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The Art of Giving
The Art of Giving
The Art of Giving
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The Art of Giving

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This book is related to what you have with you and at no cost you can give it to others. Well, in our entire lives, we just forget ourselves and forget about what God has blessed us with, and we go on chasing other things without discovering our true self. Fluctuations in our moods day by day decide that we are not living our life the way we should live it; we have not discovered the secret of life. We are just going with the flow as our ancestors, and we are not living a better and hopeful life. Whatever we get in life is all what we have given in our life. So giving is a great part of life. What should be given is a question so that we receive wonderful results out of it. This question is answered in this entire book, and if you really follow it, you will see a tremendous difference in the way you live your life. No doubt, there should not be second thoughts in your mind while executing everything you read because till the time you dont believe in it and follow it from your heart, you are not going to get wonderful results. As it is said, you have to sow before you reap. I cant help it, sweetheart; this is a law of nature which is above all of us. So just carry on and enjoy reading it.
Release dateMar 12, 2015
The Art of Giving

Rajwant Kaur

Rajwant Kaur is just like you who believe that a single person can change everything in their own lives and at the same time influences the one who is around them. Her interest in reading philosophy books has eventually led her to be an author. She believes that faith in God should be every person’s best friend, which helps in overcoming our hard times with ease.

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    The Art of Giving - Rajwant Kaur

    Copyright © 2015 by Rajwant Kaur.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-4496-2

                    eBook           978-1-4828-4495-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Introduction It is How You Have to Give to Get

    Chapter 1 Unwavering Faith

    Chapter 2 Living the Present

    Chapter 3 The Power of Gratitude

    Chapter 4 Forgiveness

    Chapter 5 Expectations

    Chapter 6 You are Less Prepared

    Chapter 7 Abundance Mentality

    Chapter 8 Opportune Conflict

    Chapter 9 Supporting Humanity

    Chapter 10 Everyone is Important

    Chapter 11 Execution


    Just as soil is appreciated when it is fertile, a tree is appreciated when it gives fruit, and a plant is appreciated when it blossoms flowers, so are humans appreciated when their work is beneficial to others.


    In my life, as I pass through happy and tough times, my faith in God has helped me to grow, to learn, to become wiser day by day. So first of all, I would like to thank God from the core of my heart then all the persons who have brought a light of hope in my life and who have trusted me and have given their love and support for me to become whatever I am today. From the deepest core of my heart, I would like to thank my family, friends, relatives, and teachers who have always enlightened my soul. Special thanks to my parents.


    It is How You Have to Give to Get

    ‘A watched pot never boils.’

    We all are aware of this English proverb but hardly do we take time out to think about it deeply so that we can sense what it actually means. Do we think about our lives so that we can really live the way we want? There are so many examples set by Mother Nature to teach us how we should live our lives. For example, if we put milk in a pot on gas stove to boil and we stand by it to see as it boils so that we can switch off the gas right way, it never boils but the moment we turn our attention away a little, it boils. Why does this happen? This happens due to curiosity. We have it within ourselves to get things done more quickly with the pace we set in our minds.

    The things which we do out of curiosity never work, or they spoil entirely. What if we can know our level of curiosity in whatever we do? The level of curiosity to have the work done is inversely proportional to the happiness in your heart and directly proportional to the delay it takes to finish the work. Having no curiosity means you are happy in the way things are. It is when whatever you are doing, you are happy within that, and in happiness you don’t even see the time it took for the thing to get done. The time goes the way it should go, and we should not either chase time or work. Our work should be done out of our inner happiness so that we can do our work to the best.

    What you choose to do decides your destiny. The choice of words you speak will affect your relationship. The choice of recovering the mistakes will affect your wisdom. The choice of words we hear will affect our thoughts. The choice to forgive others will bring trust. The choice of how we see the world decides our present thoughts, and our present thoughts decide our present lives. If your present life is good, it can be made best, and if it’s at its best, it can be made perfect. That’s about how life works and how we learn one thing after another from Mother Nature.

    When we ignore what nature teaches us, then we go off-track, and what we have—whether it is social, financial, political, economic issues—will start rising one after another. It may be personal or public. I believe that the personal life you and I live affect the public at large. We learn from nature that everything is connected in the universe. So we would not be here if there is no oxygen, and oxygen would be missing if trees were not there. Trees can only be grown if soil and water are there. Sometimes, I am surprised by how perfectly everything is designed by God for all the creatures in the universe. What if plants and trees refuse to give fruits and flowers for us? And what if the soil doesn’t allow us to make bricks, utensils, and so on?

    How difficult our survival would be if nature would be selfish like us. Well, this is something like a clue of interdependency to us. That means our Mother Nature teaches us to cooperate and to give away things which need to be given, and it teaches us that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The entire universe is one, and in that we all exist—you, me, our families. We all are connected to each other. In that way, whatever we do influences the entire universe. For example, if I am a spiritual person, then my colleagues, family, and neighbours will be influenced by it to some extent and vice versa.

    Good influences and promotes good in the universe and vice versa. Much of the work in our daily lives is accomplished by the universe in some form or other. Our lives are sustained by food, water, and oxygen, which I think are at a very low cost. Also, we hardly give time to think about those people who work day and night so that our necessities are fulfilled and our natural resources, which sustain our lives. If we think it over, whatever we get so easily or at no cost must be returned in some form or other so the only responsibility left for us is to give.

    Give, give, and give. Gratitude is the only and one thing that can be given to the Almighty or the universe.

    Gratitude is the peaceful way of returning to the universe the benefits we receive from the natural resources and from the people who are working day and night. God has blessed all of us with abundance, either in tangible form or intangible form. What is required and needed out of us is our attitude to see what he has for us, and this can only be realized when we think about the things to be grateful for. When our minds are focused on what we have, we hardly will get time to think about what we don’t have. By focusing on the things to be grateful for, you will get more of the things you are grateful for—same as every drop makes an ocean or each flower makes a garland. When you start being grateful, it is not that things around you change; instead, your attitude changes to see things differently. If you can see abundant and feel abundant, you will be abundant, and you will see unity in diversity. When we see unity in diversity, it means you treat the entire universe as one. Those who don’t treat the universe as one only harm themselves.

    There is enough in this world for everybody’s need, but not enough for certain people’s greed. (Mahatma Gandhi)

    This quote in itself says everything that there is abundant for each one of us in this universe. Each one of us plays an important role in this universe—whether we know it or not—because everything starts out with one. Slowly and steadily it influences the habits of the person. These habits will have ultimate effect on the life of that person. Generally, we think that our lives are based on experiences, but experiences are based on habits, and habits are based on thoughts. So ultimately, our thoughts decide the lives we live.

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