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Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious
Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious
Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious
Ebook1,011 pages17 hours

Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious

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A dramatic romantic comedy with a 1980’s college setting. This book will make you laugh, cry, angry, happy, sad and keep you wondering. It will probably even make you want to pull some hair out! The characters are best friends that meet at college. They learn many lessons about love, commitment, drugs, life goals and family. It is realistic with a touch of fantasy. Enjoy and not to worry, although things might not work out the way you anticipated, they still work out for the best!
Release dateFeb 26, 2021
Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious

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    Leader of the Pack Simply Hilarious - Jane Olive

    CHAPTER 1  Being a Part of the Gang!

    Leaving for College was a wonderful and exciting feeling.  Alanah had no reservations beginning a new life at school.  She was glad high school was in the past.  She had many friends that she would miss, and family also, but she was looking forward to meeting new friends and studying at a university.  She had won a few scholarships for academics, but it would not cover the entire cost of school.  Her parents could not offer much support.  She came from a large family, and everyone knew college was a personal choice.  If you wanted to go, you had to make good grades, get a scholarship, and/or pay your way.  Her parents were not planning to pay for anyone’s education.  Alanah had been saving for college from the time she was nine and had close to nine thousand dollars in the bank.  She applied for student loans in the event she could not keep up with the costs.  Her first quest was to get into the dorm, get settled, and then start looking for a job to help pay for her school and housing.  Her parents purchased for her a first-year 5-day meal plan.  The weekends were not included.

    After saying goodbye to everyone, Alanah set out with her mother and grandfather to make the trip south to school.  It was a ten-hour drive and a long way from home, according to her mother.  Her grandfather was not worried.  He was a veteran of two wars and knew things could be harder.  He saw it as a wonderful opportunity.  She was going to a school in South Florida where it was sunny and warm year-round.  Her plan was to have fun in the sun as much as she could before she graduated.  Her mom and grandfather were there long enough to get her checked in and unpacked.  They both had to return the next day, so they said their goodbyes after dinner that evening.  She was on her own and feeling free.  Within a week she would begin her studies.

    The dorm was a small house conversion.  There were eight rooms upstairs and six downstairs, with a lounge, a small kitchen, and an office for the monitors.  The rules were simple.  There was a curfew.  No cooking in the rooms.  The small kitchen had a microwave and a large refrigerator.  Each girl had a basket in the refrigerator with her name on it.  Room inspections on cleanliness were weekly and the monitors would handle complaints.  The campus was small with a game room and a cafeteria, along with many offices.  Indoor activity was minimal due to the beautiful area in which the school was located.

    There was a lot happening at this new school for Alanah.  She was beginning a new life and the first day of school was crazy.  In her first class, she sat third row from the front.  She picked a middle seat to avoid the losers in the back or the intellects in the front.  Turned out to be completely different in college.  A group of guys came in and sat in the front two rows.  They were confident, good-looking guys and likely surfers.  At least that is what she assumed from their clothes, shoes, and physique.

    Alanah was dressed for school and work.  She wore long grey shorts, a shirt with a collar, and a cute pair of sandals.  It was comfortable but professional enough for the college office job she had acquired before arriving at school.  Her hair was pulled back in a thick ponytail, and she had some light make-up on.  As explained by the director of the office, she could dress casual but also professional.  They showed her many example pictures of correct attire and so she followed the examples.

    This attire seemed unacceptable to the guys in the front.  The instructor was not in class yet, so everyone was free to talk and get to know one another.  Alanah knew no one and was feeling nervous.  The guys were staring at her making whispered comments.  They were laughing, but she could not hear what they were saying.  One of the guys in particular was staring directly into her eyes.  He was trying to intimidate her, or harass her, or maybe both, she really wasn’t sure.  Alanah was not intimidated easily, but she did have a temper, and sometimes it overruled her common sense.  Rather than say anything, she began staring back at the boy.  It seemed that this was what he was looking for because he continued staring.  She could not say that she wasn’t embarrassed, because she was, but she was also not going to back down.  She knew from previous experiences in life that it’s better to take care of your problems directly, and it seemed he wanted to become a problem.  Why?  She had no idea.

    By the time the room was full, everyone could see the battle.  She was embarrassed, but still unwilling to give up.  When the instructor came into the room, she thought he would turn around and leave her alone, but that did not happen.  She had to break eye contact with him, and then he turned around.  She was mad.  Who did he think he was?  What a jerk.  She had no idea her face was red from anger or that her posture had become completely straight in her chair.  She knew he had won, and she was angry.  Probably no one would sit next to her now that he and his friends made an idiot of her, but she was not going to let that bother her.

    The instructor started calling the role and that was when she learned his name was Dale Scarborough.  When the instructor called her name, Alanah Ridge, Dale looked back at which time Alanah gave him her most scathing look.  He began to laugh.  OUT LOUD!  She had no idea that Dale actually found her to be quite lovely, or that he was further charmed by her when she began to flush and become angry.  To his surprise, she stood up in class, walked over to him, and thumped him on his head.  She turned back to her seat and ignored him the rest of the class.

    The instructor was perplexed and after the incident remarked, Obviously I have already missed something this morning.  He gave them both a strange look and began the class.  Dale didn’t look back again.  After class, he left with his friends and said nothing to her.  He also did not look at her, or so she thought.

    Dale and his friends had seen Alanah walking into class that morning, and they were laughing a little at her.  She was looking very proper, and quite dressed up for a college class at the end of summer in Florida.  Most everyone wore shorts and t-shirts because it was so hot.  The guys were freshmen and spent much of their time discussing the pretty girls.  Dale had a girlfriend back home that he was in love with and planned to marry.  They were together for two years now, and he knew she was the one for him.  He felt comfortable joking around with the other girls on campus because he was taken, and that gave him a sense of security.  His friends were on the lookout for girls, but not necessarily for keeps.

    Alanah surprised him though.  He thought she would be easy to mess with.  Usually, when he stared at a girl, they would lower their eyes and smile, or look away and maybe look back.  He was a good-looking guy, and he knew it.  He liked to play with their minds so to speak.  Harmless fun for him.  Still, he was committed to his girlfriend.  He couldn’t seem to stop thinking of Alanah’s reaction and how funny it was.  He could see the fire spitting out of her eyes, and he was wondering about her.  Strangely enough, he was looking forward to seeing if he had more classes with her.

    After class, Alanah had a two-hour break during which she had to work in the business office.  She spent the entire time learning the computer from the desk clerk.  She knew right away that the desk clerk and she would be friends.  The desk clerk was Anne, and she was nuts.  Alanah knew immediately, nice but nuts.  She looked like she was recovering from a hard party the night before and was likely nursing a hangover.  Alanah was pretty sure that Anne had lots of hard nights partying.  While Anne was going over the computer with Alanah, a student came in to ask about parking.  It turned out to be one of Dale’s friends.  His name was Paul, and the freshmen students weren’t supposed to have vehicles on campus.

    Anne pulled up his name on the computer, You can’t purchase a parking pass because you aren’t allowed to drive on campus, school rules.

    Paul, Yeah, but there are spaces available and I dooooo have a car.  I just don’t want to have to park it ten blocks up the road.

    Anne, Yeah, I get your drift.  That’s cool.  I’ll get you one, but if anyone asks, the new girl Alanah sold it to you.

    Alanah was in shock at first staring at Anne.  Anne began to laugh, and much to Paul’s surprise, Alanah laughed also, Yeah, okay, it’s not that big of a mistake, and the school can use the money.

    Anne, True dat, and the girls were laughing again.

    Paul wasn’t sure what to make of it.  Did Alanah get him the pass, or did he talk the lady into it himself?  He wasn’t sure, but now he knew why Alanah was dressed up.  He liked her laugh, and she seemed kind of cool.

    Anne was easy going and funny.  She was 35 with short reddish-blonde hair.  She had a cute face and figure, and she was probably about 30 pounds overweight.  Alanah learned she had a Mexican boyfriend named Ray that was 14 years older.  Anne talked about him constantly.  It seemed she loved him very much and she eventually wanted to get married.

    After the business office, it was back to class.  Alanah ran into Kara and Dawn in between classes.  Dawn ran screaming across campus and jumped on Alanah for a full body hug as a joke.  Dawn was always doing crazy things to get a reaction.  That, Alanah had learned about her right away.  On the first day they met, Alanah was taking a break from organizing her half of the room.  She had a roommate named Beth who was quite weird.  She walked outside and saw Kara and Dawn talking.  She recognized them as the girls next door in the dorm.

    Dawn asked Alanah, How’s it going?

    Alanah’s reply was Unfortunate.

    Dawn and Kara started laughing and so did Alanah.  Immediately Dawn asked Why?  What’s wrong?

    Alanah responded, Weird roommate.

    Kara and Dawn were intrigued.  They wanted to hear details; therefore, Alanah was happy to comply.  Beth was a wannabe.  She came from a local high school where she had been a cheerleader for a short time but was then kicked off the team.  She told Alanah all about it.  She wanted to come to college to show all those girls how she could be better than they ever imagined.  She had dreams of becoming an amazing actress and singer, problem was, she was at a private Baptist college that concentrated most of its majors on math and science, with some musical opportunities.  Beth went on to explain how she planned on Alanah being her best friend and hosting many events with only the ‘cool people’ at the school.  Alanah was not convinced these ‘cool people’ would be participating.  Beth had many ideas, and Alanah was sure that most of her plans and stories were very embellished.

    Alanah told Dawn and Kara, I am thinking of breaking up with my roommate before she becomes a stalker.  Dawn and Kara were laughing so hard they were crying.  After the description of Beth, and Alanah’s dreadful tales, they had to take her in as a friend.  They found her too funny to resist.  This was Alanah’s best quality, a quick wit and funny sense of humor.  She looked at the bright side and felt things would work out even in complicated situations.

    After a bear hug from Dawn, and plenty of attention from on-lookers, Dawn asked, Soooo, have you seen some hotties walking around campus?  Kara and I spotted a group and we were talking to them.  REALLY cute guys and all of them surfers.  They want us to come and hang out later at the beach, and maybe drink some beers.  What do you think?

    Kara, Yea, but I am already in love with one of them.  His name is Steve.  You can’t make a move on him.  He is mine.  She was joking, but serious.  Kara was like that, she was always laughing and smiling, but she was also volcanic.

    Alanah wondered if it was the same group of guys from her class.  Worried that it might be, and leery of the party scene, she decided to play it low, No thanks, I am going to go ahead and start studying.  I have to work after my classes today and I want to check out some beach volleyball teams around here.  I played volleyball three years in high school, and I want to keep on playing if possible.

    Dawn looked shocked, Oh come on!  I am telling you these guys are hot!  HOT, HOT, HOT, you have to come!  We told them we would bring some of our cute friends and hang out.

    Kara, "Yeah, come on.  It’s the first day of classes. You can’t have that much to study already.  We will wait for you until you finish work, and then we can all walk over together."

    Dawn, Unless you have roller skates?  Kara and I have skates; we were going to skate if you have a pair.

    Alanah was still leery, No, I really do have a lot to do, plus I don’t have skates.  I have a bike though.  Next time I will take my bike and you can skate.

    Dawn and Kara were not going to give up.  Okay, said Dawn, We cannot take no for an answer.  You come tonight, and if you don’t have fun, we won’t make you come the next time.  She was laughing, but Alanah knew she meant it.

    She did want to go, but at the same time, she knew she would stick out like a sore thumb.  Oh well, that was nothing new.  She would do as she had many times before.  Go, have fun and be her funny self with her southern accent.  The accent was unusual for most everyone at this school, so it helped out.  If she drank one or two beers, she wouldn’t seem too much like a stick in the mud.  Okay, I’ll come.  Besides, I think Beth is planning to write a ‘cool people’ list and I am supposed to help her, tragic really.

    Dawn asked, You aren’t going to give her our names are you?

    Alanah, Well, she wants them, and she now wants all of us to hang out so we can start a group of ‘cool girls.’

    Kara’s mouth was open in surprise, Is she serious?  Kara was offended.

    Yes, Alanah said, "so I think we better hit the beach, but after dinner.  I have to eat.  Could one of you get me something to-go with my food pass?  I won’t be finished in time from work to make it to the cafeteria before they close."

    Dawn, Sure, I’ll get you a sandwich and some chips or something and we will see you at the dorm.

    Okay, but make sure you look before you open your door if someone knocks, it could be Beth, warned Alanah.

    Kara was getting a crazy look.  She had bright green eyes and thick flowing red hair, but she was not covered with freckles; instead, her skin was golden.  She was very pretty, and her eyes were always shinning with fun, furry, fight, whatever the emotion.  Kara smiled, Maybe we are going to have to have a domestic dispute with her.

    Alanah laughed, You won’t make the list if you do!

    Dawn was laughing, No Kara, we will simply avoid her until we can get a restraining order.  What are you doing now?  Kara and I are going to get lunch.

    Alanah responded.  Yea, me too, but only for something to-go.  I have to eat on my way to class.  I don’t have time to sit and chat.

    Dawn slapped Alanah hard on the back, and after that good whap she said, Hey, it’s the guys we are going to meet later!  She was pointing.  Alanah recognized them instantly.  She could not believe it was the same ones!  This campus was small, but it wasn’t that small.  Out of all the cute surfers, it had to be them.  The guys spotted Dawn and Kara right away but when Dale looked and saw Alanah; he started walking towards the girls and the other guys followed suit.  Alanah jokingly started singing Leader of the Pack under her breath.  Dawn and Kara were giggling.  Alanah stopped singing once the guys were closer.  Dale never took his eyes off hers.  He had on sunglasses, but she could still feel him staring… no piercing.

    Dale was curious why Dawn and Kara were laughing and why Alanah was wearing only a small smile, So, is this one of your cute friends?  Alanah immediately turned beet red.  She did this often and it was something she could not control.  She hated it.

    Dawn was quick with a response, Yes, among a few others.  This is Alanah.  Alanah this is Dale, Paul, Dan, Tanner, and Nils.  Alanah was impressed that Dawn could remember all their names.  She had seen Dale, Paul, and Dan in her class along with two others, but this was the first she had seen of Tanner and Nils.  They were identical twins with blonde hair, blue eyes, lots of freckles and of course, very handsome.

    Alanah responded with a quick nod and a nice smile.  Nice to meet everyone.  I will have to take time out to learn your names later.  I must eat and run before I am late for class.

    She started for the cafeteria and Dawn said, Wait up and we will go with you.

    Nils, Yeah, we are going to eat also, I am starving.  However, Alanah was in a hurry, and she did not wait for a response from the others; she took off as fast as she could.  She had seven minutes to get food, eat, and get to class.  The guys found it strange that she would take off so fast, but everyone was following.

    Alanah saw the line was too long, so she went to the front where the lunch lady was handing out food on plates.  She said over the head of two people in line, Hello lovely lunch lady.

    The lunch lady had a name tag, Lucy.  She was black and likely a mom and grandmother.  She gave Alanah a smile, What do you want girl?

    Alanah smiled back.  Well, most beautiful lunch lady, I have seven minutes and ticking to get to my next class.  I am just finished with work, and I need a sandwich to eat on the way.  Could you help me?

    Lucy smiled, Honey, I will help you whenever you need it.  Do you like tuna? 

    Alanah, Perfect.  Lucy packed her a quick tuna sandwich, some chips, and a muffin.  Alanah blew her a kiss, Till the next time lovely Lucy.  The kiss was witnessed by most of the group.  Alanah was on her way out while the others stood waiting in line.  She waved and smile to the group, Okay you guys, see you this evening.  The guys were wondering where she was off too until Dawn and Kara explained Alanah’s schedule.  Dale could not help but to be impressed, school and work.  Dawn and Kara also explained how Alanah was looking for an evening job.  This worked out for Alanah.  The girls were able to talk to Tanner and Nils about a server position at the catering service where the guys were employed.

    On her way to class she saw that Lucy gave her too much food.  She was eating and walking and then ended up on the same path as Steve and Adam, the two guys that were in her first class.  She was fairly sure they would be in her next class.  Both were looking at her, but more at her food.  They probably hadn’t had lunch yet.  Class was two minutes from starting so she asked them, You guys want a sandwich or a muffin?  They looked surprised, I can’t eat it all.  I had to grab mine to go; and I will have to toss it, so if you want, you can have it.

    They were just talking about how hungry they were and getting some food quickly sounded good.  Adam had curly dark hair, medium length and he seemed the sweetest of the group.  Sure, what do you have there?  He was smiling, and she gave them the box.  They both said thanks at the same time.  There wasn’t any time for small talk.  They started eating and Alanah went on into class.  Getting food from her became a daily ritual.

    After class, Alanah had to hurry to get to her next class on time which was across campus.  The guys looked like they wanted to say something too her, so she smiled, Catch ya later guys.

    They smiled back and Steve replied, Yeah, cool.

    That was that.  They didn’t know Alanah would be joining them later.  The others in the group were in the cafeteria finished with eating.  They were hanging out talking, getting ready to go to their next classes when Steve and Adam joined the table.  They saw Dawn and Kara sitting with the guys.  Kara was smiling her sparkly smile and she was smiling it at Steve.  He and Adam smiled back.  She was so cute and sunny.  Dawn could be described in the same way but more exotic looking.  She was round, round, round.  Round in the hips, shoulders, and breasts.  She had a tiny waist, feet, and ankles.  She wore bright, flowery clothes and usually had something cute in her hair.  Her skin was dark and so were her eyes, but her hair was light brown, short, and curly.  She spent much of  her time in the sun.  She could skim board, ski, roller skate, body surf, fly kites, throw a frisbee, etc.  Dawn was out to enjoy life from sunup to sundown and was often laughing and pulling jokes on people.  She could have been named buttercup because that is what she reminded Alanah of.

    Everyone was learning different things about the others.  Kara and Steve were very interested in one another and were looking forward to hanging out later that evening.  Kara wasn’t sure she would wait around for Alanah to finish with work.  She wanted to SEE STEVE.  Dawn on the other hand was never quick to make decisions in love.  She observed more than what others knew.  She was sure Steve and Kara were interested in one another.  She was thinking that Adam might also be intrigued by Kara.  The other guys seemed as though they were not ready to rush anything.  They were all forming their little group.

    Dawn was confused by Dale.  He didn’t talk much, and she couldn’t get much out of him.  She gravitated toward the quiet type because she was so outgoing.  He was super cute, but so were the others.  She knew that quiet didn’t always mean cool to date though.  Some quiet guys were jerks, others were charming.  She would wait him out.  She had no idea that he had a girlfriend back home, or that he was intrigued by Alanah.  She also didn’t know that Dale was an observer and not a talker.  His impression of Kara was that she seemed cool and pretty.  He felt the same about Dawn, but she also looked like she was up to something.  Dawn was always up to something but nothing bad.  It was her devilish nature.

    Alanah had him confused.  He wanted to be around her this evening to see what made her tick.  She was in school full time for pre-med like Adam and Steve were.  She was working part-time and looking for another part-time job.  She was friends with the lunch lady.  She blushed when she was mad.  She blushed when she was complimented.  It made his mind wonder about other times she might blush, something he should not be thinking about.  For some reason it made him mad at her, strange.  He didn’t want to be thinking of her.  Maybe he would be better served staying away from her.  Oh well, he loved his girlfriend, and nothing would ever come between her and him, so he had nothing to worry about.  Problem solved.

    Alanah finished her last class and felt like she was already behind.  She had to go work at the business office for another hour and a half and then she needed to study.  She wanted to go to party and hang out; but at the same time, she didn’t want to get behind.  She liked making good grades and she knew in order to do so, she had to study.  Some of her friends went through high school and it seemed they never studied; but for her, it was important to really learn what she needed in order to succeed.

    She knew that Dawn was also bringing Shelley and Jackie.  She had not met them but had heard much about them.  Shelley was cute and loved to be in shape.  She had long blonde hair, loved to tan, and to do yoga on the beach.  Jackie was the dramatic friend.  She and Dawn were probably the closest of the bunch.  They seemed to know what the other was thinking and feeling.  Jackie was tall with black short curly hair, perfect figure.  She had silky soft brown cat eyes that entranced the men.  She was loud and crazy, but always had her friends back.  She was a ‘girls’ rule’ type of chick.

    When Alanah came into the dorm, Beth was on her bed, the bottom bunk, looking sulky.  Alanah, Hey girl, what’s up?

    Beth, You tell me.  Alanah wasn’t sure what she meant so Beth gave her a note and a to-go box from the lunchroom.  Dawn tried to get the other girls to wait for Alanah, but it was impossible.  She left Alanah a note with directions to the party and her excuses.  It wouldn’t be difficult to find, but Alanah was relieved when she read her note.

    Sorry Alanah!!  No one would wait.  I wanted to wait, but no one wanted to go without me.  Here is where we are.  Go straight over the bridge and keep going until the road ends.  Take a left and look for Beasley Beach on the right.  It’s about 2 miles down.  You can’t miss it.  Do NOT wimp out on us.  We want you to come!  I will be mad if you don’t show up.  You don’t want last picks on the boys!!  XOXO Dawn and the girls.

    Apparently Beth had read the note and was upset.  Alanah, Oh, well that worked out.  I need to study, and I wasn’t that interested in going.

    Beth jumped off her bed, Not interested?!!!  I just explained to you the other day how I wanted us to make a cool person list and have a cool person party!  This would have been perfect, but you didn’t even tell them to invite me!  We are supposed to be best friends!  I have not seen you all day and we haven’t done anything together!  You seem to have time for lots of other people!  That is not how best friends are supposed to treat each other!  Did you even tell them about me?!

    Alanah, Well sort of.  She knew she was dealing with someone that was slightly off balance.

    Beth looked like she was going to pop a vein, What does that mean?

    Alanah, Well, I told them I had a roommate and that your name was Beth.  They said they had seen you, so they know who you are.

    Beth was fuming and then she looked like she had an idea.  I know what, I’ll go to the party and tell them that you sent me and that you had to study.  That way they aren’t mad at you, and I can still hang out.

    Alanah did not like the idea knowing that Beth was trying to force herself in the situation.  She wasn’t sure what she should say to her to try changing her mind.  Alanah attempted to persuade her otherwise, "I don’t know Beth, doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.  I wouldn’t do that if I were in your place.  I don’t want to hurt your feelings; but Dawn is the one that organized it and she invited who she wanted.  I don’t know them that well.  It has only been a week and I haven’t spent much time with them either.  You might want to wait so you don’t seem pushy."

    Beth wasn’t going to take no for an answer.  Well, if I don’t go, they will be mad at you.

    Alanah, No, I don’t think so.  Dawn was joking around.

    Beth, No, I will go and that way I can meet everyone and start fitting in with the group.

    Alanah knew this was not going to work out for Beth, but she needed to study.  She wasn’t going to try to fix other people’s problems.  If Beth ended up having her feelings hurt, which they both knew was going to happen although Beth was in complete denial, then so be it.  Alanah, Okay Beth, whatever, but don’t tell them I sent you.  Beth looked surprised.  I mean it Beth.  I am not sending you.  I am suggesting that you don’t go, so don’t go over there embellishing the reason you are there.  You are going because you read the note and you want to go.

    Beth was mad.  She was slinging her things into her bag and stomping around.  Alanah sat down at her desk to prepare her books so she could be ready to study as soon as Beth was out the door.  Beth started giving Alanah some strange dark looks.  I am not sure I want to be best friends with you.  I don’t think you are a very good friend, much less a best friend.  Once I become friends with everyone at the beach, they might not want you in the group.  I could tell them a lot about what kind of person you are.

    Alanah was trepid about the approach to her answer.  She knew now for sure that Beth was on the mental side.  It was obvious that Beth had some viciousness in her behavior when she wasn’t getting what she wanted.  She was also thinking that Beth might could get physical if pushed.  Alanah was no weakling.  She ran track, played tennis, golf, volleyball, and cross-country in high school.  Beth, on the other hand, outweighed her by about 40 lbs.  She was a few inches taller than Alanah, and she was a little or a lot mental.  Alanah had a feeling that if they did fight, it would be a rough one.  It’s a free country Beth.  You go where you want, and you say what you say.  The outcome is not up to you or me.  Beth gave her a scathing look and left.  Alanah could hear her laughing some crazy laugh up the hall, strange.  Oh well, if she sat and concentrated on that, she would not get any studying accomplished and right now, time was precious.

    CHAPTER 2  Crazy Roommate

    The gang was all there having a good time.  Dale was curious where Alanah was, but he wasn’t going to ask.  She probably decided not to come.  Who cares?  He planned to drink some beer, surf, and relax.  Dale was going to school for a Marine Biology degree so that he could become a boat captain.  His dad was a doctor, and he came from a wealthy family.  He had one sister.  Although his dad was a doctor, he was also an avid angler.  They were from New Jersey, and they had a house on the shores.  Dale had been fishing since he was two and fishing was his passion.  The only thing he loved more was his family and his girlfriend.  His father said that once he attained his college degree, he would buy him a boat.  Dale had a goal and he planned to reach it.

    Everyone was hanging out and joking around.  They were also checking each other out in their swimsuits.  The girls were hot.  He was curious what Alanah looked like in a swimsuit and what type she wore.  Okay, time to surf.  He had to stop wondering about her.  Dale, Okay guys, I am going out.  You guys ready?

    Dawn couldn’t help but think of Alanah singing Leader of the Pack because as soon as Dale got up, so did the other guys.  The girls were excited to watch.  Dawn, Cool!  I always wanted to learn to surf!  Then with a sly smile at Dale, Maybe I can get a lesson one day?  Dale rolled his eyes and kept walking.

    Dawn and Kara had shown up on skates earlier.  Dawn was packing a skim board.  He saw her board, but he doubted she knew how to ride it.  Dawn began singing Leader of the Pack as the guys started toward the water.

    Kara laughed and she explained the joke to Jackie and Shelley.  Then Jackie asked, Where is Alanah anyways?

    Dawn, Not sure, she is supposed to show up after work.

    Kara, I wonder if she will?

    Dawn jokingly, She better come, or I am going to kick her butt.

    Shelley, I want to meet her.  You guys have been talking about her a lot.  She sounds interesting.

    Jackie, Yea, me too.  If she doesn’t show up, I’ll help you kick her butt to break the ice.

    The guys were sitting on their boards waiting for waves.  Kara began talking about her connection with Steve.  I think Steve is sooo cute and sweet.  He is going to school for pre-med like Alanah.  I bet they will have a lot of classes together.  I am going to have to remind her to stay away from my man.  She said it as a joke, but the girls knew she was serious.

    Jackie, I am playing it cool.  They all seem fun, but I am not feeling any vibes yet.  What about you Dawn?  Do you have your match for life picked out?

    Dawn grinned, Well, my match for life is Rob Lowe, but in the meantime, I am very intrigued by Dale.  From what I gathered; he has a girlfriend that he is hopelessly devoted too.  I think he watched Grease a few too many times.  The twins are super-hot, but they look like some serious players.  It would be hard to choose because they are both so fine.  Paul is going to be a puppy dog I think.  He would be in love with me after one kiss.  I don’t want that.  Adam is cute but a little too dreamy for me.  He is always talking about things like beautiful beaches, the birds…not my type.  With Dan, I am not sure.  I can’t read him either.  I guess I’ll have to go with Steve also.  Kara jumped on top of Dawn, and they started play fighting.  This turned into a group sand fight.  The girls were screaming and laughing.

    Jackie stopped and started singing Leader of the Pack.  Everyone immediately looked over to see Dale was first to catch a wave and the rest were ready to follow.  The girls were laughing and then Jackie said, Alanah needs to get here!  I don’t even know her, and I am laughing at her jokes.

    Suddenly Dawn said, Uh oh, look who’s coming.

    Shelley asked, Who is that?

    Kara replied, Alanah’s future stalker.  She is Beth, Alanah’s roommate, and she is strange.  She is also headed over here.  The girls were standing, eyeing her suspiciously.

    Beth walked up, Hi, I’m Beth, Alanah’s roommate.  Everyone responded with a ‘Hi’.  Yeah, Alanah can’t come.  She decided to stay and study.  I don’t blame you if you are mad with her.  I told her you guys would be mad and she said she didn’t care and that she was too busy to hang out.  I came down and to let you know because she wasn’t even going to come by and cancel.

    No one liked the way Beth came across and could tell immediately that she was playing the situation.  Dawn, Well that is okay.  We aren’t mad.  We were hoping she would come but we can catch up with her later.

    Beth dropped her beach things.  Well, I am not sure you guys want to waste your time.  She isn’t much of a friend.  I can tell you all kinds of things about her because I live with her.  She comes across like she wants to be your friend, but she is a back stabber.

    Jackie playing her game, Really?  What makes you say that?

    Beth responded, Oh, she has also cancelled on me when we have made plans and made me promises that she has broken.  We are supposed to be best friends.  She acts like we are, but behind my back, she is talking about me.

    Dawn joining in, What does she say about you?

    Beth, Just a lot of bad stuff that isn’t true.

    Dawn, Like what?

    Beth, Oh I don’t want to repeat it because it isn’t true.

    Kara getting annoyed, Why can’t you give us an example?  We have only been at school for a little over a week.  She works part-time, goes to school full-time, how much can she possibly have said?

    Beth replied, Oh she has said a lot, you can believe that.  Maybe not to you but to other people.  I have witnesses.

    Everyone was tired of Beth and knew she was lying.  Dawn, I am going to hit the waves.  The other girls did the same thing.

    Beth asked, Is it okay if I put my towel here and meditate?  I love to meditate at the beach.

    They looked at her strangely and Kara replied, It’s a public beach.

    Dawn picked up her board and they headed toward the water.  The guys were watching the girls on the beach, and they noticed the new girl.  Then they saw the other girls leave her behind and hit the water.  Dawn started skim boarding and she was good.  The guys took notice.  She had some talent.  Dale figured if she wanted to surf, it wouldn’t take long to teach her.  The other girls were swimming and the chick on the beach started to look like she was trying to do some type of meditation.  She sat Indian style on the beach and held her hands out.  Then, she raised her hands up and down in a flying motion.  The girls were watching her also.

    Shelley, What a loon.  I love to meditate, but I have never seen that one.

    Dawn replied in serious sarcasm, I recognize it.  That is the meditation dance and mating ritual of the rarely seen flaminguin.

    Shelley asked, What is that?

    Dawn answered knowing what an airhead Shelley was, It’s a bird, half flamingo, half penguin.

    True to her blonde roots, Shelley exclaimed, Really?!

    The other girls held a chuckle back knowing that Shelley did not catch the joke, so Dawn continued. Yes, you know how they say opposites attract?  Well, a long time ago the warm-blooded flamingoes mated with the cold-blooded penguins and although there are not many seen in the wild, they do still exist.

    Shelley was astounded and then Jackie remarked, Are you sure a tortoise didn’t get in on that action, because now Beth looks like she is burying her eggs.  They turned and Beth was now rolling her body in the sand, digging around, and doing some type of strange moves lying down on her belly.  She then threw some sand in the air and acted as if it was showering her face.

    The girls began laughing hysterically, other than Shelley, she inquired, Dawn, where do those birds live?  She was intrigued and mystified.

    Kara shocked by the density of Shell, You dolt!!  Dawn was making that up!

    Once Shelley realized her mistake, she started laughing, Well, now you know I am a natural Blonde.

    The guys were wondering what in the heck the new girl was doing?  It was obvious she had issues.  Dan confused, What the hell man?  What is wrong with that chick?

    Steve shook his head, Dude, seriously, what is she doing?

    Adam was grinning, Maybe she is having a seizure?

    Tanner took action, I am going to go see about this.  He headed in and his twin was right behind him.

    They surfed to where the girls were and Dawn said, Don’t ask us.  She knew they were curious.  That is Alanah’s roommate.  She said the chick was off, but we had no idea.

    Nils asked, Did you invite her?

    Kara replied, No way, Alanah warned us about her.  They began filling the two in on all they knew from what Alanah had said.

    Dawn looked concerned, I don’t even think Alanah knows how crazy this chick is.  I am going to tell her to sleep with one eye open.

    Nils nodded, No doubt.

    Beth yelled down to the girls, Hey, can I have one of your beers?

    Kara yelled back, No!  And how did you know we had beer?!  Dawn could see Kara was getting enough of Beth, and when Kara got mad, she was known to throw a few punches.  Her nickname was Tyson.

    Jackie chose to be the diplomatic one.  Hold on, I will handle this.  She walked up to Beth, "Beth, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but this is a private party, and you should go hang out with your friends.  Beth’s eyes started filling with tears, but Jackie was not going to fall for the wounded animal trick.  I can see you are upset, but I am still going to request that you leave.  I am sure you have a lot of friends who would like to hang with you, but we are not interested."  Beth was shocked that Jackie was so blunt; but that was Jackie, and she wasn’t the most sensitive girl either.

    Beth, Fine!!  Now she was mad and crying.  She screamed, I do have friends and they all know what a liar and a backstabbing bitch Alanah is, and you guys will find out also!  Then we will see who our true friends are!

    Jackie replied calmly, Okay, that is to be seen.  Beth took her things and stomped off.  Jackie walked back toward to the girls meeting her halfway with Tanner and Nils.

    Shelley was curious, What did you say?

    Jackie told them, and they were all thinking and discussing that maybe someone should go and warn Alanah.  The guys said, Don’t worry about it.

    Dawn, We will check on her when we get back later.  The other guys came in and everyone stayed busy for an hour drinking beer and talking about crazy Beth.  Eventually Dawn decided she would feel better if she went back and made sure everything was okay with Alanah.

    Meanwhile, Beth was back and looking crazy.  She came in the room and began throwing her things around.  Alanah ignored her.  Obviously, things didn’t go as planned.  Beth kept stomping and throwing things, she was trying to get Alanah to react.  Alanah thought, ok, if I ask, I am going to hear an earful; and if I don’t, she is going to continue this behavior until I do.  Alanah turned in her seat, OKAY Beth, I get the hint, what happened?

    Beth acted surprised, I don’t know what you mean?  What hint?

    Alanah rolled her eyes, Well, you are slamming things around and acting like a delinquent, so I am assuming things didn’t go well, and you are waiting for me to ask so…I am asking, what’s up?

    Beth turned red in the face, Your so-called friends told me to leave their private party!  They don’t even know me so that means you must have said some bad stuff about me!  Why would they want me to leave if they don’t even know me?!  I know you were talking behind my back!

    This argument was futile.  Beth was mental and she was going to believe what she wanted.  Alanah was positive she didn’t just show up on the beach and then they ran her off.  Beth must have done something.  Regardless, she had to live with this chick for one year.  Ugh.  "Look Beth, you are not a mind reader.  You are making assumptions that are not true.  Had you taken the advice I gave you, none of this would have happened.  You made a choice, probably not a good one.  My next suggestion is that you and I stay friends, but as far as branching out goes, you need to do that on your own.  I am not interested in making lists or recruiting friends.  My priorities are different from yours.  I am here to study and work.  If I gain some nice friends in the process, great.  There are tons of people on this campus for you to mingle with, you don’t need to try to hang with that specific group of people.  Like I said, you do what you want.  I’d like us to be nice to one another.  We will both be happier this school year if we respect each other, even if we aren’t the closest of friends."

    Beth wasn’t happy, but she could not argue.  She had no real evidence to back up her claims.  Alanah had no idea that Beth was planning on finding the evidence.  Beth changed her tune, Yeah, okay, I just thought you and I could be best friends.

    Alanah smiled, Truce?

    Beth actually did give a real laugh, Okay.

    They chit chatted a little bit.  Alanah kept the conversation away from the gang and eventually Beth went for a shower.  Alanah continued studying.  A few minutes later she heard a knock at the door.  It was Dawn, Kara, Jackie, and Shelley.  Dawn was looking over Kara’s shoulder and asked, Is Beth here?

    Alanah rolled her eyes, Yeah, in the shower.

    Dawn, OMG, come to our room, quick.

    Alanah grabbed her key and went next door.  After entering the room, the girls started laughing hysterically.  Alanah smiled.  Obviously, they had a big dose of Beth.  They started talking about the meditation and Beth saying some not so nice things about Alanah, basically filling her in.

    Alanah, I know, she is a wacko.  I had to calm her down and thank goodness she is showering.  I was wondering why she brought the beach in with her.  Geez.  They were laughing.  Not so loud, she can hear when she gets out of the shower, and I have to live with her cracked brain.

    Kara, You need to report her!  There is no way you should live with her.  She is bonified.  We were seriously worried about you.  Dawn cut the party short to make sure you weren’t dead.

    Dawn nodded, Yea, you gotta watch it when you are sleeping.  Who knows what she might do?

    Jackie, We will back you up if you want to report her or something.

    Alanah replied, No, I don’t know.  I will think about it.  If she keeps acting strange, I will talk to the dorm supervisors, so something is on paper.  Alanah changed the subject, Soooo what else happened?  Anyone in love?

    Shelley smiled, Only Kara, but why didn’t you come?  We wanted to meet you!  Dawn and Kara have been cracking us up with Alanah jokes.

    Jackie, "Yeah, and I totally get the whole Leader of the Pack insinuations.  So funny and true!"

    Alanah chuckled, Cool, well, I am glad to meet you also.

    Dawn, Yeah, and I found a job for you.  Tanner and Nils work on yachts catering private parties.  They are looking for more servers.  If you are interested, they can probably get you an interview.

    Alanah was stoked!!  What the fashion!  Awesome!  How cool is that.  Thank you sooo much.

    Jackie exclaimed, What the fashion?!  I love that!  Where did you come up with that?

    Alanah explained, It’s something my friend Clair taught me.  We switch up common expressions with nicer terminology if you get my drift.

    Jackie asked, What’s another one?

    Alanah, Well, I don’t like to use the word God in vain, so I say good gravy instead of Good God.

    Jackie gave a big smile, I love it!  So that became their new game.  They started practicing coming up with different expressions. 

    When Alanah went back to her room, Beth was lying on her bed.  I heard you guys laughing.  What were you laughing about?

    Alanah replied, A lot of stuff and not about you. 

    Beth was not convinced, I don’t believe you!

    Alanah replied sarcastically, Well, you shouldn’t.  What the heck were you thinking?  Rolling around in the sand?  You thought no one would find that funny? 

    Beth replied, I was meditating. 

    Alanah asked, Really?  So where did you learn this form of meditating? 

    Beth lied, From a guy out of India. 

    Alanah gave her a ‘get real’ look, "Now I don’t believe you." 

    Beth started laughing, but more like a lunatic.  She tried recovering, Well, I love sand and the beach.

    Alanah grinned, You might want to channel that love when others are present.  Anyways, we did laugh about that earlier, but the rest was over other stuff, and it wasn’t about you. 

    Beth looked like she believed her and exclaimed, I am so embarrassed! 

    Alanah shrugged, Well, it happens to all of us so don’t worry about it.  Someone else will do something stupid tomorrow, and that will be old news.  Alanah doubted anyone would forget that any time soon, but she didn’t want Beth driving her nuts about it.  She and Beth chatted a little more and then they were off to sleep.  Alanah decided she would start sleeping with her mace.  You could never be too careful.  She carried it with her most of the time, and maybe she would get another can also to keep hidden between her bed and the wall.  She doubted Beth would ever do anything, but there were enough red flags waving to take precautions.

    CHAPTER 3  Love is in the Air

    The next day was like most, everyone met at the same time for lunch, which Alanah had no time for.  She blew Lucy the lunch lady a kiss every day and ended up becoming friends with pretty much the whole staff through Lucy.  Lucy and Delores usually had Alanah’s lunch ready to-go before Alanah was even in the door.  They packed her nice lunches, and sometimes they brought her some leftovers from their houses.  Dale enjoyed watching the banter between Alanah and the ladies.  One day Delores had Alanah a big bowl of collards and some cornbread.  Dale was behind Alanah in line.  Collards?  What are collards?  I have heard of them, but I never saw them. 

    Lucy nodded as if she were sad for him, Honey!  We gotta solve that problem.  Alanah, you gonna have to let Dale try some of those collards sweetheart. 

    Alanah had no idea that Delores and Lucy were sure Dale was sweet on her.  He was there in line, at the same time Alanah was popping in and out, every day.  He was secretly watching her, and they could see it.  Alanah smiled, Did you send enough to share?  I am stingy with my collards.  I haven’t had any since I came down here. 

    Delores smiled, Girl, you know I hooked you up. 

    Alanah grinned, Okay Dale, you can come by later around 5:30 and share them, but if you aren’t there by 6:00...they will all be gone.  Alanah guessed he would not come, but the ladies felt differently.  Dale smiled a slow smile.  Alanah had no answer from him either way, so she headed off to class.

    Dale was definitely going to show up.  He had been observing Alanah.  He couldn’t seem to help himself.  She worked at the school; she studied hard, and she had picked up a job with Tanner and Nils.  For some reason, when he found out she was walking home with them each night, he became jealous.  He stared at her every morning in class.  He liked to watch her reactions.  Usually she laughed, looked down, and started studying.  Other times she stared back in battle.  At times she showed him the back of her hand in a smacking motion.  He couldn’t resist the banter.  His friends didn’t understand it.  Dale was obviously flirting with her, but if anyone asked him about it, he would get angry and remind them of his girlfriend back home.  He denied anything other than some playful harassment.  None of the guys believed it.  Dan was the only one that had a real problem with it.  He pretended to laugh along with everyone else, but he didn’t like Alanah.  When Dale started dating Katie in High School, he was always with her.  Dan and Dale used to drink beer and go fishing; but once Katie hit the scene, she took over.  Dan couldn’t stand Katie at first; but eventually, he began to like her.  He didn’t want to admit it, but he had developed a crush on Katie.  Dan figured once they were in college, and Katie wasn’t around, Dale and he could get back to their old friendship.  Now, Dale was crushing on Alanah.  She wasn’t taking up any of their time, but Dan did notice that on the few occasions Alanah came to a party; Dale made it a point to be there regardless of if he and Dan had planned on some night fishing or an early morning cast off.  Once again, some chick screwing up their plans.

    The girls had not picked up on his thing for Alanah.  Alanah knew Dawn had a secret crush on Dale, and everyone knew about his girlfriend.  Alanah figured she had no reason to discuss the routine morning harassment with the girls.  No point in anyone getting jealous.  She had no intentions toward him.  She was close with Steve and Adam though.  They had many classes together and were lab partners.  Their personalities meshed.  Alanah and Steve were quite funny, so their banter had Adam laughing often.  Neither Steve nor Adam were crushing on Alanah though.  Steve had it bad for Kara and Adam was sure Alanah was a virgin.  He wanted no part of that.  He hadn’t shared his thoughts with anyone else, but she seemed naïve. 

    Dale was looking forward to hanging out with Alanah, the collards were a good excuse to drop by.  Thankfully the ladies offered him some.  He was afraid of what they were, but what the heck.  It perplexed him that Alanah seemed unaffected by his antics.  Usually girls were responsive to him, but she left him behind.  She showed up to class as usual each day.  She didn’t try to make conversation.  He messed with her each morning, and she responded, but after class, she packed up and headed out.  No wave, no see ya, no wink, nothing.  He stood in line next to her almost every day at lunch.  She would raise her eyebrows in hello or give him a smile and a wink like she did with everyone.  She didn’t try to make conversation with him.  When the lunchroom ladies and she bantered, Alanah’s eyes gave off a wicked humorous glint, and Dale loved to see it.  It caused a reaction in his heartbeat; one he didn’t want to admit too.  She seemed to have a lot to say to the others, but when he showed up, she clammed up. 

    There was a reason.  They had hung out now a few times at some gatherings.  Dale seemed to make his way over to Alanah one way or another, usually after a few drinks.  She could feel his eyes on her, and she didn’t get his story.  He wore his sunglasses religiously, but she could still feel his eyes watching her.  She kept her sunglasses on around him also.  She knew her face would give her away, especially her eyes.  He confused her, and she didn’t want him to see she was affected by his presence.  Alanah was funny though.  She knew she made him laugh and Dale had remarked on her accent several times.  Maybe he just liked her accent?  Maybe he just liked her jokes?  She wasn’t sure.  Either way, tonight he may or may not be coming over.  After that, Alanah had to work a late dinner party.  It was Friday night, and she promised the girls that after work, she would come to what was the normal Friday night party at Adam’s and Steve’s.  They had a pad off campus, so for now, that was the hang out.  It had a small back yard and a porch where someone was always grilling fish.

    That day in class, Adam asked Alanah, Hey, we heard you were coming tonight? 

    Alanah, Yeah, but I’ll be late.  I have to work.  I am not sure what time we are finished. 

    Adam grinned, That’s cool.  You want me to save you some food?  We caught some pompano this morning.  We owe you a few meals so I wouldn’t mind putting some aside for you. 

    Steve, Yeah, and you know it’s going to be delicious.  Dale said he is cooking it up tonight.  He is also bringing some big shrimp and some others are bringing salads and stuff. 

    Alanah was pleased, Wow, do you guys always do it up like that or is it a special occasion? 

    Adam and Steve smiled at each other because they both thought the same.  Once Dale found out Alanah was coming, he suddenly started organizing some serious food.  Steve, No, nothing special, we are growing boys and we like to eat good food. 

    Alanah smiled, Okay, yeah, that would be cool.  But do me a favor, set me something aside early.  I don’t like people getting drunk and talking over my food and stuff.  You know, like the girls say, I like to keep it sanitary.  It was a standing joke, but the girls would say, Here comes the sanitation staff, whenever Alanah was around because she kept the bathrooms clean.  If she went into a bathroom that wasn’t clean, she took a little time with the paper towels and the soap available to clean it up before she used it.  The girls started running to the bathroom after Alanah in public settings to be first after her.  They could always count on a clean seat. 

    Adam nodded, Sure no problem, but if you want, we can fire up the grill once you get there.  It’s gas.  It only takes a minute and then it’s fresh. 

    Alanah replied, Well, if that works out, that would be great. 

    Steve said, Cool, we have our mission.  They had to stop chatting because class was

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