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The Black Sun Order
The Black Sun Order
The Black Sun Order
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The Black Sun Order

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A world far into the future. Set among old buildings, that lean grossly to one side as a reminder to those of the past of their misgivings of war, and cruel experimentation on human beings. It is a time of an uneasy peace where Shizuku must learn a new reality in saving children from a dictator, and his horrible laboratory where the chosen few are placed within testing grids to see how their natural born abilities can cope under extreme duress, and pressure. Marred with the task of helping the few Shizuku can attain she then starts to train each child as if they were her own in order to protect those she loves, and holds dear. Yet not all are satisfied enough to allow her any leeway, and in order to quell her, and the children a new war must be waged. A war using the talents of the innocent.
Release dateJan 26, 2017
The Black Sun Order

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    The Black Sun Order - C.M. Sorensen

    The Black Sun Order

    The Black Sun Order

    A novel by, C. M. Sorensen

    The Black Sun Order

    First Edition

    Copyright © Protected 2011 C. M. Sorensen

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN# 978-1-365-71050-6

    This work is protected by the Writers Guild Of Canada. Any reproduction or redistribution by use of electronic other than assigned publishing sites shall be penalized by law.


    Japan. It was hot, arid, and dry across the lush green lands of the mystical archipelago island. The pacific with its resultant glare rose off of the waters’ surface with a bright shimmer to overcast the distant mountain known as Fuji. A great sentinel that has kept watch on every living soul throughout its history. Seagulls flew over dead carcasses of fish, and not bothered to land to nibble a few bites because of the lands great, and dangerous ruins. Tokyo. Once a fabulous city of technology, art, music, and film. Now it was nothing more than an unstable coffin of grossly leaned over buildings with a few intact floor levels. When it was last full of life it was the year 3,199 AD. A gleaming year with new advances to science, health, food, and cultivation of the human species, which helped japan advance to new heights of knowledge. There seemed to be no end to the possibilities. Shinzuki Fujimoto was part of that era. Her designs, and ideas led her fellow citizens to new venues with her ultimate invention ‘The Austombilaziton’ that helped shape their energy problems to just little ripples and soon next to no tide. She saved the earth. Saved billions of people’s lives, and wealth with a free energy source that could sustain a country for a thousand years. For a good stretch of time in her career she could do no wrong. Every invention she created somehow got most if not all out of debt, out of poverty, out of illness, and even out of war. The Geneva convention lobbied that she should receive no less than five Nobel awards for her contributions to society, and that her status as being the most gracious, and intelligent host to the world should be recognized as such. Yet through most of her life shinzuki hardly ever needed such titles or glorified honour heaped onto her name. She was a lonely farmer out on the plains past New Kyoto. A town called Chiokawa. A venerable crop town full of people that toiled and worked their hands to the bone each day to produce abundant crops of rice, tomatoes, melons, and peppers. For her own little shore of land bored a nice thirteen acre of puddle water, which to plant rice stalks. It took about two years to master rice planting but for some of the maidens who were knee deep in the water it was just another day at the office.

    Off to shinzuki’s left were her two great grandchildren that played close by as they laughed, and chased each other all across neighbours’ rice paddies to the twisting, and intertwining vines of tomato fields. It was a lazy day to plant but for any lack of entertainment there was always the high spirited foreman who stood by watching his crews work who often sang a lovely tune of a past long gone. It was just a simple hymn with very few lyrics but to hum its song gave the workers that needed boost to their morale to uplift their spirits. Shinzuki wiped the sweat off her brows, and joined in as she grabbed two more bushels of rice from her waist pouch, then slipped each rooted foot into the deep but murky soil. Her grandchildren soon ran up to listen to the folks sing as they chanted their magical sounds to which both kids grinned while both heard; "Remember me my king. To dance with you is my own sin. Pink blossoms dance instead … to reach for you my heart is nearly dead. – – A full life gone and now it’s you … my king. I’d rather dance with you – – and without my selfish sin."

    After the song ended both kids clapped with joy to the many workers who just smiled, and waved as some blushed red for lack of soul in the song as they trudged along knee deep in the pools. Shinzuki finished planting for the day, and climbed out as her weary bones cracked a few times in the process to which her foreman had said; I’d get those old limbs of yours checked out. Hearing them crack like that can mean only one thing.

    That my bones need more oil. Shinzuki snapped as she grabbed a bottle of water. Her foreman was of all things her best friend. Sato. A man of the stars once. He was a mercenary who hopped from one side of the galaxy to the other with nearly every police force, or out-world military guard on his butt for smuggling or arms dealing or for that matter rare artifacts with no extradition orders to leave its planet. It never stopped him though. That for every thing he stole he always managed to replace it with something of equal value or more. But it hardly swayed the authorities or the owners. During one of his flights out he picked a job that he should have just left alone. A smuggling job of humans. Human kids. Except the children he brought on board were anything but ordinary. After his crew arranged safe passage back to earth from the other side of the sun a large armada was waiting for him between venus, and earth. It would be a suicide mission at best because he couldn’t risk the lives of the children and accepted to surrender on the condition that the children were evacuated first. What made the negotiations seem so sinister at all was that his ship was not going to be seized. It was too good to be true. Plus the fact that an armada had all of their arsenal ready to blow his ship to kingdom come if he so much as sneezed the wrong way. Upon handing the kids over to the military sato was then arrested, detained, and imprisoned for forty seven years. His last day of confinement was five years earlier. He never looked back to his heady days of mischief which to him was somehow satisfying that he saved twenty six lives. Instead he should have shot them.

    "Not oil. Some good old fashioned …"

    Sato one more word to finish that sentence and I’ll ram my fist down your throat. Shinzuki barked with a lively tone. Her grandchildren stood by ready to run just in case their grandmother meant every word until Sato replied; Sake`. I mean really shinzuki to think thoughts like that in front of your grand kids. Shinzuki knew exactly what he meant, and rolled her eyes as if to imply; "Wait until I wring my hands around your neck. The kids with their vested interest asked; What did you mean grandma?"

    Forget I said anything kids. Let’s go.

    Assigning emotions to their grandma was never a good thing to help ease the burdens of someone else’s mistakes or for that matter spoken epitaphs with the odd joke laced inside its meaning. Most times hearing little jibes coming from sato was commonplace but since shinzuki had her way of dealing with such trifles the grand kids never bothered to ask again. While the workers finished their work a few maidens set down plates at a table for all to sit and enjoy a breakfast moment under the suns’ shining light. Sato sat at the head of the table while the others chose their own seats. Shinzuki, and her grand kids sat together as always while a few walked around with jugs of water to fill empty cups. The day was starting to become warmer when sato took a portion of fish, with white rice, and deep fried oysters. The smell of cooking fish made the kids drool as they whiffed into their nostrils the odorous hickory scent of burning wood over an open fire, which mixed with the cooking meat of a fresh catch. Okay Brad. How many slips of fish do you want?

    I’ll take three please. He replied with added drool.

    Shinzuki smiled as she placed three nicely cooked slips of fish onto his plate with a touch of rice to surround it like a blanket. Brad grabbed the salt, and dashed a few sprinkles across each one to enhance their flavour. Mako? How about you? Shinzuki chimed.

    Two please.

    With some added grace shinzuki placed down the two pieces of fish which had a tinge of blackness that made Mako grin. She loved the crispy texture of fish skin when it has been cooked over a flaming grill. It just had that right amount of crunch when bitten down on it. Soon the adults enjoyed their own meals in a quiet type of atmosphere as all families would do while shinzuki glanced over to see brad’s face becoming filled with fish bits on his cheeks. She never bothered to wipe his face anymore since he had become old enough to clean himself but the odd time when he forgot did she ever help with a napkin. Mako was like herself though. Always clean because that was how a lady should be presented.

    Since her granddaughter’s death shinzuki had no choice but to look after both kids mainly because the state would have acquired them through shady channels of political red tape. Brad was not japanese born he was adopted by her daughter simply out of concern for his well being against the governments’ strict policies. That if a child was abandoned or left alone or put into a ward for reasons of either health, money issues, or that they just didn’t want the child at all, then the government could absorb all responsibilities which included using them in secretive, and very shady experiments. Shinzuki just could not let that happen to brad. He was only three at the time. Mako however was the only child born to her granddaughter Sakura … daughter to Suki Fujimoto. A very kind, and gentle person who loved both kids equally which told shinzuki that suki was born to offer more as an iconic idealist to those who wished to stop the constant government projects upon normal humans. During her years as a established professor of science shinzuki learned that the local community of colleagues had found out that their own political body was delving into the unknown, and  very dangerous regions of the mind. They started developing specific kinds of humans using awful experiments, which brought about a new hybrid with powers beyond control. Thus leading into new wars that almost destroyed earth in the process. They were called elites. A group of humans who used gifts such as telekinesis, Esp, Clairvoyance powers, and harsher extremes like Electrokinesis, Pyrokinesis, and the ultimate gift of Psychometric amplification. The only person who could use such a powerful talent was a meek but deadly girl who went by only one lonely black labelled name … ‘Riku Hagiro.’

    She was found by shinzuki’s daughter in the earliest times before tokyo was destroyed from riku herself. Shinzuki could see riku’s sweet face when she was just under ten years old hiding under her home in chiokawa while running from the soldiers who were trying to kill her. Suki at the time was only just ten by then and was playing outside with her toys of chosen stuffed animals. It was spring. A beautiful day with birds on every tree singing lullabies to soften the mornings’ dawning light. At first suki thought she could hear someone coughing but felt it was just her mother in the house cooking breakfast. After a crash in the kitchen of a few pots she could hear her mother yell out a few foreign languaged adjectives under her breath, which made suki giggle for her mother’s short comings as a lousy cook. So as she continued to play another cough sounded but it was much closer than before. Curiously suki jumped up to walk around the yard, and see who it might be. There was no mail man, and no delivery truck, and certainly no loud next door neighbour who hated mornings like the crotchety Mister Sakamoto disliked. After satisfying her curious nature suki walked back to the porch but what caught her eye was a female girl under the house skirting peeking from a hole just under the porch ledge. Suki made no attempt to call to her mother but felt she should just walk in the house, and warn her quietly. Acting all innocent in her strides suki stepped up to the slid open door, and entered. Shinzuki in her manner of keeping a tidy kitchen kindly asked suki; Honey I’m about done with breakfast so can you sit in the living room until I’m done? Silently suki walked to a notepad which sat next to a holographic console, which is to say a makeshift phone. She scribbled quickly as her mother watched with a confused expression, but then saw her daughter’s writing reveal a message as; ‘Mom… there is someone under the house hiding.’ Shinzuki lifted a finger, and pointed down to the floor. Suki just shook her head up and down slowly and then told her daughter a false message to make it seem everything was still normal. Honey come on. Don’t hang around me so much. It’s too cramped as it is.

    Sorry mom. Suki replied with an almost monotone reaction. Shinzuki then walked over to the door, and ran down to see the little girl trying to escape from another open space at the far end of the porch. Suki ran up, and blocked her path as her mother grabbed her collar only to see the young thing dressed in just a one piece gown, with no shoes or socks. Her hair was a mess like a rats nest, and her small cheeks had enough dirt on it to rival most of the local boys. The girl did not make a sound as shinzuki spun her around to look at her in the eye. Quite clearly she was shaking although it was warm out and suki held one of her toys as shinzuki spoke in a soft motherly tone; It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. Why were you hiding under my house? Is someone after you? All the little one could do was shake, and fill her eyes with tears as she knew her chances of escaping her captors was coming to a close with soldiers and armed guards. She tried to escape again but was held back by shinzuki’s firm grip to her collar again. Suki noticed how the intruder was baring her teeth as if to bite her mother’s fingers but stopped the motion halfway as she pushed out her stuffed toy to the little girl first. Shinzuki saw how suki was staring at her. With no angry emotions to speak of only a gesture of good will which made the trespassing female look to both of them stoically at first. Then without any measure of control began to cry as she fell to her knees on the dirt ground. Shinzuki, and her daughter joined the sobbing tot and tried to soothe or comfort her in little moments of giving. Suki even gracefully used four fingers to brush the hair out of her eyes as shinzuki helped the bawling child to her feet.

    As she covered both of her eyes with dirty hands shinzuki held her shoulder with her right arm as they all moved to the house. Suki kept an keen eye out in case someone might be looking or that Mister Sakamoto might be on the look out for some inconspicuous behaviour by his neighbours. All was well when both mother, and daughter helped the frail, and weak girl into the house and slid the porch door shut. Inside suki sat at the kitchen table as her mother wet a rag at the sink.

    She watched as her mother wiped off the grime, and caked on dirt from the peachy cheeks of the lost child. The tears didn’t stop as she began to sob harder feeling a strange sensation in her stomach that gave her thoughts a typical nostalgic euphoria. The smells of shinzuki’s kitchen as well as hearing her own crying made her think of a time when she bashed her knee against a cement wall while trying to ride a bike but failed miserably resulting in a nice cut to which her own mother helped by wiping the blood off, and patching her up with a cushioned band aid. As it stood it was the only time she felt safe. Shinzuki then rinsed out the rag, and re-wet it but suki decided to say; Mom maybe a nice bath would help. I can help her clean up.

    Shinzuki knelt down to face the little tear streaked girl as she softly asked; Would you like to have a bath? At first the little girl could only nod slowly for yes or no but felt a tinge of trust building as suki grabbed her right hand, and led her to the bathroom as shinzuki stood up to watch them enter. From outside shinzuki could hear jeeps, and other forms of vehicles rushing about searching for something as over a knoll a group of hovering transports arrived and then landed on a grassy spot to where soldiers began to exit each vehicle with heavy weapons in their gloved hands. It has to be the girl. No doubt about it. From the gown shinzuki noticed it was not a hospital issue or any kind of ward garment. The material also felt wrong when her fingers touched it once to clean her face. Inside the bathroom suki had the dirty girl stripped down, and led into the tub as she followed in also with a large poofy sponge. As her sobs had stopped suki moved up close but not too close to make the girl uncomfortable as she asked her; Would you like me to wash your back?

    With just a nod of yes, the girl turned slowly in the tub as suki dabbed onto the sponge a nice glob of raspberry smelling gel soap. Then her fingers squished the gel in each of the cleaning tools’ pores to fill them up and emulsified it to a fluffy lather. As the girls settled in more suki began to rub the sponge across her back and saw the dirt just melt off her skin to show a bright peachy piece of skin. Suki laughed as she said; Wow you have more dirt on you than Yoshi ever has.

    Who’s yoshi? The young girl asked vocally.

    Suki smiled as she replied; Oh he’s just a boy. A rude boy who has no manners to women like me and a few of my other friends. Suki retorted with a truthful tone. Does he hurt you?

    No. He knows better than to lay a hand on me or them. If he did my fist would ram his nuts up so far into his brain that he’d sneeze both out. Right away the girl laughed as she felt the nice creamy soap flushing away the caked on dirt to the side ports of the tub leaving only clean water behind. Suki then offered an obvious comment to get her name; My name is suki. What’s yours?

    Reluctantly she had to think of replying but felt suki was more nice than anybody she had ever met before. Riku. Riku Hagiro.

    Nice to meet you.

    How come you and your mom helped me?

    Cause. You needed it. You had dirt on you. You look like you were running away from someone bad, and needed our help to keep you hidden. That’s all.

    They’ll find me. Riku added.

    No they won’t. Suki replied as a matter of fact.

    How do you know?

    Because mom has a knack for making a scene from nothing.

    Shinzuki watched as the soldiers marched across the grass towards houses that were lined against a curb which faced the open fields where it was laden with military troopers. Shinzuki’s home was one of the few which was then being searched as a sergeant in arms escorted his men into the yard. Shinzuki right away started to shout her discontent; Get the hell off of my property.

    Miss … Shinzuki Fujimoto it is our belief that a young girl might be in this vicinity so we are doing a search of each home in order to find this criminal, and bring her in. So we would like your cooperation.

    Well if you would like to show me what she looks like I would be happy to help you but first you are to get off of my property. You people have no authority to just walk into a person’s yard or domain without any written permission and if you did your homework sergeant you would find that my name is listed on the protected licences bureau. Which clearly states that I have full protection by the emperor’s retainers. So I would back out carefully if I were you. The sergeant had a look of disgust as he motioned his men to back away out of the yard without incident. What each man did not know was that shinzuki through her influences, and the various collegiate who helped her become the scientist most revered was that through channels she had received a seal that was embossed, and certified by the government itself to keep her privacy untarnished. Shinzuki walked like the soldiers did until the last man was out of her yard fully while the sergeant handed her a photo of the criminal they were looking for. Confused shinzuki asked; You are kidding right? She is a criminal? What did she do? That’s not your concern. She is simply a dangerous person who needs to be put down like a mangy dog. If you see her do not attempt any contact. Just call us and we’ll do our jobs. Good day. The sergeant interjected with some added distaste for shinzuki. As they all marched away shinzuki walked back to her home, and entered to see both girls peeking from the doorway stark naked with dripping wet hair. Amused somewhat shinzuki approached calmly as she said; Okay back in the tub.


    Riku wolfed down a nice omelette breakfast with toast, and bacon. Suki finished hers with a drink of orange juice to wash down the dry tasting toast her mother could hardly get right. Most often than not shinzuki was better at boiling water than making omelettes since the shape always resembled a turtle than a football. Yet for some strange reason her meals were never bad tasting or burnt even though her professor ways interfered with trying to get the measurements right for eggs or how to fold in the odd bits of meat and cheese. Shinzuki was always a perfectionist in any endeavour except at how to cook without looking like she was learning on how to cook. With a loud burp from suki … riku giggled as shinzuki chirped; What do you say?

    It was good mom.

    After a scrunching of her lips shinzuki looked to riku with concerned eyes as she decided to find out why they were looking for such a dangerous person. Hardly shinzuki thought. This girl was dangerous? Looking so frail, malnourished, and dirty beyond reason doesn’t mean she’s dangerous. Riku. Can I ask you something?

    Right away riku cowered away from the chair as suki tried to calm her down a bit. It’s okay riku. Mom’s not gonna tell anyone. Promise. I promise.

    What? Riku sheepishly asked.

    Why are those soldiers trying to find you?

    Cause I’m – I’m a bad person. Riku replied with a few sniffles, which lead to new tears forming in her eyes.

    A bad person? Why? Why would you say that?

    Cause of what I can do.

    What do you mean? What you can do?

    I’m a – a – an elite.

    Oh my god. I thought elites were a myth.

    What’s an elite? Asked suki.

    An elite is a person who can do extraordinary things with their minds.

    Like what?

    Lots of wonderful things. Like moving objects without touching them. Or reading a person’s mind. Things like that.

    Wow. So what can you do Riku?

    Riku looked frightened when asked that question, and decided to slink away behind the chair as shinzuki commanded her daughter in a firm tone but advised sense; Suki. That’s enough. There’s no need to ask if it makes riku scared. Okay?

    Okay. Sorry riku. You don’t have to tell me. With a deep sigh of relief from riku she slowly walked towards shinzuki as she asked with a pleading tone; Can you help me escape?

    I can do better than that. I know of a perfect individual to help us.

    Who? Asked suki.

    Kasui. Shinzuki quipped with a smirk on her face.

    Aunt kasui? She lives deep in the mountains. Away from all of the city life, and cool things here.

    It’s a perfect place for riku to start again. No distractions, no smog, no noise, nothing but perfect peace among nature.

    If you like that sort of thing. She’ll go stir crazy up there mom.

    You just worry about yourself suki. You still have school work to finish. Suki hardly ever bothered to argue with her mother on most occasions but felt she had to point out the obvious fact that kasui although loved by her was hardly the right choice for riku. Nature was a nice gesture to be sure but it was hard work. Kasui always planted food and hardly ever went into town for supplies unless it was for personal issues such as the obvious time of the month or when it came time to get a check-up at the local clinic. Still suki also whirred the cogs in her mind that kasui owned over a thousand hectares of land which was the second largest piece of property owned by a citizen. Probably because of the family name which was; ‘Tokagawa.’ A lineage of power which dated back to the Edo period where a shogun with vast sweeping power ruled japan with an iron fist through military means. Yet although hardened by a resolve to rule through force he was a fair man when it came down to the specific needs of the more common folk on his land.

    Still suki felt the country was just a bit too far out of reach for her since riku was the only one in need. She hardly had friends to play with, and even those few friends she had were always boring doing the same old thing. Suki wanted to have riku stay with her, and her mother but the idea was too dangerous since the soldiers could come back anytime. With a final thought suki knew she had to go stay with her aunt kasui to keep the poor girl safe.

    It was on a Saturday that the three decided to head out to kasui’s home as shinzuki got her transport warmed up on the landing pad. Riku walked out with suki carrying a small bag of clothes, and some odd nick nacks from suki’s room in case she got bored staying with her host. It was strangely exciting in a way that her tummy felt a pang of anxious flutters moving about that didn’t make her sick but rather hopeful to the point of finally coming into a new life. Yet what was kasui like riku thought. How would she help her? Was she strict? A marm of a sort meant for some boarding school? She couldn’t tell. As suki helped riku into the transport a console flashed many lights, and chirped buzzing sounds that caused riku to become intimidated. A wonderful car that could fly piloted by a woman such as Shinzuki. There was ever a time in her life the only person who she thought of as a pilot was her father but even then taking a course was expensive. How did a woman of such demure and high class status such as shinzuki ever learn to pilot a transport? Suki climbed in and helped riku in with her right hand as she said; Come on. This is going to be fun.

    Is your mom a pilot?

    Of course. She learned to fly when she was really young. How long ago was that mom? About a hundred years ago? Suki asked with a jibing accent.

    Oh you’re hilarious suki. Say that again when I don’t make your favourite oyster basket with dipping sauce.

    As suki, and riku giggled shinzuki hopped into the front seat, and closed the door gently. A low hissing sound signified that the seal was intact, which indicated on the console as a green light. The small lights blinked on and off in random as shinzuki put on her straps as well as the girls did in the back seat. A few screens showed the back end of the transport as well as the front with a few blinking lights on the hull. Shinzuki then used a lever in the middle console as she placed on her head a microphone, and earpiece to listen to the traffic reports of any passing vessel. With some extra power, the vehicle lifted off of the pad, and dust flew around the car as the whirring jet engines went faster, and made a high pitch humming noise. Slowly the car lifted off and spun a slow clock wise motion as it rose into the air. Suki grinned the entire time seeing the trees, and birds moving past her vision as riku was open mouthed from the strange sensations of the moving cars’ inertia. After a good hundred feet in the air shinzuki then pressed a few keys on the console while she grabbed the flight stick with a firm grip as she said to the girls; Ready?

    Oh yeah mom, hit it.

    Shinzuki smiled as she moved the speed lever back a few notches. Outside they could see the puffy clouds moving past them with blinding speed as a few birds veered away from the intruding machine’s path. Suki tried to keep her hands up but the power of the car’s g-force held her hands back against the back seat as she giggled loud. Riku was beside herself to see such recklessness but thought … what the hell. As she joined suki’s happy moment she too giggled as the car veered right, and then left over the lush green valley trees, and thick jungle areas. A mist trail was left behind the car as it careened towards a hilly mountain but when suki noticed how close they were coming to that large earthy shape she shouted; Mom! Are you nuts?

    Hold on girls! Shinzuki laughed.

    Suddenly riku, and suki held each other as the car’s nose flew over the top by just a few inches away from the closest tree. Ah! Both girls screeched as shinzuki held up her right hand in a mad scientist way with her fingers splayed out, and open as she cackled loud. With another dip to the ground suki could see her aunt’s house coming closer. A relaxing beat to her heart said her mom was only playing around but never that reckless. Riku spotted a woman standing alone by a pad waiting for the car to land as shinzuki glanced to her daughter. So feeling okay there?

    Mom don’t ever do that again. Suki wheezed.

    Aw. Come on it was just a joyride. Besides I love how I can make my car move in that way. Like a race car driver. Shinzuki replied with an added breath of satisfaction.

    On her main screen it showed the cars’ landing staging point with a bright grid of flashing lights. Carefully shinzuki levelled down the power so that the transport could descend slowly as dust began to flurry around kasui like a small cloud. Riku could see her hair moving about but in a graceful way that seemed to look friendly, and magical. Almost god like. When the car finally rested on the landing pad shinzuki opened the door, so the girls could climb out to breathe in the wonderful fresh clean mountain air as kasui walked up with her arms crossed over her chest. Well well. Haven’t seen or heard from you in nearly a month, and now you call me for a favour. What is it this time shinzuki?

    Looking droll in her mannerism shinzuki replied; Nice to see you too dear sister but it is an emergency.

    Fine. What is this emergency?

    Shinzuki then stood aside to allow riku to be seen dressed in a pair of shorts, and light blue shirt with a cap on and shoes as she held her small bag of clothes. Confused kasui asked; Okay. And this is who?

    Her name is riku hagiro. She escaped a confinement facility because of who she is or should I say what she can do. She’s an elite.

    Oh my god. Kasui stated as she placed a hand over her mouth. An esper? You mean to say she is a real esper?

    Yes and we need your help in keeping her safe up here. It’s too risky down below because of the military moving about. I figured that your lands were protected under the old laws and that not even the emperor can invade or touch any part of your mountain.

    True but under the provisional act the emperor can override all of that with a vote. But seeing as the military aren’t looking this way I can help you guys.

    Aunt kasui. What’s that thing? Suki asked as she pointed to a wooden statue.

    That is a charm to help me keep my property safe from any unwanted visitors. It can keep bad people away.

    Ah. Like when Mister Furiyama brought over that lousy sake` because he wanted to get into your …

    Ah I think kasui knows what you mean so, let’s go to the house to get riku settled in shall we? Shinzuki added with a bright grin to make kasui think, ‘Just how did shin learn about that night?’

    The house was quaint, small, and very cosy. Wooden walls lined with photos of old friends, and family which included a special photo bound in a yellow frame to display shinzuki, suki, and kasui in the hospital room

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