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About this ebook

Shay's mother has disappeared.


Her father has become withdrawn following her mother's disappearance and there is little Shay can do to help.


Then, one night, Shay saves her father from a strange assailant in his study and is carried to another world with her father where the truth about her mother is revealed. Discovering that her mother is apparently not the person Shay has admired all her life, leads Shay to question her own values which she has so proudly built on the image of the perfect marriage which her parents displayed to her as a child.


As Shay comes to terms with her parents' betrayal, she herself betrays the person who has trusted her the most in this strange kingdom. While she loathes this new behavior she seems unable to stop, since betraying one means protecting another.


While Shay struggles with her own question of values, Shay's life and the world itself begin to collapse around her.


But life continues and the evil that remains seeks the greatest treasure of all. A power to rule all worlds. For evil does not mourn. And evil has no conscience. And Shay holds a key to access another world which the evil desperately desires....

Release dateDec 3, 2020

Francois Keyser

Francois wanted to be an author since he first learned to read. He returned to his childhood dream after leaving a successful corporate career and has since authored over thirty titles across a variety of genres. He currently lives in Bali, Indonesia where he shares his time between his family and his writing.

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    Book preview

    WordRealm - Francois Keyser

    Chapter 1

    Rhian landed as light as a feather on her feet. The ease with which she landed, belied more than just her age of thirty-eight years. Her repeated travels to this place had made her an expert in soft landings. The rough landings she experienced with her first few arrivals through the portal were now nothing but distant memories.

    Rhian closed the book in her hands. She slid a bookmark out from between the book’s pages and the portal through which she had come, closed abruptly. She was always fascinated by the sight of the portal closing and the pop that followed.

    Placing the book in the bag she carried with her, she looked around her at the place which was by now, as familiar as home. Before her, a lake of rainbow colours stretched away as far as she could see. Rhian had been told that it was pointless to try and walk around the lake. For mortals its shore was endless.

    Content to simply sit at the edge of the lake and enjoy the solitude of this place, she would lose herself in her thoughts for hours as she watched the birds and walked on the grass under the trees, or between the flowers while she listened to the birds sing.

    Every time she came here, she swam in the lake. Andy, her husband, had told her it had healing powers. She could feel how rejuvenated and energized she was every time she swam in the lake and knew there had to be truth in what he had told her. After all, he had created the lake and this whole world just for her.

    He had first brought her here on her birthday just over a year ago. He had blindfolded her in his study and they had stepped through the portal together. Andy had anticipated she might stumble and had cushioned her fall as best he could. When he removed the blindfold, she was confused but her confusion gave way to surprise when she saw the beauty of the place. She had fallen in love with it immediately.

    Since then, she had visited frequently, finding more of an attraction to this place than being home on earth in many respects. She wished that a place such as this existed on earth but, in a way, she was thankful that it did not. Perhaps selfishly so.

    If a place like this existed on earth it would be overrun by people, many of whom would have no respect for it and pollute it in some way or another. On the other hand, she knew many people would benefit from its healing powers just as she did, but there was no way to keep this secret if others found out about it.

    Lost in thought, Rhian did not hear the scrape of a boot on stone, the snap of a twig, the rustle of clothes, or feel the disturbance of the air immediately behind her as someone approached from behind. Only when a hand wrapped itself around Rhian’s mouth from behind did she realize she was not alone. Rhian jumped and tried to stand. Her opponent was much stronger though and had the element of surprise, which enabled him to hold her down and prevent her from standing to fight him off.

    Nice to see you again, her captor spoke. A man. His voice was low and commanding.

    His hand was gloved in well-worn leather that smelled of animal and sweat. The man spoke again without malice but with authority that made it clear he did not expect to be challenged.

    Do not try to struggle or escape. It is useless and you will only do yourself harm.

    Rhian was unable to speak anyway but paused her struggling against her unseen opponent to listen.

    Get on your knees and put your hands behind your back.

    Realizing what would follow, Rhian thought of struggling again but her captor’s hold tightened in anticipation. She nodded and relaxed giving him an indication of her surrender. His grip relaxed a little and Rhian knelt, her arms behind her back. Her captor promptly bound her hands and then helped her sit on the tree stump where she had been sitting. She tested the bonds and found they were too tight for her to free herself. Her captor stepped around from behind to face her.

    His eyes were a piercing blue but they were cold and emotionless. His face was devoid of emotion too. Stoic. He looked at Rhian for a while saying nothing and Rhian glared at him. She held his gaze as long as she could before finally looking away. His gaze was unnerving. He was cold. He seemed to be able to look right through her and deflect her gaze.

    I have watched you for longer than you know, my lady. I have fought my desire to claim you for a long time but I have been prevented by my fear.

    He paused and Rhian asked, What fear do you have?

    Fear, that to believe I could ever control a woman of your beauty and power, would be an illusion. An illusion which would ultimately be the cause of my downfall. Yet the powers that you control have unfortunately outweighed my fear and desire to enjoy your beauty from afar. Circumstances beyond my control require that I take the risk and face my fear of controlling you to access your powers.

    Her captor leaned down and stroked her face gently. Rhian pulled away but he pulled her close again and stroked her face again. I must believe though that the gods have truly blessed me for now I not only serve such beauty but I possess it too. For such beauty to exist the same in two people is surely ordained by the gods.

    Rhian listened. She believed that she understood some of what he said. But her brow furrowed with confusion. What did he mean by beauty to exist the same in two people?

    She gazed intently at him, concentrating, making sure she missed nothing. As she tried to push her confusion aside, she told herself this man was an idiot. A dangerous one, but an idiot nonetheless. Her fear of what he would do to her had been replaced by another fear. She wondered if this fool knew that she came and went from this world at will. Her fear was answered as she replayed his words in her mind. She realized that his reference to her powers was an indication that he knew.

    As if reading her thoughts he bent over and picked up her bag. He opened it and took out the book, a broad smile splitting his face. He flipped through the pages and then closed it holding out his hand.

    The marker? Where is it? His eyes remained cold despite his smile.

    Rhian knew he referred to the bookmark. He had been watching her for some time. If he knew of the bookmark, he had seen her arrive and leave this place at least once.

    In my pocket. Rhian knew there was nothing she could do. The fact that this man was asking for the bookmark made it clear he knew it worked with the book.

    He stepped forward and reached into the left pocket of her trousers and extracted the bookmark. He inspected it briefly and then opened the book. He placed the bookmark on a page and with a pop a portal opened before them.

    Rhian had been holding her breath, fearing that he would place the bookmark at the point in the book where the portal would open to Earth. She released her breath when she realized that the portal did not go to her home. Her captor did not seem to care but smiled at the ease with which he had been able to open a portal.

    Who are you? Rhian asked.

    Her captor removed the bookmark and closed the book and the portal along with it.

    Forgive my rudeness, lady. My name is Algwad but those who know me call me Alg. I am the advisor to the king’s betrothed. The lady who will soon be queen. He said the last sentence as if he did not believe it then added, I think she will be most grateful that I have caught a treacherous sorceress who would seek to mislead the king and all in the kingdom. Perhaps though, the more important question is who is the sorceress I see before me?

    I am no sorceress.

    Alg held up the book. I beg to disagree. You hold powers such as this, he waved the book, and you impersonate the king’s betrothed in more than just looks I believe. But given time, I have no doubt the reasons for your impersonation will become clear.

    He smiled again and Rhian studied him closely. His jaw was strong, his nose prominent but crooked, suggesting it had been broken at least once. His smile appeared to be disarming but after speaking with him for the short time she had, she felt that it was the smile of a man who was used to getting his way. His smile showed arrogance and confidence yet was also the mouth of a predator ready to strike at any moment, to change the course of events in his direction.

    His hair was long and uneven and he had to brush it from his eyes repeatedly. He was well built and Rhian did not doubt that he could hold his own against most opponents. He was muscular but not muscle-bound. His movements were almost catlike suggesting speed and flexibility. His skin was leathery and dark from exposure to the sun. His face lacked wrinkles but Rhian judged him to be in his forties.

    I have no idea what you are rambling about, she defended angrily. If I were a sorceress, do you think I would be standing here with my hands behind my back?

    The fact that your power is within an object separate from you, such as this book, does not mean that you are not a sorceress. There will always be a connection between you and this book which, if maintained, makes you dangerous. I believe I now control that connection and I will think of giving you your freedom back once I have achieved my objectives.

    Which are?

    Algwad smiled. I do not care to share my objectives with you. It is getting late and we should get to the shelter.

    He stepped forward then, and taking hold of Rhian’s arms, guided her towards his horse. He helped her onto the horse and then mounted behind her.

    Algwad said little as they rode. Rhian tried but eventually stopped trying to glean information from him and lapsed into silence. The sun set as they rode and the moon rose shortly after.

    Rhian had no idea where she was any more. She doubted she would be able to find her way back to the lake on her own if she escaped. There was no need to though. She simply needed to get the book and the bookmark and she could be gone from this place never to return. Rhian wondered how long it would be before Andy decided to come looking for her and another fear crossed her mind. Had her captor thought of that too? Would he be lying in wait when Andy arrived to look for her? She hoped not. Rhian doubted he had ever seen Andy. Andy had only ever been to the lake once when he had first shown it to her. As far as Rhian knew, he had never returned. She thought of their daughter, Shay, and wondered how Shay would react to her disappearance. Would Andy tell her about this world that they could access? They both knew how Shay loved fantasy novels but they had never told her about their access to this fantasy world.

    Shay was very close to Rhian and she was sure her disappearance would hit Shay hard. As mother and daughter, they were close but it was more than that. They were best friends and shared everything. They had no secrets from each other. At least Shay had no secrets from Rhian. And this secret which now had Rhian imprisoned, was Rhian’s only secret from Shay.

    Rhian felt a tug at her heart as she thought of not being able to return to Andy and Shay and suddenly tears welled up and spilt from her eyes as she felt suddenly, incredibly lost, distant and alone.

    She felt as if Andy and Shay had been torn away from her and there was nothing, she could do about it. She felt as if she had watched them being taken away and diminishing as the distance between them became farther and farther. The tug was less for Andy. Not because she loved him less but because she knew he would come looking for her and perhaps succeed in finding her. But Shay would have no idea. She thought of the pain Shay would go through. What would she think? Would Andy break down and tell Shay the truth?

    They rode late into the night and entered a forest. Moonlight wrestled with the canopy of the forest above them and little light reached the ground. Even so, Algwad still seemed to know where they were headed.

    They eventually arrived at a cabin. Rhian could barely discern the outline in the dark. She was relieved when he helped her off the horse. Not being used to riding, she nearly collapsed as the toll of the horse ride on her muscles took effect. She had not ridden a horse for a long time and her body had not been prepared for the journey.

    Algwad supported her and helped her into the cabin. Once inside he lit an oil lamp. Rhian blinked as her eyes protested briefly against the light that suddenly pierced the dark.

    Algwad helped Rhian sit on a long bench with cushions. She imagined it was his equivalent of a sofa. He dug around in some cupboards and pulled out some bread and biscuits and poured water from a beaker for her to drink.

    That will have to do, he said sitting down opposite her. Tomorrow we can speak more.

    He appeared to be tired but was friendlier than when he had captured her.

    You can sleep there, he motioned to the bench where she sat and lapsed into silence staring at her. Shay felt uncomfortable under his gaze and tried to ignore him. She felt his stare was more than just watching her. His eyes roamed over her like a spider from top to bottom taking in her curves. She tried making herself smaller so there was less for him to appreciate. She had asked about being untied but he had firmly denied her that luxury. He did however agree to retie her hands in front of her after which he tied them to the bench. He chained the door of the cabin making sure no one could enter or leave.

    When Rhian had finished her meal of stale bread and biscuits and drunk the water, Algwad extinguished the lamp and settled on a bed in the corner. Rhian knew he was asleep soon after by the sound of his snoring and she fell asleep too a little while later despite the thoughts that ran through her mind.

    Chapter 2

    She awoke with a start the next morning. Rhian was briefly disoriented before she remembered where she was and the events that had brought her here. Algwad stood over her. He had woken her. He untied her from the bench and motioned for her to take a seat at the table. She rose slowly, every muscle in her body aching from sleeping on the bench and the horse ride the night before. Rhian stumbled to the table and sat down. Before her was a bowl of hot soup with what looked like vegetables. It was a mixture of green and orange. It smelled like brussels sprouts which she was not partial to at all. But she was too hungry to object and gulped it down hungrily.

    Algwad watched her with a smirk on his face. Rhian supposed he was taking pleasure in the power he realized he now held over her and tried not to look at him.

    What’s the plan for today? Rhian asked.

    Today you tell me all about yourself and you start to teach me about the book and how to use it. You can work with me or not. I do not need to tell you which is the better option for you? he asked rhetorically.

    Rhian looked out the window. From where she sat, she was too low to see the ground outside and found herself looking up into the trees which rose above the cabin outside. She could see birds coming and going from the branches and longed for their freedom.

    That all depends, she replied between mouthfuls.

    Yes, it does. It depends on whether you want to sleep on the bench or share your food with the rats in the cellar.

    Rhian chose the cellar while she tried to figure out what it was she could share with Algwad without giving away the secret of how to get to Earth.

    He took the risk of using the book on his own without her guidance. He disappeared for days at a time traveling to different locations. Algwad did not know how to return to anywhere close to where they were, so he had to return by conventional means which took longer than using the book. When he returned, Rhian was often tired and weak from a lack of food and water. He ignored Rhian’s suffering and told her with much joy where he had been and how he had returned. He had not figured out how to return to the place he had departed from initially using the book. Rhian was not even sure if it was possible. She simply knew how to get to the lake and return to Earth.

    Often, Algwad disappeared for a few days without using the book as a means of travel. Rhian believed at these times that he went to see the king’s betrothed to take orders from her and do her bidding. He never elaborated much about the king’s betrothed. His early references to her impersonating the king’s betrothed still puzzled her. She had thought at the very least that he would take her to meet the king’s betrothed but he had not and seemed reluctant to do so. Rhian could only surmise that this had to do with his objectives.

    Then one day, Alg, as Rhian eventually came to call him, reappeared within an hour after he had disappeared. He had a broad smile on his face which told Rhian he had made a new discovery.

    Hah! At last, I have it! He was overjoyed. The fact that he had figured out how to return to his point of departure using the book was a cause of some relief for Rhian. It meant she would have her meals more regularly now since his return would not be delayed by having to use traditional methods like walking or horse riding to return from distant places he travelled to when using the book.

    I have but one more thing to understand my dear.

    And what might that be? Rhian believed she knew but she asked anyway.

    How to travel to your world.

    Algwad’s response was what Rhian had feared it would be and it left her cold. If he found a way to go to earth he would arrive in their home where Andy and Shay were. There was only that point of arrival for Earth and no other. Even worse, if he could make it through, how long would it be before he developed the insane notion of invading Earth?

    Chapter 3

    Afew days later, Alg moved her to the keep. They entered the keep after dark but he was taking no chances and covered her head with a sack for the journey. Rhian believed it was so she could not see her surroundings or memorize landmarks from the journey in the event of an escape.

    The rustle of the sack over her head prevented her from hearing anything clearly throughout the journey so she could not try to remember any specific sounds if she escaped and wanted to retrace her journey for any reason.

    They entered the keep and the horse stopped. Rhian was helped to dismount. She was guided downstairs and felt cold laying its hands on her the further down she went. She could only assume they were going underground. Rhian recalled visits to castles in Europe with Andy and the dungeons they had seen. She suspected she was being led down into a dungeon now. The difference was that this one was still actively used while the ones she had visited had been deserted for centuries. Eventually, their descent ended and they walked along a corridor until they finally came to a halt. A key scraped in a lock and a door shrieked on its hinges. She guessed that she was about to enter a cell. Her guess was confirmed a moment later as the sack was removed from her head. Rhian was pushed forward roughly. In the faint light, she could make out a stone slab in the corner which she took to be her bed in the cell. She turned around as Alg closed the door and locked it.

    From now on this is your home. It was all he said before turning and leaving. His silhouette receded into the dark along with the light from the torch he carried until he turned a corner and was gone. Rhian was left in the dark and she felt as if she had gone blind. It was pitch black and even after the impression from the light of the torch had faded, she could see nothing in the dark.

    The only visitor she had in the dungeon was Algwad. He never delegated her meals to be delivered to anyone else. He delivered her meals personally when he was bothered to do so. Many times, she would go without food for a day or two and she started to squirrel away portions of her meagre meals so she would have something to eat on the occasions when Algwad did not come and feed her. When he did feed her, he said little. Less than when they had been in the cabin in the forest. Occasionally he would watch her as she ate or tell her about a new place he had visited in the book. Rhian never shared anything about the book with him and he seemed to have given up asking. She guessed he felt confident enough that if he continued exploring with the book, he would find the way to her world.

    She had a glimmer of hope at one point though when Algwad deviated from his standard conversation.

    Someone is looking for you, he stated matter-of-factly as he pushed her food under the cell door.

    Wha...What? What do you mean? Rhian asked.

    I returned to the lake. A man was looking around. He scouted the edge of the lake and wandered into the forest. He was searching for someone. I expect he was searching for you. He looks about your age. Dark hair. Tall. Thin. Does it sound like someone you know? He uses the book to come and go too so he must be from your world.

    The description was that of Andy. Rhian tried to hide her emotion as her hopes soared. She spoke and did not look up at Algwad to show him that she was interested in the news.

    There are many from my world. He could be anyone, Rhian replied shortly.

    I see. So, you won’t mind if I kill him?

    What for? Rhian resisted the urge to look up.

    He is a nuisance. Maybe soon he will discover my cabin or arrive here in the keep. If you do not know who he is then perhaps you can tell me what your kind wants with our world. Why is it that your people are suddenly arriving here? There must be something important for so many strangers to frequent our kingdom. I suspect you all seek what I seek. After all the time is nearly here for the power to be released.

    Rhian sighed. Did you ever realize how much you love your voice? You make me weary. You speak so cryptically about so many things but will not elaborate. I think perhaps you should find a use for a needle and thread and sew your mouth shut.

    Algwad paused a moment. His jaw clenched in the light cast by the torch; his arrogance temporarily halted.

    You speak boldly for a prisoner, he stated matter of factly.

    And you sing like a prisoner being tortured, Rhian replied sarcastically.

    Algwad changed the subject. So, you do not know this man?

    No, I do not. Do you have a picture?

    A wha.... Algwad paused not sure he understood what Rhian had said. Then he realized what Rhian was saying.

    Why.... how.... how would I get a picture of him?

    Rhian smiled and decided to have fun with Algwad. Don’t you have a camera?

    What? What is a ca-me-ra? Algwad asked confused.

    It paints pictures, Rhian replied smiling condescendingly.

    He does not stay long enough to paint a picture, Algwad replied.

    Rhian burst out laughing. Now Algwad was a clown. It was the most fun she had had in a long time. She could not remember the last time she had laughed.

    Algwad was at a loss for words. He retreated into the dark without saying goodbye and left Rhian laughing in the dark until long after he had left.

    Chapter 4

    Rhian had no idea how long she was kept in the cell. She lost all track of time in the dark of the dungeons. Then one day, Rhian heard Alg’s voice as he approached. He was speaking to someone. The darkness of the dungeon grew lighter as he approached holding a torch. Shadows flickered to life then receded as he approached. Rhian closed her eyes against the bright light of the torch. Her eyes were unaccustomed to the light after being in the dark for so long.

    Algwad stopped before the cell and unlocked the door. He was accompanied by someone who wore a hooded robe. Rhian watched the person through her narrowed eyes. Their gait was slower and more elegant than Alg’s. Rhian could not see the face of the person beneath the hood but she believed it was a woman. Judging by the robe and hood she wore, Rhian believed she was from an order of priests or monks. The robe was a regal purple made from material that looked like velvet but it flowed as if it was as light as silk. The cuffs of the sleeves and the edge of the cloak were trimmed with gold embroidery of the highest craftsmanship.

    Alg opened the door and stepped aside letting his companion in first. They advanced into the cell but his companion stopped abruptly when they drew near enough for the light from his torch to light Rhian’s face. Rhian heard his companion breathe in sharply. It was a woman. Then she spoke. You were right when you said I needed to see this.

    Rhian was angered at being referred to as this. It was as if she were an object. She was confused too. The woman’s voice sounded just like her. Then the woman pushed her hood back and it was Rhian’s turn to inhale sharply, unable to contain her surprise. She was looking at herself, or her twin, or.....

    The woman walked around Rhian slowly appraising her from all angles. How is this possible?

    It must be sorcery, your majesty. There can be no other explanation. Her likeness struck me as amazing too. She has not told me about her world yet and how she came to be here which leads me to believe her intentions are not honourable. Especially when she looks like you, my Lady.

    Rhian took offence to being spoken of as an object or as someone who was not present. I can hear you, she said angrily.

    The woman stopped before her and smiled. You finish your sentences with Majesty when speaking to me.

    Rhian was taken aback. Who are you?

    I am the queen to be. Her gaze made Rhian uncomfortable. Rhian felt as if she were staring into her soul. She decided not to argue the point but bowed her head and curtsied as she knew to do. Majesty she replied.

    The woman lifted her chin. That’s better. I am glad we understand each other.

    As Rhian looked at the woman who was her double, she silently cursed Andy. This woman was his creation. Andy had created this world and he must have created this woman with her likeness. The woman held Rhian’s gaze.

    Her long black hair was tied back in braids. Her eyes were green and smiled. Yet the smile that Rhian saw in her own

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