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Why Won't He Commit?: How a Man Decides to Make You "The One"
Why Won't He Commit?: How a Man Decides to Make You "The One"
Why Won't He Commit?: How a Man Decides to Make You "The One"
Ebook162 pages2 hours

Why Won't He Commit?: How a Man Decides to Make You "The One"

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About this ebook

Learn how to love men the way they need to experience love and desire so you can get the love and life-long commitment you deserve.

Coach Paula Grooms’s entertaining book provides an enlightening and easy way to relate to how men view women, experience them, commit and make their life-long bonds.

Why Won’t He Commit? will entertain, guide, and allow you to:
  • Know why love is not enough for a man to decide to commit
  • Relate to how men actually love and commit via an experience you have had yourself
  • Learn the one thing you must do to inspire a man’s love and devotion for the long-term
  • Test your relationship to know if your man is ready and able to commit to you, or not
  • Understand why time is not a factor in a man committing, no matter his love for you

The “Aha!” moments you will have from reading this book will forever turn your negative feelings about men’s mystifying and frustrating, non-committal behaviors into loving acceptance. You’ll finally be able to love men in the way they need to be loved, in order to get the love and life-long commitment you deserve!

Praise for Why Won’t He Commit?

“Coach Paula’s chapter on the Puppy Principle gave me one “Aha!” moment after the next! I finally understand that it wasn’t always my fault that past relationships didn’t work out. I just had to wait for the right man who was ready to take this puppy home!” —Kellie Rasberry Evans, co-host of The Kidd Kraddick Morning Show and co-host of A Sandwich and Some Lovin’ podcast

“After reading Why Won’t He Commit?, I called my girlfriends to explain how the Consumer vs. Buyer Relationship changed my whole view of men and dating!” —Caroline Craddick, radio personality, singer-songwriter, brand ambassador, and lifestyle blogger
Release dateJun 5, 2018
Why Won't He Commit?: How a Man Decides to Make You "The One"

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    All good and well saying 'Why' A man won't commit, but doesn't give much detail on the 'How' other than constant references to the book 'The rules'

Book preview

Why Won't He Commit? - Paula Grooms


It’s 2:00 am and you are lying in bed wide-awake. You pretend to be as asleep as the man with his back to you softly snores. Just a few hours ago, you were in the throes of rapture in this man’s arms, receiving every ounce of his body and connecting in ways for which there are no words. Now, you are equally as uneasy and anxious as you were earlier enraptured. The wrestling between what your heart feels and what your head tells you is confusing, draining, and anxiety-provoking.

You can hardly close your eyes without recalling the smallest details of the previous week, month, or year with this man. How you’ve subtly pushed him, pursued him, or hinted for him to tell you how he feels and what he wants, only later to pull back and try to distance yourself and appear aloof. Replaying the movie in your mind of your many advances and retreats haunts and torments you.

While the man in deep sleep beside you doesn’t give anything of himself, he always returns. His resistance is just fear, you think, as he is a good man and has shown you moments and glimpses of an ability to care about and love you. He’s there in body so you believe he must be there in spirit, or he would have left. Will he become your husband (or even boyfriend), or is tonight the last time you will see him?

* * * * *

You and your guy are enjoying yet another weekend of bliss. Friday night was a movie and lots of easy conversation, fun, cuddling, and great sex. On Saturday, you woke up late, went to the gym together, and then he helped you shop for groceries and prepare a nice meal complete with wine and music. You talk about anything and everything. You feel that you’re really connecting. You love being with him and developing this relationship.

A few hours out with your friends watching the game on Saturday night leads to sleeping late on Sunday morning, lounging, more sex, and the Sunday Times with lattes. When he leaves that afternoon or evening there is the usual I’ll talk to you soon with lots of kissing and holding each other at the door. Three days later, you still haven’t gotten so much as a text.

* * * * *

Your boyfriend of three years is deemed a catch by all who know him. He’s fun, funny, smart, and industrious. When you look around at your friends, you can’t believe how lucky you are to have such a committed and monogamous man by your side. He talks of the future and paints verbal pictures of how your life together might look one day. He professes his love and on each special occasion you secretly hope to be getting a ring, yet it never comes. You try hard to make things good for him and prove yourself to be wife and mother material. You’re beginning to think there is something about you that he questions for the long term. You are sick of waiting and your clock is ticking. When is he going to see that you two are meant to be husband and wife?

* * * * *

From the moment you met your man, you knew there was something different about him. He pursued you respectfully and has always made you feel special and wanted. You have never questioned his feelings, and things have always been easy, albeit a bit boring at times, as you have never felt that burning desire that other men have made you feel. You broke up briefly when a new hottie at work sparked the flame in you again, but when you realized how stupid you had been and begged Mr. Right for forgiveness, he took you back. Since then, you’ve devoted yourself to this great guy and have felt closer and more interested in him than ever.

You thought everything was back to the way it was, but it’s been a year and Mr. Right hasn’t popped the question. He is still wonderful, but he is beginning to show signs of distancing himself. You’re afraid that you’ve ruined your chances at the one relationship that could have been forever. Why won’t he commit?

Mirror, Mirror

Do you recognize yourself in any of the scenarios above? Depending on your love life, you may actually have experienced all four of them in one way or another. If so, you are not needy, damaged, or in any way anything other than the beautiful female that you were born to be.

What you’ve experienced with men – or perhaps are experiencing currently – is as normal and natural as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, the birds and the bees, night and day, sun and rain, yin and yang, or male and female. You’ll notice in this list of opposites that good and bad are not in the group. This is because men being men and women being women is not good or bad – it just is.

Understanding Nature Helps Us Nurture

Knowing and accepting that there are fundamental, biological, and anthropological reasons that men view things more in black and white rather than the contextual grey in which women tend to see things can help lessen your frustrations and allow you to do what you, as a woman, are uniquely equipped to do: understand, have patience for, and lovingly attend to the differences in people and living things.

Science has been able to address the debate over nature versus nurture and is now able to show us through neuro-brain imaging that nature is the full sundae of our experience, and nurture – or what we think of as socialization – is merely the cherry on top. New research is confirming what humans have known since they developed higher thinking: there are slight differences in how the male and female brain are wired to behave and relate to their environment and other living beings. These slight differences, however, are akin to being from different planets; perhaps planets as different and as far apart as Mars and Venus.

The brain differences of men and women help account for the interconnected ways in which females are able to view people, problems, and emotional issues, and why males tend to look at things in more confined and linear ways. The way the male brain is wired is why it is largely a waste of time to try to get a man to view or understand emotional things in the same way that you do.

Males show stronger front to back wiring within each hemisphere of the brain, accounting for their greater spatial skills, motor coordination, and ability to visualize three-dimensional objects from various angles. Think Mr. Mechanic. Mike Mechanic is all about connecting parts and wires in order to problem-solve and get your car running. He is not apt to want to hear your tale of woe about your highway mishap and missing a big interview.

Although Mike might stand there and listen with a bit of a blank stare while you cry for a moment and recount the terror of losing all power while doing seventy-five miles per hour in the left lane, he’s not likely to sit down with you or offer tissues and words of understanding. He is most interested in getting information so that he can set about problem-solving and fixing your car. This is his job. But, which comes first, the fact that he is a mechanic – so he is more interested in how parts of a car fit together than attending to your feelings – or that he is a man and his brain wiring is very well-suited for his job as a mechanic as opposed to a grief counselor? Likely a bit of both.

The Ewes Have It

Women have a slightly larger and fattier corpus callosum – the band of tissue that sits atop the brain and connects the two hemispheres. This allows for the two hemispheres of the female brain to speak to each other in a way that male brains don’t as readily or as easily. Think Mrs. Mom. Margie Mom has to problem-solve in all manner of both tangible and emotional ways. Margie attends to the gash in her kid’s knee while simultaneously getting his bike out of the road and stopping her other kids from stepping out in traffic. What she also does, so well and so easily, is assuage the fear all the children feel when their brother almost veers into oncoming traffic.

Rams Aren’t Necessarily Dodging

Remembering that a man’s ability to process and access emotions is somewhat slower for some men and seemingly non-existent for others will not only allow you to be more patient but will eventually allow you to fully embrace men in a way that you may have been fighting. While your situation will vary according to the uniqueness of your own brain and the brain of any man you’re attempting to understand and communicate with, knowing what you are about to discover in the pages that follow will help you more than anything else: Men are wired to love, commit, and bond differently than women.

Despite their protests and aversion to drama, men actually love what is different about women and find the deep emotions of women to be alluring, attractive, and enticing. This doesn’t mean men will understand or even care to attempt to understand women, as understanding and connecting to differences is not inherently male; therefore, it’s incumbent upon women, with their enhanced ability to understand and connect to others, to communicate and relate to men in ways that provide the best outcomes and chance of success in romantic relationships.

Tarzan and Jane, Not Jane and Jane

While we might wish men were emotionally more like us than different, would we really want that wish to come true? Likely not. It is in the differences between the sexes that we experience that special spark of chemistry, sexual attraction, and romantic love. Though not easy to navigate, it does make life passionate and fascinating, albeit at times heartbreaking, if not profoundly frustrating. Yet, without clouds, the rays of the sun would not feel as delightful as they do when they break through and warm us. Without night, there is no day. While things might be easier at times, they would not be as exciting and wondrous without men! And let’s face it, traversing the jungle with their linear brains (and muscles) makes swinging on the vine of life more fun and many times a heck-of-a-lot easier!

My Learning Curve Balls

Perhaps there are women born with an innate knowledge and understanding of men, but it is my belief that they are a very fortunate few. Women born before the sexual revolution and women’s movement were forced to adhere to socially accepted norms and behaviors which catered to men’s natural need to be challenged, compete, and achieve that which they deemed worth achieving. As women began attaining political, social, educational, and professional equality to some degree, they did not naturally fare as well when it came to attaining committed

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