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Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul
Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul
Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul
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Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul

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When you swim with Dolphins in the wild, they uplift your spirit, heal you in ways you had never thought possible, and leave a lasting impression on you that you will treasure forever. In this book, Olivia recounts her personal and professional adventure in Australia with the Dolphins. She describes the different methods she has used to study what she calls the Dolphin Within, that uplifting effect wild Dolphins have on humans. As a Neuroscientist, she studied human brainwaves, but also human heart rhythm before and after Dolphins encounters. She has found scientific evidences of and possible explanations for changes in human mind, body and spirit after such experiences. Reaching your Dolphin Within could free yourself of fears, phobias, addictions, grief, depression and more. Could the Dolphins be Doctors of our Soul? Could the Dolphins show us a way to speed up our evolution and live in a world of peace, love and respect for the planet?
Release dateMay 24, 2021
Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul

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    Dolphins, Doctors of Our Soul - Olivia de Bergerac PhD

    Copyright © 2021 Olivia de Bergerac, PhD.

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/25/2021


    To the Dolphins, my Teachers.

    To my brother Henri, my Cousteau Diver.



    The Legend of the Golden Dolphin

    Becoming A Dolphin Consultant

    The first call

    Studies, Travel and Work

    Australia Beckons

    My Mission into the Corporate World

    The MBA Adventure

    Mining the Barrier Reef

    Cultural Differences

    Second Call

    Becoming A TQM Consultant

    Taking Risks in Consulting

    The Magic of the Little Bay

    Learning with Fun

    The Third Call

    Discovering My Purpose in Life

    A Special Birthday

    Sharing the experience

    The First Dolphin Within program

    Songs to the Dtolphins

    Becoming a Dolphin

    A Poseidon Story

    Breaking through Limits

    The Research Program

    The Research Licence

    I Was the First Guinea Pig

    Christmas Day with the Dolphins

    A Quick Escape to the Dolphins

    Monkey Mia Calls Me

    Healing my Heart

    Doubts Dispelled

    The Motorbike Accident

    The Power of a Dolphin Therapist

    Power of the Vision

    The Dolphin Society is Born

    An Outline of the Society

    The Pod

    Howie’s Dolphin Within Experience

    Wilderness therapy with Bluey

    An Oceanic Reserve

    Whale and Dolphin Declaration

    Dolphin Concert on Sydney Harbour

    The Dolphin Evenings

    Dolphin Within Presentations

    Dolphin within Patterns

    It’s about Experiencing, not Believing

    Pattern 1. Free from fear of the sea

    Pattern 2. Free from grief

    Seeing from Within

    Emotional Release

    Healing the biggest pain, loneliness

    The Mother’s Guilt

    Personal Transformation

    Healing Cry

    Pattern 3. Free from Addiction

    I am not Your Mum!

    Learning to be Responsible

    You don’t know about Dolphin Energy

    Premonition under the Full Moon

    Diving with the Dolphins

    Gone with the Dolphins

    The Skipper’s Insights

    Cooking for the first time

    I have a new son

    ‘I’m okay now’

    Mum, I don’t drink any more

    Clear about what he wants

    Healing from depression

    Pattern 4. Free access to Stored Trauma: Traumatic Amnesiat

    Pattern 5. Free from Self-Doubt and Weight

    The Transformation Ctontinues

    Pattern 6. Free from Physical Pain

    Healing Arthritis

    Sending Mental Messages

    Mental Image Transmission

    Dolphin Drunkenness

    Friends for Life

    Facilitating Miracles?

    Pattern 7. Free to Change her Life

    Dramatic Changes Occur

    Awakening to her Full Potential

    Pattern 8. Free to access Spiritual Worlds

    Pattern 9. Family therapy

    Divorcing with Fun

    Family Playfulness

    Strengthening the Bonds between Parents and Children

    Separation with Love

    Pattern 10. Pregnant Women

    Water Babies

    Dolphins Training Humans

    The Awakened Brain

    The Dolphin Within Log

    The ‘Colour your Face’ exercise

    The Dolphin Within Assessment

    Art Therapy

    The Personal Journal


    Brainwave Patterns

    Brain research protocol

    Lindsay: production of Theta

    Theta Training

    Alpha and Theta Brainwave Training

    Free from old scripts

    Childhood memories and theta

    Opening the Pandora’s Box

    A New Script

    Simon: a Cross-Over Point

    Kiran: an ‘Awakened Mind’

    The Hierarchy of States

    The Sixth State

    The Seventh State

    The Eighth State

    Self-Regulating our Brains

    Dolphins: Catalysts for Human Transformation

    Echolocation Therapy

    Sound Therapy

    From Homo-Limbus to Homo-Thalamus

    Dolphin Within Therapy

    Tuning into stored traumas

    Releasing Physical Pain

    Ending Addiction and Substance Abuse




    Peak health

    Personality transformation

    New frontiers

    The Energy Field

    Puzzling Experiences

    ‘Feeling Zapped’

    The Field of Energy

    The Life Force

    A Model of Subtle Bodies

    Developing your Dolphin Within State

    The Power of Water

    Snorkelling and Scuba Diving

    Creating your Dolphin Within State

    Select a Dolphin Space

    Dolphin Ways to Connect


    The fight or flight reaction

    Cigarette Butts

    Fire and War

    In Hospital

    A New Model of Human Potential

    Transpersonal Psychology

    A Transpersonal Experience

    The TSSD Matrix

    Experiencing our Full Potential

    What can we learn from the animals and their human counterparts?




    Turtle Transformation




    Shark Transformation




    Seahorse Transformation




    Community Builders

    Dolphins into the Business World

    ODB Consulting’s mission

    The Delphi Process

    Awakening Organisations to their Full Potential

    Facilitating Community Change

    Discovering the Shark and Turtle

    Discovering the Dolphin part of a Team

    Experiencing the Ocean

    When Bankers meet the Dolphins

    A Turtle Organisation finds its Dolphin Side

    Dolphins, our Corporate Facilitators

    Developing a Pod of seventy Corporate Dolphins

    From an Oil Company to a New Energy Company

    When Sharks try to imitate Dolphins

    Corporate Dolphin Consultants

    The Vision Becoming A Reality

    Dolphin Within transformations

    Bill S.

    A Dolphin Within Centre

    The Declaration of Cetaceans

    Dolphins in the Harbour by the year 2000

    TV Documentaries

    Press Releases

    The Radio

    Open to Surprise

    The Dolphins, our eachers

    The World to Come

    HOMO-DELPHINUS Research on the Heart, 2004 - 2021

    Synchronisation of Hearts

    Dolphin Within Coaching

    The Intelligence of the Heart


    Dr Michel Odent


    Flash- Back to September 2013 - A Dream

    A Dolphin Ambassador

    August 9, 2015. Divine Encounter!


    Dolphin Books

    Corporate Dolphin Books

    Dolphin Spiritual Books

    Dolphin Brain Books

    Dolphin within Language



    This book is about my journey with dolphins. It is told through human stories, photos, drawings, transcripts of videos and conversations with participants of the Dolphin Within expeditions: a research program into human brain/heart states before and after dolphin encounters. It integrates all the different ways I have used to capture the experience I call the Dolphin Within, the shared but intensely individual experiences people have when they are in close contact with wild dolphins. They are feeling Dauphin themselves or Homo-Delphinus. This is the term used years ago by my friend Jacques Mayol in his famous book. In 1999, Jacques told me, at a conference on Dolphins, in Paris ‘Olivia pardon but I steal the title of your book ‘The Dolphin Within’ to translate in English my book Homo-Delphinus, The Dolphin Within Man.

    Years ago, very few people in the Western world talked about near-death experiences; it is only since collective experiences have been gathered that we are now able to conceptualise this phenomenon more widely. Following the same approach, I have collected a large number of Dolphin Within experiences over the last fifteen years, from the regular research trips during which I have witnessed many encounters between people and dolphins. Different patterns have emerged out of the two hundred case studies, which show the power of transformation and healing that such encounters can create.

    However, going further than just collecting experiences, I tested the brains of the participants before and after their Dolphin Within experiences, using an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine connected to a notebook computer. I then started to use a heart rate variability monitor which gives me an insight into the heart rhythm of the participants. Using these two methods, I have found scientific evidence of and possible explanations for the changes in mind, body and spirit I have observed in people who encounter dolphins. The brainwave pattern changes and the human brain shifts into a very slow frequency called ‘theta’. The heart rate variability pattern reaches a high coherent rhythm. It is that specific state that I call the Dolphin Within. That state leads humans to a self-transformation process that has great potential.

    One can say that my scientific research demystifies the healing power of dolphins. However, the more I observe, the more I realise how much I don’t know, and the more I realise how much we People of the Earth have yet to learn from the People of the Sea.

    This book explains why, since 1993, I have dedicated my life, my financial resources and my time to explore the human-dolphin connection through the creation of the Dolphin Society, a non-profit institution, and ODB Consulting, a management consulting company. Both of these are aimed at bringing Dolphin Within experiences to the general public and the business world. As a management consultant, I have developed new human psychology tools on human potential based on a dolphin model. Not only do I synchronize talk about the Corporate Dolphin way of doing business, but I also bring business people to experience the Dolphin Within themselves, in order to facilitate t change in their personal and professional lives.

    In the presence of a dolphin, our heart and brain synchronize with the heart and cerebral rhythm of the animal. The dolphin would unveil the future of human consciousness by transforming us into Homo-Delphinus.

    This book was first published in English by the publishing house Simon and Schuster in Australia. It was then translated into Japanese and then into Dutch, and later I translated myself in French. This updated version is now available world-wild. This new version includes a whole new part that deals with research on the rhythm of the human heart in presence of dolphins, which is fundamental to the scientific understanding of Delphinotherapy. The book also reports on the results of my project to facilitate the return of dolphins in Sydney Bay ... a crazy project that could be replicated around the world.

    Finally, on a more personal note, I have since 22 March 2004 a baby-swimmer. My daughter Lilou was born in the water like a dolphin at 6:21 am. Lilou has become my research project since that day. At two, she was always first in the water with the dolphins with her little fins and her mask. Nowadays it is convenient for me to have a young teenager who can communicate by telepathy (even if she has asked for a phone when she turned twelve)!.

    A Dolphin Within experience is indescribable, by definition. Every person coming out of a powerful experience with dolphins says the same thing: ‘There is no word’. I don’t even want to talk for some time after a Dolphin Within experience. So, creating a book about something that cannot be expressed in words is quite a challenge.

    Until we humans develop our communication systems towards those of the dolphins (who share information holographically, transferring images from one brain to another brain using sound), the written word, pictures and sounds are the best we can use to offer a taste of the Dolphin Within experience to a wider audience.

    I hope you will soon be able to hear, while reading, the Ooh, aah, whoo and Oh my God which are part of any Dolphin Within experience. We were asked by ABC Radio to put together some sounds of our trips for an interview, and we realised how much a Dolphin Within experience was about opening the heart and laughing, hearing the joyful human sounds expressing at each dolphin’s jump at the bow of the boat.

    Much of this book was written on the sea, on a yacht, with the dolphins around me. I could just pop my head out of the cabin, away from the computer screen, to spot a fin, even when the yacht was moored in the marina. I found that floating among dolphins was my best source of inspiration. I hope that this book will inspire you too to follow your dream as I did.

    Enjoy your Dolphin Within adventure… come and join us one day in Australia, on the French Riviera, the Read Sea to swim with dolphins or on Skype for some coaching sessions!

    Could the Dolphins be Doctors of our Soul? Could Dolphins show us a way to speed up our evolution?

    Dr Olivia de Bergerac

    Sydney, 2021

    The Legend of the

    Golden Dolphin

    By Peter S., the Legendarian.

    "Throughout the myths and history of civilisation runs a recurring theme. From time to time, at certain crucial turning points in humankind’s journey from beast to self-awareness, there has occurred a mysterious communion with the ‘people of the sea’, the dolphins.

    The record of this inspiring communion between the two great intelligent mammalian races on Earth, this ‘space’ contact, is encoded in the myths and legends handed down to us.

    Whenever this has happened, a resulting spark of inspiration has illuminated the next phase of the civilising process, only to fade gradually from conscious memory... until the next time.

    As we pass through the current crisis of civilisation, tossed about in the creative chaos of the cusp between two ages, the door of perception is opening once again.

    Now the ancient mythical tales make startling sense and take on dramatic new meaning as science begins to reveal the depth of the dolphins’ significance.

    The popular imagination is again fired with Delphic inspiration.

    This is the Legend of the Golden Dolphin, the once and future story of our evolutionary dance of consciousness with the alien intelligence that inhabits the Oceanic vastness of our Spaceship Earth.

    Dolphins’ brains are larger than ours, and two and a half times more complex. They have access to both sides of their being, the logical and the intuitive, unlike people who are predominantly right-handed and controlled by the (logical) half of their being.

    Dolphins have struck a balance between their obvious strength and obvious loving nature.

    Living in the amazing and supportive environment of the sea, with access to three-quarters of the surface of the planet, and with larger, more intricate brains, the question becomes ‘what are they doing down there?’.

    The hypothesis is that cetaceans – dolphins and whales – are a race of intelligent mammals many centuries in advance of humankind.

    The fact that they are living in peace, without destroying the planet, suggest they are living in a state of grace. The sea-dwelling mammals have a lot to teach the predominant land-dwelling mammal, man, about that grace.

    Myths and legends swim with dolphins guiding humanity toward civilisation. Two intelligent races share, in fact, this planet: one race, the whales and dolphins, have been contacting humanity for thousands of years.

    The connection takes place at certain turning points in history, and we are going through a turning point now, the contact is apparent again.

    In the legends of India, civilisation was created when Vishnu, in the form of a fish dog - a dolphin, arose from the Ganges River to help mankind.

    The early culture in the Cradle of Civilisation, Mesopotamia, had a similar fish god, which they called Oannes.

    In Greek mythology, Apollo turned into a dolphin and stopped a ship of merchants, telling them they would begin Greek civilisation.

    Early Christians used the sign of a fish to mark their passing. Examination of those Christians’ graves shows that the fish was a dolphin.

    One African tribe, the Dogon people of Mali, has a very sophisticated knowledge of the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. They say it is a binary star (a fact only discovered by scientists in 1834) and they draw details of the movement of the two stars that tally with modern astronomy. The Dogon tell of having this knowledge from huge water creatures that breathe air and have flukes and that came from a planet in the Sirius system.

    According to the Dogon these creatures the Nommos will have one third sacrificed on the altar of human greed and insensibility for the purification and reorganisation of the universe. Then the Nommos will arise in human form and descend upon the Earth.

    These ‘resurrected’ human Nommos will be gathered through the revelation of The Golden Dolphin, into the Force of Freedom, inspired by and under the guidance of The Legend says that the Force of Freedom will form itself upon the Island of Australia (the star of the Australian flag is Sirius), which the Nommos have chosen for their return."


    Becoming A Dolphin


    Once upon a time, a little girl was born in the town of Antibes, on the well known French Riviera. Her mother convinced she was carrying a third boy, didn’t have a name ready for her. Her grandmother, who very much admired her boss, an elegant lady from London, finally gave her the English name of Olivia. Olivia grew up with her two big brothers, lots of cousins and friends, by and in the sea. Her childhood was full of laughter and love, and people used to call her the ‘daughter of the sun’ because she was so full of light and life.

    I could see my life as a fairy tale. Psychiatrist Dr Eric Berne, the father of Transactional Analysis, says that every life is a kind of fairy tale, a predetermined script that we unconsciously compose and choose to follow during early childhood. The key is to be aware of the life script, to make sure it’s the one we want and to be able to change it if it is not.

    I ended up doing a PhD on that topic.

    The first call

    My favourite fairy tale was the Little Mermaid. I always felt that I had come out of the sea, falling in love with humans. I was three when I jumped off a pontoon with my inflatable ring and disappeared through it down into the Big Blue. My mother jumped in behind me and grabbed my long blond hair to bring me back to the surface. I was fine, she had turned a pale shade of green!

    In my case, my whole family came out of the sea. We not only grew up by, on and in it but even before birth, in our mother’s womb, we were in the sea a lot as she spent her spare time at the beach. We were all swimming and snorkelling by the age of five.

    My two brothers, Henry and Michel, lived in and for the sea and learnt to scuba dive at the age of twelve. The ‘Little Frenchman’ in the film The Big Blue is a good portrayal of my brothers.

    At fifteen, my eldest brother Henry went to Monaco to see Jacques Cousteau’s boat, La Calypso. He touched it and vowed, One day, I’ll be on board her. At nineteen, he was organising expeditions to swim with and film whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean and I went along with him. At 22, Cousteau recruited him for his reputation and experience with whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean. He went on to work in the Bahamas, Greece and finally Rapa Nui (Easter Island), where he ended up living with my other brother Michel.

    I was quite a tomboy, living with such brothers. However, I knew very early that I was different from the other children. As a baby, I had been very sick, and I nearly died twice before our family doctor discovered what was wrong with me: I had a hole in my heart.

    I felt different from my peers and very mature, one could perhaps say like an old soul. At fifteen I had major heart surgery, which, along with the physical heart pain, left me with an experience of a spiritual presence. I was back at school seven days after my surgery, with a strong sense of optimism and a joy to be alive even more than before.

    Studies, Travel and Work

    The second guiding principle in my life, after the sea, was studying. I loved school and enjoyed studying and teaching. I got a BAC D (maths, physics and biology). I wanted to study psychology at University, but I was accepted into the elite school of Grand Ecole Hypokhane et Khagne, which prepares French teachers and university professors, so I went through the intense entrance exam. I enjoyed the studies and the rather monastic life for the first year and got some good marks, but I dropped my performance in the second year as it started to become clearer to me that I didn’t want to be a civil servant all my life. I finished my studies at the University of Nice, combining French literature and psychology. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts, a Masters degree with a thesis on Literature and Psychoanalysis and a PhD on Transactional Analysis, looking at fairy tales as a life script.

    During this period I found a way to combine travel, study and work by designing language and cultural training for business executives. In France, large organisations like IBM, Dow Chemical and Schlumberger employed me to teach their overseas expatriates about the French way of doing business, and how to adapt to the Parisian environment. In London, I taught the executives of a French reinsurance company to speak French and to understand the French culture so that they could conduct negotiations with their parent company in Paris. I was an ‘Executive Coach’ a long time before it became trendy.

    It was quite unusual for a young woman in her early twenties to be training senior executives in international organisations. I quickly realised that the key in my work was to find ways to help my clients to overcome their fear of learning, of failure. Behind this was a fear of being incompetent, a fear of not being a man (at that time there were not many top women executives). My work was about creating a safe and enjoyable environment of learning where I could nurture their self-esteem.

    I was helping my CEOs and top engineers to overcome their fears and to develop confidence in themselves. I was developing a strong relationship with them based on trust and mutual respect, playing the role of confidante. I knew about their work, their politics and their corporate culture, about their spouses, children and hobbies. I was their corporate life coach and I could see how many business people needed one! Through my training, the executives had better relationships at work and home and better business results.

    Australia Beckons

    I experienced a powerful awakening during a trip to Rapa Nui in the South Pacific, where my two brothers were living.

    Having lived a yuppie life in Paris, USA and London, it took me days and weeks to re-adapt to a more adventurous lifestyle. I got kicked and thrown to the ground by a horse, attacked by wild birds, lost in the volcano, ran out of air on a 30m scuba dive. Meanwhile, I could see Michel my brother, fit and tanned, disappearing into the big blue on a single breath of air for three minutes at a time, pursued by multicoloured fish. I watched Henry on the summit of an island, approaching a big, black wild bird, getting closer and closer to the point of touching it without frightening it. My brothers, I realised, were alive, and living totally in harmony with nature.

    While I was meditating by the famous Moais, the statues of Rapa Nui, I had a clear vision that my future would be in Australia. I knew that I needed to leave Europe, where I had

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