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Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer?
Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer?
Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer?
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Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer?

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Beyond Today Magazine -- May/June 2017 -- Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to “Make America Great Again.” America has been and remains great—but for how long? What factors made the nation the world’s greatest superpower? You might find the answers very surprising—because they were foretold in Bible prophecy! You need to understand what the Bible says about the rise and fall of nations—discover the answers in this issue!
-- What Makes a Nation Great?
-- Will America Remain Great?
-- How to Make the World Great Again
-- Is Fake News New?
-- Is Our Mass Media Leading Us Astray?
-- America’s Deep Government Division—Can It Be Solved?
-- Immigration: What Does the Bible Say?
-- Challenges Immigrants Face
-- Artificial Intelligence: The Coming Threat
-- May the Force (and More) Be With You
-- Follow Me: The Ever-Present Presence of the I AM
-- Mini-Study: Jesus Christ, the Greatest Prophet
-- How do I truly know if God is calling me?
-- Current Events and Trends
-- Letters From Our Readers
Release dateMay 2, 2017
Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer?

United Church of God

The mission of the United Church of God is to proclaim to the world the little-understood gospel taught by Jesus Christ—the good news of the coming Kingdom of God—and to prepare a people for that Kingdom. This message not only offers great hope for all of humanity, but encompasses the purpose of human existence—why we are here and where our world is headed.

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    Beyond Today -- America the Great? How Much Longer? - United Church of God


    Will America Remain Great?

    The campaign slogan Make America Great Again catapulted candidate Donald Trump into the world’s most powerful office. Yet, though diminished in recent years, America is already great in important respects—but for how long?

    by Darris McNeely

    When Donald Trump in his U.S. presidential campaign issued the call to make America great again, it would have been more accurate to say make America as great as it was—since the country has not yet actually ceased to be great. 

    By every measure of modern superpower status the United States of America is a great nation. America is unrivaled as the world’s sole superpower. It has the world’s largest economy. The American military can project its power anywhere in the world to influence policy, wage war and aid in humanitarian relief. Politically, the world still looks to America for leadership in defending freedom, promoting humanitarian values and opposing terror and tyranny.

    It’s vital that we understand the Source of this national greatness. America is a great nation not due to its own efforts, but because God made it great—as part of the unfolding of His plan for mankind through the ages.

    America is great not because of any innate goodness of its people, but because it inherited the blessings God made long ago to a man named Abraham. This biblical patriarch, a pioneer of faith in God, was given a promise for his descendants of national blessing, power and prestige, along with a spiritual promise fulfilled in the life, death and resurrection of his preeminent descendant Jesus Christ. Both promises are still alive and working in today’s world.

    America, blessed with the modern manifestation of the physical dimension of these promises, will remain great as long as God wants America to remain great. The fate of this powerful nation, called by some the last best hope for mankind, is entirely in God’s provenance. No president, current or future, determines the ultimate destiny of the United States. America’s future is in the hand of God.

    Understand this and you understand a fundamental reality behind world affairs.

    Realize this, too: When America is no longer the world power that it now it is, we will live in a very different world. When God removes His blessing and protection from this land, the world will enter a darker and more dangerous time. We who produce this magazine love America and pray for its president and other leaders. But we understand the nation’s spiritual condition. And we know that unless there is a huge change, America’s future will not be great—but instead a great tragedy.

    A critical moment

    The world was stunned in last year’s U.S. presidential election. Counter to all predictions, Donald Trump won election over a candidate many thought would easily defeat him. His inaugural address then promised a new beginning for America, as he vowed to make good on all his promises to repair the economy, rebuild infrastructure and, in his mind, restore America to the greatness it once held. President Trump began a four-year term that could turn out to be one of the most decisive in American history.

    America and the world stand at a critical juncture. Change is sweeping across the nations, arousing uncertainty and fear. Radical Islamic terrorism threatens the current geopolitical order as nations react to the impact of ISIS, al-Qaeda and massive immigration spawned by war in the Middle East. Vast cultural changes undermine traditional moral teachings about family, sexuality and gender. All of this has created a seismic shock wave rolling through society with devastating impact.

    What should you understand at this critical moment in human experience? And what steps should you be taking to not just understand but to change your life to be prepared for the time when America is no longer great?

    Ancient origins and prophecies of future greatness

    Let’s look at the beginning of America’s story, starting with—in no doubt a surprise to many—Abraham in ancient Mesopotamia. At a time when men did not travel beyond their immediate environs nor held dreams of a life beyond what birth bequeathed, this man heeded God’s command to leave his home and ventured into a new land and a new life.

    In Genesis 12 this singular man of faith, at first called Abram, obeyed the command of God, with God having told him: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Genesis 12:1-3).

    Abram obeyed God, and the story was underway. God later changed his name from Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of many). To his son Isaac and grandson Jacob, God repeated and expanded the promise. Abraham’s descendants would be a vast innumerable grouping of peoples. They would possess the gates of their enemies, a promise of modern global power beyond the immediate land of promise and stretching into the modern world. When Jacob laid his hands on the two sons of his son Joseph, conferring both his name (Israel) and the physical promises of a single great nation and a company of nations (compare Genesis 35:9-11; Genesis 48:8-19), the stage was set for the future.

    None of these promises were fulfilled in the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Judah. While they had some periods of regional strength under leaders like David and Solomon, they came nowhere near to fulfilling the national greatness and power God promised to Abraham and repeated to Isaac and Jacob. If God was faithful to His promises, we have to look elsewhere and to a different time to see how these came to pass.

    God’s promises fulfilled

    Through this thread of promise and blessing God gives us the foundation to understanding the modern world and the role of America and the English-speaking nations in shaping the events of our time. While these promises were expanded and repeated to Abraham’s descendants, it is in Jacob’s blessing to Joseph that we have the key sign for the modern fulfillment of these promises.

    In Genesis 49 Joseph is described in the last days as a fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall (Genesis 49:22)—a nation that would spread far beyond its beginnings as a vine extends its branches outward in all directions. The prophecy describes Joseph’s descendants contending with attacks by enemies who are stirred against his dominant role, but Joseph is made strong by the Mighty God of Jacob (Genesis 49:23-24).

    God’s help is promised along with the blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb (Genesis 49:25). Joseph, the one separated from his brothers, is shown to possess incredible blessings of his fathers. These blessings are vast, nearly unlimited, to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills (Genesis 49:26). 

    Jacob’s prophecy points to the last days (Genesis 49:1). When we look at the modern world only one nation, or grouping of nations, fits this description. It is not the Jewish people, though they are Israelites too. Rather, the description fits only America and the major English-speaking nations who share a common ancestry. By any standard of measurement, Great Britain and then America sprang to the front of the pack of nations and have led the world during the last two and half centuries. The role of the English-speaking nations during this period has been to lead the peoples of the world along an ascending path into what the great British Prime Minister Winston Churchill called the broad sunlit uplands.

    Life-saving and life-enhancing advances in science, medicine, agriculture, economics and law have been nurtured in the lands inhabited by the English-speaking nations. More Nobel prizes, beneficial patents and technological advancement have sprung from these nations than from any other group in history. Other nations can pursue their destiny free from tyranny, and many people are alive today, because of the vast blessings given to the English-speaking nations by the God of Abraham.

    You can dismiss this truth if you like. But you would be denying the clear evidence readily seen by an honest study of historical fact. Author Andrew Roberts’ 2006 magisterial work A History of the English-Speaking Peoples Since 1900 chronicles this story with unmistakable detail. He opens his book with this quote from Professor Deepak Lal, a British economist who was born in India: If one reflected on the most important events of the last millennium compared with the first, the ascent of the English-speaking peoples to predominance in the world surely ranked highest (p. 1). 

    In Roberts’ view the English-speaking peoples would remain the last, best hope for Mankind. The beliefs that they brought into the twentieth century largely actuate them yet; their values are still the best available in a troubled world; the institutions that made them great continue to inspire them today. Indeed, the beliefs, values and institutions of the English-speaking peoples are presently on the march (p. 2).

    Values rooted in God’s Word

    The traditional values of the English-speaking nations are rooted in the Bible. It is no coincidence that the translation of the Bible into English and its propagation around the world by first Great Britain and then America was a key factor in promoting the values that have made these nations great.

    In 1848 British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston justified government action by saying, "I hold that the real policy of England is to be the champion of justice and right . .

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