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Following Blank 5 Deaths: 4 Short Stories
Following Blank 5 Deaths: 4 Short Stories
Following Blank 5 Deaths: 4 Short Stories
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Following Blank 5 Deaths: 4 Short Stories

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About this ebook

It starts with Five, a psychological thriller where a murderer tests the skills of a famous detective. The next is Blank, a story of a struggling man who finds the ultimate key to turn his entire life around. Third is Following, a story of a young man haunted by a very strange factor. Last is Drive, a story of a salesman who drives into something unimaginable.
Release dateFeb 10, 2016
Following Blank 5 Deaths: 4 Short Stories

Sid Patki

Siddharth works in IT. He started his career in satirical writing for the newspaper. Later he decided to write more than an article, and he ended by writing short stories. He is a traveler-adventurer and currently resides in Pune, India.

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    Following Blank 5 Deaths - Sid Patki

    Copyright © 2016 by Sid Patki.

    ISBN:      Softcover         978-1-4828-6936-1

                     eBook               978-1-4828-6935-4

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    1    FIVE

    2    BLANK

    3    FOLLOWING…

    4    DRIVE…

    Dedicated to My Parents, Sheetal, Ram, Vihaan and Grandma.

    Special thanks to Tushar Pathrikar, Aditya Kulkarni, Shashank Kalyankar & Ankita Shrivastava for their tremendous moral and editorial support.

    And thank you to my first readers and my beloved friends: Mumital Farukee, Harshal Jagtap, Nikhil Bhat, Amit Raut, Nilesh patil, Shurti Hippalgoankar, Kanishka Kapoor, Alok Kulkarni, Amit Borde, Parth & Mithil Ladda, Pankaj Yadav and Nikhil Mate.



    Sitting on the detective’s couch murderer replied casually I did kill my Wife.

    I will tell you 5 instances or stories through which I have killed my wife, and you have to choose only 1 instance which is real. If you choose correctly, I will provide you all the evidences. You can then arrest me and regain your lost honour.

    What? asked police detective.

    The Murderer took out piece of paper and displayed it blank in front of him.

    "I will write number of the real story out of 5 on this blank paper. Like 1 2 3 4 5. After that I will fold this paper in front of you and drop it in the envelope and place it on the table. You will listen to all the stories and you will be given some time to choose the correct number. Once you answer, you can open the envelope. If you are right, I will tell you everything and you can arrest me, but, if you chose the wrong number, you lose and it will go down as the case you could not crack. 5 stories but only 1 true number is in the envelope. I will give you 5 minutes to think after I finish my 5th story. So Choose wisely.

    Ready? asked the murderer.

    I can see the number now? replied the weary detective who was awakened in the middle of the night by the man who was a prime suspect in a murder.

    Yes you can, but the number would not prove anything in the courtroom. You have already failed to prove me guilty. I am a free man. Plus, it won’t give you satisfaction of knowing the number by force, it will prove your incompetency and I am sure you do not want to prove yourself again that you are useless. Do you?

    What’s the guarantee that you will give me all the evidence? asked detective.

    No Guarantee honey, it is a one sided game, let’s see you if you can pull it off. So what say? Want to try your skills one last time? But you are not allowed to interrupt me. Listen to all the stories very carefully. Every story has a clue, which might help you to decide if it is true or false. After listening to all the stories, you start by 4 wrong stories justifying why it is wrong and then the final perfect true story.

    Turn around detective; let me write the number of the real story on the paper.

    Dismayed, the detective stood up and turned around. After few seconds, he was again instructed to turnaround.

    You are young detective, Are you married? I guess not, so this will be a great learning experience for you, it will teach you how to spot an evil woman.

    Ready? Here it is murderer placed the piece of envelope on the table leaned forward and pointing finger at envelope he said answer to your mystery lies in this envelope, so let’s start.

    Murder background Story:

    A woman; age 35, ex stage actress was found dead in her apartment located on the 2nd floor, not far away from the downtown. The murder was reported by her husband at 7.15pm and police reached the crime scene by 7.25pm. The Door was opened to the police by her husband and he escorted the police to master bedroom where they found the corpse lying on bed with a knife in her heart.

    After the investigation; it was found that finger print on the knife belonged to the victim, thus in a way indicating suicide. Medical report concluded the death due to stabbing. Victim was heavily drunk with the traces of marijuana in the blood and time of death was around 2pm. The apartment did not show any forced entries or exit but the window was open at the time the murder was reported. Neighbours were consulted but none of them reported any unusual activity or spotting any stranger or a suspicious person around the window or the apartment.

    Eventually investigation boiled down to only 2 conclusions

    1. A straightway suicide.

    2. Murderer appeared through the window. Most probably it could be the husband as he was not at office desk during the time frame of murder and victim was hardly in contact with anyone else in recent months.

    Victim’s husband was under microscope all along as he was the only prime suspect. Investigating through his track record it was revealed that he had mental medical history and had restraining orders for a couple of women. Detective was sure right from the day one that husband was guilty but he hardly had any proof. The only thing he had on his side was suspect was not at his office desk from 1 Pm to 3 Pm but he had not left office premises as per exit camera. Detective was confident but he could not prove him guilty or at least take him in custody on such evidence. When questioned regarding his whereabouts during the time of murder he replied he was in the office courtyard which had no camera coverage.

    Digging more into the victim’s life, it was revealed that she had a struggling acting career and was depressed most of her life. Married life was not up to the mark and as per close friends the couple was on the verge of divorce. Couple was childless and had very few friends’ in the city and most of them were formal. As per husband, victim was depressed due to no work and had mental issue like anxiety and superiority complex.

    The Detective tried his level best to solve this case and insisted on for more time to solve it. He tried every possible way but he did not have any concrete proof. Eventually, no one was found guilty and the case went unsolved. It was a great set back to the detective as it was the first defeat in his glorious career. Husband claimed the body of the wife and he requested the court that her body should be cremated as it was her dying wish. Police Authorities were totally against it but they hardly had any reason to hold the body back. Despite detective’s lot of tantrums, the court favoured the Victims Will which clearly stated I don’t know if I will go to Hell or heaven but I want to be liberated by air. My salvation should be through cremation only.

    After completing all the funeral formalities and gulping a couple of beers of celebrations husband rang the bell of the famous detective and requested him to let him in as he had some genuine clue regarding his wife’s murder. Detective let him in. It

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