad - Some Men Still Have To Grow Up!

    Chapter 10 Chelsea - Whatcha’ Got Cookin’?

    Chapter 11 Justine! Justine!

    Chapter 12 Icecilee - It’s Not All About You!

    Chapter 13 The Twins

    Chapter 14 Alexandria

    Chapter 15 Antoinette Marietta Gallégos - No Child Deserves This

    Chapter 16 Brandon Maurice Sachs

    Chapter 17 Franklin Chesterfield Dimenson

    Chapter 18 Betty Lou Croft-Dimenson

    Chapter 19 Absolutely Pure White’s Mama

    Chapter 20 The Men

    Chapter 21 Franklin And Geneva

    Chapter 22 The Boys Before The Men

    Chapter 23 Life’s Cycle

    Chapter 24 It’s All In A Day’s Work

    Chapter 25 Which Is Better; Telling The Truth Or Telling A Lie?

    Chapter 26 When In Rome…

    Chapter 27 Jasmine And Jillian - God’s Warriors

    Chapter 28 Many Will Be Deceived

    Chapter 29 What’s Hid Will Come To The Light!

    Chapter 30 When The Saints Come Marching Home!

    Chapter 31 What A Mighty God We Serve!

    Chapter 32 What Does God Look Like?

    Chapter 33 When God Redeems The Forsaked And Unforgiven

    Chapter 34 Sylvia - It Ain’t Over Till God Says It’s Over!

    Chapter 35 Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm…



    Families & Those Involved



    NUMBERS 36: 5 - 12

    Inheritance of Zelophehad’s Daughters

    Then at the Lord’s command Moses gave this order to the Israelites: "What the tribe of the descendants of Joseph is saying is right.

    This is what the Lord commands for Zelophehad’s daughters: They may marry anyone they please as long as they marry within the tribal clan of their father.

    Every daughter who inherits land in any Israelite tribe must marry someone in her father’s tribal clan, so that every Israelite will possess the inheritance of his fathers".

    They (Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah and Noah) married within the clans of the descendants of Manasseh son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in their father’s clan and tribe.


    For Kathy, Belinda, Angela, Brenda, and Mona.

    There is Divine stipulation that has parameters around it for us; just as Zelophehad’s daughters had.

    The Covenant we have is a New Wine Covenant, with God through Christ Jesus and it requires us not to be unequally yoked in marriage with an unbeliever; in order to receive the full blessings of Our Father God Adonai.

    This in turn transitions us into receiving; Curtis’ our natural father’s rightly inheritance from any industry, and any other lucrative venture that the enemy stole from him for us… his daughters and his children.

    It’s Coming!


    As you read this book, read it with the clarity of mind that life happens to all of us. We’re not born into this world with the advantages of choosing which circumstances and situations we’ll contend with or not in our lifetimes.

    When you read something in this book that you might not agree with or find hard to accept; you have the volition to apply your own belief system to the matter. That’s fine! But for the sake of obtaining new information; read with an open mind.

    The book is written to denude and debunk the outdated mantra Do as I say not as I do; with the expectation that the reader will gain a much better perspective about God’s Love for His creation; and the challenges that assail us in life.

    The story depicts people at their best and worst. God, through His Infinite mercy and grace; can redeem His creation that’s often neglected and forsaken by mankind.

    Our Father’s redemption is sovereign; and He is able to forgive our unforgiving acts against Him.

    Ω PSALM 51:4 Against Thee (God), Thee (God) only, have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightiest be justified when Thou speakest, and be clear when Thou Judgest.

    God knows exactly what He has created.

    Although this book is a work of fiction, it will connect with authentic good, bad, and indifferent life learning experiences.


    "All things are possible with God"; is what I wish to convey to our readers as they read this book.

    Let me begin by saying; frequently the differences between scientists and Christians are we rarely share the same zone or mindset.

    While our world evolves and technology advances; it’s apropos that scientists use, but are not limited to physical evidence, theories, and hypothesizing; in order to validate and investigate their extensive finds.

    The present day genus of scientific research is liberally inviting and flexing intelligent design into its documentation, and into its marketing schematics.

    More and more we find that Christians are also acknowledging science as a viable branch in learning more about their spirituality.

    Christians would still be in the dark ages, if we weren’t supporters of scientific research.

    Many scientists are also privileged to have philanthropic funding, research outlets, and sponsors to publicize their discoveries.

    For the most part; the Holy Bible is the sponsor and vehicle of publicity, for the Christian.

    However, the predilection of Christianity is to place God first and foremost in our lives. As Christians we take God at His Word, utilize the revealed knowledge He spirits us, live by our faith in Him; and learn from the Holy Bible’s testimonies.

    And now beginnings again Hmmmmm…

    Ω GENESIS 1:1 In beginnings God created the heavens and the Earth.

    God has all the times in the worlds at His disposal. During Early Precambrian; before Adam and Eve, history basically was unknown.

    Scientists theorized that crust was formed on molten earth, and crystalline rocks underwent much disturbance.

    Scientists theorized that during the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras, humans did not inhabit planet Earth (2007).

    It wasn’t until the Cenozoic era came, that we humans were formed out of the dust of the ground (Christian Faith Belief), and that atmosphere was blown into man from God through the Ruach Ha Kodesh; the Holy Spirit (Ω Gen 2:7).

    However, before man was created; there was a catastrophe that occurred, which caused the extinction of many animals, specifically the dinosaurs and other large creatures.

    During the Mesozoic Era, within the Cretaceous Stage, dinosaurs reached their largest size and then died out completely (1976).

    History records; scientists suggest that planet Earth could have been hit by a giant asteroid(?)

    And scripture dictates that the Earth was in darkness before man was created.

    Scientists did a great job in proving that in that period of darkness, there would have been no atmosphere on Earth at that time either.

    This darkness pertains to spiritual and physical darkness.

    You must realize that from the standpoint of Christianity; everything that was made was made by God, and without Him nothing was made (Ω JOHN 1:3). And everything that God creates He uses.

    Divine revelation illuminates that there was a reason the dinosaurs, mammals, mastodons and other big beasts, were intentionally placed on Earth first by God.

    These big beasts were used to break up the fallow ground and fertilize the planet for Adam and Eve.

    God knows the beginning from the end. He even had Calvary (Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection) in place, when He employed the first Adam on Earth.

    Ergo, the divine revelation Faith disclosed to me is that the dinosaurs, giant mammals and mastodons’ purpose on Earth; were to become compost for an undiscovered world, where man would eventually fail in his relationship with God.

    God knew that Adam and Eve would fail in their relationship with Him. So He prepared the Earth for them.

    The Garden of Eden was already a flourished paradise through God’s Glory! God knew He would have to prepare the rest of the Earth for natural man, who would come through Adam; and who had entered man into the sin state.

    Why would God put us, His creation into a situation for us not to succeed? He doesn’t; which is why He prepared the Earth for Adam and Eve, the natural state of man’s condition coming forth.

    With the failure of Adam and Eve in place; man was relegated to the tilling of the ground, in order to produce a harvest.

    You need fertile ground to produce a harvest. The big creatures provided that fertilization through their life and death.

    Revealed knowledge from on High through scripture suggests (to me by Faith), that the mass destruction to Earth may have occurred, when Lucifer was thrown out of heaven by Michael the Archangel.

    Ω REVELATION 12:7-9 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought. But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.

    So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    Take into account that Jesus said: (Ω Luke 10:18) "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven".

    Come… explore with me this interesting spiritual parallax paradigm; even if you are a Scientist.

    Could it have been that Satan and the third of heaven’s hosts (spirit beings) were sent hurling through space from the heavenlies, by Michael the Archangel and his band of angels; and as they went sailing through space they sought to curse their destination; which was Earth?

    That as Satan with the third of hosts were flung through the cosmos; they either launched or grabbed hold of not an asteroid, but a rain of comets and hit the Earth with such force, that it caused all hell to break loose and caused that mass destruction?

    Isn’t it possible, that Satan tried to kill every living thing that God had created up until that point in time; just as he is trying to do so now? Hmmmmm…

    Asteroids very well may have played a significant part in this catastrophic event; but could it have been that comets were the dominating weapons of choice used by Satan and his army?

    Let me expound… comets are distinguished from asteroids by the presence of an extended, gravitationally unbound atmosphere surrounding their central nucleus.

    This atmosphere has parts termed the coma (the central atmosphere immediately surrounding the nucleus) and the tail (a typically linear section consisting of dust or gas blown out from the coma by the Sun’s light pressure or out streaming solar wind plasma) (Wikipedia 2014).

    Some scientists believe that comets bombarded the young Earth in its early stages; about 4 billion years ago; which brought the vast quantities of water that now fill the Earth’s oceans, or at least a significant portion of it.

    The detection of organic molecules in significant quantities in comets has led some to speculate that comets or meteorites may have brought the precursors of life - or even life itself - to Earth.

    In 2013 it was suggested that impacts between rocky and icy surfaces, such as comets, had the potential to create amino acids that make up proteins through shock synthesis. These amino acids are present in the DNA of humans.

    Mind you; God would have to have known (and He does) beforehand (Omniscient) that Lucifer would go to those destructive measures. And… He would have to have known that Adam and Eve would fall prey to a life of sin as well.

    This is why God had the beasts fixed in place before man’s civilization began; from the huge beasts’decomposition came the lush productive and fruitful ground.

    After this great destruction (134,400,000 years later); modern man appeared late in the Pleistocene Stage of the Cenozoic Era.

    God uses everything that He creates. He created the comets and asteroids. Asteroids are considered planetoids.

    They are small planets that have orbits which are usually between those of Mars and Jupiter.

    They are orbiting with the planets in concert; (some however do orbit the Sun, but comets more so than asteroids). Comets on the other hand… tell another story.

    They do orbit around the Sun. Comets are retrieving all kinds of strength and sustainability from the Sun’s source.

    Comets are full of strategic life giving materials such as amino acids; which serves as the building blocks of proteins. Amino acids are major components in the DNA structure of human beings necessary for life.

    Furthermore, when the mass destruction occurred; remember what was previously stated… that "not necessarily the microscopic tiles of life" had been destroyed.

    With our information sorted out, we continue… God then created man in His (Their) Own Image (Father, Son & Holy Spirit); out of the dust of the ground.

    What else would have been part of that decomposed dust besides the remains of the huge beasts? Well of course the remains of the comets and asteroids; which contained the building blocks of proteins, the amino acids.

    The Amino Acids in human DNA necessary for a healthy human existence. There could be even more of other life sustaining properties for mankind, in comets that we’ve yet to discover. Philae? (2014)

    On 12 November 2014, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta mission became the first ever to land a robotic spacecraft on a comet, when the Philae landed on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. www. wikipedia. org (2014)

    Can’t wait to see what new finds Philae will bring forth in the world of Science!

    And God said; "Let there be… My point? God uses everything He creates!

    Anyway, through God’s creative genius; humans and primates; portray the inheritance of slight variations in characteristics, motions and movements (Oct. 17, 2013 Changes in gene regulation have been used to study the evolutionary chasm that exists between humans and chimpanzees despite their largely identical DNA.

    However, scientists from the University of Chicago have discovered that mRNA expression levels, long considered a barometer for differences in gene regulation often do not reflect differences in protein expression — and, therefore, biological function — between humans and chimpanzees).

    I’m not saying that we’ve evolved from apes; but what I am pointing out is; God uses everything He creates.

    For example; despite function and appearances; there are many similarities between the bones of a human arm, a cat leg, a dolphin flipper, and a bat wing (Life Science 2007).

    When the Trinity blew the breath of Life into that dirt which Adam was created from, that same breath of Air from God, Ruach Ha Kodesh/the Holy Spirit… then penetrated the Earth’s realm and produced an environment; which man was able to exist in with an oxygen infused atmosphere.

    Like I said… scientists, like the Rosetta mission have the funding, research, sponsors etc. to publicize their findings; we believers rely on, trust and have faith in God our Creator.

    God gives us revealed knowledge and we walk by faith in believing God and His Living Word.

    Kill God?

    (To my ABBA)

    An atom, a cell, A BIG BANG 1.jpg , a theory, an actual factual query of doubt (?).

    Amoeba, placenta, a microbe, magnesium, H2O, chromosomes, the Sun that’s so hot!

    All guess work, speculation, a maybe, a plot, something more sovereign than God? I think not! Mucous and spit created by man? These two working together created by God can produce snot!

    It was snot that God blew His Spirit into… to create man; as well as the dirt from His ground He formed with His Hand. Does evolution alone on its own portent stand; that through evolution’s prowess is where it all began?

    Oh Darwin and Dawkins created by thought? How could the transitions of your predictions be wrought? Nature creating itself all alone? Producting calcium, blood and tissue to form bone?

    The problem we have is in beginnings… theorists and Christians don’t share the same zone.

    A giant, a dwarf, a midget, a toad, a horse, a swallow, a bald eagle’s talons, an eyeball, a mouth, a foot and a trout, pickerel, herring and the great white shark; all bow before I AM and give Him His Clout!

    Creation is put on a sliding scale of finite conclusions and fallow suggestions.

    I’ve read about people that put evolution as grand. While chiding Noah as he committed to the 120 year plan. They were denied entrance upon that great Ark! Now we’ve all come full circle, will this generation hark?

    Thunderstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes and rain, oceans, springs, lakes and the Texas plains. The Wisconsin River that houses the Dells, All mountains majestic and the Earth’s terrains and trails. Even evolution can’t conjure these up as mere configured tales.

    There is the missing link however… which will forever remain nil, touting the minds of many and whom-so-ever will; the thing they all must face, their foe… the Rock remains still; To replace All Creation with evolution… it’s GOD/GOD you’ll have to Kill!!

    {Ω Isaiah 44:8 - "Is there a God beside me? Yea, there is no God; I know not any.}


    God, you are always faithful to me. By the power of your Spirit, help me to keep my commitments in tough times. I want to be reliable and trustworthy. I want to be wholly devoted to you, through thick and thin. Fill me with your Spirit so that I have the courage to stand firm.


    ăh = I

    ya = us


    salam = know


    ahlae = what

    (ăh lāy)

    kay = bothers


    akee = mommy

    (ah – key)

    yō yŭng = does it

    (yo yung)

    sō sayleeă = have to do with

    (say – lee – ah)

    nongee = that

    (non gee)

    bog = her


    zoe = friend


    jogah = wicked

    (joe gah)

    waaeez = lies

    (wah heez)

    nonyay = these

    (non yaay)

    gon = are


    pocknos = people

    (pock nose)

    oshwaa = kidnapped

    (osh wah)

    mor = our


    tee = the


    ling = it’s


    gog = he


    Symbols Used For Chapter References & Distinctions

    1.jpg This symbolizes that this is a flashback.

    ۩ This symbolizes a return from a flashback; (that may or may not be an existing circumstance) but that it is the situation at hand.

    ۞ This symbolizes the current scenario.

    Ω This symbolizes scriptural references or poetic excerpts.


    Ω ECCLESIASTES 9:11-12 The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all,

    For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, Like birds caught in a snare, So the sons of men are snared in an evil time, When it falls suddenly upon them.

    ۞ Sylvia had watched her son’s life play out before her. At times it had taken her down to the depths of despair. Sometimes his life had caused her great embarrassment. And then there were the times that she’d literally denied knowing him.

    Taking all those repudiations into consideration; Sylvia still held her son Brandon in high esteem; because of his pledged loyalty in fulfilling whatever his prevailing status might be at the time.

    Her son may have been a lot of things, but no one could question his stance, or his position in a matter. You knew where and how he saw you, and you would know where he stood, in opposition or support of you according to the situation.

    Brandon was eerily tangible. The problem with Brandon’s transparency was; a person wouldn’t know which side of the coin Brandon could show up on. Heads… in support of you; you had his loyalty, tails… in opposition you experienced his ire.

    Sylvia’s son became her life’s work. She began keeping a journal, on her laptop, a diary of sorts about her son’s life. For example; if Brandon and his best friend Isaac had to execute a daring mission, and rescue someone from the bad guys; Sylvia wrote about it.

    The escapades and adventures that her son’s life intriguingly played out before her became notoriously impressive. She found herself waiting for the next journal entry into her son’s life story.

    In view of her journaling entries; it was becoming more and more evident, someone or some organization was hacking into her laptop! Sylvia started witnessing certain phrases, nuances, and name dropping, from her entries appearing in the media.

    Certain writers, producers, directors, and professionals were absconding with her journal entries; and passing them off as their work, in their soap operas, in their high profile serials, writing it up in medical/professional periodicals and saddest of all, some hireling religious leaders were even preaching some of it.

    There are no coincidences in the life of a Christian. And Sylvia was a true born-again Christian. Nothing just happens. Someone was making bank off of her personal commentary.

    She couldn’t prove it; but God… would not allow anything to come upon her unawares. What could she do about this? How would this impact her son’s life? Her life?

    It was as God explained to her; His creation’s abridgment in regard to the cliché… six degrees of separation.

    His humans had configured an equation that references their relational connections with each other; and now they considered themselves to be wiser than God.

    God further explained; that there are splinter groups throughout the world, that are people trapped in their own web of painful (yet haughty) denial.

    This in turn sets up a fanatical composition in their minds of ascendancy. They are as God describes, people in bondage; they are the hurting people… hurting people.

    God had made it so clear to Sylvia; that this was not her problem, this battle belonged to Him.

    To sum it up… step back, stay low and let God be God.



    Ω MARK 14:10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray Him unto them.

    ۞ When you’re in high school everything about you has to be perfect. Or so you think so when you’re in high school.

    You begin dreaming of getting your own place; when you realize you don’t want your mother reading your journals or going through everything in your room anymore.

    You don’t just drop little hints, you begin issuing direct threats to let your mom and your siblings know you need your space. Suddenly the room you shared with your two younger sisters is way too small.

    Chelsea Serrand had had enough of her crack tweaking mother and her ADHD twin sisters. She aptly called them; Heckle and Jeckle.

    She had eleven year old twin sisters that still had the night terrors; because of their mother’s crack and meth smoking; this kept Chelsea in the role as mother at a very young age.

    When her mother had brought the twins home after giving birth to them; she was placed under house arrest wearing an ankle bracelet.

    1.jpg Chelsea’s mom; nicknamed Pint (because of her petite frame) was birthed Antoinette Marietta Gallègos. She was born to migrant farm workers; who had sneaked into Miami illegally.

    They were both deported as soon as Pint was born during their incarceration as illegal aliens. Antoinette was sold by her migrant parents secretly; to the gringos that owned the farm they had illegally worked on.

    Antoinette’s parents wanted a better life for her; although they wanted the money too, just as much as a new life for their pocito babé.

    With a two-million dollars cashier’s check in hand; the Gallègos’ planned their new life without their new baby girl.

    Caracas, Venezuela (where the Gallègos were from); would now be a more bearable habitat for the despondent pair. One million American dollars will exchange handsomely for the bolivars of Caracas.

    Pint’s new mom and dad bought her out of obligation; as a result of Frank Dimenson’s infidelity. Frank and Betty Dimenson are wealthy soybean farmers and horse ranchers.

    They did not have any children of their own. Not having children had nothing to do with Frank’s decision to cheat on his wife.

    Being childless did not introduce infidelity into Frank’s mind; it was the pure unleashed, unadulterated sexual lust that was repressed in his soul, held in check with a flimsy harness of willpower.

    Antoinette’s mother was a striking Latin beauty. Frank Dimenson thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.

    And after a 15 year childless marriage; Frank did not think he would have to take the necessary precautions, when he pursued Madeline Archuletta Pacheco Gallègos.

    He hadn’t got Betty preggers; it made since he couldn’t possibly get Madeline pregnant either. Watching Madeline working in the fields everyday sent his mind on journeys far too great for him to ignore.

    Just as it was in the Bible, with King David and Bath Sheba; David conspired to get rid of Bath Sheba’s husband Uriah, his right hand man who was loyal to him.

    Ω (II Samuel 11:15 Set Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retreat from him, that he may be struck down and die.); Frank began devising plans to move Madeline’s husband out of his licentious wanderlust way.

    Why not let Renaldo reach his goal of making more money? He could work extra hours over on the Craig’s Ranch.

    Felix Craig was Frank’s friend and confidante; who owned the farm thirty miles down the road from the Dimenson Ranch.

    Felix was always saying Frank got all the best migrants; they actually liked to work, not that they had to work.

    A loyal hard worker, Renaldo went on loan to Felix Craig for two weeks; and made an extra $500.00. Frank was ecstatic the first night Renaldo left.

    He knew his wife would be going to visit Pinky her older sister in Toledo, Ohio; to help with her new family addition. What could go wrong?

    He was so caught up in his diabolical escapade; he began believing that his twisted scheme was somehow divinely apportioned to him.

    Frank went into action the third night that his wife was securely at her sister’s place in Toledo. He had made her promise to call him, after she was for sure in the bedroom she’d be sleeping in.

    He wanted to kiss her goodnight over the phone; and they could lay their heads down on their pillows at the same time, to go to sleep.

    After kissing Betty goodnight; he called his old buddy Felix to see how Renaldo was working out. "I swear Frank; you got the Man upstairs watching over you!

    This here vaquero works hard as three men. Good on ya’ fa lettin’ me borrow him. Don’t worry I’ll feed him three squares a day and do right by him."

    Frank was beside himself with unbridled anticipation. It was going to work out. He would have Madeline all to himself.

    On the fourth night of the first week; he waited until Madeline had finished her evening shower. He could smell the lilac soap she used every night after working in the fields.

    He was patient. His confidence was unexpectedly waning though; so he poured himself two fingers of Grey Goose Vodka; that was chilled in his freezer.

    He waited. He poured himself another drink. He waited. It still didn’t seem to put him at ease. He poured another. He waited.

    After what seemed like a few minutes, Frank’s imagination was engulfed with all kind of vagaries of his and Madeline’s illusory bond of ardor.

    The smell… what was he smelling? This smell was familiar. Frank was moving in what seemed like a dream. But he smelled something so sweet.

    That something sweet, was giving him an ample erection. He opened his eyes; Madeline was over him. She was planting kisses all over his face and neck!

    The vodka had knocked him out; and she was what? She was taking advantage of him!

    He almost fainted from joy! No words passed between them. Frank couldn’t talk anyway; he was stuck in stupid with an enormous erection.

    If he was dreaming he was not going to try and wake himself up. Madeline was moving over his body with her mouth and all he could do was enjoy it. Now he knew this was divinely meant for him.

    Their union turned into a voraciously driven impenetrable impetus. They became resolutely out of control. No words just wanton sounds of passion and satiation became their guarded exchanges.

    Frank and Madeline’s tête-à-têtes held no restraints and no regrets; for seven days without any interruptions. Every night after Madeline’s showers, she would go directly to Frank and Betty’s bedroom.

    There they would stay until 4:00 or 5:00 A. M. Then Madeline would give him a goodbye kiss; and return to the guest bungalow.

    As fate would have it, Frank reasoned; Madeline and Renaldo didn’t appear to want to have any children in their marriage. These people weren’t the types to practice birth-control.

    If there were no children yet; with these odds, why would anyone have to worry about a pregnancy. And because the two of them were so happily married to their respective spouses; there would be no STD’s to be concerned about.

    Which is why when Madeline found out she was pregnant; Renaldo knew this was not his child. Frank didn’t know he was about to have a child. But Madeline knew it was Frank’s child.

    Frank and Madeline’s child would be sold to Betty and Frank Dimenson under the table, without the red tape of adoption. After all this was Frank’s blood; and he wanted to offer the best towards his posterity.



    Ω PROVERBS 7:10 I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me.

    ۞ Queenie was looking at her husband adoringly as he drove them to their destination. The man only got better looking with age.

    He’d put on a little weight, but so had she. She would tease him as he covered the gray that began to edge its way into his hair.

    She’d stopped teasing him when he chided her into doing the same. To her approval, it did give them both a jolt of confidence; using their little make-up trick, they’d called it.

    Phillip was her high school and college sweetheart. He was her first but not her only. But, he was the only one she’d even considered marrying.

    She had proposals from a couple of other men in her life; but Phillip’s was the one that captured her heart.

    No one had rocked her world as Phillip had; when they were single. When they got married, it was as if it was supposed to happen.

    He was six feet three inches tall, broad shouldered, with chiseled thighs and legs. He had a strong handsome face and some of the sweetest full lips she’d ever tasted… like melted butter; she would think.

    Nobody could kiss her like Phillip. On the other side of their relationship Phillip became smitten with Queenie. He knew how many men had their sights on her. He couldn’t let her know that though.

    Queenie was a voluptuous beauty and she carried it well with sophistication. She could have easily worn the too tight, deep cleavage apparel; but her morals didn’t take her there.

    She knew keeping it under wraps for the bedroom, had great appeal for the male ingenuity.

    The first year into their marriage; Phillip joined the Marines and made a career out of it. When he got stationed in Morocco, Africa; Queenie joined him there; and from then on she could travel wherever he would be stationed; except for his out in the field training excursions.

    When Queen arrived in Morocco, Phillip had his sponsor’s wife pick her up from the air strip; and helped her get settled at the base Courtesy House.

    These were temporary quarters for new arrivals, until their base housing became available, or until they secured off-base housing.

    In essence the Courtesy House was just another name for a modified hotel on base. A family could have two adjoining rooms; couples would have only a room.

    Everybody shared kitchen, bath, and laundry privileges. The usual length of stay in the Courtesy House was around two to three months.

    Under certain conditions a family could stay in the Courtesy House for up to six months.

    Queenie wasn’t off the plane two hours, when a Marine Gunnery Sergeant was knocking on the door of their room at the Courtesy House.

    The man was in heat after her. He worked at the air field and saw when all the families came in to join the troops.

    He made it seem like he was welcoming her to the base; but his libidinous behavior smothered his pretentious welcome aboard. She thanked him but wouldn’t let him in.

    That evening she told Phillip about the Gunny. It was then Phillip let her know how appealing she was to other men.

    "All the men here know that you’re the best looking woman on base. Watch out for these hounds; they come after what looks good to them!" It didn’t faze Queenie; she only had eyes for Phil.

    It was what was bringing her this cause for concern; did he still feel like this and did she still bring those feelings to the surface in him?

    She leaned over towards him, careful not to disturb his driving and kissed him on the neck behind his ear; which sent a rumbling charge through his loins.

    He couldn’t comply with the reaction of his body to her kiss, he had to watch the road; he sent her an air kiss back.

    Queenie asked him; Are these Friday get-a-ways becoming mundane for you Phil? Phillip’s head jerked to one side as he gave his answer; Baby? Do you even know who you’re married to?

    She gave him a small smile and summoning up her nerve; she reached down into her closet of secret fears; to answer him. I don’t want you just going through the motions with me. Am I still appealing and sexy to you? Am I still attractive to you even though I’ve gained weight?

    Like most of the couples they knew, they’d been married more than a decade. Phillip and Queenie have been married for twenty-three years.

    One of the couples who’d got married the same time they did, were now divorced; another had separated. And then there was the couple with the wife having an affair on her husband.

    They shared common ground in having a solid marriage; they thought with only one other couple they knew. That couple was where they were headed; the Saffron’s bed and breakfast.

    Phillip’s carefree countenance turned to that of concern. He slowed down so he could study his wife’s face more intently. What’s going on Queenie? Where’s all this coming from Baby? What’s wrong?

    She answered a little too quickly. Nothing; I just don’t want our relationship going in one direction and me going in the opposite.

    Phillip shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Okay, Queen now you’re confusing me and you’re making me nervous. What’s up Queen, talk to me Baby.

    He could tell this was something she’d been living with for a while; because Queenie wasn’t a person of trivial topics for the sake of conversation.

    Well you know how you might read or hear about people who’ve been married ten years or more? She’d become visibly excited and her voice relayed that excitement.

    And then out of nowhere, they’ve fallen out of love and they wind up getting a divorce? Phillip’s response was filtered with irritation.

    What was his wife going to spring on him? Yeah… and that somehow is something we need to be concerned about?

    Queenie pressed on not giving place to Phillip’s irritation. "Well, nowadays couples are calling it quits for the least little things that affect them in their marriages.

    You know the man will say to his wife; it’s not her it’s him. Or the wife will say to the husband, I need to find out who I am, and I can’t do that as a married woman."

    Now Phillip was on red alert. Queenie braved on with her train of thought. Do you think we’re headed towards a rut or becoming too common with each other; I mean taking each other for granted?

    Phillip’s irritation deflated and his offense mechanism inflated. "Is that what you’re feeling towards me woman? Are you trying to tell me in your own words that you think you might be approaching that kind of milestone in our relationship?"

    Queenie had lived with her personal closet of secret frets for years in their marriage. When Phillip had got caught up in the drug scene it became touch and go with them for years. She’d never really quite returned to fully trusting him, as she did at the onset of their marriage.

    "No Phillip I’m not harboring any kind of risky desertion type of behavior. I’m merely keeping it real with us. I don’t know what you’re thinking so I have to ask.

    Recovering from a detrimental experience in our marriage has me wanting to stay on top of things. Can you feel me? Can you get with me and just kind of throw me a security blanket?"

    He was soaking in everything Queen had said. It made him regrettably sad recounting those bleak days when they had lost most of what they both had worked so hard at accruing; because of his crack cocaine addiction.

    She had tried it with him and walked away from it. But he… got snared and it cost him practically everything; even practically his life.

    He had to take into consideration she had a legit reason for concern through her line of questioning him.

    "Yeah Baby; I’m totally feelin’ you on this. I’m not a man of a lot of words, but I do have some pretty deep thoughts.

    Believe me Queenie when I say, I’m here for the long haul. I’d be the biggest fool in the world to walk out on a woman, who’s stuck with me after what I put her through!

    Naw Baby I’m here. I’m a happy man; and yes, even with your weight gain. That weight you’ve put on doesn’t bother me.

    Woman when I hold you in my arms…. damn Baby, all that sweet smelling smooth skin just fits right into the curves of my body and you feel soooo good!

    I don’t even think about what if; I’m perfectly content and a blessed man to have you as my wife for life!

    To answer your question; No, I don’t think we’re in a rut or that we take each other for granted, or that I’m looking for an escape clause out of my marriage.

    I love you girl, I ain’t goin’ anywhere! If anything you’re stuck with me! You feelin’ me on this? Can you get with me on this woman?"

    He was looking at her as he drove. A big smile plastered across his face. The smile he always gave her when he was about to move into his romantic mode.

    She started to feel shyness inching into her demeanor. He always knew how to pull back the covers on her emotions and intrude on the little girl that’s concealed behind the woman.

    His large hand reached over and grabbed her thigh and squeezed. Queenie just sat there smiling.

    Phillip drove on; they held hands and drove on listening to the music. The heck with it! The first chance Phillip got he pulled the car off of the rode, into one of Oregon’s lush wooded areas.

    He didn’t have to say anything; this was something he and Queenie did a lot of in the earlier stages of their marriage.

    Back went the seats and all of Queenie’s fears dissolved as soon as Phillips lush lips locked with hers.

    Grab your sweetheart’s hand, go on girl stand by your man; make him happy keep him glad; he’s the one God has chosen to be in the plan! Ω (Excerpt from poem Stay In The Race)

    ۩ Justine Falls was 16 years old; five years junior of her heraldic heroine of music. She was convinced she would be the next Icecilee Marshall.

    Justine (Tine as her 3 best friends called her); would have no problem singing for them, whenever they gathered together.

    They would challenge her to hit that note of Ice’s and after a few tries she would come pretty close, but no cigar.

    Today Justine was nailed to the cross with her younger brother Jacob she lamented; to Pure the closest to her, of her best friends.

    Jacob who was 10 years old didn’t much relish the idea of being in jail either with his all the time, tryin’ to sang older sister.

    But Jacob had once taken down a 15 year old swagger who tried to come up on his sister, at one of their hangouts, Max’s corner store.

    Jacob needed an overseer as their mother and father would say, not a babysitter; that’s why Tine had to stay with him.

    Jacob and Justine Falls were children of John Phillip and Queen Cassandra Falls. Queen’s mother’s name was Princess Waters.

    Her mother would say; They got it backwards, the queens always come before the princesses; but they saved the best for last in this case.

    Most of the Falls’ friends and relatives would address their father with his first and middle names, as John Phillip. But Cassandra throughout the years had been endeared by family and friends with Mama Queenie.

    It was Friday night. And this was set aside for John Phillip’s and Mama Queenie’s night out. The last Friday of every month was reserved for their time alone.

    Justine would be left in charge of Jacob for 24 hours. They could trust their daughter to do the right thing. Justine had proved to them ever since she was at the age of seven; that she was an obedient daughter.

    And Tine also enjoyed the fringe benefits of her adhering to her parents’ rules and regulations. They believed in extrinsic as well as intrinsic reward systems for their children’s well-being.

    The car was packed and ready to go. They would take off at 6:00 A. M. and drive up the Oregon Coastline to Saffron’s Bed ‘N Breakfast. This had become a regular getaway for the Falls.

    It was far enough that they couldn’t be readily disturbed by anyone; yet close enough to haul ass if they needed to attend to any emergencies. It would take them an hour and thirty-minutes to make the breathtakingly majestic scenic drive.

    Their arrival would be warmly met by the owners, Astrick and Ananias Saffron. Both couples enjoy each other’s company. After getting registered into a bastion of solitude and leisure; sweet R & R could now begin. With everything put away and schedules set in place; The Falls’ Friday commences at 8:00 A. M.

    First on the agenda would be; going to Dresser’s Gym, Steam Room and Mineral Baths; to get full body massages. The massages would leave them loose and sweaty; primed for the salt and mineral baths that would follow; to extract toxins and rejuvenate the skin. After that they would take lemon-lime and cucumber crystal scrub Eco-efficient showers.

    The showers unique attraction was the over-sized wide-girth showerheads. They operated electrically and were thermostatically controlled. The cascades of flowing water washed out and over their bodies like torrents of gentle rain.

    An attendant came to them after their massages and body washes; "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Falls would you all like the Green Room again?

    The Green Room’s tone was set with lush greenery. Its ambiance saturated the environment with oxygen and lots of moisture. "Or would you all like to try our new addition to the spa, The Purple Room? We think you might like what it has to offer." Within minutes they made their decision to try the Purple Room, after hearing its description.

    The Purple Room’s atmosphere was drenched in autumn’s colors with bold splashes of purple to heighten the imagination and increase creativity. The subliminal vibes of yielding and release; were concealed within the refined dryads of the Henri Matisse water color artworks.

    The Saffrons’ color-coded rooms served their purposes well for their clients. When people came to the Bed N’ Breakfast; they expected and received privacy,

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