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truths. and freedom
truths. and freedom
truths. and freedom
Ebook221 pages1 hour

truths. and freedom

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About this ebook

love vs logic was the battle of her life,

and her greatest opponent

was time.


truths. and freedom. is an invitation to feel it all.

it is a dare to expose our hidden parts,

because we can’t truly be whole without them.

it is a challenge to see how ruin can bring about beauty.

Release dateOct 20, 2017
truths. and freedom

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    truths. and freedom - brandie freely

    Table of Contents




    the longest fall

    truths. and freedom.




    Copyright © 2017 Brandie Rogers

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    Published by: Brandie Rogers

    Cover & Book Construction by: Opportune Independent Publishing Co.

    Edited by: Dr. Genovia Holmes and Eric Michael Ward

    Printed in the United States of America

    For permission requests, special orders or more information contact Brandie Rogers at

    for solona.

    you. are the best part of my story.

    this work is also dedicated to my ancestors.

    the ones who dreamed. the ones who had stories to tell, but no way to write them. songs to sing, but nowhere to sing them. this book is dedicated to my ancestors, who like me had great imaginations and ideas of who they might become. for my ancestors whose dreams went unrealized.

    i feel you. i remember you. i acknowledge you. i channel your spirit. and i am lifted by it. thank you for surviving. i learned how to from you.

    i pray i make you proud. i pray i am your dream realized when you look upon me. i will sing for you. i will write for you.

    you will forever be alive in me.

    most of the time i can hardly believe the story of my own life.

    other times i ask myself if i’ve lived this way on purpose.

    and then sometimes i wonder

    if maybe i’m in love with plot twists. am i just not a fan of the predictability of traditional storylines? is it possible that i’ve lived on the edge just to keep things interesting? do i seek to be mentioned amongst timeless protagonists whose triumphs remain relevant for ages? or do i fear the thought of going into history stamped as ordinary?

    i don’t know.

    maybe i am ordinary. and maybe my story isn’t so unthinkable after all.

    maybe it’s just that i’ve dared to tell it. maybe i’m an ordinary woman with an extraordinary ability to walk brazenly in her truth.


    but for sure, i know this: i don’t always need all the answers, and the answers don’t always matter.

    in the matter of my life

    it all comes down to freedom. the freedom to really live.

    and freedom is a process. it’s not like i woke up one morning and decided i was going to be free. it took a lot of soul searching. it took some pain and a lot of tears. i had a lot of questions, and had a hard time with some answers. i had to learn the purpose of forgiveness, and release. freedom takes time.

    time, the essence of all things.

    and most of all, this freedom i desired required truth.

    without truth, there is no freedom.

    this kind of truth is found buried under years of lies, so it must be dug up. it must be pondered on. it will not be easily revealed.

    there is an art to this kind of truth.

    and an art to this kind of freedom.

    the first step is to go back to the very beginning.

    i’ve kept a journal since the second grade. it was a yellow cardboard flip pad. you know, the one bound by wire at the top with green lines going across the pages. i can remember the shape of the round, uneven letters i wrote. i can only imagine what my eight-year-old mind thought was important enough to chronicle. i misplaced it long ago when we moved from my childhood home, and all these years later i still feel as if a part of me was lost. it sounds crazy, but the words on those lines mattered to me then, and they matter to me now. even then, god was sharpening my gift. hm. it’s pretty amazing, actually.

    over the years, i’ve penned just about every meaningful experience in my life. falling in love, emotional highs and lows, the birth of my daughter, being proposed to, getting married, and getting divorced. it’s all recounted in one of several volumes of journals i’ve collected over time.

    some years my journals overflowed. some years the majority of the lines were empty.

    it never failed that i filled my journals the years i was in love.

    every account of was explicit in detail. i wrote out each experience just as i remembered it. each stroke of my pen painted a picture of passion. in color.

    i craved the emotions writing evoked. i’d cry and write, laugh and write, discover myself through reflective writing, solve problems in writing, be liberated by writing, be able to let go through writing. i’d even fall in and out of love as i’d write. scribing my own life offered me immense joy, and allowed me to channel immeasurable pain.

    shelves of journals in my home hold the exclusive accounts and details of various epochs in my life, each one an irreplaceable extension of me.


    after being married for three months and coming home one day to find that the one journal i’d cherished more than all the rest had been intentionally ripped to shreds, nearly ripped my heart out of my chest right along with those pages.

    that’s where the fall began.

    let’s go back:

    for three months i’d been someone’s wife.

    i’d been out of college for six months and a homeowner for five. we’d only been together about half a year when he bought the ring. he would propose a bit later at the twelve-month mark, and i would say yes, because well…

    it was the right thing to do. he was a great guy. well spoken, educated, good family, great career. we had fun together. he respected me. i felt safe.

    and wasn’t it better to marry than to burn? i’d heard that growing up in church, which has a lot to do with why i’d been striving to do right as far back as i could remember. i wanted to do right, live right, and be right. and make my parents proud. to hear ‘well done’.

    we were married six months after the proposal: june of 2007

    i don’t remember praying about it one time.

    don’t recall stopping to even ask myself if it was what i really wanted.

    i didn’t need to. marriage is mostly every little girl’s dream.

    problem was: i wasn’t a little girl anymore.

    i was three months his wife when he invaded my personal space and property, accused me of being a deceptive liar, and ultimately tore the pages of my journal out and ripped them apart.

    i’m pretty sure that

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