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How to Be Queen: A Leadership Fable
How to Be Queen: A Leadership Fable
How to Be Queen: A Leadership Fable
Ebook40 pages18 minutes

How to Be Queen: A Leadership Fable

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About this ebook

In How to Be Queen, Jennifer Magley shares the power of self-leadership through the fable of Elle, a young professional who is stuck. In Elle’s world, the workday never ends and small sacrifices add up to bigger opportunities. Yet with each step forward the finish line of success seems farther away, her new title forever out of reach.

When a promotion is dangled, she works all night crafting the perfect business pitch and misses the flight for her much coveted vacation. Exhausted she falls asleep at her desk and dreams of the tortoise, the hare, and how she fits into this race in the jungle of corporate America.

This is a story of the power of identity. Through the use of fable, Magley gives readers strategies to claim the influence and results that seem to be missing. We are all leaders, and it begins with the ability to lead ourselves. Find the truth that unlocks the power to claim your crown.

Release dateMar 2, 2021
How to Be Queen: A Leadership Fable

Jennifer Magley

Jennifer Magley is a motivational speaker and coach who has spent over a decade helping people become unstoppable through corporate workshops. A former NCAA Division I head coach and professional athlete, she is thrilled to watch her young sons play sports and build things out of paper. She has received national media coverage, most notably by USA Today, CNN, ESPN, and US News & World Report. Learn more at

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    How to Be Queen - Jennifer Magley

    Copyright © 2021 Jennifer Magley.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents,

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    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0289-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6657-0290-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2021902783

    Archway Publishing rev. date: 02/26/2021









    My life’s aspiration in six words: I help successful people become unstoppable.

    What is a leadership fable? A fable is a short story that illustrates a moral lesson.

    What gives you the credibility to write about leadership? We are all leaders, and it begins

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