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Making Your Marriage Work: Maama's Practical Wisdom For A Lasting, Happy Marriage
Making Your Marriage Work: Maama's Practical Wisdom For A Lasting, Happy Marriage
Making Your Marriage Work: Maama's Practical Wisdom For A Lasting, Happy Marriage
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Making Your Marriage Work: Maama's Practical Wisdom For A Lasting, Happy Marriage

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About this ebook

Marriage is not meant to be endured, it is meant to be enjoyed.

Far too many people are either coasting through their marriage bored or just holding on “for God’s sake” or “for the sake of their children”.

One thing is sure, if your marriage relationship is great, you can weather any sto

Release dateSep 8, 2017
Making Your Marriage Work: Maama's Practical Wisdom For A Lasting, Happy Marriage

Eyitayo Dada

Eyitayo Dada is a marriage counsellor and an internationally known speaker on relationships, dating and marriage. Her joy, warmth and no-nonsense speaking style as well as age-old wisdom has won her the title, "Maama" to thousands across the globe. As a practicing Lawyer and an administrator in the Social Services sector for over 25 years, she has helped countless individuals and families enhance their individual and collective well being. Eyitayo has a Ph.D in Pastoral Counselling (HON) from the Evangelical Order of Pastoral Counsellors of America (EOCPC), and was named one of the "100 Black Women To Watch in Canada" in 2016. She has been happily married for over 30 years to Pastor Amos Dada. She and her husband live in Toronto, Canada. They are the parents of 5 beautiful daughters, 2 sons-in-law and 2 grandchildren.

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    Book preview

    Making Your Marriage Work - Eyitayo Dada




    Maama’s Practical Wisdom

    for a Lasting, Happy Marriage



    Toronto, Ontario

    Copyright © 2017 Eyitayo Dada

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other - except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    Published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada by Jeremiah House Publishing.

    Cover Design by Joshua Crandell

    Unless otherwise noted all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scriptures marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Any italicization or words in brackets added to scripture quotations are the author’s addition for emphasis or clarity.

    ISBN 978-0-9940534-4-2 (pbk.)

    ISBN 978-0-9940534-5-9 (epub)

    Family & Relationships: Marriage & Long-Term Relationships

    Religion : Christian Life - Love & Marriage

    Interpersonal Relations

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    Part One

    Building A Foundation For Happiness In Marriage

    Chapter 1: Let’s Sit And Talk

    Chapter 2: The Plan Of God For Marriage

    Chapter 3: The Role Of The Husband

    Chapter 4: Being A Godly, Happy Wife

    Chapter 5: The Power Of Submission

    Chapter 6: Our Children, Our Joy

    Part Two

    Dealing With Conflict

    Chapter 7: Wrong Priorities

    Chapter 8: Lack Of Communication

    Chapter 9: Money

    Chapter 10: Sex

    Chapter 11: In-Laws

    Chapter 12: Chores And Expectations

    Chapter 13: Broken Trust

    Chapter 14: Addictions

    Chapter 15: Infidelity

    Chapter 16: Arguments

    Chapter 17: Abuse

    Chapter 18: External Hardship

    Chapter 19: Divorce Is Not A Solution

    Chapter 20: Final Nuggets For A Lasting, Happy Marriage


    Thank you to:

    My family for putting up with me during this intense writing process.

    My husband, Amos Dele Dada

    My five daughters and two sons-in-law,

    Ade and Dara, Joshua and Toyin, Ife, Tobi and Debbie

    My two granddaughters (and the many more to come), Josephine and Marantha

    Jeremiah House Publishing

    Especially, Toyin and Joshua Crandell

    For your help getting this book from an idea and my many speaking engagements on this topic to a beautifully crafted, published book.

     Amos Dada, Tobi Dada, Dammy Oyebode and

    Taryn Lee Dube for your assistance in proofreading.

    Wale Ajayi for typing and collating the original material.

    I believe that many marriages will last longer and be much happier because of your efforts.

    God bless you.


    Apostle James (James 3: 13-18) describes what worldly and Godly wisdom look like, and reading this book you’ll see a clear practical demonstration of what pure Godly wisdom looks like when mixed with life experiences by a Godly person.

    I have known Evangelist Eyitayo Dada (her husband, Pastor Dr. Amos Dada and family) for about a decade, and I’ve been blessed to visit them in their local assembly. I have seen their consistency of faith and demonstration of what they teach and how they have sown in the lives of children of God, to bring glory to our heavenly Father.

     In this amazingly simple book to read, Maama (as she is fondly called) has brought Godly wisdom from the written word, the leading of the Holy Spirit and her life experiences, which includes thirty years of marriage, being a parent, a pastor’s wife (taking care of people’s needs) and a working professional, to help young and older couples alike navigate their marriage seasons.

    I have been blessed to write twelve books and to speak on marriage in over forty countries - so I know a thing or two and I highly recommend Making Your Marriage Work to you.

    I pray that as you read, Holy Spirit will bring revelation that will transform your marriage and home for His glory.

    —Bro. W. Femi Awodele

    Executive Director

    Christian Couples Fellowship International Inc.

    Omaha, NE, USA


    This book has been created to help marriages that are either thriving or struggling learn wisdom keys that will help you to have a lasting, happy marriage. In light of this, the book has been divided into two parts. The first is a reminder of the very basics of what marriage should look like, its purpose and original intent as well as some specific wisdom for the husband, wife and insight on what to do when you have children in the mix.

    Part Two is the Marriage Manual. It is centered around dealing with and even thriving in the midst of the conflicts that many marriages face. I have chosen to discuss the most common challenges I have witnessed in my years of marriage counselling. After which I address some foundational principles to keep joy in your marriage and avoid divorce.

    I advise you to take time to read this book through once with your spouse, and then to keep it as a go-to when you are addressing different challenges that life throws at your marriage.

    Get a copy of the book and give it as a lifeline to couples who are at their wits’ end and don’t know where to go to improve their marriage. Give a copy to a newly married couple so that they build on the right foundation and do not make the same mistakes that so many people have made, which has put their marriages on life support.

    This is also a manual and resource for marriage counsellors, Pastors and parents (biological and spiritual) with advice for how you can help married couples who are desperately trying to save their marriage but don't know how.

    I know you will enjoy it.


    Part One

    Building A Foundation For Happiness In Marriage


    Let’s Sit And Talk

    A good marriage isn't something you find;

    it's something you make.

    –Gary L. Thomas

    Hello there Mr. and Mrs., my name is Eyitayo Dada and everyone calls me, Maama. I would like to talk to you about how you can have a lasting and happy marriage. I have counselled many husbands and wives just like yourself.

    Some have been facing challenges that seemed hopeless while others have been in a continued honeymoon status and choose to come to me to learn how they can maintain the joy and friendship in their marriage.

    Too many married couples are at a point where they wake up in the morning and can’t even recognize the person they’re in the bed with. Is this the man I married? Is this the woman I professed to love with all my heart? For these people, it may feel like they are married to an old-time friend who has become a stranger.

    Whatever part of the spectrum your marriage currently falls in, there is something here for you.

    There are many books on marriage and many people who give counsel and advice to couples. I learn from and appreciate a great number of them. Where I come into the conversation is taking all that biblical knowledge you have heard over and over again and making it practical and applicable to your modern day marriage.

    But First Something About Me

    I am an African Canadian wife and mother of five daughters. Two of them are currently married, one is recently graduated, the other is in graduate school and the third is, at this time, just getting started with University. I’m delighted to say that for our two married daughters, this same advice (and my advice on choosing the right partners) has led to them finding young men with whom they share a passion for Jesus, live with a common vision for the future, and their marriages are a source of joy to them.

    But let me take you into a bit of my history. When I was growing up, I was surrounded by a lot of miserable marriages, and I saw many people who had become bitter and unhappy because of the marriages they were in. But it wasn’t just the fact that they were in a state of constant unhappiness that made me passionate about seeing marriages succeed, what marked me in those early years was the level of hypocrisy I witnessed. Married couples lived like arch-enemies at worse, and co-tenants at best. Yet while in that state, they would put on this happily married couple facade to the outside world.

    In my early years, the deception was remarkable. It seemed they were so good at portraying this perfect marriage facade that their private despair was completely hidden from others but not from themselves. It was commonplace to see people from outside, who did not know what was really happening inside the home, desperately want to have their marriages resemble these hypocritical shows. If only they knew what they were wishing and praying for.

    Because of that experience, as a child I prayed from the bottom of my heart that I would be truly happy when it was time for me to be married. Not just at the beginning but throughout. At one point I even told God that if my marriage was going to be anything like what I was seeing in the people around me I would rather stay single.

    I can’t explain to you just how much I wanted not just to be married but to be happy in my marriage and have a lasting one. And God heard my prayer. Many years later, a man called Amos Dele Dada came into my life and my dream became a reality.

    Over our years of marriage, we have been through many different seasons and there has been a level of happiness, peace and joy that has remained constant even in the most trying times. Though both of us have changed much over the years and walked through some of the issues I will be discussing, we have come to know each other more intimately because of them, instead of becoming strangers.

    In my years of ministry, I have continued to come across young and old who are absolutely miserable in their marriages. Instead of enjoying their marriages they are enduring them and that breaks my heart because I know it does not have to be so.

    Now, if you have heard advice that you can expect to be happy in your marriage for the first few years during the honeymoon stage, but that afterward reality sets in, this is the part of the book where I’m asking you to throw that advice into the garbage! Quick, quick!

    I remember when I was getting married, a lot of people said to me Ohhh, you and your fiancé are so happy. I give you five years. After five years, the honeymoon is over. I used to tell them, God forbid! Every year of my marriage will be a honeymoon.

    And over thirty years later, I can confidently and happily say that it has been the case. The reality is, no matter what happens, you can enjoy your marriage.

    Seeing the sharp contradiction between the marriages I witnessed as a child, the marriages I see around me and what I am currently living in, I could not take for granted the keys of wisdom that have helped myself and my husband all these years. Not just in preserving our marriage but in maintaining the joy, excitement and friendship that brought us together over thirty years ago.

    Because of those experiences, I also cannot pretend that most marriages look and feel like ours. So I have made it my life’s mission to share these wisdom keys for a lasting, happy marriage with as many people as possible.

    My husband became a pastor soon after we got married, though becoming a pastor’s wife was certainly not part of my original plan (that’s a story for another day). My experience as Maama, counselling many men and women through their marriages and seeing these wisdom keys turn their marriages around has inspired, or rather, demanded that I convert what I teach into a format that many more people will have access to.

    Unity - The Way To Overcome

    Over the past thirty years, I have spoken to young and old couples, financially established, those who are struggling and the spectrum in between. I have met with people from different cultures - intercultural or interracial couples and counseled couples that are dealing with terminal diseases or other illnesses, infertility, job loss, no income, debt and many other difficulties that come up in the course of marriage. In all of my experience, I have found that people in bad or broken marriage relationships are the most miserable of all.

    I have also seen that when a couple is bound together in the true meaning of love, unity and submission that God ordained, they can overcome any and every external adversity of life together. However when they have built a wall between themselves, it becomes a bitter environment.

    I say this often, You can have no money, no children, and nothing else but if you are in a good marriage, you will be happy. Yet you can have everything that others are praying and crying for, and if you are in a ‘bad’ marriage, you are miserable. If that is you, there is hope. Your marriage is not stuck in this unbearable place.

    I firmly believe that each of us can actually, really, have a happy marriage not just for a year or two, but forever.

    While you read, do not bother yourself with what your spouse is supposed to do to help make your marriage better. Instead, focus on what you can do. Women, while you read the chapter for husbands, apply those lessons to yourself and likewise men.

    At the end of the day, your marriage is what you choose to make it. Not what she or he made of it.

    I know for a fact that God can, and does turn hopeless looking situations around. This includes hopeless looking marriages. But like everything else, you will have to cooperate with Him. You have to be willing to change your thinking and behavior as you read this book otherwise the wisdom keys hidden here will not help you.

    Make the choice today that your marriage will work. That you will not endure your marriage but enjoy it!

    Before you return to your old habits of blame, accusation or raising up past wrongs, STOP - look at the situation objectively and ask what can I do differently to make this marriage work?

    Remember, you can't change who you married but you can make changes in yourself that - over time - will give birth to a new marriage.

    Here’s to your lasting joy!


    The Plan Of God For Marriage

    We will never obtain God’s kind of marriage simply by going along with the crowd, doing what everybody else does. We have to dig deep into the heart of God to discover His principles.

    –Myles Munroe

    Before we get into the challenges and conflicts that many face in marriage, we have to begin with its definition and purpose. If you want your marriage to be and stay healthy, go back to its foundation.

    What Exactly Is Marriage?

    Marriage is your expression of love and a sign of commitment to each other. It is designed to mirror our Creator’s unconditional love for us. It’s a love that you choose to give always.

    It is not about you coming to receive, but choosing to give. It provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve your spouse and children.

    Your marriage was the inception of a new family, a new genealogical line—and is a lifelong commitment. When you can both love each other with that unconditional love, contentment follows and joy abounds.

    Marriage is a formal union, a social, and legal covenant between two individuals (male and female) that unites their lives spiritually, legally, economically, physically and emotionally. It is a covenant unbreakable by wavering emotions, difficult circumstances or unforeseen situations. This union mirrors the one between God and His church.

    Marriage Is Ordained By God

    It Was His Idea

    The first marriage was in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. Take note that even when Eve offered Adam of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God’s solution was not to break up the marriage covenant that He had placed them in.

    Not even after Adam blamed Eve for his disobedience by saying the woman you gave to me, gave me this fruit, did God make it a justification for their separation.

    Instead, He spoke to them about working together and even bearing the punishment and consequences of their sin as a couple. Yes, there were parts of the curse that affected their ability to walk in their god-ordained roles without trying to usurp one another but He kept them together for better and worse.

    When He removed them from the garden, God didn’t single Adam out by sending him off because of his failed responsibility in protecting his family from the lies and deceit of the serpent or because of his failure to hold the family to God’s standard after Eve

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