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Sociology of Soul: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call
Sociology of Soul: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call
Sociology of Soul: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Sociology of Soul: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call

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About this ebook

A Sociology of Soul is what I like to call...Samurai Sociology. I coined this term to distinguish a type of Sociology that takes an unflinching look...a hard cold appraisal of our current social condition. The perspective takes No prisoners and makes No excuses for the state of the individual within the fabric of our Information Society.


Samurai Sociology examines the social web and its impact on individual choices and the Resultant Behavior. Samurai Sociology asks questions like: Are we prisoners of our own device? What is the structure and shape of our cage? How do we begin to get free? What price must we pay for freedom? Who or what controls the Social Matrix?

Release dateAug 28, 2009
Sociology of Soul: A Spiritual Wake-Up Call

Michael Sebastian

The Dream Team, featured on A&E, E!, VH1 and countless others… Nicole and Michael Sebastian, co-founders of “The Dream Team – Celebrity Life Coaching,” creators of the “Trust Yourself System” and “Trust Yourself Therapy” are known as Modern- Day Oracles…delivering Wise-Counsel using the Unique Tools of Dreams, Sound, Synchronicity, Intuition, and Quantum Physics for Guidance and Direction.

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    Book preview

    Sociology of Soul - Michael Sebastian

    Sociology of SOUL

    A Spiritual Wake-Up Call


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/17/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-1377-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-6118-4 (e)

    First Edition1999

    Second Edition 2009

    Third Edition 2020

    © Michael and Nicole Sebastian, The Dream Team

    All rights reserved. No part of Sociology of Soul may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from Michael or Nicole Sebastian, The Dream Team

    Cover Design by Nicole and Michael Sebastian, The Dream Team

    Copies can be purchased at: or any online or local bookstore







    The Mission

    Lack of Light and Sound

    Spiritual Ignorance

    Habits Die Hard

    The Problem

    Socialization: The People Trap

    Listen to the Silence

    Messages in the Night

    The Waking Dream

    A Method and a Process



    Kill the Buddha

    The Master/Slave Equation

    Spiritual Health


    The Master Moment

    Staying Present


    3. DEAR SOUL


    Soul Playing


    Turtle Method

    Comfort Zones


    Electronic Substance Abuse

    Living in Denial

    The Experiment

    The TV Deprivation Diet

    It Takes Two

    No News is Good News

    Quiet Time

    The Addiction


    The X Factor

    Karma and the Victim Mentality


    Law of Attraction

    Astrological Sign in a Free Will Zone


    Spiritual Growth and Obstacles



    Self Love

    Spiritual Sex

    Trust + Laughter = Good Sex

    Sacred Sex and Addictions

    Toxic Love and Karma

    The Power of Coupling


    Three Simple Tools to Remember




    Special thanks to daughter Jessica for the ongoing encouragement throughout the writing process.

    Special thanks to 1st Edition editor and daughter, Lara Harlan.

    With gratitude, thanks to the ECK for Divine Guidance every step of the way. You have certainly been a guiding light.

    This book is dedicated to the people and their search for Truth!


    A Sociology of Soul is what I like to call…Samurai Sociology. I coined this term to distinguish a type of Sociology that takes an unflinching look…a hard cold appraisal of our current social condition. The perspective takes No prisoners and makes No excuses for the state of the individual within the fabric of our Information Society.

    Samurai Sociology examines the social web and its impact on individual choices and the Resultant Behavior. Samurai Sociology asks questions like: Are we prisoners of our own device? What is the structure and shape of our cage? How do we begin to get free? What price must we pay for freedom? Who or what controls the Social Matrix?

    The difference between Samurai Sociology aka Sociology of Soul and all other Sociology lie in its unique ability to provide a stunning solution to our social problems. SOS provides the Secret Key to open the cell of Social Imprisonment. SOS sets you free! All that is required is a simple frequency code that unlocks the door of our self-created prison. That code is made up of 2 letters in combination that produce the sound and vibration of freedom…HU (pronounced hue)!!! This ancient name can be uttered as your personal mantra to spring the lock and walk the through the door of social consciousness into the light of day! It’s as easy as –Just Say HU!


    The golden globe flashes by on the insurance company billboard as I drive the familiar road to work. The DJ on the radio is saying something about the Golden Globe Awards as my memory is jogged back to the dream I had last night. A large golden globe hovers above my bed as I watch its movement with fascination. I realize that I am dreaming but choose to drift silently in the mist of the large soft halo of light created by the globe. The dream feels spiritual but is nothing I can put into words. It’s more like a feeling and a gentle reminder of something that I must accomplish before I go—but go where? The horn from the car behind me pulls me back to the billboard and DJ. What a coincidence! What’s going on? Are these different incidents somehow tied together? As my awareness begins to dawn, the fog of yesterday disappears like mist in the morning sun.

    One more piece to the puzzle drops into place. I can feel the picture taking shape but the edges are fuzzy and out of focus. Yet it seems so much clearer than last week. Life has become a waking dream and dream interpretation has become an all-important part of my life. Time has become a merry-go-round that is spinning out of control. Weeks are passing like days and I’m losing track of time. When I look around at others, they seem to be moving and migrating in all directions but with no final purpose except to dance a little faster and run the race of life at a sprint.

    I know there is a growing spiritual awareness but there also appears to be a spreading numbness and dumbness. With every candle we light, the darkness seems to grow. The contradictions are multiplying, as the truth becomes clear. Everything has changed but nothing has changed. I am the same yet I am very different. I have found that I have developed a new type of night vision or spiritual sight. It allows me to look without really looking and to see with my eyes closed. It is an inner vision that is triggered by a special state of consciousness that is becoming more prevalent in our times. I can feel the energy and sometimes see it, if I relax and assume a certain state of acceptance. This awareness drives me to stretch into the mantle of mastership. Mastership is when we operate from a Soul perspective and live in the moment. This moment of awareness is reflective of our self-actualization and our ability to live up to our full potential as individuals. A master is conscious and aware of the spiritual laws and works within their framework. For example, when we are conscious and aware in the moment while giving or receiving love, we are exhibiting mastership. This state of consciousness is difficult to hold but acts as an ideal for our spiritual unfoldment.

    There is a growing division on this planet. The dividing lines are drawn with the chalk of consciousness. There are those that know something is intensely different and feel the change from within and without. There is also a second group that sees life as just happening. They are victims of the mentality that is summed up in the bumper sticker shit happens. If we believe this, it certainly does. In assuming that life is the adversary and we are the pawns that are beaten by the daily games, we give away the real power to create our lives. This second group goes about life with the attitude of business as usual. These two groups are emerging populations with different realities generated by distinct world views or lack of them. Because of their differing realities, their responses are quite different as well. It’s like cruising down the highway in your sports car and either shifting into high gear or down-shifting into a lower gear to gain control of energy that refuses to be controlled. It’s much easier to go with the flow and cruise at the higher speed even though the acceleration is new and scary.

    These perspectives are two separate highways with very different travelers. One road is smooth and liquid and slides easily into the next century. The other road is bumpy and filled with pot holes and dead ends at the same old place–ourself. We all have a choice to make on this journey of spiritual unfoldment. We can choose the same old road of business as usual, or shift into overdrive and cruise the highway of awareness. We can make the choice or the choice will be made for us. We can choose to wake up or remain asleep at the wheel of life. The vibration we feel against our soul is the wake up call from our spiritual pager. It is time to think about going home.

    Chapter 1


    The Mission

    The message to be delivered in a

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