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Borrowed Theme: A Bundle of Thoughts That Were Never Ours
Borrowed Theme: A Bundle of Thoughts That Were Never Ours
Borrowed Theme: A Bundle of Thoughts That Were Never Ours
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Borrowed Theme: A Bundle of Thoughts That Were Never Ours

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Watch any drug commercial, and watch as the actors and actresses distract your attention toward the end of the commercial as a voice elegantly lists the horrifying side effects. This can sum up the borrowed themea hidden world of lies with carefully placed distractions to divide your attention. In this book, we focus not on the pretty faces youre supposed to look at. We focus on that tiny text at the bottom of the screen. We lift the hood on the car and check the engine while the salesman is trying desperately to get you fixated on the shiny paint. When you are able to spot a lie, a distraction, or an embellishment of the truth, you are on your way to freethinking.
Release dateJan 9, 2017
Borrowed Theme: A Bundle of Thoughts That Were Never Ours

Michael Evans

Dr Michael Evans trained in medicine in Britain, Germany and Switzerland before helping to found Park Attwood Clinic near Birmingham, England. He was a physician and anthroposophical doctor until his retirement.

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    Borrowed Theme - Michael Evans

    © 2017 Michael Evans. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 01/09/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5898-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5897-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017900272

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.





    Chapter 1 Accretion. The Killer Who is Never Found Guilty

    Chapter 2 Humanity’s Disease

    Chapter 3 Religion – an Idea that Spoke its Last Intelligible Word Thousands of Years Ago

    Chapter 4 Morality – Where does it come from and what’s really moral?

    Chapter 5 A World Where Things Don’t Make Sense

    Chapter 6 The Shirley Trap – Recognize it, because your life depends on it

    Chapter 7 Bon Voyage to the People on the Dock



    To my family. Litera Scripta Manet (The Written Word Endures). Wherever they shall find our words, they should know that we aimed for truth and not for popularity.


    I’m an Atheist living in America that says, God bless you every time someone sneezes simply because I don’t want to be labeled an outcast. I am conditioned by society into believing that when I say those three magic words, God bless you that I’m being courteous, and by not saying it, I’m somehow being rude. When it’s only really a superstition that went viral, formulated from a time when people thought the earth was flat. This book is less about being an atheist to religious theology, which is just a person who does not follow the theory; it’s about not following any system of belief. The collective beliefs that are held by the majority of people in society make up the Borrowed Theme. Not participating in the culture of religious theology, dictatorship style governance and outdated education is tantamount to not collecting stamps in my opinion. We never label a person who decides not to participate in the past time of collecting stamps a non-stamp-collector. Borrowed Theme is a book about human behavior. Why we do we what we do as individuals and more importantly - as a society. Most of us go through life on autopilot, which I like to call blind faith. They believe what they are told and rarely question the establishment. I say screw faith. Give me logic and reason and we’ll arrive at the truth. Michael covers the borrowed theme dynamic in depth over a multitude of interesting topics, most considered taboo. We don’t put 13th floors on buildings. Think about that for a second. People blindly fear the number 13 for superstitious reasons and we as a society follow for fear of raising our hand and seeming like the curious student at the end of the school day who asks a question at the sound of the bell. Asking questions in our society elicits eye rolls from people who are content to fly under the radar in life. It’s vacuous superstition and past practice, regardless of the progress and effectiveness, that most of us deem the norm.

    Jamie Evans


    The Borrowed Theme is a bundle of thoughts sold from one person to the next – from generation to generation

                   -Michael Evans

    June 10, 2002 at 1:00PM.

    Ring…. Ring….

    (Joe) Hello.

    (Sergeant) Hey Joe, it’s your Sarge. I’m calling to give you kudos on the felony arrest you made last night. The boss upstairs is proud and he said you did a great job. You were able to get a waiter to confess to stealing credit cards out of the pocketbooks of unsuspecting wedding guests while they danced at their family wedding. You recovered 15 credit cards and everyone is happy!

    June 10, 2002 at 1:15PM.

    Ring…. Ring….

    (Joe) Hello.

    (Sergeant) Hey Joe, its Sarge again. Listen, we have a problem. I need you to come in today to resign, otherwise we have to fire you.

    (Joe) But you just called me a few minutes ago, to praise the work I did last night. What happened?

    (Sergeant) Well, it’s complicated. While you did a great job, a detective was going to lose a vacation day for breaking protocol by not processing the felony arrest with you. When he blew off your call to assist with the felony, he lied and pretended he didn’t get that call. After reviewing the radio logs and finding that he lied, he may lose his job for lying during an investigation. He’s got kids and a pension. You’re just a part timer, so you’ll have to bite the bullet on this one and say you broke protocol by never calling him to assist – and unfortunately, you’ll be terminated for that. So, go ahead and resign to save your career. You can find work somewhere else.

    What a nasty way to learn, but this was the catalyst that started my quest to make sense of the world I was born into. How can we trust anyone or anything when the framework of right and wrong have little or nothing to do with morality? I call it a Borrowed Theme, because we didn’t author this bundle of thoughts. We borrowed these ideas from the people who lived before us and from the people alive now who accept, a priori, what success is, what is true, what is moral, who is in charge, where we came from and where we’re going. When you take the time to investigate everything, you realize one thing – it’s all bullshit. Everything. I’m not telling you it’s bullshit so you can start posting Facebook memes about how much you hate the world. I’m about to open the hood on the greatest lies ever told, lies you may still believe. Once you embark the journey to start uncovering the lies you’ve been handed in the bundle of thoughts that existed when you were born, then and only then can you start to think freely. Once you drop this

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