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Impacts of “The Other Justice.”
Impacts of “The Other Justice.”
Impacts of “The Other Justice.”
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Impacts of “The Other Justice.”

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With this fifth episode of Isaac Mampuya Sambas work entitled Impacts of The Other Justice, the balisambasty or the literary walk in Samba style is, among others, its scripts, its dialogues, its texts, its scenarios (brief), and among others, his cinema (his theater), which is blondywoodian, and will thus mark the epilogue of this subseries of the negritude. But, however, the balisambasty does not go away for long. Not for long. It is because it will continue for more, soon enough.
Release dateSep 24, 2016
Impacts of “The Other Justice.”

Isaac Mampuya Samba

Isaac MAMPUYA Samba (IsMaSa) est né en juillet 1952 à Kinshasa (au Congo - Kinshasa [alors : Congo belge et Kinshasa, la Capitale, anciennement Léopoldville]). Après ses Études Primaires dans la Commune de Ndjili, Quartier 2 [École Officielle Ndjili - XII, dans la même Capitale], Isaac MAMPUYA Samba avait soutenu plus tard, sa Thèse Doctorale à Paris - IV - Sorbonne, en 1989. Une Thèse PHÉNOMÉNALE qui fait Références dans Plusieurs Dizaines de Bibliothèques en France actuellement. Cfr. : Mampuya, Samba [WorldCat Identities] › identities › lccn-n92054012 Décembre 2019. Isaac MAMPUYA Samba rêvait déjà, déjà et déjà, depuis sa très tendre enfance, qu'il allait n'importe comment, devenir beaucoup, beaucoup plus tard dans sa carrière : un Écrivain . Qui plus est : un Écrivain Populaire . Et là, son rêve "de très tendre - enfance" devient : Plus que la Réalité. Plus que la Réalité ; car à l'Heure actuelle, Plusieurs Shops en Ligne répartis sur les Quatre Coins du Monde, consacrent ses bouquins : Plus Populaires . Sensationnelle Consécration.

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    Impacts of “The Other Justice.” - Isaac Mampuya Samba

    Impacts of The Other Justice.

    Isaac Mampuya Samba


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    Table of Contents










    5 - « Impacts of the Other Justice »

    Preceded by:

    3 - « Torment of JULIO, Descent From Poitevese »


    4 - An Ultimate Therapy To Save Their Children


    To those who do not know for example that in this world, apart from human justice [sometimes with errors it has despite it], there is The Other Justice: Providential Justice or Justice Supernatural; which unfortunately alas!, is not acting for the most time, that untimely.


     The Imaginary " first;

    then " ¹ the Real " after that. ».


    With this Fifth Episode of Isaac MAMPUYA Samba entitled: « Impacts of " the Other Justice  », « the  BaLiSambaSty  or  the Literary Walk in Samba – Style  » (And among – others: its scripts, its dialogues, its texts, its scenarios; brief, and among – others: his cinema [his theater] blondywoodian), thus will mark the Epilogue of this Sub – series of the Negritude. But however the BaLiSambaSty" does not go away for long. Not for long, it is because it will continue for more, soon enough.

    If, however, some people would feel … / … more or less … / … injured … / …; because their stories are not really translated (according to them);

    or: because their names; or even: because their bad memories experienced in the past, yet look like considerably; … / …

    or otherwise: because their names; or because their bad memories once lived resemble more or less (or in order to be able to express more correctly:

    they still look like clearly or so), and painted with those described in this little book [; or rather, in these small works];

    these people in question just please accept our apologies sincerely; since it is not at all, at all due to bad faith on our part.

    Again in the small Volume 5, entitled: « Impacts of the Other Justice », in On Background MARYVONNE Kinese Progeny and JULIO D’Background Spanish Descent and as always, we hope that Samba-Style or Style-Samba, we will try to do everything in order to get along.

    One will see for example among others: Following the question as:

    In short: Does mom Cathy PEGGY also to cement for example more link their wedding, she also simulated, against her gas; that is to say: vis-à-vis the father of Cathy PEGGY precisely the multiple constant false – true scenes households?

    In short: … / …?

    In short: Does the mother of Todd TEXLER also to cement for example further their relationship marriage, she also simulated, vis-à-vis the bimanous; that is to say: against the father of Todd TEXLER precisely the various scenes of households; but unfortunately alas!, himself the father of Todd TEXLER in question, not knowing actually nothing at all, at all, all these theatrics fashionable of Blondinian for example, he could only take these domestic scenes in the first degree, and consequently, he had saved for him?

    In short: Does the father of Milène VELASCO also had been the victim of Miscegenation Common Senses; or rather, Cultures?

    In short: Does the father of Jay CAREEN similarly, was the scapegoat of Culture Shock?

    In short: … / … here, here, here!

    One example will see again, among others:

    How many crimes being committed, shall in no case go unpunished in the eyes of Supernatural Justice.

    Of course, at the end of this little Volume 5, our strange Samba – Style will go away. But rest assured, it will not be for long;

    not for long because Style – Samba will almost immediately return, in Volume 6; which will follow.

    Messy, the characters mentioned in this fifth small volume:

    Main characters:

    Julio Fernandez;

    Maryvonne KEVILER;

    Lucilian KEVILER (son of MARYVONNE and JULIO);

    Evelyn MULER, which would become for a given time: Ms. Evelyn MULER, spouse FERNANDEZ;

    Christian GENEVRAY (a friend of JULIO).

    Sisters of JULIO:

    Ghislaine FERNANDEZ;

    Chatelaine Johannes FERNANDEZ;

    Solange FERNANDEZ.

    Parents of MARYVONNE:

    Maryssa Fouquet, spouse KEVILER.

    Mr. Moses KEVILER (or: Monze KEMVILA);

    Other people close to this:

    Henrietta Mafuta KEMVILA, spouse Nsenga, a sister of MOSES;

    Giraud ZEFRINO; which would succeed the dirty work to him, by the father of MARYVONNE, to recover JULIO;

    Poulain DERECK, a compagnero – accomplice of Giraud;

    Thierry Glorian, the oldest and most faithful workers, butchers of Moses KEVILER.

    Friends of MARYVONNE:

    Madam Lillian Quesnel, wife Roger BOUSSARD;

    Mr. Alejandro Of Verdun (a Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Paris – Sorbonne);

    Madam Louisetta GRIFFIN, Alejandro Of the VERDUN ‘s wife.

    People who had approached closer to LUCILIAN or his grandparents:

    Corinne KIMBERLIN (Mistress of the last class of the Kindergarten where LUCILIAN attended);

    Miss Jeanne CABROL, the babysitter that was hired to MARYSSA interest LUCILIAN;

    Madam Joubert Menie, the Mistress of the CPB School JOFFRE.

    Mr. Augustan LAMARTINE, a child psychologist; or rather, a child psychotherapist in Benedict MARCONI Center for children, at Rueil-Malmaison;

    Ms. Paloma ORNELLA, a child psychologist; or rather, a child psychotherapist at the same Benedict MARCONI Center;

    Madam Léonie COLBERT, a child psychologist; or rather, a psychotherapist with children, always in the same Benedict MARCONI Center.

    Children who were receiving therapy together with Lucilian KEVILER in the Benedict Center MARCONI:

    Magdalena MATT;

    Regina BLAIN;

    Betty MANNERS;

    Laurie Zuker;

    Janet SANTINI;

    Bennett WEAVER;

    Jacob BERGER;

    Stephan Lorentz;

    Delfino STESCHER;

    Jonathan Henks;

    Dave RABWIN;

    Steve Shiban

    Adeline KAPLAIN;

    Damien HOWE.

    Secondary characters:

    Gary ULRICH and Aziz OF ROBIAN: Without accommodations Fixed capita for a time in the Relay Center Social Atlantis (122).

    Brats of children ages that followed the therapy in the Marconi Center; which was observed behaviors, through different tapes – videos:

    Paula BERC;

    Dorothy Amann;

    Marilyn HANEY;

    Cathy PEGGY;

    Austin STEWART;

    Todd TEXLER;

    Milene Velasko;

    Jay CAREEN;

    MARION Sebastian;

    Anaïs ARMIN;

    Jacquelyn DORIS;

    Andreas NELLY.

    Other secondary characters:

    Gilles Carpentier, another worker of MOSES;

    Yves MULER, the father of EVELYN;

    Simone Durand, wife MULER, the mother of EVELYN;

    Laval BRICE and Loïc MORIN: loyal colleagues working of Yves MULER.

    Annick Tyssandier the subversive used by the father of MARYVONNE, to make a dirty job;

    Patrick Fernandez, the little brother of LUCILIAN;

    Yolanda FERNANDEZ, little sister of LUCILIAN and PATRICK.

    Claude Roland, the Chief of Staff of the Company Guarding the SECUDARGAUD;

    Regis HARISSON, the Chief Executive of SECUDARGAUD.

    The SECUDARGAUD Guards serving in a site located at Saint-Quentin – En – Yvelines:

    Bertolotti Foppiani;

    Lionel REYNALD.

    People barely mentioned in this fifth volume:

    Roger BOUSSARD’s husband of LILLIAN;

    Elian BOUSSARD, one of two daughters of LILLIAN and ROGER;

    Nicole BOUSSARD, another of two girls LILLIAN and ROGER.

    People who had tried in vain to recover [And how! And what for] in ways deplorable JULIO:

    Elvira AUBRY;

    Vincent GILBERTO;

    Henrique LEFEBVRE;

    Alfred Peuron;

    Marc THIÉBAUT.

    Other friends of JULIO:

    Nelson RUDNIK;

    Roz LORENZO;

    Eric BATTLES;

    Jeffrey MAXWELL;

    Arthur RAVER.

    The others barely mentioned in this Fifth Volume:

    Johm Christopher WINDSOR;

    Giordano COROLIAN;

    Norberto MAURY;

    Kevin DE SOUSA;

    Alexander NAVARRE;

    Olivier Gauthier;

    Lucia GAUTHIER;

    Lucian CHAPERON;

    Cleopatra MOULLER, the former worker of MOSES;

    Agatha LEROUX;

    Mvila KEMVILA, the dad of MOSES;

    Adolphina Nseke (or Mama ADOLO), the mother of MOSES;

    Patrick Fernandez, the late father of JULIO;

    Yolanda ROUSSEL, the mom of JULIO.


    In short, the parents of Maryvonne KEVILER, they would use methods for managing and transferring the nervous breakdown of their daughter, to another person, by the way. Which no one would recover little of this new situation and she just died. But for the parents of the only child: "There is no getting around as it was then, the ultimate therapy in order to save our children, and ensure the legacy of our fortune with the utmost tranquility. Is this would also be accepted by the Other Justice; or to better express it: This would also be accepted by the Providential Justice"?

    In "An Ultimate Therapy To Save Their Child, we saw that the conversation between JULIO and MARYVONNE became very, very interesting. There was for example seen as MARYVONNE, change the subject, so it was make returns to the species. Did JULIO, he had that time yet again [as indeed he always accepted so far, to no longer continue a discussion; which could turn into a fight]; accepted? Or was he angry this time? To do this, go up – so a little further back, as a reminder; and therefore, let us hear him: How was it at the time addressed to the attention of MARYVONNE: Ah!, it’s always that, change the subject for you?. Ask Julio Fernandez, in his Fatima", the Miss Maryvonne KEVILER.

    Miss Maryvonne KEVILER: So. This is not the first time that we proceed in the way that I know, not! And so today; here’s your astonishment you no longer want (alas!, unfortunately), what you had always accepted so far! .

    Julio Fernandez: « You also say [I quote]: So what? The dopa" … / … ».

    MARYVONNE: Yeah!: So what? I shed tears? .

    JULIO: « Dopamine and … / …. ».

    MARYVONNE: What I whining? .

    JULIO: « And sero… / … ».

    MARYVONNE: What I weeps? .

    JULIO: « Serotonin – oblige, I would say aye!, aye, aye! ».

    MARYVONNE: What I sob? .

    JULIO: Yet weep every time a: Yes; or a No, you do not know what to do it with me you Maryvonne! And because of this, neighbors of the building come watch us! Always wanting and yet always wreck me greatly! .

    MARYVONNE: But no ohm! It should hardly see things that way! .

    JULIO: Yeah!, yep, yet! If so ih! We should just start seeing things that way; since, it is high time now! .

    MARYVONNE: That is to say, eh!, eh, eh! .

    JULIO: « That is to say, eh, eh, eh! Me JULIO, I’ll tell you what that is to say, eh, eh, eh! – that! That is to say, that it was exactly that way just that you’d done the shame … / …! ».

    And so for him Julio Fernandez: « This Descending Parisian and Outback Descending Kinese loved and yet combine both: horror and beauty; Incredible beauty; Although incredibly beautiful; but especially shaped to mixed character; even on "a terrifying character; That character" turns out to be just for: Miss Maryvonne KEVILER. ».

    And so for him Julio Fernandez: he did not think, just take to their heels. And he actually ended up taking it; leaving behind him MARYVONNE in a mental state, you could not dismal. "There could so more lamentable; so much so that a Professor Alejandro Of Verdun try to help as; he could to find his gentleman".

    So let us hear precisely this ALEJANDRO, continues his conversation with the depressed MARYVONNE; a conversation begun in Volume No. 4, entitled: "An Ultimate Therapy To Save Their Children".

    We had too much too spoiled since childhood! And worse, we never wanted for example dare contradict his very, very poor whims; when she was growing up! And now the work!


    The Professor Alejandro Of Verdun": And what was the reception, once arrived at the scene where there is the Headquarters of the Guard Company? ».

    MARYVONNE: « The I was treated as being less than nothing! The I was treated, as a sausage very, very depressed! The I was treated, as a real crazy! The I was treated, as a real mental haywire! The I was treated, as a real bitch! The I was treated, as a real plague! ».

    ALEJANDRO: Ah!, you saw eh! .

    MARYVONNE: « Yeah!, ih! And like that ah!, you ALEJANDRO, you had suggested to me as anything, that you will recover my Julio Fernandez, Of Poitevese Progeny and Progeny Background In Spanish! And like that, you ALEJANDRO, you had suggested to me blithely Julio Fernandez will return! Frankly, I think about – me MARYVONNE, he will never return at all! ».

    ALEJANDRO: But if ih! He will return! .

    MARYVONNE: « So despite the fact that the situation regarding the search for what JULIO is as it appears! But nevertheless, you confirm me anyway as yours – ALEJANDRO, like what, Julio Fernandez will come back? ».

    ALEJANDRO: I can confirm that anyway; since I’m sure. .

    MARYVONNE: But then when he returns? .

    ALEJANDRO: Soon. .

    MARYVONNE: Soon? .

    ALEJANDRO: Absolutely! .

    MARYVONNE: But how can you be so sure and so confident like that ah? .

    ALEJANDRO: I told you I was going to see [even if he had to, for example], a medium! You remember that right? .

    MARYVONNE: Yep!, I remember. So you had already consulted? .

    ALEJANDRO that in reality, it was there, that lie about a medium, to try to make go as he could, the morale of MARYVONNE; he wouldn’t consequently little, answered in the affirmative: Absolutely!, I had already consulted. .

    Miss Maryvonne KEVILER: And what did he answer you this medium in question? .

    Alejandro VERDUN: « It’s like I’ve already said, Soon. ».

    MARYVONNE: « This medium had actually said to you: Soon? ».

    ALENJANDRO: « Of course! Soon, he told me actually indeed! But he had also suggested to me that it would take this time ‘it, treat him well! Treat him properly, like a spouse or rather are treated: a husband at home! That is to say, especially not to leave to him no deal almost alone, of all the household chores! In addition, you should make him, more wilt in the presence of people; when they come to visit you here in Montrouge! ».

    MARYVONNE: My mother had her all and you just told what ah! .

    ALEJANDRO: Absolutely. She had the opportunity to have me once on the phone. There was a lot done. And therefore, she finished among others, for me also mention, uh – huh!, ih! .

    MARYVONNE: « No, if he comes back! If JULIO back, I would not behave me again as a hysterical mad at its worst and having in hers veins, a vampirian blood; vampiric blood flowingly; and when it goes down to her nerves and to the throat; it makes her do stupid things; which among others, are the shame [to her ape]. I promise that if JULIO returns; I would not behave me again at all, at all, as such a butterfly" I just describe some characteristic features psychosomatic! ».

    ALEJANDRO: « "Such maidenly" like the one you just described, it is really you? ».

    MARYVONNE: « It’s ah!, my mother did not say you had and she stands out! You do not believe much in your ears eh! You do not believe much in your ears; but it’s really me "this girlish then! But then, I promise you that if you ever as the medium has spoken; and Julio Fernandez returned! I would not behave me again at all, at all, as the prostitute which I have just described psychosomatic some characteristic features"! I now would behave properly. I would not do more JULIO suffer with my very, very bad characters. ».

    "« And of Verdun had returned home. » «.

    LILLIAN, at MARYVONNE: Oh!, you really did her disgrace in the apartment huh! .

    MARYVONNE, at LILLIAN: I admit that I am ashamed to answer your astonishment; because the answer is actually: Aye! .

    LILLIAN: What kind of obloquy you were doing it for example? .

    MARYVONNE: « Today for example, when there were guests at home; me MARYVONNE, it looks like something made me nervous; and it made me uncomfortable and very, very anxious. And on the other hand, in my mind (and I know this is the sort of vampire blood, one would say, that in my mind: this kind of Vampiric Blood, that one, I have definitely me): it seems like something in question always told me like what, that not only that there were only carnal knowledge that could take away the nervousness and put me at ease; but also that no matter how, there were more visitors from us; which might hinder us; that they had already returned home. And therefore. ».

    Lillian QUESNEL, wife Roger BOUSSARD: Aye, aye!, ih!, ih, ih! And therefore? .

    Miss Maryvonne KEVILER: « Hmm mm! We really need me to do a drawing! Finally is! And therefore I did to him: Do you suppose; that is to say: what a couple; or to better express it: it was that two lovers should do that by being hidden; or by being sheltered from prying eyes. And you my dear LILLIAN quite frankly! Have not you ever behaved in this way, vis-à-vis Roger BOUSSARD, the father of your two daughters Nicole and Elian BOUSSARD? ».

    LILLIAN: « I quite frankly! I’ve never behaved this way, vis-à-vis Roger BOUSSARD, the father of my two daughters Nicole and Elian BOUSSARD! What for? This is because the legalistic lessons I received from my father and my mother since my early childhood – force! ».

    MARYVONNE: « But as for me – MARYVONNE, I acknowledge that I am "a crazy-hysterical empress of the worst kind that can exist. In this regard precisely, I have to admit that it was some GHISLAINE, a sister of JULIO, who frankly made me realize what I really was. I am this crazy chick – hysterical – there; which grew up with very, very bad characters. But still is! Besides, this is what had finally led to serious problems between on the one hand, I MARYVONNE who speaks to you now; and on the other hand, him, JULIO the fugitive"! It’s really weird! He is the coward who fled the marital home; and it is I who thinks and continues to also think of him! ».

    LILLIAN: We should think about him anymore! Only wish that your friend Alejandro Of VERDUN finally find him anywhere; and, when so found, he agrees to come back alive with you, in Montrouge. And at that time, you’d all really should be done in order not to hurt him; and you would see yourself my dear friend and colleague MARYVONNE, it would work as if for example, it was on wheels! .

    MARYVONNE: Many thanks for all the advices my dear friend and colleague. .

    "You’ll never understand

    how could all be sad,

    if someone you really love,

    flees, without saying where he goes!".

    Like all moral consolations, Alejandro Of VERDUN used to lavish on The Background Kinese Descending; the moral comfort; LILLIAN had lavished on this one, had restored precisely this, they hope to live. Hence, she had begun to take hers antidepressants. She began taking pills against depression. She also began again anyway to have the love and taste, her job as Secretary – Trilingual Management This is because before, though still went to work; but only here, in reality, she had in fact at all, at all, desire. She did not at all, at all, envy or believes whatever it may be in fact work. Now, with the comfort that her colleague and friend LILLIAN granted her; like all comforts her friend ALEJANDRO (and his wife) offered her; MARYVONNE had taken a taste of life. She began to repeat very well housework, Three rooms of her apartment. But only here, Julio Fernandez still be, to long, to return at Montrouge; and it had been several months; to not even say: it was already more than two years that she was still waiting in vain. MARYVONNE that, yet again had very frankly to have the love and the taste of her work; another day at lunch time to the service, she was all sadly sitting on the chair; and she would not eat. She sat for ten minutes in his chair in the canteen at work, with her great friend Lillian QUESNEL, wife BOUSSARD. She did not even have the courage to eat the meal she ordered herself. Her friend Lillian QUESNEL asked: The reason of the fact that she was apparently, and it suddenly became so sad; so discouraged and very, very bad shape? But at first, she even refused to answer.

    LILLIAN, at MARYVONNE: MARYVONNE? But why are you so sad apparently became suddenly like that ah? Why did you become so discouraged like that ah? Why are they become so ill so suddenly? Why do not you answer me when I talk to you? .

    After urging of her great friend Lillian QUESNEL, Maryvonne KEVILER ’s response was; and that one, a very low voice and very sad: You’ll never understand my love LILLIAN! .

    LILLIAN: I cannot understand what? .

    MARYVONNE: You’ll never understand how we could be very sad if someone you really love, runs away, without saying where he goes! .

    LILLIAN: « Ah!, I was sure: you think again and again forever, about your guy Julio Fernandez, the father of LUCILIAN? ».

    MARYVONNE: Certainly!, ih! .

    LILLIAN: Since the headquarters of his job security, we will not send you all the information concerning! So, why were you not part of yourself in person, visit for example for several nights in a row in his job? Do you know at least its sites assignment? .

    MARYVONNE: « Of course! Of course I got to know his reporting site! But I was gone! Before my friend ALEJANDRO and myself, we went to his place of work, I had obviously begun and there. It is at No. 113 Avenue President Sadi Carnot. But only, it is far! This is very far! It’s still very, very far! This is the fifth area! It is a site that is to Saint-Quentin – En – Yvelines, and even beyond! It is, so to speak, one of the suburbs of that City what; JULIO though he used to call it the Site or the Station Saint – Quentin. But only here, the problem is that almost nothing, nothing at all, is marked! The problem is that there is virtually no information! ».

    LILLIAN: I should have suspected! I said that too, as you would have certainly had a chance to get at least one day on himself Julio Fernandez; or otherwise, on one of his colleagues; which would have been very kind to possibly provide you with valuable information about the father of LUCILIAN! .

    MARYVONNE: « You bet! I was gone for three weeks; and that every night. But only here, I encountered only other heads. This position is located next to the bus station! ».

    LILLIAN: « What a pity there only to meet other heads and not, him JULIO! ».

    MARYVONNE: « In addition, I do not even tell you that in order to get there; order to reach this place; to get this job for the first time (the Central Station Of Security) located at Level 0, in a large eight – floors building; he had to deal, in a sacred Chinese puzzle so to speak! But nevertheless, I was out in anyway somehow. Arriving at the Central Station Of Security (and this: even for several nights), I unfortunately had unfortunately found the one item that I left in search!; that is to say: he Julio Fernandez. ».

    LILLIAN: Who did you find there? .

    MARYVONNE: « Hmm mm, I found several other people. I found it such an Italian national, appointed Bertolotti Foppiani; which also did not speak French very well. But he was very welcoming anyway vis-à-vis me, after all. I also found another course heads, for example a certain Lionel REYNALD. ».

    LILLIAN: « Why did you hardly asked these other heads so they can provide you information about the father of LUCILIAN? ».

    MARYVONNE: « But that was precisely what I did every time. But unfortunately that’s just, unfortunately, I always came across people!; or: who had never known at all, JULIO; or who had known and worked with him for two or three months, for example; then they met again, again. This is a very sensitive position that post here in Saint – Quentin; this is a position in which guards would remain almost never long enough; even if they want to stay long anyway. They told me everyone, each in his words, of course; but the content of remaining always the same message. ».

    LILLIAN: Go therefore whether it was true that they told you all! .

    MARYVONNE: It was unfortunately then, alas!, the whole point! .

    LILLIAN: And yeah!, ih!, a great question! .

    MARYVONNE: « Over time, I realized that I was there, that simply make me fool myself by constantly wanting to extract information about JULIO; and that, wanting sometimes insist several times from the same guards; and asking them and always repeating them, the same issues; when they had already told them that they knew! From where … / … ».

    LILLIAN: Where? .

    MARYVONNE: Where, I just decided to give this track there. .

    LILLIAN: Holy shit! .

    MARYVONNE: When I remember that I had never left there where JULIO worked before; when we were together; while he in his case, he came almost every time here in our workplace! .

    LILLIAN: But you also MARYVONNE! Why you did not go there? .

    MARYVONNE: And yet he wanted and he was telling me and I repeated the same all the time, he also had to me, I go and see where he was working! But it was me who did not want; or not yet in those moments! And here is what comes next, how it is? .

    LILLIAN: And like that, much later, you would feel in this ultimate burden of collecting all alone, his place of work! And that’s how, that this series presents what! .

    MARYVONNE: « And yep!, ih! Given the current turn of events, I was obliged to go! I was forced to go to My Computer then this Saint – Quentin and lose myself! ».

    LILLIAN: Is it far? .

    MARYVONNE: It is very far! It is in the Fifth area! It is a site that is to Saint-Quentin – En – Yvelines, and even beyond! .

    LILLIAN: Shame! .

    MARYVONNE: The problem is not even the distance; because I went there, to the edge of my Mercedes. But only here, the problem is that. .

    LILLIAN: Aye!, ih!, ih, ih! The problem is that? .

    MARYVONNE: The problem is that almost nothing, nothing at all, is marked! The problem is that there is virtually no information! .

    LILLIAN: " This is

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