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A Girl's Guide to Greatness: Mystical Paths for Magical Women
A Girl's Guide to Greatness: Mystical Paths for Magical Women
A Girl's Guide to Greatness: Mystical Paths for Magical Women
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A Girl's Guide to Greatness: Mystical Paths for Magical Women

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About this ebook

This autobiographical perspective at how a practice of Meditation, Guided Imagery, and Visualization for 40 years of my life helped me create the most authentic and joyful version of myself is not all about happy, happy, joy, joy. Learning can be painful. Real change and growth come from lifes difficult times. Reaching deep within to call on the wisdom of my ancestors, learning to listen to my inner spiritual guides, and then teaching this method to others has brought me here to share our stories. This book is not perfect. This method is not perfect. It is a way to reach personal realization and success. And oh the sweet satisfaction that being successful brings. It is the best revenge. It is justice, and you can do it too.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 18, 2014
A Girl's Guide to Greatness: Mystical Paths for Magical Women

Zailyn Prada MATS

Zailyn Prada is a transpersonal coach and counselor in Southern California. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother. She received her master’s degree from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology during midlife, as she raised her family and traveled the world on business. Zailyn was born in Costa Rica and learned firsthand the mastery of native herbs and the mystery of the tarot. She has been published in Natural Awakenings, and has written over one hundred articles for She teaches cooperative parenting workshops for divorcing parents and is an ordained interfaith minister. Zailyn and her husband, Random, live devoted to their children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual progress; protecting the Earth; baking cupcakes; and leaving a legacy of peace, truth, and joy to their grandchildren.

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    A Girl's Guide to Greatness - Zailyn Prada MATS

    A Girl’s Guide to Greatness

    Mystical Paths for Magical Women

    Zailyn Prada MATS


    Copyright © 2014 Zailyn Prada MATS.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1769-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-1770-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/17/2014






    Chapter 1: The Beginning

    Guided Imagery and Decades of Dreams

    Guided Imagery Defined

    Chapter 2: Early Experiences with Visualization

    Innate Ability for Guided Imagery in Children

    Cultural Influences on Visualization in Childhood

    Chapter 3: Adolescent Experiences with Guided Imagery

    Natasha and yoga

    Chapter 4: Visualization and Guided Imagery in Early Adulthood

    Manifesting Motherhood

    Listening to Our Bodies

    Using Guided Imagery to Set Priorities

    Visualization as a Parent – Maria’s story

    Chapter 5: The Use of Guided Imagery for Achieving Goals

    Discovering the Power Within

    Natasha’s Transition

    Chapter 6: Guided Imagery and Transpersonal Development

    Revisiting Religion – Geneva explained her challenges

    Discovering Transpersonal Psychology-Natasha

    Chapter 7: Redefining Ourselves

    Healing the Body


    Chapter 8: Superwoman

    Surviving Motherhood with Guided Imagery

    Advice to Our Daughters

    Personal Experience Staying on the Balance Beam through Inner Work

    Personal Experience with Guided Imagery and Visualization

    Instructions on Developing a Personal Practice

    Guided Imagery Journey for Accessing Your Inner Advisors

    Chapter 9: Our Sacred Calling

    Love and Midlife



    This book is dedicated to my parents, because dreaming was your job, and I learned my lesson well, to my husband, you are my touch stone and my hero, to my children, because you’ve helped me grow-up and continue to mature day by day, to my grandchildren, because you are the joy that makes it well worth it, and to my best friend, because you’ve held my hand through it all.


    T his is a paper that came together originally as a requirement for my Master’s degree in Transpersonal Studies. It evolved from a scholarly paper into a composite of stories of pain, challenges, growth, and triumph. It is a way to move forward, overcome obstacles, and reach your highest potential. It may not be the way for everyone, but it was the way for these girls, as told to me, in the first person. It is at times beautiful, at times horrible, but it brought them to me to share their story. I hope and pray that these words, so meaningful to us all will also resonate with you. That whether you are twenty-two years old, or going through menopause, you will find yourself somewhere among these pages and see the light at the end of the tu nnel.

    With love,



    T his is an anecdotal look at how a life time practice of Meditation, Guided Imagery, and Visualization for these characters helped them create the most authentic and joyful version of themselves and is not all about happy, happy, joy, joy. Learning can be painful. Real change and growth come from life’s difficult times. To say any one of them was able to sit down and chant OM while sending love and light to an ex-husband as he ran off with his latest fling and left her penniless with three children to raise, is a bold face lie! Moments like those can make a girl fantasize about inventing a pill that would make her ex’s penis shrink until it fell off! Being unable to pay the rent, betrayed by a rebound man, and ending up in the hospital aren’t exactly smooth sailing either. But there was a pattern about these girls and women, something deep, something sacred, something I, as a spiritual counselor could not have even defined until I was well into my profession. This is what this book explores. Some of these practices they came to intuitively, and some they learned. Still some were family traditions, what I now know to be ancient practices passed down from ancestors, written in books, and taught about in churches and metaphysical centers. There is something we can do to manifest our greatest desires, to heal, and to grow. This book is not perfect. This method is not perfect. It is about how these girls and women found their own sacred paths to personal realization and success. And oh the sweet satisfaction

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