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To Forgive My Father
To Forgive My Father
To Forgive My Father
Ebook239 pages4 hours

To Forgive My Father

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After Julia found her father and faced him for the first time in her life on the Thanksgiving Day in October 2004, she went on with her life knowing that she had fulfilled her promise to her mother and grandmother that she would find him. Now with that last chapter in her book To Find My Father completed, Julia sent one copy to Albert Kennedy so he could see what his actions and running away to Canada, escaping the responsibilities for his wife and child have done to them and the whole family.

Through few contacts with her father in next few years, Julia is struggling to forgive him. But being the kind of person that she was, and with not much help from him, in the end she did. After that, for a short period of time, both of them had found a satisfaction in their father-daughter relationship.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 28, 2014
To Forgive My Father

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    To Forgive My Father - Evangeline Adams

    Copyright © 2014 by Evangeline Adams.

    ISBN:          Softcover          978-1-4990-7248-8

                        eBook              978-1-4990-7247-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 09/11/2014





    Book 1

    Book 2

    Book 3

    Book 4

    Book 5

    Book 6

    Book 7

    Book 8

    Book 9

    Book 10

    Book 11

    Book 12


    If you have not read the book ‘To Find My Father’ then I suggest you do that first, as this book is a sequel. Both books will thrill you, and leave you fascinated at what one person can endure, and how things can get complicated if not dealt with at the right time and in the right perspective. After you finish the first book, then come back here and finish this amazing story.

    BOOK 1

    C anadian Thanksgiving Day in the year 2004 was on October 11 th . That was the day Julia found her father and faced him for the first time in her life. She was 25 years old. She parted with him that evening after the Thanksgiving dinner and Mark drove her to her apartment to finish the last chapter of her book. Julia needed few minutes to compose herself and conclude that it was over.

    Mark went home, with a decision not to ask his father anything. He thought his father had many chances to tell him about his past life, but he elected not to. Granted, Albert was his adoptive father, but Mark always considered him as a real father, and thought Albert could have confided in him about anything. The fact that he did not, gave him now the right not to question him but to wait for Julia’s book and find out there what had happened in last 26 years.

    When he arrived home in Forest Hill, Josephine was waiting for him. She hugged him as he came into the living room. Mark said to her:

    ‘I am sorry Mother, you must be hurting as much as you did when Daddy was killed.’ She answered:

    ‘I am hurting Mark, actually I am more angry than hurting, I am angry with myself for not asking questions many years ago when I suspected that something was not right with Albert. But, no Mark, I am not hurting as much as I was when your father died. Robert was the love of my life. When Albert came into our lives some time after, I was sure I can love again, and I did, but, I always felt that, that love was not returned and the love soon turned into respect and tolerance and tonight both of those vanished.’ Mark hugged his beloved mother again and said:

    ‘Time will help, just don’t do anything before thinking it through and know, even though, my concern is right now for Julia I am here for you as well. Anytime you want to talk to me, I will be available, and I will need you as well, as I am scared and disappointed as I always thought Albert and I had a great relationship. Where is he, by the way, and did he say anything to you after we left?’

    ‘He is in the master bedroom, I will be staying in the guest room, my choice. He tried to talk to me, but, I told him that I am not ready for that, as I want to read Julia’s book first. After, we will have time to talk. You are right, I should not make any quick judgments or decisions. It took us 24 years to get to where we are today, another few months will not make much difference. I am tired now Mark, I will go to my room and try to get some sleep. I hope I can stop thinking about Julia, she was very upset.’

    ‘Yes Mother, she was. But she also told me she feels for you as well, as none of this is your fault. She really likes you a lot. Good night, Mother, try to get some rest.’

    ‘Good night my darling, you too.’ answered Josephine while going towards her bedroom.

    Mark went into the library and dialed Julia’s telephone. He had to hear her voice one more time and see if she was alright.

    In her apartment, Julia first went to take a shower. She felt as if she had to wash something off of her. She has spoken some very harsh words this evening to a man who contributed his DNA to her existence. But, that was the only thing he ever did for her, so why was she feeling this way, almost sorry for him and unhappy with herself for talking to him like that. She was aware that talking like that to a human being was not in her character, even though he deserved it. Julia looked in the mirror. She saw her face flushed and burning, from the events of the evening. She said out loud while looking at the face in the mirror:

    ‘You did it Julia, you found your father as you have promised to your mother and grandmother. You should be proud of yourself. You should be happy and celebrate. But, you Julia Kenedi, don’t feel any of those things, do you?’ She took a very long shower but did not feel any better after it either.

    ‘I am going to finish this last chapter of the book, and maybe putting it on paper will put everything in perspective for me.’ Said Julia to herself. As she was just about to take her laptop, when her telephone rang. She, kind of, knew that it was Mark, so she answered it quickly.


    ‘Hi Julia, darling. I just wanted to hear your voice and see how you’re doing’ said Mark.

    ‘Oh, Mark, I think I am fine, just took a shower and was about to start working, but I feel very tired, so I might sleep a little first. Thanks for calling me, I love you too, and hope you have a good night as well.’ Then she quickly asked:

    ‘Mark, I have to ask you, did you see Josephine, how is she?’

    ‘Yes, she waited for me, she will be alright, we both have decided not to discuss anything with Albert until we read your book. He had 24 years to come forward with his story, he did not, now he will have to wait for us to be ready to talk with him,’ said Mark.

    Julia asked another question:

    ‘Mark, when did Josephine and Albert get married, and when was your father killed?’

    ‘Robert, my father was killed in May 1978, I guess just one year before you were born. I was five and a half years old. My mother met Albert six months after he came to Toronto in March of 1979 and they got married on September 22, 1980. I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was so sad, and at the same time so happy. How could one person have those feelings at the same time Julia?’

    ‘I don’t know how, but I had a situation like that one time as well. Now I am tired to even think about anything anymore. I will go to sleep,’ said Julia.

    ‘Alright, my love, rest and then work, as I can not wait to read about everything. Good night my Julia!’

    ‘Good night Mark’ said Julia and just pulled a blanket over herself and fell asleep right there on the sofa. She slept soundly for four hours, and feeling refreshed she decided to work until she was finished with the last chapter. It did not take her too long as everything was fresh in her mind.

    She read the last chapter one more time and being satisfied with everything e-mailed it to her Publisher that same night. She decided to sleep-in the next morning and later on call Sonia and tell her she will be working from home that day.

    At about 10 a.m. her Publisher called her and all he can say was:

    ‘Wow, Julia, what a finish! It was worth waiting for all this time. Your book is going to be on the shelves in the stores in 7 days.’

    Julia asked:

    ‘Could you ship me here first 10 books please, as I have promised some people the book and I want them to have it before it comes in the stores?’

    ‘I understand and I promise to do that right from the press’ answered the Publisher.

    Next few days Julia spent as if she was living in the clouds. She was not able to come down to earth. After writing the events of the Thanksgiving day on paper, she felt better. She went to work and did what she had to do without any effort. Mark came over every evening and they talked just about everything except the book. On Monday, October 18, 2004 Julia’s 10 books arrived. She wrote short notes to Donna and Mrs. Larsen and packed a book for each of them and sent the parcels same afternoon. When Mark came that evening to her apartment, she gave him 3 books. In his and Josephine’s she wrote something and signed the books, but in Albert’s book she did not write anything. Julia decided to ask Mark something she was thinking about the previous night. She wanted to take a vacation as she did not have any since she started work. She said to him:

    ‘Mark, I know you wanted to read the book in my presents and discuss it with me as you read it, but, I have to tell you, I can not handle that. I have to be free from the book and all the events for a certain period of time. My Publisher told me that there will be events where I have to appear for book signing and discussions after some time. I need to rest before that comes. I have to ask you, if I can take two weeks off of work, as I like to go to Montenegro. I feel I need a closure and the only way I can get that is if I go there. I will stay with Ivana and also go to retrieve the things I have stored at the old house for safekeeping. Being with Ivana and my old neighbours will relax and prepare me for the tasks I will have to do here when I come back. I will have my laptop with me and anything that comes up at work Sonia can e-mail me and I will be able to handle everything from wherever I am. What do you say, will that be possible Mark?’

    ‘I think it’s a splendid idea, even though I will miss you. If that is what you need, that is what you should do. When would you travel?’ asked Mark.

    ‘Tomorrow afternoon. I will just go to the office in the morning to transfer some more files on my laptop and finish up few things,’ answered Julia. She got up and went towards Mark to hug him and thank him. He took her in his embrace telling her, that, maybe if she finishes everything in Montenegro earlier, they can meet somewhere in Europe and spend few days together. It would be Julia’s choice where they would meet, Rome, Paris or anywhere else she desired.

    ‘You are a wonderful man’ said Julia to Mark. ‘Now I will definitely try and get everything done early, as I also like that idea, my love.’

    Mark had a big smile on his face, and you can see he was looking forward to that adventure. He said to Julia:

    ‘We have a date in Europe in about 10 days. Pick a City and e-mail me so that I can book my flight. I’ll see you tomorrow in the office before you go, my love’.

    Julia booked a return flight to Paris and one way from Paris to Podgorica. When she finishes everything in Montenegro she will return to Paris and meet Mark there. Now it was time to e-mail Ivana and tell her to expect her there in two days. While e-mailing Ivana, Julia felt so excited about going there and her heart was racing thinking she will be there soon. Now, she had to pack her suitcase and while getting things for the trip she realized she needed new clothes, especially if she is to be with Mark in Paris. Julia never liked to go shopping, only if she had to, and it looked this time was one of those times, so Julia decided maybe she will do that in Podgorica or Niksic, since they have some good boutiques now there. She packed the rest of the books also, one she will give to Ivana and others… well, you never know.

    Mark came home that evening and immediately gave one book to Albert and one to Josephine. Everyone was quiet while Mark told them he was going to the library at the end of the hall and read. Albert went in his bedroom and came out with a suitcase. He told them that he took one week off work and was going somewhere to be by himself. He said:

    ‘I know Josephine I am not your favorite person now as I have hurt and disappointed both of you by not telling you the truth. I, in fact was ashamed and as Julia said I was trying to hide, but both of you should know, I did suffer and paid a price already for it. I would like to ask you…’

    Josephine interrupted him:

    ‘Don’t Albert, just don’t ask anything of me, or of both of us right now. This is not the time. We both have decided not to judge you, before we read the book. There will be plenty of time after that for you to ask us your questions. And I am sure we will have some questions for you also. Do you want to tell us where you will be in case of an emergency?’

    Albert answered:

    ‘I am not sure, I will go to the airport and take a first plane somewhere. If you need to contact me, you can use e-mail, as I am taking my laptop with me.’ He walked out of the house without saying anything else.

    Josephine turned to Mark and said:

    ‘Poor Albert, what did he get himself into. He lost not only one family but the second one as well.’

    ‘Mother, you said you will not judge him before you read the book, so please keep that in mind. Good night Mother.’

    ‘Good night my son’ answered Josephine and went towards her bedroom.

    In the library Mark called Julia and she told him about all her plans for Europe. He asked her why she picked Paris for their date and she told him that few years earlier, Ivana said when Julia went to Paris, that there will be a ‘Pierre’ in Paris wispering in her ear how much he loved her. So Julia thought now to make it happen, except she wanted her man to be called Mark and not a ‘Pierre.’

    Mark laughted aloud and was happy to be that man in Julia’s life.

    Julia e-mailed Ivana and told her all her happy plans and one hour later she received an exciting reply from her. Ivana will pick Julia up from the airport in Podgorica. Julia finished packing her suitcase and after went to the nearest mall to buy some souvenirs from Toronto to take with her.

    Next morning Julia went to the office and transferred some files on her laptop just in case something came up during her absence. Mark called her and came over for few minute to her office. Julia picked up a strange feeling from Mark’s visit. For a second she thought he was not the same as night before but she quickly dismissed it, thinking it’s just her excitement and nerves about going back to Montenegro. With those thoughts she was in a taxi on the way to Pearson International airport.

    Just like before, Julia took a first class, but this time she was looking forward to her trip to Montenegro. She had accomplished what she had set out to do in Canada and it was a good feeling. This time she did not have to go back into her memory, she now lived in present time and was looking forward to the future.

    When Julia arrived in Podgorica Ivana was waiting for her. It was an emotional reunion as lot has happened to both of them since they last saw each other. Ivana had returned to her parents home in Niksic and for few months did not look for employment, since she was not sure if she wanted to stay there or go somewhere else. Her father was very well known doctor and she was not sure if people were nice to her because of him or for herself.

    One Sunday her mother told her that they will have a guest for dinner, some young doctor who was working for the same hospital her father was working for. Since Ivana was absent from Niksic for a long time she did not know anybody, and did not pay any attention to what her mother was saying, thinking that guest was coming because he knew her father anyway.

    That evening when that doctor came, Ivana was very surprised. It was the same young man she had dated few times in her first year of medical school in Belgrade when she was living with Julia. His name was Miki something or other, she could not remember his last name. Ivana’s father introduced them and Miki acted as if he did not know her, and Ivana was angry when she noticed that, so she said to her father:

    ‘I am sure, Daddy, Miki has told you that we knew each other from my first year of studies in Belgrade.’

    Before Miki or her father could say a word, Ivana’s mother came into the living room and announced that dinner was ready and they can all follow her into the dining room. Ivana did not wish to stay for dinner, but was aware she will embarrass her parents so she stayed.

    Food was excellent as usual, her mother was a very good cook and since she did not hear the conversation before she came in the living room, she was gracious and talkative, which was good as Ivana did not want any part of the conversation.

    Miki gathered some courage and asked her about her intentions and job searches here in Niksic or somewhere else. She answered him that she was not staying in Niksic, and that was all that she knew at this time. Her parents were surprised about that decision as they have not discussed it before. They both just realized, there was nothing to discuss, it was her life and she was old enough to make her own decisions. After Miki left, her father apologized for inviting him to dinner as he did not expect Ivana to be upset about it. Ivana said to her father:

    ‘It’s your house Daddy, you can invite anybody you want, I was not upset that you invited him. I was upset that he tried to pretend he did not know me.’

    Her father asked:

    ‘What happened there in Belgrade, or are you not willing to tell us. You, of course have right not to tell us.’

    ‘I have no reason not to tell you. We went out a few times. And because he was from Niksic, I thought it was interesting since we did not run into each other before we met in Belgrade. He pretended to like me and few weekends we went out. During the week he said he was busy with studies, but I found out he was seeing other girls, and was quite a charmer, so after that I did not want to do anything with him anymore. When I decide to have a boyfriend or get married I want to be the only one and not one of many’ answered Ivana.

    ‘Well, I am proud of you’ said Ivana’s mother and came to hug her.

    ‘Just don’t let him play a part in your decision where you want to live and work.’

    ‘No one has that power over me Mother, I am going to explore all my options’ said Ivana and started to clear the table, while her father thought about his plan backfiring when he and Miki planned the dinner, and he realized Miki on purpose did not tell him the full story. Now he was glad his daughter had the presence of mind and character to reject a gigolo like that who pries on young girls not taking their feelings into consideration.

    Ivana followed the newspaper ads every day after that evening and one day she came across one for a Psychiatrist needed in Podgorica’s Hospital for the young adult care clinic. She called and was transferred to the Chief of Staff’s office. Ivana was told that he was not there, but if she would leave her name and number he would call her. Few days went by so she continued looking at the ads. But, one day she received a call from his secretary that

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