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Read the Road Signs
Read the Road Signs
Read the Road Signs
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Read the Road Signs

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Are you sick of meeting the wrong guy? Do you feel social pressure to be in a relationship? Do you find yourself settling for safety, because it’s easier than being alone? Do you feel like you are not attractive enough for your ideal partner? Do you feel like you’re in a never ending cycle of destructive relationships, always gravitating towards the wrong kind of men? Have you ever felt like there was something wrong with you because you haven’t met Mr. Right? If you have, this is the book for you. In Read the Road Signs, author Mereda Cruz provides true stories of people who have managed to break their self-defeating cycles. Women who have overcome their obstacles and learnt how to avoid them in future. Think of this book as a Satellite Navigation System, which will help guide you to your desired destination. It will help you see the road blocks before you reach them. It will alert you of stand still traffic ahead.
Release dateNov 11, 2016
Read the Road Signs

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    Read the Road Signs - Mereda Cruz




    Copyright © 2016 Mereda Cruz.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5403-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5402-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016913980

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    Being Single

    Frankenstein’s Concept

    Selling Your House

    Invest In Your Inner Self

    Observe What You Attract

    The Empty Basket Concept

    Living In Reverse

    Have A Destination

    Don’t Look For Bread In The Meat Aisle

    Helpful Guidelines

    Number One

    Number Two

    Number Three

    Number Four

    Number Five

    Number Six

    Number Seven

    Get The Right Exposure

    Never Conform

    Are You Choosing Between Two Guys?

    Don’t Buy A House Without Viewing It

    Always Go With Your Instinct

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words

    Be A Friend To Yourself

    Be A Friend To Others

    The Supply Teacher

    The Pied Piper

    Climb The Hill Or Take The Flat Route?

    Teacup Ride Or Roller Coaster?

    The Power Of No Reply

    Leading Lady Or Chorus

    Think Like A Ten

    Empty Restaurant Concept

    Money Doesn’t Make You Better

    Don’t Show The Whole Film, Only The Trailer

    Tennis Game

    Never Show Your Hand

    The Ballerina Concept

    Never Give Up Your Life For A Man

    Monkey See, Monkey Do

    Flip The Coin

    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

    Bench Girl

    Limbo Land

    Indicate, Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre

    Unplug The Source

    A Good Gambler Knows When To Quit

    Reason, Season, Or Lifetime?

    Red Wolf

    Living In The Moment

    The Emperor’s New Clothes

    Do We Ever Really Know Someone?

    Life Is Short

    Find The Right Receptor

    Does He Have Your Manual?

    If You Look Too Hard, You Don’t Find It

    What Book Are You?

    True Love Does Exist

    What Do Men Really Want In A Woman?

    Women Need To Stick Together

    Worzel Gummidge

    It’s Okay To Be Single

    Cinderella Slipper

    Never Show A Man You Feel Threatened By Another Woman

    Why Doesn’t He Reply?

    Wax And Polish

    The Big R

    Don’t Fish With A Fish On The End Of Your Rod

    Don’t Let Them Put You In A Box

    Own It

    Personal Date Night

    Dress Yourself Top To Toe In Self-Esteem

    The Checklist


    About The Author

    For my son, Ben;

    my mother and father;

    my niece, Heidi who encouraged me to write it;

    my two best friends, Pamela and Jane, who have been there for the journey;

    and every one of my seven siblings:

    Robert, Kirsten, Kathryn, Ingrid, Peter, Simone, and Krystle.


    I would like to thank many people for inspiring me to write this book.

    My father is an incredibly intelligent man. He had many script ideas but never did anything about them. I guess, through him, I learned a valuable lesson. Take action. While you’re thinking about it, someone else is doing it—someone else is living your dream, turning your dreams into reality.

    I have to thank my niece Heidi, who encouraged me to write this book; she is my little twin. She is a polisher and makes everyone shine.

    I would like to thank my sister Simone who allowed me to share some of her experiences and who has been there all the way to support me.

    My friend Pamela and I have laughed for hours about our dating lives. She is a truly beautiful person and funny without knowing it. My friend Jane has shared countless stories with me, and we have laughed until we cried about life and dating. Both Pamela and Jane are friends who I will count on my hand at the end of my life as true friends. I feel blessed to have found them.

    I would like to thank all the people who have opened up to me and shared their intimate stories. For obvious reasons I can’t name you, but you know who you are. I loved listening to your experiences. Hopefully, they will inspire others.

    I would like to thank Dean, who has been a true friend and an amazing stepfather to my son. Ben is blessed to have you in his life, and you will make an amazing dad one day.

    I want to thank my son, who is the reason for everything.

    Thank you to all my family, especially my sister Kathryn, who is the most selfless person I know; my sister Krystle, who inspired my front cover; and Angela, who moved next door when we were kids and is part of the family.

    Finally, I want to thank my eccentric parents, who gave me a beautiful mind.


    H ave you ever been driving down the motorway lost in your own thoughts, and missed your exit? It can add another half an hour to your journey.

    Missing a road sign has happened to us all at one time or another. This relates to the signs we receive in life; if you don’t read the road signs, you can sometimes lose years of your life. The message is pay attention. When unwelcome experiences have knocked on the door, when we look back, there were probably numerous signs that we just didn’t read or, more importantly, simply ignored.

    I have used the metaphor of the motorway to represent the importance of not wasting years of your life with the wrong man. Don’t ignore the signs that your relationship is in need of attention. Don’t stay on the same journey when it no longer serves you. Change gears or change direction, but, most of all, be present and pay attention to the signposts in life—they are there every day.

    I was inspired to write this book for a number of reasons. The most significant was an experience I had when someone very close to me had an emotional breakdown. This person was beautiful, intelligent, and successful. She owned two houses with her partner of ten years and, to the outside world, appeared to have the perfect life. But the perfect show that she presented was a facade. The doors were opened when her relationship broke down and the truth came out. She had suffered many years of domestic abuse. Her partner had continuously chipped away at her self-esteem and made her feel like she wasn’t good enough for him. He criticised her hair, her weight, and her sense of humour. He would come home in the early hours of the morning without an explanation as to where he had been, which progressed from staying out late to not returning home at all.

    It transpired that he had been living a double life and was active on many dating sites. When this finally unfolded, my friend became a complete wreck. She was emotionally unstable, which resulted in her having to resign from her job. She was left with nothing: no house, no money, and what seemed like no future ahead of her. She turned up on my doorstep with a bag of clothes, tears streaming down her face, devastated that the man she had spent ten years of her life with had been having an affair and had literally taken her life away from her. The saddest part was that even though she had known that the relationship was toxic and damaging for her health, she couldn’t remove herself from the situation. She had allowed herself to continue in those torturous circumstances because she couldn’t see a way out. She had completely lost all control, and the only reason she had finally broken free was because he had left her for someone else. It was at that moment that I vowed I would do everything in my power to prevent anyone close to me from having to endure anything like that again. I did everything I could to help build her life back together. Today, she is completely transformed. She has started her own business and met the love of her life.

    This is just one example of many that I will share in the pages of this book. I hope that sharing these experiences will benefit other women—women who can learn from the misfortunes of myself, my friends, my family, and many others who I have met along the way. I hope to prevent people from ever having to feel the way I and others have felt and to teach people how to recognise bad situations before they find themselves living in them, trying to figure a way out.

    Since I was a young child, I have found myself providing analogies to people to explain the complexities of life. These have manifested into simple and understandable concepts, which I have used in all areas of my life. I have compiled these concepts into this book in the hope that people can relate to them as I have. These concepts are demonstrated using examples from my life experiences and the life experiences of others. My greatest wish is that you can learn from them.

    I have spent the last fourteen years working predominately with men. I have spent many ten-hour shifts traveling in a van with men, sometimes being the only female, and I have observed them, listened to them, and, more importantly, learned from them: how they think and what makes them tick. I listened to their endless stories, thinking that if only the girl had done this or done that, she could have changed the dynamics of her relationship without question.

    The pinnacle moment, when I decided to finally put pen to paper, was during a night in with the girls. I sat among a group of friends who were beautiful, intelligent, and independent women. Some were married; some were currently dating; and some were single. I listened to stories of their affairs, which were tales of woe—being with the wrong man, being messed around by a man, or desperately trying to find a man.

    One of the girls told us about a guy she had

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