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The Deplorables: America Interrupted
The Deplorables: America Interrupted
The Deplorables: America Interrupted
Ebook317 pages4 hours

The Deplorables: America Interrupted

By Q

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After an endless slew of best sellers dwelling upon the dastardly deeds of Donald Trump, at last an unvarnished look at the real threat we face as a nation when we complacently ignore evil that has hidden in plain sight for years.

Whether you have sheltered in place to the left or to the right of the commendable gooey center of this "American Life", The Deplorables: America Interrupted will challenge your conception of the events occurring over the last five years that have brought us to this anxious moment in American history.

Is Ignorance really bliss? Not if it edges you toward violent social anarchy. And not if it blinds you to an evil we thought was a relic of a racially inhospitable past but now threatens to overwhelm polite society again. As the author reminds us "the Deplorables are not a collegial bunch. Like their de facto cult hero Donald Trump, they will respond to your misplaced passivism with a bare knuckles beat down. Left to their own devices, they will tear to ground every vestige of a civilized America."

Join the author Q for a sobering look at the events of the last several years and the implications for a bare knuckles brawl between Deplorables and Commendables that is just beginning over what actually makes America great.

Laugh and cry at the comic and tragic dimensions of this dilemma. Re-live recent key events with an informed, attuned eye and ear.

But, heed Q's warning about becoming complacent. There is nothing like a violent insurrection attempt and a Capitol riot to clarify the enemy's intentions.

Read the Deplorables: America Interrupted.
Release dateSep 8, 2021
The Deplorables: America Interrupted

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    The Deplorables - Q

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    Copyright © 2021 by Westbury Group Publishing

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    ISBN:      978-1667800295

    ISBN:      978-1667800301 (ebook)

    To all of the cripples, bastards and broken things that make this a beautiful world

    A review by David Masciotra as published on the Daily Ripple

    Author of I am Somebody: why Jesse Jackson Matters and Melllencamp: American Troubadour

    "The Deplorables: America Interrupted is an interesting and righteously indignant tour of the monstrous Trump base, and how exactly they threaten to transform the United States, a flawed multiracial democracy, into a neo-fascist state.

    How to restrain people who not only defend and encourage neo-Nazis, but aspire to destroy America’s democratic system is currently the most vexing and troubling political project.

    The author never falls for the trap of right wing commentary and mainstream analysis by breaking out the world’s smallest violin to depict Trump supporters as harmless and misguided proletariats. The author of The Deplorables never even entertains – and good on him for it – that the people chanting Send Her Back! and Build That Wall! are reincarnations of the Joad family.

    The author understands better than most media commentators, that the Trump cult and neo-fascist movement is about the preservation of white power, and the protection of America, according to their bigoted ideology, as a white, Christian and heterosexual nation.  He accurately diagnosis the disease: This is not a collegial bunch. Like their de facto cult hero, they will respond to your misplaced passivism with a bare knuckles beat down. Left to their own devices, they will tear to ground every vestige of a civilized America.

    As if there were any room for doubt, the attempted coup d’etat of January 6th, and the subsequent assault on the American electoral system, with massive voter suppression laws and the Trump-led attempt for partisan officials to take command of state and county election offices, confirm the harsh, but correct assessment of the author.

    It is unclear if American democracy will survive the right wing assault. The author of The Deplorables: America Interrupted has made a valuable contribution to the democratic-preservation effort."

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Like Oxygen

    Chapter Two: Facebook Fun

    Chapter Three: Hypocrisy, what hypocrisy?

    Chapter Four: Divide and Conquer

    Chapter Five: Missing the Zeitgeist for the Trees

    Chapter Six: Sign the petition already

    Chapter Seven: How it started

    Chapter Eight: She said it first

    Chapter Nine: Who are these monsters?

    Chapter Ten: How the Commendables differ from Deplorables

    Chapter Eleven: Why must so many people die?

    Chapter Twelve: The Turner Diaries

    Chapter Thirteen: He/she said what?

    Chapter Fourteen: Mueller weighs in

    Chapter Fifteen: Bill got it wrong

    Chapter Sixteen: So, Immigration is a threat now?

    Chapter Seventeen: A Soul Sacrifice

    Chapter Eighteen: Through the looking glass

    Chapter Nineteen: Facts and fictions

    Chapter Twenty: 9/11

    Chapter Twenty One: A perfect call

    Chapter Twenty Two: Are you or someone you love a Deplorable?

    Chapter Twenty Three: Fuck you too

    Chapter Twenty Four: Trump is the virus Goo, Goo G’joob

    Chapter Twenty Five: Where is this all heading?

    Chapter Twenty Six: Adrenachrome, Frazzledrip and Wayfair, oh my!

    Chapter Twenty Seven: It’s all about cruelty

    Chapter Twenty Eight: The test

    Chapter Twenty Nine: Stand Back and Stand by

    Chapter Thirty: 3:53 AM 10/2/2020

    Chapter Thirty One: Election Day

    Chapter Thirty Two: Deplorables Attack!

    Chapter Thirty Three: The Deplorables’ Foot Soldiers

    Chapter Thirty Four: The Three Lies of the Apocalypse


    Deplorables Glossary


    Read The Deplorables! Who is the author, Q?  I don’t know. To me, knowing his identity is less consequential than heeding his warning about the bare-knuckled fist fight in progress between Commendable and Deplorable forces.

    Embark on Q’s compelling, chilling, and critical journey through our recent history.  Meet the key influencers and formative leaders, including the reviled and the adored.  Learn about America’s expanding network of underground extremist groups — their genesis, growth, gatherings, goals, and their guns.  Gain perspective on the social and historical context underlying recent events. Get informed about the powerful, dark web of social media and the dangerous information/disinformation they disseminate. Laugh and cry at the comic and tragic dimensions of this American life.  Re-live recent key events with an informed, attuned eye and ear. 

    Why MUST you read The Deplorables?  Because if, like me, you have willfully ignored the news that distresses you, or complacently lived your life in your own bubble, or pollyanna-ish-ly assumed that all will work out in the end, you need to wake up and face the reality that Shakespeare understood more than 400 years ago:  …what is past is prologue. 

    The past that Q centers on in The Deplorables is not distant; rather, he focuses most of his book on the period of the Trump administration (2016-2020).  For Q, it was in these four years that the emboldening and empowering of The Deplorables occurred: These insidious, dangerous, anti-immigrant, defiant, violent, anti-Semitic, white supremacist, Islamaphobic, aggressive, hate groups emerged from dark places into the light of day.  Fueled by social media chat rooms in which rumors and conspiracy theories abounded, fed by radio/TV talk show hosts promoting an us vs them divisive mentality, and nourished by the tweets and actions of Donald Trump, their secular savior, The Deplorables pumped up their demands for power and attention. And despite Trump’s loss in 2020, The Deplorables are not going away.

    So, if past is indeed prologue, what does a future with active Deplorables look like?  Not good, according to Q. If we, The Commendables, do not know our enemy, or if we do not take seriously the threat the Deplorables pose to our multi-cultural citizenry and democracy, we will lose the fight for American exceptionalism.  Q shows us that the Deplorable vision of our future is a nightmare of ignorance, violence, bigotry, and division.

    But Shakespeare’s quote provides another path:  …what is past is prologue, what to come, in yours and my discharge.  THAT is Q’s urgent message and urgent call to action in The Deplorables:  The past may be written, but the future is ours to influence. The informed choices we Commendables make and the informed actions we take are absolutely and undeniably critical to creating the City on the Hill, the American society of our dreams.

    Get off your duff; leave your comfort zone; take off your rose-colored glasses; prepare to laugh at the absurdities and gasp at the travesties of Deplorabilism, and dive deep into the words and images and ideas that Q has written for you. Going along on Q’s personal and public journey is sure to test your ability to face our societal problems head-on, but reading The Deplorables will ultimately strengthen your character, your compassion, your understanding, and your resolve.

    Read The Deplorables!

    J.A., A Commendable

    Chapter One

    Like Oxygen

    She could have sploshed me with three pounds of stewed tomatillos. She could have split my lip with the knotty side of a rotted old two by four. Maybe she could have set my balls on fire. But, as it happens, old married couples are rarely that subtle. Instead, on a crisp but barely white Christmas morning 2018, my lovely wife sucker punched me with a photo taken exactly 30 years earlier.  A younger, simpler me, positively bursting with possibilities, stared back at a grayer, world-weary me posing with the Donald J. Trump Art of the Deal board game mere inches from his smug face.  What an asshole, I thought as I tried to hide the sudden shame you might feel if caught banging the cat at your own surprise birthday party.

    In fairness, 30 years before then, neither I nor the Donald could possibly have imagined what a malignant dirt bag the brash 42 year old real estate tycoon was well on his way to becoming. Certainly, I had no idea I would not soon become the next brash young billionaire dirt bag.  So, you could say, he and I were on perfectly parallel life paths in those heady days. Why quibble over the marginal difference a $400 million dollar head start might have made? Anyway, after admitting that my taste in rich, powerful men back in the day was as bad as Anne Boleyn’s, I felt I owed an explanation to my adoring loved ones as they were now crying from laughing so hard at the picture. You realize, I whined like Charlie Brown surveying his bag full of Halloween rocks, The Trump U victims thought old Cheeto Jesus walked on water, too, before he cleaned out their piggybanks. Humans are marvelously adaptive mammals, who predictably move through progressively more evolved stages in life from barely coherent, to mostly functional, from being aggressively boned by reality every now and again. It takes time! When I was 26 years old, all I wanted was to get laid every few hours and make shit tons of money, rinse and repeat as necessary.  Life for me was either game on or game off.  Trump was always winning, so who was I to question the product?

    It took a few swift Booyahs to my boys below and the soul crushing weight of marriage and fatherhood to develop that uniquely adult thing known as a conscience. Conscience is nothing more than your inner shrew reminding you that when you are shitting on the carpet in public, there may be a more appropriate time or place for such behavior. That epiphany would have come in handy in college, by the way. For the 30 intervening years, between unwrapping my secret weapon for success, the Art of the Deal Home Edition, and Christmas, 2018, I watched as the Donald shit on many carpets publically and destroyed lives like I destroyed public toilets after heavy binging back in the day. So, naturally, I outgrew the Donald long ago.  That’s not to say I didn’t still fantasize about a jet setting lifestyle or wallowing in the Benjamins.  Hell, I’d massage Mitch McConnell’s obstructed bowel today if the money was right, I just felt there must be a less slithering way to achieve greatness. The point is, who in their mid-fifties didn’t realize the Donald had long since become an unmitigated disaster and likely mobbed up crime figure by the time he announced his presidential candidacy?  Apparently, this constituency was far larger than I imagined.

    Certainly, the age of Trump in America, has launched a vicious death match between reality and madness, but this story is not about Mr. Art of the Deal.  Unless the Universe itself is an impish gaslighter, his freak show should come to a merciful end in January of 2021. This story is about a consequential fist fight, surely already in progress, between commendable and deplorable forces.

    In this story, Donald J. Trump is revelatory of a far graver malaise. Like Shakespeare’s poor bit player, he has strutted and fretted his unhinged hour upon the stage with mind numbing sound and fury since 2016, but may leave an inconsequential legacy.  Aside from a footnote about joining only two other US presidents to be impeached, or the first and only to be impeached twice, what will history really say of him?  What will last other than the malodorous vestiges of his attacks on American meritocracy? Today, he receives all of the headlines as we pray for the resilience of our institutions against illiberal incursions, but isn’t it the primordial material itself, forever malevolent, which will remain combustible? Is it this evil that commendable people have always aimed to beat back, which has coalesced more formidably in the age of Trump? Are we all rushing headlong toward a final Freudian reckoning between society’s good and evil impulses? Who will emerge victorious when the battle field is cleared of so much bloody wreckage and death? Are we aware enough, and resolved enough, to reset ourselves on an axis tilted toward our better angels, or will we be dragged beneath the sticky goo by bottom feeders attempting to rewrite our bedrock principles? There is no time left for indifference and the kind of lethargy that has accumulated, like mildew and mold, over decades and left us vulnerable and afraid.  Surely it is time for us to refresh the tree of modern American liberty and wage figurative, if not literal, war against the tyranny of small minds that have become violent of late.

    Webster’s defines deplorable as Deserving censure or contempt, which seems pretty Jell-O and pudding to me when you consider many of the synonyms for the word: despicable, grubby, mean, nasty, pitiable, scummy, scurvy, and wretched.  The point is, we only use the word deplorable to describe purely awful people with awful values, awful intentions, and hell bent on doing awful things. To regain our righteous footing, we will need to render these heinous creatures impotent. Our recent pre-Trump past provides some direction. Before the slurry of social divisions between commendable and deplorable sorts crested about 12 years ago, the two factions coexisted grudgingly but peacefully. The war was mostly symbolic and didn’t change the conduct of anyone’s daily life consequentially. We all mostly lived only a step left or right of a functional center save for the truly radical anarchists.

    Our first step will be to resist the centrifugal force that angst from a consistently changing reality exerts. For many, hate and bigotry is a natural defense mechanism during tectonic shifts in modern society.  Faced with what they don’t know, they retreat to the familiar, and urgently lash out against perceived threats.  Counterintuitively, this moves them, not toward the center again, but thrusts them to the extreme margins where they can find other maladapted kindred spirits. At the margins, bigotries only intensify. Fears only become more unhinged. Like anyone suffering from addiction, congregating only with other destructive addicts is a recipe for disaster. The thread of real decency runs though the commendable gooey center where the tastes of either side are neither too sweet nor too sour.  We must always seek to live in that commendable gooey center.

    Step two, we must decapitate the head of the rotting fish who would either tacitly or overtly permit the assault on our small d democratic Republic.  This is done, not violently, but electorally and legally. Holding the leader of a radicalized cult responsible for the flock’s behavior won’t arrest the disease, but it will help to delegitimize the movement and drive it back where it belongs to the radical fringe.  No Bully Pulpit credibility, no acquiescence from a subservient political party, no statist media echo chamber to anoint this as anything but madness.  On January 20, 2021, we assume the first part of this solution will be enacted.  Thereafter, when Trump’s immunity from prosecution on the basis of OLC guidance ends, we are already aware of several factions waiting in line to litigate against him civilly and criminally.

    Step three, we must always strive to stash away the social anarchists among us in dark places where they exert little to no influence on polite society, and where they can be easily sniffed out by law enforcement when necessary. This was once much harder, but now can happen simply by stepping out of their way as they naturally gravitate toward places that coddle subversive impulses.  In recent years, the Deplorables have raged against a Deep State that would do anything to suppress their movement, and most media are seen as the face of this resistance.  The mainstream media has become like Kryptonite to people who just can’t handle the truth anymore.  Even Fox News itself, long a basic food group for Deplorables seeking escapism, has now been ostracized by the tribe. In the aftermath of the 2020 election, in which Fox dared to call the results when the results were evident, and not when a story could be concocted that better aligned with their candidate’s baseless allegations, they committed an unpardonable sin in the estimation of this clan.   In its place, Newsmax and the OAN networks have emerged as more resilient Rightwing prevaricators, and ratings for each have trebled as a result. Indeed, each of these networks resisted calling the outcome of the 2020 election for well over a month, finally relenting, when doing otherwise, would look purely conspiratorial.  Let the Deplorables march unencumbered toward this mecca for the misinformed and maladapted.  Every moment spent trying to channel them into more socially acceptable venues is a moment you can’t get back and will cause only twice as much backlash. For even the Kumbaya obsessed, just let them live in infamy elsewhere.

    As modern media has splintered into an endless number of special interest niches, many of which are purely indecent, those who fear and loathe the mainstream will be ministered to by a recognizable set of agitators and charlatans seeking to exploit counter decency.  We want to stash the social anarchists there, not because we are against free speech, but because they won’t stop shouting fire in the crowded public square. It is better that these alarmist messages echo among the likeminded than escape to pollute our children’s impressionable minds.  Hopefully, as the crazy ricochets so wildly among the faithful here, they will all drive themselves to madness. Within these destructive echo chambers, we can easily identify those who must be sanctioned for their dangerous incivility and violent tendencies. We can also more easily identify opinion leaders from the group who may be a disproportionate threat.  These will be the agitators creating the discussion threads and inciting violent opposition, not the sheep following them with wild eyed affirmations.

    What is, and is not, protected speech has only become more complicated in the age of user generated Social Media.  Do citizen journalists have any responsibilities at all when publishing content that is dangerous and misleading? If you are my age, and you remember the truth in advertising dilemmas of the 70s and 80s, you couldn’t help but feel corporate interests bear some responsibility and that consumer protection legislation should reflect that responsibility. It was purely unconscionable what tobacco and large chemical interests foisted on an unsuspecting public. But does the average Joe share that responsibility to society when all we want from Facebook is affirmation that "doggone it, people like me."?

    Aside from blatant harmful exploitation, do even the Social media platform owners themselves bear any further social responsibility? The relative merit of freedom of expression versus social responsibility is tending to neatly divide commendable and deplorable people.  One side naturally understands the responsibility we all should share in polite society to be accurate and truthful with all publicly relevant reporting.  The other side finds pleasure in doing the exact opposite. Commendables seek to win over their opposition and build consensus whenever possible. Deplorables seek to confuse and destroy their opposition; finding consensus, on even mundane matters, seems ill advised and threatening.   One side uses persuasion as a tool; the other side uses it as a weapon. Commendables understand there is real danger lurking in the kinds of purely inflammatory lies the Deplorables use willingly to achieve social dominance.  As unpopular as this sentiment is, I generally think it has become best if we agree to disagree and steer completely away from each other on social media. I would advise you to leave 4 Chan, 8 Chan, Parlor and Gab, which all hide behind their promise of unfettered freedom of speech, to anarchists seeking anonymity for the crimes against society they plot online

    Clearly, social media has failed its original intent to bring us all together and is now actually a new lever used to pry us apart over any number of inconsequential ways we differ in beliefs and social mores. But what about politics, which should be more burdened by the goal of promoting domestic tranquility? For years, it seemed we were moving slowly but reliably toward a defined center which worked more or less equally for all. But now, modern politics has become unbearably polarized. The flashpoint seemed to be how our people responded to the election of our first black president in 2007. It was the first time we were tested by the theory that we as a nation had become color blind. Slightly over half of us passed the test, but, slightly under half failed miserably to accept any challenge to the normalcy of white privilege or even white supremacy in America.  For many this was little more than an amorphous tingle that something was slightly amiss.  For others, it became a personal affront to the racial caste system they always imagined should exist in their America. It is toward this more resentful constituency that opportunistic politicians anew have sought to exploit the endemic fear and hatred.  Moreover, they encouraged a new counter decency movement that helped draw the lines between sides more indelibly.  Commendable people are aghast at how an entire political party has allowed its most recent standard bearer to cater almost exclusively to white malcontents, and inspire truly dangerous anarchists along the way.

    Trump represents circumstantial evidence for human life without conscience or gray matter, but he is not central to the plot. He’ll make frequent walk-ons, but mostly as an excuse to ridicule his heinous cultists for whom he’d become an unlikely Svengali figure. Trump is the original empty barrel, absent any principled ideology. He is a shape shifter, entirely malleable, and a cunning manipulator as his ambitions require. He is a mindless predator who will mercilessly destroy opponents without conscience to suborn his own lawless pursuit of riches. As a hopeless narcissist, with a bottomless need for adulation and self-aggrandizement, he is the perfect wiki node for useful idiot. Without so much as a blush, he will collaborate with malign interests, both foreign and domestic, on a wink and an eight figure check and will leave the consequences for others to launder. We wonder, as we acknowledge these things so easily, how so many others among us can look at these same facts, not as sure signs of a defective product that is quite harmful when used as directed, but instead, as positive features of a product most useful for the times we live in. To me, this would be like buying a vicious Rottweiler you found gnawing on a Toy Poodle at the pound to bring home to your baby girl, and expecting good things to come of it.  We also wonder what forces allow those who have seen this show for years, to disregard all semblance of critical thinking for populist hero worship. For some people, maybe the precarious times we live in require moral and spiritual subjugation to a ruthless father figure who will keep all of the scary threats at bay as long as we promise to always love him very much. Maybe they are just envious of the Teflon Don for doing whatever he pleases, whenever he pleases, and facing no consequences. There is a certain rugged American appeal for figures we imagine are simply superior to mere mortals like ourselves.  Perhaps we feel they should lord over the rest of us with complete impunity. Surely we all knew just as clearly in 2015 where this would lead by 2020, right? Anyone with even a casual acquaintance with the world around them must have realized everything that would happen over the next four years was inevitable.  That this would end with death and destruction.  What type of person, with what type of personality disorder and confused belief system would take that leap and never stop to question the abyss below no matter what happened on the way down? Yes, we are talking about deeply flawed human beings, precious few of whom are redeemable in any way I can imagine.

    This is a good time to make an important caveat.  I don’t want what follows to devolve into a politically correct screed that imagines racism lurking behind any and all of our nation’s shortcomings.  A message like that delivered by a middle aged successful white male will rightfully seem contrived. Let’s agree to focus exclusively on those who have used racial divisiveness as a weapon to achieve social dominance and would use all manner of violent retribution to achieve their ends. 

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