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Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing
Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing
Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing
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Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing

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Have you been trying to find your center?


Have you been struggling to feel "normal", like something has been off? Do you want to better understand what chakras are?


If this sounds like you - then keep on reading!


Chakras are a point that exists between

Release dateDec 17, 2020
Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing

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    Chakras for Beginners - A Complete Guide to Chakra Healing - Deb Lilith


    Congratulations, and thank you for choosing this book about chakras. I hope that you find the information helpful and informative. Throughout this book, we will be discussing the chakras, how they affect you, and how you can open them.

    To truly be wise, one has to learn from the mistakes that other people make. Books are created as a way to provide people with greater knowledge so that their life can become better in the long run. Great books have the ability to create a path that wasn’t originally there, opening ways to great things.

    This book aims to clear a path for you to reach an understanding of the chakra system and how they control your bodily energy. It’s unfortunate that the majority of people walk around with blocked chakras because of things they have experienced in their life. The great thing is that chakras can be healed. The process of healing chakras requires practice and learning.

    This can all be helped by switching up how you have been doing things. When we become aware of the smaller parts of our life, it will bring us to new healing levels. As you read through this book, you will discover meditations and exercises that will help you to heal your chakras. As you learn more about yourself, make sure that you fully take in the information. As you begin to work towards making your life more fulfilling, you will likely find a better sense of what your purpose is.

    The goal of this book is to bring you more joy. Your way of looking at life will grow, and it will transform the negativity within your life into something that can help you reach your higher purpose. It’s important that you enjoy this process and be thankful for all of the energy that you can use.

    There are plenty of other books on this subject on the market, thanks once more for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible; please enjoy!

    1 What Are Chakras

    Not everyone is familiar with the chakras, but they are being talked about more and more. People who believe in holistic practices, Reiki healings, meditations, and yoga believe in chakras. It isn’t just all hoo-doo. Even though western research isn't abundant, it has been said that the chakra system began in India between the years of 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text known as the Vedas.

    This is just my opinion, but to me, it only takes one session of learning your energy system to know that chakras are indeed real, and they resonate with you every second of every day.

    The best description I can give you about chakras is they are energy wheels. Chakra, in Sanskrit, means wheel, round, or a tunnel where energy exchanges take place. Therefore, chakra could mean a circular movement where bad energy gets exchanged for good. Basically, bad energy goes out; good energy comes in. This energy is known as Prana or the vital life force. This is what keeps us healthy, alive, and vibrant. Each chakra will correspond with a major organ and the nerve centers in our bodies. Every one of the seven main chakras contains our emotional and spiritual states.

    Life and time have been thought actually to be controlled by the chakras. Because of this, chakras are seen as colored wheels of light that spin at various speeds and intensity. To put it simply, chakras are the centers that receive, absorb, and transmit energies.

    Chakras are a point that exists between the non-physical and physical realms of the human body. The energy that gets exchanged in the chakras is the energy of the life force. This is the reason we study chakras and need to know how they work.

    If your chakras are blocked, this means you can’t function properly either physically, psychologically, or mentally. When your chakras are blocked, there isn’t any energy exchange, and this isn’t good. Think about it like a car’s exhaust system. If the exhaust is blocked, the car is going to choke out and stall.

    Our bodies experience pretty much the same thing if your chakras are blocked. All this bad energy gets kept inside. If this exchange can’t take place, bad things like illness will begin to affect your body. No one wants this to happen. Our goal needs to be that every chakra remains open and aligned with all the energy flowing freely between all of them while keeping them connected. If there is a blockage in just one, the energy won’t be able to flow through the body and will create some stagnant energy that, with time, is going to manifest certain physical and emotional imbalances.

    Your chakras can also be unbalanced. This happens when negative energy outweighs the positive. Basically, inside your body, the bad overcomes the good. Keeping the energy freely flowing in our bodies while keeping the chakras open and balanced is a lot easier if we can be aware of them and what imbalances could feel like. Just being able to balance on will help bring all the others into balance, too.

    Having unbalanced chakras isn’t all about the negative exceeding the positive. If certain chakras like the crown chakra are unbalanced, you might be spending too much time pursuing spirituality and aren’t taking enough time to take care of your physical self. If this is the case, you need to ground yourself.

    Since chakras can become blocked, they can also be unblocked. This means you can reverse the damage and actually enjoy your life. Many things need to happen to unblock and balance the chakras. The main ones would be using various types of yoga, meditating, therapy, and others. We will look at these in more detail later on.

    Our bodies have many chakras, the ones that are recognized the most are the seven that are located along the spine. They work to control certain aspects of your health. There have been many maps created to show the chakra system. There are thousands of points and channels along with side and major central channels. Just think about acupuncture and the meridian lines. Some people say that there might be as many as 114 chakra points. This number includes chakras that are found below and above our physical bodies that are known as the astral and subtle body.

    Let me give you the history of chakras and then a quick insight as to why you need to work with them to keep them healthy and their energy flowing freely.

    A Quick History

    Many cultures have practiced the concept of chakras for many thousands of years, but by different names. Any religion or culture that encourages meditation is doing some form of chakra. Meditation is encouraged with chakras as a way of listening to our inner self and tapping into our subconscious, but it is a way to balance any unbalanced chakras.

    The psychology of chakras is now a common practice. There are a lot of people who live in the West that are practicing this as well as ayurvedic and Chinese medicine systems. The best thing about this is you don’t need a trainer to unblock and balance your chakras. You do have to put in place some precautionary and safety measures.

    While it isn’t as well established in the West as it is in other parts of the world like India, people are beginning to realize the benefits of mental and emotional health, self-awareness, and spirituality. Many people all over the world are beginning to practice it every day.

    The concept of chakras has a long lineage that is linked to complicated spiritual practices. The most dominant spiritual tradition that used chakras started in India, as shown by Yogic and Tantric traditions of Buddhism and Hinduism.

    In the 800s BC, Yogic teachings said a vital force called Prana flowed through pathways that are called nadis. These pathways were believed to work in the junction points like chakras.

    Chakra practices have been shown in the Jewish religion and hesychastic traditions. Hesychastic tradition uses a meditation that has similar features to yogic and tantric traditions. Jewish religions believe in divine qualities and psychic powers that can be found in the body.

    Chakra practices were brought to the United States and Europe by Englishman John Woodroffe. While working as a lawyer in India, he brought scriptures from Hindu that described chakras.

    English books called Nuclear Evolution, The Book of Color Healing, and The Serpent Power would come along later. These books opened many paths for chakras to come into the health systems and alternative medicine of countries of the West.

    Nowadays, chakras play a huge role in diagnosing the causes of many imbalances within our bodies, psychological and mental well being in our lives. Healers and therapists have affirmed chakras in the Western psychological world. Besides using its concept within their practice,

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