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The Real Great RESET
The Real Great RESET
The Real Great RESET
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The Real Great RESET

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This book is not just a reaction to the “new world order” announced at the DAVOS World Economic Forum and entitled “The Great Reset”. This book is an alarm signal, a call to awakening, and a disruptive approach. It is structured on 500 points that converge to its opening and closing conclusion: “Utopian is not the one who believes that the world can change for the better, but the one who believes that the world can go on as it is right now!” The 500 steps will take the reader on a journey to the top of the Pyramid of Power, as in a virtual tour, offering a completely different perspective on how the world is actually led and by whom. The top of the pyramid is not the actual top. It is only the middle. The light of contemporary “reason” is not light. It is only darkness sold as “light”. What seems to be is not, and what really is they make us think is not. Everything is reversed, and billions of people are skillfully placed in an artificial social bubble that prevents them from seeing the reality of their own being and the reality of their own world. The deep humans, who live and act in the center of their beings, are diverted, without noticing it, to live and act at their extreme periphery. Then, instead of being presented with the reality that humanity’s problems arise precisely because people are pushed to live on the periphery of their own being, they are kept busy with all sorts of “projects”, “programs,” “elections”, and “solutions” which are also conceived on the periphery, without any connection to the deep human being and the deep human society.

They expropriated our meanings. They deported our purpose. They took us out of ourselves, and until we find our way back, NO ONE and NOTHING will really be able to heal us! The clear outlines of our resettlement in our own destiny will not be seen until we stop advancing on the blind alleys. With our eyes wide open, let us open ourselves again to the deep human in us and in all others. Because the great CRISIS we are facing, everywhere on the planet, is above all an IDENTITY crisis. The world of deep humans will remain a world of superficial sub-humans until the moment when we have poured ourselves into our own cup.

Deep humanity is buried under a mountain of imposture and deceit. Dozens of two-bit actors play two-bit roles after two-bit scripts. Not a single particle of the deep human being penetrates beyond the epidermis of public speeches. Nothing truly alive pierces the thick layer of clichés. Those who wish to lead millions of people are obviously beings who have not led their own spirit, their own consciousness for at least a few minutes.

How can we be confident that we will end up picking living fruits, as long as plastic seeds are placed in the chernozem of our souls!?

May we rise above the ocean of superficiality into which we have been thrown! May we free ourselves from the chains of those who want to anesthetize us, to deprive us of our living spirit, to separate us from ourselves! It's the ONLY chance! Everything else is just dust in the wind. As long as the critical mass of awakened people is not reached, NOTHING will change for the better on the wonderful planet that hosts our species.

We have to choose: OUR Real Great RESET or THEIR Fake Great RESET. It all depends on us!

Release dateMay 17, 2021
The Real Great RESET

Liviu Plesoianu

Liviu Pleșoianu is a former Member of Parliament (Romania) and a former member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). He drafted several bills to stop the undemocratic excesses of the secret services and to make the financing of politically involved NGOs transparent. He pleaded for real and permanent control of the citizens over the spending of public money. In hundreds of TV shows, he exposed how the System works and how citizens are held captive even when given the illusion of freedom and democracy. He became a member of the Parliament thanks to the notoriety gained after winning a TV contest in which the contestants talked about social problems and the proposed solutions. He protested in front of the headquarters of several institutions against the interference of the secret services in the act of justice, politics, media, and economy. As a former online marketing director, he spoke extensively about how the Silicon Valley apostles preach the new binary religion. As a PACE member, he advocated for deep cultural and spiritual communication between the citizens of the so-called belligerent states. He proposed allocating budgetary resources to eradicate extreme poverty at least at the same level as the budgets allocated to armaments and military operations.The author exposes the economic, political, educational, and social MATRIX that closes billions of people in illusory bubbles that do not allow them to see and experience the profound reality of their own beings. He also presents "The Real Great RESET" as a deep human-healthy alternative to "The Fake Great RESET" of the DAVOS "elites."

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    Book preview

    The Real Great RESET - Liviu Plesoianu

    The REAL Great RESET

    Utopian is not the one who believes that the world can change for the better, but the one who believes that the world can go on as it is right now!

    Liviu Pleșoianu

    500 steps to the top of the

    Pyramid of POWER


    This book is not just a reaction to the new world order announced at the DAVOS World Economic Forum and entitled The Great Reset. This book is an alarm signal, a call to awakening, and a disruptive approach. It is structured on 500 points that converge to its opening and closing conclusion: Utopian is not the one who believes that the world can change for the better, but the one who believes that the world can go on as it is right now! The 500 steps will take the reader on a journey to the top of the Pyramid of Power, as in a virtual tour, offering a completely different perspective on how the world is actually led and by whom. The top of the pyramid is not the actual top. It is only the middle. The light of contemporary reason is not light. It is only darkness sold as light. What seems to be is not, and what really is they make us think is not. Everything is reversed, and billions of people are skillfully placed in an artificial social bubble that prevents them from seeing the reality of their own being and the reality of their own world. The deep humans, who live and act in the center of their beings, are diverted, without noticing it, to live and act at their extreme periphery. Then, instead of being presented with the reality that humanity’s problems arise precisely because people are pushed to live on the periphery of their own being, they are kept busy with all sorts of projects, programs, elections, and solutions which are also conceived on the periphery, without any connection to the deep human being and the deep human society.


    The Real Great RESET has two essential components. The first determines the second. The resettlement of the whole society around the deep human determines the development of the real human fraternity. These are the only enduring pillars on which a truly new social construction can be built, a society that would really suit the profound human being. Any other so-called solution, any other so-called RESET, any other so-called resettlement are nothing more than dust in the wind and siren songs.


    The Great Reset, spoken of by world leaders, heads of state, governments, international institutions, is a new sumptuous castle built on quicksand. It is hoped that it will be a new and great world tower, but the truth is that it will collapse at the first more severe tectonic movement. And the reason is that, once again, everything is placed on a shaky foundation, utterly incapable of supporting any kind of construction, even an ordinary one.


    For hundreds of years now, the inhabitants of this planet have no longer been beneficiaries, but victims of political, social, and economic experiments that, through a cumulative effect, have reached the critical point of the destruction of humanness, of the human essence, of the strong fiber of the human kingdom. All these experiments are developed and put into practice through a pyramid-type decision-making circuit. At the base of the pyramid, there are the pawns, those who implement the plans, those who ensure the effective conduct of experiments. In the middle, there are those who lead the world at sight - presidents, prime ministers, governments, parliaments, secret services, influential national and international institutions, powerful bankers, and businesspeople. Up ... Well, up there, we are already dealing with the true leaders and initiators of all these experiments - beings whose purpose is not only to control but to direct humanity to an evolutionary road opposite to that required by the destiny and purpose of the human kingdom.


    Everything that happens is very well thought out, in different stages, then thoroughly implemented. Those whom we have become accustomed to calling the rulers of the world are, in truth, only second-hand leaders, even if they are not aware of it. In reality, the beings and forces behind the scenes, beyond the curtain of everyday events, are the ones who decide what takes place on Earth.


    If people knew the truth behind the world’s significant decisions, if people could, at least for a moment, attend the meetings of those who actually rule the world, they would be shocked. Because, you see, EVERYTHING that is hidden from you, all the profound realities that - through a very well developed system - you are told are nonsense, mysticisms, inventions, aberrations, fantasies, are the CENTRAL ELEMENT of the meetings of those who de facto lead the world! They keep you locked in some masterfully designed social bubbles while they direct these bubbles from outside them, from the realm of REALITY! Whoever believes that only materialistic beings dwell at the top of the decision-making pyramid, for whom the spirit and the spiritual world are only illusions or fantasies, is seriously mistaken! In fact, at the top of the decision-making pyramid, we can only find beings who deal EXACTLY with all the realities they make you think do not exist. That is why I say that you would simply be shocked if you could participate, even for a few minutes, in these beings’ meetings. Because EVERYTHING you were taught it does not exist is abundant in all their meetings! These beings do not propagate materialism, the dogma of the spirit’s non-existence because they would share this faith. NO, not at all! These beings are as aware as possible of their own spirit, as well as of the reality of the spiritual world in which we dwell each and every moment of our lives. But they do everything in their power - and their power is great - so that most people on Earth will never comprehend their being and their world’s hidden realities.


    We can use an everyday image, although risking ridicule, in order to make everything easier to grasp. It is as if a small group of people, important leaders, gathered in a room and secretly consumed ice cream in a fictional scenario in which ice cream has not been consumed for centuries and people, in their vast majority, would be convinced that ice cream never even existed. It is a frivolous example, through which I am aware that I am risking ridicule, but which still cuts the current canvas quite well. In their small groups, in their small gatherings, the planet’s actual commanders not only discuss but actually use the spiritual world’s truths to pursue their goals. And the fact that they have convinced most people that such things do not exist gives them extraordinary power! Nothing can give them more power than the belief of many that ice cream does not exist…


    Of course, what those who actually lead the world transfer from spirit to matter is not at all on the good and beautiful side of things. But strange as it may seem, this is not the biggest problem of the manipulated masses. Humans’ greatest problem is not that those who de facto rule the world work from spirit to matter in an unclean manner. The biggest problem with people is that they have no idea about it or don’t believe it is really happening. This is the largest, strongest, and most enduring shield behind which the de facto rulers of the world hide from sight - the IGNORANCE of the people they manipulate!


    There is no better hiding place than the plain sight hiding place. But for such a hiding place to be effective, you must first make sure that no eye has the necessary training to detect it, to identify the hiding place. This is why people have been deliberately kept in the dark for centuries. The many - so the few decided - have no right to know, to grasp, to imbue with the truth about the deep dimension of the world and their own beings. The many - so the few believe - ought to be kept in the dark regarding the reality of their own spirit and of the spiritual world in which they live and move in every minute of their existence, although they are not yet aware of it.


    Again, I will use a suggestive image for an easier and better understanding of the situation in which the vast majority of people find themselves. It is as if, from coming into this world to leaving this world behind, we were living in a room full of treasures, full of gems, full of things of inestimable value. But, from the moment we came into this world until we’ll leave this world behind, we are forced to live in the darkness. Knowing nothing even of the possibility of light, we walk through our lives completely unaware of the incredible treasures that belong to us and that surround us. We have been taught to live and move in the dark all of our lives. Also, we hear so much scorn and mocking laughter regarding the few who dare to tell us something about the light and treasures that we come to believe in the non-existence of the light and treasures that surround us. Those who manipulate our minds by inoculating us that the belief in light is just an illusion, a childish thing, a precarious medieval attitude, do not tell us, in fact, that believing is wrong. They don’t want us to disbelieve. They want us to believe in what they want us to believe! As to deny the possibility of light is still to believe - to believe only in darkness. We are constantly told that no one can prove the existence of light. But can they also prove its non-existence !? No, and they know that too! They know it very well precisely because they do NOT live in the dark! They live in the light, though they serve the darkness. They are well aware of both the existence of light and the room’s treasures. They turn on the light and use those treasures for themselves in order to influence us. As for us, they take care to turn off the light from the moment we are born and make every effort to keep us in this darkness from the first to the last moment of our lives on Earth.


    Thus, we are dealing with billions of people who live in the dark throughout their lives because this is what they have been taught from the day of their birth. When some of us grasp the whole masquerade and turn on the light in their own room, they are immediately ridiculed and anathematized if they try to communicate to others what they have uncovered. Because that is what it is all about – to uncover! All these things already existed. They have always existed, from everlasting to everlasting. But they are deliberately covered!


    Why are most of our marvels covered, why are most of our treasures hidden, why are most of us kept in the dark all our lives? Because those who proclaim themselves leaders of humanity - those at the top of the decision-making pyramid - want the human kingdom to miss its destiny. They want us to live our lives in ignorance and darkness so that we never get to know the truth, the reality. If we turned on the light and became aware of the treasures belonging to us, then we could no longer be manipulated and would become an integral part, by our own will, of the great Destiny of the human kingdom.


    In fact, the whole society is built in such a way as to make it almost impossible to find out the truth, to understand the actual reality, to discover things that have been deliberately covered. What we call, generically, SYSTEM is just a name for a whole network whose purpose is precisely to keep people away from themselves. And that’s because those behind the System know very well that everything humans need is to get back on the tracks of their own destiny, to turn on the light and SEE! The moment when enough people turn on the light and see, the System will automatically collapse.


    Those who control the System know this very well, and that is why their main worry is not and never will be that many people on Earth are willing to fight the System. Their main fear is that many people will start to UNDERSTAND what the System really is and how it works!


    Thus, precisely to maintain the System, those who conceived and developed it will even encourage anti-System riots. Because they know that as long as these anti-System riots take place in the same darkness, their System will never really suffer. As I said, their great fear is that people will start to turn on the light! As such, they will ensure that they keep everyone busy, even the most well-meaning of people, with the eternal fight against the System. In this way, through a perverse effect, people will waste their time, years, lives groping in the dark and fighting, in the dark, with absolutely nothing! It is the most incredible masquerade, cynical, horrible, but as real as possible! And it is staged on a planetary level, not just in places!


    Most people are kept in the dark their whole lives. They have no idea about the existence of light, or at least about its possibility, nor about their own real face (because the deep mirrors are also hidden in the dark), nor about the real face of others, nor about the magnificent treasures that they keep bumping into while confusing them with obstacles and hindrances. Then, when the first signs that something is happening begin to show up, when some of us wake up, those behind the System press the buttons and provoke anti-System riots, in a perfectly controlled manner. What are their reasons and their goals? They want to make sure that people stay in the dark exactly when they celebrate the „victory against the darkness! They want to make sure that people actually remain in the dark while they shout with joy that, finally, the System has been defeated"!

    I think you can quickly notice this if you recall all the moments from, say, the last 30 years when you believed or were told that The system has been defeated! In truth, no matter what has been defeated, the System is more robust and better developed than ever! Because, unfortunately, any anti-System riot will strengthen the System even more. It will reveal the weak areas, the possible flows, and then the self-proclaimed leaders of humanity will work hard to consolidate the citadel.


    We can consider the current pandemic to give just one brief example. We are not talking here about its reality or unreality, about wearing or not wearing masks, and so on. It is simply not the place for such controversies. What matters in the given context is how we can harness this grave situation. In other words, it is important, first of all, to understand the great danger and the great opportunity related to the current situation. The great opportunity is for a significant number of the planet’s inhabitants to start turning on the light. Not because this pandemic, this virus would exist or would not exist. But because a crisis on a global scale, either real or induced, is always the antechamber of significant change. So, the great opportunity would be to just turn on the light! On the other hand, the great danger is that planetary puppeteers will stifle, as they always do, this great opportunity, to make it unavailable to the vast majority of people.


    How can they do that? The same way they always did! Using the advancement of new technologies, having at their disposal means of mass manipulation that they did not even dream of until 30 years ago, they will generate again, in the same perfectly controlled manner, anti-system riots. Once they have rebelled against masks and restrictions, people will again believe that they have won. Once they begin to oppose the new world order, the great RESET presented at DAVOS, many will once again nurture the illusion that they are fighting the System. In reality, however, they will continue to be stimulated by the System itself without noticing it. They will stay in the dark. And so, they will play exactly the game of those behind the System, as it already happened so many times before. Because what changes from one stage to another is not the cynical game’s essence but only the means and methods.


    As I said, no matter what lies behind the current crisis, the great opportunity is waking up as many people as possible. Nevertheless, the great danger lies in missing this opportunity as the impostor CEOs of humanity lure us at the same time into taking part in a new experiment and into opposing this experiment. Yes, in the economy of the cynical game played by those behind the System, participating in the new world experiment or fighting against it is the same thing! As long as people are kept busy! As long as people are kept busy with the new world experiment (by passive acceptance or active rejection), the System has nothing to fear. The window to this great opportunity, opened by the current crisis, will soon be closed.


    In response to the current crisis, as the main solution to the problems it has generated, those who control the System have recently proposed the so-called Great RESET. The initiative was conceptualized by Klaus Schwab (and presented in his book COVID-19: The Great Reset). The World Economic Forum (of which he is the founder) debated extensively and popularized the new experiment at the annual DAVOS meeting in January 2021 (held for the first time in a predominantly digital format).


    The Great RESET experiment does exactly what all the previous experiments did: it deviates, it distracts from the essence, from the great opportunity of a true transformation. The problems it identifies are mainly correct. The objectives it proposes are, to a large extent, desirable. But, you see, the conceptual foundations and pragmatic aspirations of previous world experiments sounded just as good! As for those experiments’ concrete results, I don’t think we need to develop much!


    As for the current global experiment, that is proposed - of course! - as a life-saving solution on the brink of the current crisis, it is enough to follow its premises, the conceptual basis, to be absolutely sure that it will turn, after a certain time, into a new resounding failure.


    Of course, a reasonably right question would be this: are the world leaders so naive or poorly prepared that they do not understand that all these world experiments are wrongly conceived, that they can only end in the common pit of grandiose failures!? The question is fair, and the answer is as simple as possible and is based on the previous lines: the self-proclaimed leaders of the world are firmly convinced that these experiments cannot bring lasting beneficial effects. But they enjoy this because, from the very beginning, their intention was not to generate social GOOD, world GOOD. Their intention was, is, and will always be to create the ILLUSION OF SOCIAL GOOD, THE ILLUSION OF WORLD GOOD! They know very well what should be done if we really wanted to change our world for the better. They know very well that this is by no means possible unless we start the resettlement of humanity within its destiny. But the beings at the top of the decision-making pyramid want everything else, except the evolution, the development of humans beings under the needs, the rights and freedoms of their destiny!


    In order to prevent The Real Great RESET, the masters of puppets are pushing their own version of RESET. That is, in fact, nothing but another experiment that will be doomed to failure, like all others before it. They know full well that things will go on according to the new normal they wish to impose if nothing new comes along. A large part of humanity will go with the Great RESET, and a small part of humanity will fight against the Great RESET. Thus, the same thing will happen again and again – the human beings WILL BE KEPT BUSY and will lose the opportunity for real change!


    And here we land at the purpose of this book. The Real Great RESET is not only a book but a human manifesto. The author wishes to urge readers to try, at least, to turn on the light in the rooms of their own minds, hearts, and spirits. Suppose enough people will at least try the sea with their finger with the modest help of this book. Suppose they will dare to SEE what their world looks like when it is no longer darkened. In that case, we welcome an opportunity, both individually and collectively, to stop the dizzying rotation of the global carousel. Once enough people wake up from the System’s hypnosis, we will be able to begin the effective change of our world, and we will quickly find and implement solutions to problems that have been dragging on for centuries!


    To say that the world’s problems have no solution, that it is utopian to seek answers, is entirely false! Solutions exist and can be quickly implemented. The only great problem of humanity is that it does not realize that it is kept INTENTIONALLY in the dark so that both problems and solutions are never really SEEN. The profound causes of humankind’s problems and the real solutions to these problems cannot be observed, identified, and dealt with through understanding if people continue to grope in the seemingly eternal darkness. We simply cannot find real solutions to real problems in the current global social paradigm. In the dark, we can’t see... It’s useless, inefficient, and counterproductive to cleverly grope through the darkness of the world! It would be much easier to turn on the light. We would then see clearly both the problems and the solutions. And one more thing... We would then become aware of the extraordinary treasures that surround us, that belong to us, that are part of us, even though we know nothing about them!


    Therefore, this book’s chief function is to draw attention to the switch, to the button that any person can use at any time to make light in their own life and, then, to shine around for others. The more people turn on the light while reading this book, the greater the chances of a real change. We need to stop our current meaningless and pointless rotation in the eternal roundabout created by the System’s puppeteers.


    The Great RESET advanced by the System’s masters of puppets will be opposed by those who, although well-intentioned, will not understand that their opposition is only part of the big and cynical plan - that of keeping humanity in a state of drowsiness so as to miss all opportunities for waking up.


    In this keynote, it must be emphasized that this book is not a book against the System, at least not in the classical sense of the eternal anti-System fight. This book is meant to explain what the System is, at its deepest levels, as well as to urge readers to get out of the carousel, stop for a few moments, and make a simple gesture - turn on the light in their rooms. It is only turning on the light that will make the darkness go away. Because darkness is nothing but the absence of light! There’s no point in trying to carry the darkness out of the room with the wheelbarrows! We can’t make it disappear unless, one way or another, we switch on the light!


    For centuries, people have been skillfully manipulated in such a way that they can no longer differentiate between puppeteers and authentic leaders. Those who keep them in the dark are also the ones

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