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Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment
Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment
Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment
Ebook250 pages1 hour

Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment

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About this ebook

Real-Time Parenting is the antidote to our comparison culture. Parents increase self-awareness and develop trust in themselves by taking inventory of their personality, values, and past experiences. They craft a unique vision for their family and choose action steps to meet their children's needs in the heat of everyday moments.


Release dateMar 23, 2021
Real-Time Parenting: Choose Your Action Steps for the Present Moment

Beth Miller

Beth Miller is a veteran youth worker with over twenty-five years experience. She is the founder and director of The Strangely Warmed Players, a youth drama troupe. She has led workshops on both youth ministry and on drama for several national training events. She resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan.f

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    Real-Time Parenting - Beth Miller


    Real-Time Parenting originated from our collaboration as three parent coaches supporting and inspiring each other. We discovered renewed energy as we listened to one another and shared our experiences and best practices in parenting. Collectively we have worked with over a thousand moms and dads through coaching, facilitating groups, teaching classes, and giving presentations. It has been an honor to guide parents to develop trust in themselves and enhance their family connections. Our passion for reaching parents continues to grow as we develop and deliver experiential activities, stories, and models for learning.

    We are grateful for many tremendous guides who have led us in our work as parent coaches. The three of us received rigorous training through The Parent Coaching Institute and we continue to be inspired by the trainers who supported us to become Certified Parent Coaches®. Additionally, we learn every day from the parents we coach and those who attend our classes and workshops. It is a privilege to see the courage that flows out of parent coaching sessions and classes as parents discuss even the most tumultuous and confusing situations about children of all ages.

    We are approved instructors of The Art of Positive Parenting (TAPP), a program of Action for Children in Columbus, Ohio. In the introduction to her book The Art of Positive Parenting, author Mickey Tobin states that TAPP promotes the role of the parent as the foundation of a healthy society. Tobin’s course is grounded in positive communication and a democratic approach to discipline. She referenced the work of many child experts, including Haim Ginott, Thomas Gordon, Adele Faber, and Elaine Mazlish. Based on the work of these thought leaders, Tobin recognized that many parents were unaware that positive approaches for raising and disciplining their children were not only possible but also effective.

    We are hopeful. We see the universality of positive approaches that are beneficial to parents everywhere. In addition, we have learned so much about how human brains work and the mind-body connection. The work and findings of Dan Siegel, Carol Dweck, Hal Runkel, Shefali Tsabary, and Marc Brackett as well as other writers, scholars, and researchers, have given us new understandings about neuroscience, motivation, positive psychology, and optimal learning environments for children. As coaches, we are fascinated by how these experts uphold and extend the practices of compassionate communication, problem ownership, positive discipline, collaborative problem-solving, and stress reduction.

    Many of today’s experts also extol the benefits of the ancient practice of mindfulness meditation for self-awareness and deeper connection with self and others. The focus on self-care we learned from the Parent Coaching Institute® and TAPP takes on greater depth and meaning for us today. We incorporate self-care and mindfulness in our coaching sessions and in Real-Time Parenting.

    Most importantly, we are eternally grateful for our children who brought our identities as parents to life. Among the three of us, we have eight precious children who have unique strengths and gifts that make the world a better place. We honor our unpredictable and meaningful parenting journeys. There have been confusing and painful times as well as countless treasured and celebrated moments. As our families joyfully expand with stepchildren and grandchildren, the learning continues. We share our challenges and joys and apply Real-Time Parenting concepts in our family lives every day. We continue to discover beautiful insights and powerful breakthroughs in parenting. We desire to partner with you as you choose action steps for the present moment.



    Many parents come to us feeling dissatisfied with how they are faring as parents and discouraged with their family life. Balancing the demands of caring for children, relationships, work, and household tasks leaves everyone feeling stressed. Power struggles, busy schedules, and endless to-do lists overshadow the good times. Feelings of frustration and uncertainty sprout like weeds in place of budding satisfaction and confidence.

    We know from personal and professional experience that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to raising children. While this statement may seem obvious, parents often compare themselves to perceived norms from social media, friends, other families, or cultural ideals. While an abundance of parenting resources is available, the information shows little regard for the unique needs and strengths of an individual parent or family. Parents struggle with putting clever parenting tips they read or hear into practice. They lack confidence and clarity as to what will actually create the family life they desire.

    Our mission is to help you raise awareness about who you are as a parent right now and who you aspire to be at your best. As your parent coaches, we are eager to provide insight, information, resources, tools, and activities to help you clarify what matters most to you, embrace your personal strengths, and unleash your ingenuity and creativity. We invite you to connect with what is true and most important to you as you accept this invitation to choose your action steps for the present moment.


    The present moment invites parents to choose authentic, effective responses to everyday challenges. Ordinary moments hold the potential for the most meaningful impact. The everyday, real interactions over spilled milk, wrestling matches between siblings, unfinished homework, and temper tantrums define the parenting experience. Intense emotions may leave you raw and reeling in the heat of the moment. Reactions don’t match deeply held beliefs. These micro-moments provide opportunities to create respectful parent-child relationships.

    Real-Time Parenting includes a collection of parenting skills that become your personal toolkit. These best practices are the most effective parenting responses no matter what the moment brings. We want you to make informed parenting decisions with an emphasis on the connection between parent and child that is the hallmark of effective parenting. We include tools for productive communication and discipline strategies that propel children toward healthy independence. Our hope is that this book leads you to integrate the best, widely accepted parenting practices into the parent-child relationship that is exclusively yours.

    Stress is real, but not an excuse to give up. We teach parents to look closely into the real-time experiences and needs of each family member, rather than in preconceived ideas of how parenting should be. No matter your circumstances, the right answers to parenting questions are those which are your own. Real-Time Parenting gives you a fresh look into what is possible for your family. Hold on to the best of what previous generations believed or practiced. Dismantle false beliefs built by the comparison culture. Take inventory of your values, personality, and experiences to craft a unique vision.

    Discovering a personal parenting approach is not a one-and-done exercise. Parents learn to continually hone their parenting as children enter new developmental stages, as different circumstances arise, and as the parent-child relationship evolves. As you learn these skills, you will see how different approaches work for different parents and children in various situations. Knowing yourself and your child allows you to create the family life you most desire.

    You are the author and artist creating your authentic parenting approach. We encourage you to let go of external opinions and previous conclusions when creating your optimal family life. We invite you to intentionally choose the parenting skills that best fit your goals. While we love coaching you through the process, no one can do it for you. We celebrate with you as you discover the right steps to take action today.

    We don’t start with how-to. We start with discovery. We can’t give you specific tools until you know what you are trying to achieve and why. Six key questions help you discover insight to better understand your current situation.


    Chapter 1 asks you to explore how your personality, values, and past experiences may influence the action steps you choose to take. We invite you to let go of Who should I be and ask, Who am I at my best? Get to know and develop the positive beliefs and unique strengths you bring to parenting. Give your truest self to your child as a precious gift. As you embrace the beauty of your authenticity, you will begin to measure only against your best self — not to who you see on social media!


    Chapter 2 opens up new ways of seeing and understanding children based on your observations and learning from the field of child development. We encourage a shift from thinking, Who should my child be? to Who is my child at his or her best? Real-Time Parenting provides parents with a summary of best practices for optimal brain development, learning, and social-emotional growth. Additionally, we provide ways for parents to better understand what is unique about their child’s traits and temperament. By understanding who their child truly is, parents can most effectively meet their child’s needs.


    As you learn more about yourself and your child, you will begin to prioritize goals and create vision statements. These unfold in Chapter 3. We walk you through the process of declaring a vision of what you want to create for your parenting experience. Some families focus on academics or service, while other families prioritize creativity, community involvement, or sports. Some families seek peace, others seek adventure. Some like order, clear routines, and predictability, and others like to be spontaneous with less need for structure. Without clear goals, parents stay stuck in survival mode, just getting by while often feeling unsettled and unfulfilled. As you read this chapter, you will be drawn to specific issues that need your attention. Your action plan will emerge based on the vision statements you have for success in each area.


    The parent-child relationship is the basis for all significant teaching and discipline, as well as the foundation for a strong sense of belonging in the family. It’s never too late to improve this connection through positive and effective communication. Chapter 4 provides practical tools for intentional listening as well as communication traps to avoid. When children feel seen and heard, they are more likely to listen to their parents in return. Trust, respect, and love are all enhanced as parents prioritize connection in everyday moments.


    Specific ideas for responding to everyday parenting situations fill Chapters 5 and 6. We share insight on using specific language to provide encouragement, offer choices, and give directions to boost your influence on your child’s sense of self and behavior. Effective practices for setting up the physical environment, establishing routines, creating rules and consequences, and solving problems round out the toolkit. As you acquire and practice skills, you have options to fill in your action plan. In Chapter 7 we share a specific STEP model which helps you build awareness of your limiting beliefs, unwanted habits, and other obstacles getting in the way of your parenting. Your specific action steps will allow you to parent effectively, make important decisions, and provide a secure environment for safety, learning, and fun.


    The last discovery, revealed in Chapter 8, involves becoming aware of your energy level as a parent and the critical link between your well-being and your ability to be the parent you want to be. By embracing a positive mindset, practicing self-care, and engaging with supportive friends and community, parents find inspiration to take impactful action steps with confidence. Parents are empowered to celebrate their daily wins and let go of anxiety and doubt. Parents learn to accept the evolving parenting experience and find ways to supercharge their action plan every day.

    Real-Time Parenting teaches how to:

    Embrace your authentic self

    Tap into your most meaningful values

    Maximize your strengths

    Commit to self-care

    Harness supportive resources

    Set practical and realistic expectations

    Meet your children and family right where they are

    Consider best practices from current research

    Synchronize your vision of parenting to the family you have

    Celebrate your successes every day


    We understand parents are seeking relief and meaning in the parent role. This book will help you become aware of the many influences that impact your parenting, and thoughtfully choose what propels you and your family upward.

    Each chapter is packed with stories based on real families we cheered on to solve their parenting challenges. You will see a movie reel to identify these stories. As you meet the moms and dads in the stories, notice if you relate to their issues or situation. Our hope is that you will see yourself in some of the stories and notice why you don’t relate to others. We want you to be inspired by how others have brought their visions to life and cared for themselves along the way.

    In Chapters 4, 5, and 6, we share ten parenting tools as best practices to create positive changes. Look for the TOOL ICON. These tools are options for your parenting toolkit that you will practice along the way.

    Throughout the chapters, you will see Practice for Progress opportunities. Find a special notebook or device to record thoughts, questions, and ideas. Use these activities to test out approaches and experiment with skills and concepts, putting the ideas into real-time action. See what works for you, and what doesn’t. Discover what helps you achieve your vision and notice what is satisfying about it. Offer do-overs for yourself and your child. Do you need to learn more, or do you find that a particular skill is not a good fit for the situation? Keep a list of your thoughts and questions to watch your learning unfold.

    Consider collaborating with a partner or support person as you reflect on the ideas and activities in each chapter. Share your thoughts and be open to insight from others. Notice your self-talk. Does it sound limiting or judgmental? Practice observing your thoughts and actions as an exercise in awareness, with the intention of learning and developing the parenting approach that gives life to your highest hopes.

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