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Tucker Wilson
Tucker Wilson
Tucker Wilson
Ebook122 pages1 hour

Tucker Wilson

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About this ebook

Noah Wilson was just an ordinary ten-year-old boy when his dad left for war.

Tucker Wilson was just an eight-week old pup when Noah adopted him.

Sgt. Duncan was just an elderly man living all alone when he meets Noah and Tucker.

Together they form an unbreakable bond of

Release dateSep 9, 2017
Tucker Wilson

T.S. Koelling

T. S. Koelling is an award-winning, best-selling author who owns the WMP Multi-Media Network. Running multiple branches of WMP is complicated and time-consuming, to relieve the stress and stay in shape she started walking while working. As people began to notice her weight loss they asked her how she did it and wanted her to share a step-by-step plan with them.This book is the result of their requests and has already helped thousands.

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    Tucker Wilson - T.S. Koelling

    Tucker Wilson Front Ebook Cover

    © 2017 by T.S. Koelling

    All rights reserved.

    Words Matter Publishing

    P.O. Box 531

    Salem, Il 62881

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without the prior permission of the copyright holder, except as provided by USA copyright law.

    ISBN 13: 978-1-947072-18-3

    ISBN 10: 1-947072-18-8

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017912451


    To my Mother Eileen Koelling who taught me to love books so much that now I write them.


    Chapter One Goodbye And Hello

    Chapter Two Tucker’s Treasures

    Chapter Three New Digs

    Chapter Four Potty Runs And Pom Poms

    Chapter Five The Two Vets

    Chapter Six The Smartest Dog On The Porch

    Chapter Seven Stolen Dog

    Chapter Eight The Secret

    Chapter Nine Heart And Head

    Chapter Ten The Snow Plow

    Chapter Eleven The Blizzard

    Chapter Twelve Special Delivery

    Chapter Thirteen Babies And Miracles

    Chapter Fourteen Home For Christmas

    Chapter Fifteen Paper Presents

    Chapter Sixteen Fame

    Chapter Seventeen Puppies And Plans


    Goodbye and Hello

    Noah Wilson was sad, he was so sad tears were forming in his dark brown eyes. Noah had promised his dad he would be strong. He had also promised to take care of his mother. They were good promises, but he had no idea how to keep them; because he was just a ten-year-old boy with bushy brown hair.

    Determined to at least try to keep his promises, Noah swallowed hard, fought back his tears and bravely waved goodbye to his dad. But it was hard to watch him get on the plane.

    As the plane took off Noah instantly became the man of the house. It was a role he wasn't prepared for and didn't even want. He would be most happy to turn the title back over to his dad—thanks, but no thanks.

    Watching the clouds swallow the silver speck Noah knew, for a while, he was stuck with the task, so he reached up, took his mother's hand, and walked silently to the car with her. It was a long walk out of the vast airport terminal and through the multi-level parking garage.

    While they walked, Noah remembered a boy named Calvin at his school. Calvin's dad had left to protect the country also, but he never came home. Calvin had said his dad was MIA. Later, when Noah had asked his mom what MIA meant, he was told it meant: Missing In Action.

    Aiden, another boy at Noah's school, had a dad who had come home missing a leg. There was also Sophia, her dad was killed as he protected the country.

    As Noah waited for his mom to unlock the car a single tear trickled down his cheek. Quickly he wiped it away before his mom noticed. He then climbed in the back and buckled himself in, but all the while Noah Wilson was wondering if his dad would ever come home, and if he did, would he have one leg or two.

    When they left the airport, Mrs. Wilson drove very slow. So slow a lady jogging with her dog zoomed past them. Noah was watching his mother's face in the mirror. She seemed to be thinking quite hard about something — probably what they were going to eat for dinner. Slowly she drove and thought turning up one street and down another. When it appeared Mrs. Wilson had made up her mind, she shook her head, as if to say No, and then she drove and thought some more.

    In the back seat, Noah kept very quiet for he knew better than to disturb his mom when she was trying to decide what to cook. One time Noah asked a question while his mom was staring into the refrigerator and she completely lost her train of thought. An hour later Noah was staring at a plate of smelly liver covered in ugly gray gravy with mean looking onions on top.

    At last the car picked up in speed, and Mrs. Wilson drove like she actually knew where she was going. At the edge of the town, Mrs. Wilson turned onto a narrow rock covered lane that was lined with towering trees on both sides. Between the gaps in the trees, Noah could see a very tall fence which made him sit up a little straighter to figure out where they were. Finally, both the lane and the trees ended, and Noah could see a large brick building with a sign that read: Macon Country Animal Shelter.

    Noah was convinced his mother was lost for he could not imagine what she was going to cook from here—the animal shelter.

    Uh...Mom—what are we doing here?

    In a very cheery voice, Mrs. Wilson replied, We are doing our part!

    Our part?

    Your dad is doing his part protecting our country.

    Noah nodded slowly because he was still quite confused.

    Mrs. Wilson must have noticed his puzzled look for she quickly added Now...we are going to do our part to make this world a better place. We are going to adopt a dog, and give it a good home.

    Noah could hardly believe his ears. He was pretty sure he had not heard one word after the word—dog. Ripping off his seat belt Noah bolted from the car and grabbed his mom’s hand.

    Inside the shelter, it took a very long time for Noah to decide on a dog. He darted from run to run over and over again talking to each dog inside. At last Mrs. Wilson suggested that they start from scratch and Noah decided on a puppy. Soon he was seated on the floor with seven Shiloh Shepherd Puppies crawling all over him. After a few minutes of rolling and romping the puppies grew very tired. So tired that one crawled up into Noah's lap and fell asleep.

    Mrs. Wilson thought this was just the cutest thing in the world for she whipped out her phone snapped a picture and said: Aw look, Noah, he's all tuckered out.

    Suddenly Noah's eye lit up, and he clambered to his feet with the furry black and tan puppy in his arms and declared That’s your name, Tucker! Tucker Wilson!


    Tucker’s Treasures

    Noah was beaming from ear to ear as they left the Animal Shelter. He could not believe his good fortune.

    A dog,

    Noah Wilson had his very own dog. Carefully he lifted the still sleeping pup up close to his face and whispered: Don't worry Tucker, I'm going to take very good care of you.

    Tucker opened one sleepy eye and nudged his wet nose against Noah's check and then promptly closed his eye again. Tucker was not worried. Not worried at all.

    A short time later they pulled into the parking lot of the Pom Pom Salon, a local grooming shop that also sold pet supplies. Noah quickly figured out that they were here to buy some things for Tucker, What he could not figure out is why his mother had not gone to the big pet supply store. Worried that his mother must still be too excited about the puppy to think straight, he decided to help her out a little, "Hey Mom...might

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