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Western Honeymoon Trek: As Told by Brave Hawk
Western Honeymoon Trek: As Told by Brave Hawk
Western Honeymoon Trek: As Told by Brave Hawk
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Western Honeymoon Trek: As Told by Brave Hawk

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This is the sequel to A Past Life Book. Had a double wedding, my new wife and her best friend. Planed on a western trek for our honeymoon, Aunt Sue was also going.

It went well at first, a few weeks and we had a problem. Being trained by my spirit guide Gonacheaw to track and to sense any o

Release dateJul 20, 2020
Western Honeymoon Trek: As Told by Brave Hawk

DonD Sylvain

This is a book about one of my reincarnations. Book one/ A Past Life. This came about through a medium. Tana Hanley telling me an Indian Chief White Cloud told her was stealing from the Indians was captured escaped and then was adopted into the tribe. Shooting deer was considered stealing, earned a new name by act of bravery, Brave Hawk. Then married an Indian girl, lost her and child at child birth, was devastated. With an old Shaman overcame and returned home and met my new wife. The story continues from here.

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    Western Honeymoon Trek - DonD Sylvain

    Western Honeymoon Trek as told by Brave Hawk by DonD Sylvain

    This book is written to provide information and motivation to readers. It’s purpose is not to render any type of psychological, legal, or professional advice of any kind. The content is the sole opinion and expression of the author, and not necessarily that of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2020 by DonD Sylvain

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form by any means, including, but not limited to, recording, photocopying, or taking screenshots of parts of the book, without prior written permission from the author or the publisher. Brief quotations for noncommercial purposes, such as book reviews, permitted by Fair Use of the U.S. Copyright Law, are allowed without written permissions, as long as such quotations do not cause damage to the book’s commercial value. For permissions, write to the publisher, whose address is stated below.

    ISBN: 978-1-64934-007-8 Paperback

    ISBN: 978-1-64934-100-6 eBook

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Rustik Haws LLC

    100 S. Ashley Drive, Suite 600

    Tampa, FL 33602

    Western Honeymoon Trek

    as told by Brave Hawk

    DonD Sylvain

    Aunt Sue and the girls were anxious to get started on our trip to the West. Chum asked us to wait he had to make a trip to the trading post. He would go that far with us.

    The girls were still working on sorting out the things that they would actually need. Soap and toiletries were one of their big concerns. Told them they would need both light and heavy clothing.

    Sue and mom had made up different blankets with goose down for comfort. Could fold over and lay on top of or cover-up in side the folds. Mom said if she was younger she would go, but someone needed to stay and take care of the farm. We all knew that she didn’t really want to go. It wasn’t long we would be on our way.

    Was making up my mind what horses we would take. We had a very good selection to choose from my mare had two colts born, both males. I road both now to get them used to my ways, they both responded well. My mare had establish herself as head of the herd. We had one other mare very good animal but was always challenging my mare. Mom had wanted me to take her, decided not to she would cause too much trouble with her constant challenge to my mare. The two colts were now young horse spirited but controllable.

    Decided to take 10 horses in all, this made for light load for all. Also if we were to lose one of our horses we would have extra to fall back on. We would go to our trading post first. Chum was coming as far as the trading post, the girls had not seen it as yet. He was bringing supplies and bringing back the hides that we were trading for. We were still doing quite well with our trading. Did our best not to cheat the Indians. We heard about other posts that were trading in whiskey. We still wouldn’t use whiskey even though some still asked for it.

    The men running the post would welcome new supplies and extra goodies we brought with us. Our trip was about ready to start. We waited for the spring flooding to subside then we would start. Everyone is anxious to get started, I just wanted it to be as safe as possible. Finally the day arrived. We made the rounds to say our goodbyes. We were wishing Godspeed and good luck, quite a few said they wish that they were going. Some of the girls made comments how fortunate we were to be able to go. They asked how long would we be gone. My answer was we would be back just before fall. 3 to 4 months in all. We would be in the wilderness all the time.

    We started off without a hitch. The only problem was the girls getting used to riding all day long. The first night was a lot of moaning but in good spirits. The next few days had everyone walk beside the horses to limber up. I did the same. Chum was ahead of us with the other men and the carts. The trail by now was well defined. Most bad places had been circumvented to make it easier going. Slow getting started in the morning, the routine had not been set as yet. Be a couple of weeks or more before he would settle into a good routine.

    Chum always came back and stayed with us in the evening. He got a big charge out of the girls moaning. All I could say is that they would toughen up in just a few days, everyone was in good spirits. Once in a while there would be some stumbling we all got a laugh over. Everyone was sleeping soundly, was relying on my dog for anything that might show up to cause us a problem. The deer along the trail were learning to stay clear being shot at and one of them going down. The rifle’s crack had let them know that not safe when they hear men coming.

    By the time we arrived at this trading post everyone was over the stiff and sore muscles. We still walked with the horses just to keep the legs in good shape. Jan and I occasionally would take off on a run. We both enjoyed the exercise, Bess and Guy were satisfied with walking with the horses Sue did the same. We stayed at the trading Post for a few days. I was hoping to see some of my Indian family. Other Indians showed up asked them if they had seen any of my family. They told me they hadn’t seen them in many moons, I thought this very unusual.

    Told the gang we would find a village in a week or so. Chum and Sue said their goodbyes. Chum asking Sue if she wanted to continue or go back with him. Sue answered that she would never have another chance like this if he didn’t mind she would continue. I knew they would like the Black Hills the Badlands we would circumvent. We took our time and made camp early. Next morning we were on our way early. About mid morning, I kept getting an uneasy feeling. Told the gang was going to leave on foot and to keep my mare with you. Will take my dog and scout back along the trail. Felt we were being followed.

    Took off on a trot and left the trail and would come to a rise being careful not to let myself be seen. Sure enough four men were following. Headed back to the gang and told him we were being followed by four white men. I said they were not up to any good. We would stop for midday and pick a place where we would be well seen. Told them would again try to see what they were up to. Knew they would stay back just out of sight. Again found them dismounted and talking and not being very quiet about it, my dog gave a very light growl, just touched him and he stopped. They were planning on hitting us when we were camped that night. They would have to come in from behind and the other two in from the other side. They had done this before could tell about how they were talking. Their comments were will have some fun with a woman before we scalp them. I then moved back to our midday camp, telling all about their plans.

    We will ride until we find a spot where we can defend ourselves. Found a good spot just before dark. Then told how we would set up our ambush. I then told the girls not to hesitate to shoot if they did these men would kill at any of our mistakes. We set out our sleeping blankets and move them away from the fire. Told Guy and the girls not to look at the fire. This was to make sure their eyes would be used to the dark. Put Guy up to one side with Bess, Jan and Sue on the other, I would be watching for the others to come the other way. The fire had died down, my dog gave his warning and was then quiet. Watched as one man came my way. My arrow found its way to his chest he went down with a grunt. Guy and Bess fired about the same time. My dog attacked the other man, heard another shot Jan had fired. Could hear and see the other man fighting my dog couldn’t get a clean shot at him for fear of hitting my dog. Call my dog off when the man stood up just put an arrow into him and Guy had reloaded and shot at the same time. Sue had held her shot just in case someone missed. She would be ready. The man Jan had shot was gut wounded. Sue was watching him he sat up and reached for his rifle, Sue said if he touched that he would another bullet coming. He then just sat there groaning he recognized a woman’s voice. His next comment was, I was killed by a woman his curses then weren’t pleasant to hear.

    We were up the rest of the night my dog checking everyone then went and worried all the dead man just to be satisfied they were not a threat anymore. The man that was gut shot died lasted only another half hour, he just mumbled he knew he was going to hell. The next morning I and Guy search all of them they all had gold coin, we took all that was worth anything. One had a fancy tomahawk took that also. The girls said it would be quite a chore to bury all four. My answer was they are going to be turned face down and left. No one argued, Sue nodded her head in agreement. Jan and Bess still were wondering how I knew they were following us. Told them the Indians had instilled this in me, how it worked didn’t really know. Gonacheaw was much better at it than. Told them was glad it wasn’t Indians they usual weren’t that stupid. Also new at times they also were. Turned all the dead man over face down before leaving, Sue asked why. Indians believe the spirit would not be unable to follow by going into the earth. We left after I went and collected their horses and gear. By the looks they were traveling light. They must have been watching us at the trading Post and decided we would be an easy kill. To them the girls probably look like novices. I was sure glad the girls could all shoot well. Sue and her composure of holding back just in case. Was something commended her for. If the other had gotten his rifle one of us might not be here. Sue said well everyone else got to put a bullet into those bad guys. I offered to take her back and let her shoot one of them. This broke the tension and everyone laughed including Sue.

    Knew everyone would love the Black Hills. Took our time and made camp early each day so we could enjoy our surroundings. A couple more days and found the old village place. Everything had grown up, this is where I was taken and then escaped and was adopted into the clan. We decided to keep going it would just midday. Told how the clan moved the village every so often. The new location was because the gardens would be more productive. The game more plentiful. We talked about Indian life. The men did the hunting, the woman did all the gathering of herbs berries and all the planning of corn and squash and other edibles. Had to tell about my raising heck with the woman when they went out berry picking. How running deer threatened me with a stick because I was stealing berries out of her basket. Would run behind my Indian mother for protection. How the others would laugh at my antics. There man would never think of doing what I did. My Indian brother would just stand guard.

    Thankful that he did he save my hide that time. We came to another village site it had not been used in some time either. Continued on our trek, was getting a little apprehensive that we hadn’t ran into any occupied village as yet. Knew they always had their gardens planted by now. So we moved on and found another village abandon. Stayed a day or two before moving on we started out early, my dog gave us a warning. This is when I had a Guy and the girls get the rifles out. My dog went ahead of me, I could now sense it was a bear not too far away. Made a cautious approach, a grizzly was feeding on a carcass. Went back to let everyone know what it was, they all wanted to see the bear. We approached into the wind, led them to a rise and motioned to be very quiet and move slow no noise. We were able to watch the bear for a while. He quit feeding and all of a sudden his nose went up in the air, cross breeze may have given him a whiff of our scent. Had everyone back off and head for the horses.

    I was going to watch the bear and make sure he wasn’t interested in us. The bear just walked around the carcass a few times he then went and laid not too far away. Knew now it was safe to leave. This was the first time they all had seen a grizzly. All had seen drawings but first one for real. The bear was a good size, told everyone they were hard to kill. They asked if I had killed any. Yes had killed a few but hunted them with a lot of caution not all alone always with others. Told them about the time the old grizzly had found us following him and he had made a loop to follow us. My tracker friend Gonacheaw knew right away what the bear was up to. He had most likely ambushed his ambushers before.

    Then told how we all urinated in one spot to draw his attention. This is when we got four arrows into him. He raised heck for a few minutes then went down. All arrows had found their mark to the heart and to the lungs.

    I told the gang how Gonacheaw could track anything. Man or beast couldn’t outfox him. He would still laugh and say I was the only one he could not track. He was like chum and I brothers.

    We had killed a deer and had a good meal. Then cooked up the rest of the meat this would last us a week or more. I was killing grouse with my bow. They couldn’t believe I had shot one out of the air with a bow while riding my horse. A lot of practice and a good feel made it an ideal weapon, liked it because it was so quiet. We stopped at a different stream to bathe and do our laundry, was a welcome stop we weren’t in a hurry I couldn’t get over we weren’t seeing any Indians or sign as yet. The next village spot was also barren. Wasn’t going to take them to the sacred Lake, change my mind. Just hope that it would be all right to bring my family there. Would ask if we were approached. We got to the lake and no one was around. Couldn’t find any recent sign of the old shaman. Found his old fireplace it had not been used in some time we unpacked set up our camp plan on staying for a few days or more. A couple of days went by, we all enjoyed swimming and a lot of splashing. I couldn’t understand no one being around. This had been well guarded when I was here before. The old shaman had given Running Deer and I an any time welcome. We had used it a lot, didn’t tell them about my experience with the old shaman. Still felt the pain from remembering. Hard for me to believe how happy I was again. Next day told Jan and the crew was going to make a scouting to see if there was any sign of Indians. Jan asked if she could go with me, I was more than glad to have her come along I then had Bess Guy and Sue set up our camp in a new location. Moving downstream away from the lake. At one time the lake was only on invitation. Didn’t want to have a party of Indians find us without the invite. We we now had 14 horses, to watch. When we stopped we had to hobble the strangers to make sure they didn’t roam where we had to hunt for them. Could tell they were used to being hobbled. Jan and I had found Indian sign but still not fresh. A couple of weeks old, I was not sure what to do and was about to turn back when Jan and I spotted three or four horses and men. We went forward with caution, I then recognize them from the clan that had given Running Deer and I a welcome on our honeymoon. Called out to them and they recognize me right away. They had thought I was dead, I introduce them to Jan. They were glad I had found another wife after losing Running Deer. Then we chatted for a while, then asked where the Chief and Gonacheaw were. They said they were now chasing Buffalo on the prairies. They were now on their way to the lake. The old shaman had died and asked to be left at the lake he loved. They said it was fitting I should be here for the ceremony he had directed them to perform. Told him I had other family with me could they also join. Their answer was Brave Hawk your family is our family. Had to close my eyes for a few seconds it hit me so strong. I looked up they were looking away and respect for my feelings. Then they all gave me a wallop and laughed. Jan was startled when they did this she didn’t know what had just happened. At first she thought they were attacking me. I explained what they had said when I asked if all my family could join in the ceremony. When they told me all my family is also there’s. Told Jan I had to collect myself by closing my eyes. This is when they looked away to let me get my composure back. We then headed back to the lake. Then went back and got Guy Bess and Sue introduced them to my extended family. Told them the old shaman who had loved this lake had died. He had instructed the Braves in a ceremony and to leave him at the lake. They would build a type of elevated cover for his body. It was encased in a leather and tightly bound. We all help to set up the site. Set up on poles overlooking the lake. Once this was made the body was also tied to the crossings. That evening the ceremony got underway. A fire was built under the body, the body was high enough not to be affected by the fire. Then one of the Braves sat in to fan powder into the flames, the other three started the dance, had to join in the ceremony. Jan Bess Sue and Guy just watched this went on until the fire died down. Then the chanting began and lasted for some time. Woke up the next morning laying on the ground with the other Braves, Jan came and covered me. Was going to apologize, Jan said no, that was a beautiful ceremony and we were very fortunate to be part of it. Felt a lot better then, found I and the others were famished.

    Sue and Bess had already got the meal going. We then got to visiting, telling about where we had been and what I had been doing. The girls then said tell him about seeing the grizzly. When I told him this they got excited and wanted to go and get this bear. I proceeded to tell them it was a day’s ride back to where we had seen it. Told them time didn’t seem to matter to the Indians in the way it did to us. They then said they would help with the horses. When they looked at the extra horses we had gotten from the dead men, they then said Brave Hawk the men no longer ride their horses. Then told him it was true they no longer rode their horses. They all nodded and commented it was good, not good men. Guy and the rest want to know what were talking about. They recognize the horses the men rode and said they no longer rode their horses, I had agreed. They had told me good, they weren’t good men. We all turned back and went to see if the grizzly was still there.

    Another day’s ride we stopped for the evening meal. The Braves asked if Jan was my new wife. I then added Guy Bess and Sue were also family. They were fascinated by the girls hair color. Then commented how fortunate to have so many pretty woman around, and they got a big laugh at the comment, acknowledge I was very fortunate. They then made a comment all the woman wanted to take care me and had another big laugh over this comment. Just kind of gave a grin and rolled my eyes. This brought on another gale of laughter. Jan Guy Bess and Sue knew they were ribbing me but didn’t know what was being said had to translate. They also got a big kick out of what they had said. We had stopped a ways from where we had last seen the bear. Next morning had a quick meal. Then headed for where the bear had been feeding on a fresh carcass.

    Guy Bess Jan and Sue wanted to also be included. I decided to stay up on the ridge knowing the carcass was in the lower part of a small valley. The others

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