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Secrets of My Heart
Secrets of My Heart
Secrets of My Heart
Ebook202 pages2 hours

Secrets of My Heart

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About this ebook

The deepest desires hidden in the depth of my eyes,
These are just a few secrets taking refuge in my heart ...

Everyone has secrets hidden somewhere deep inside of them. Not everyone has the courage to reveal the secrets hidden deep inside them because they are afraid they might negatively affect their lives. But when the risk is worth taking, releasing the burden of secrets can provide rewards greater than our fears.

In her collection of poetry and prose, Imania Margria shares long-hidden secrets of her heart with the hope that she will inspire others to do the same. Within verse that explores secrets of love, forbidden desire, hope, loss, and passion offered in English, Italian, and Spanish, Margria candidly reflects on her emotions as she searches for answers, her purpose, and her true love. Included in her poignant collection is an excerpt of Margria’s soon-to-be-released romance novel, Eyes.
Release dateJun 21, 2016
Secrets of My Heart

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    Secrets of My Heart - Imania Margria


    of my



    Copyright © 2016 Imania Margria.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means---whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic---without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    "Photos by Bradley Thornber - IG: @fotobrad - Web:"

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5252-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5251-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016908419

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 06/06/2016



    I Need You


    Be My

    My Deepest Secret

    Wait For Me

    My Fantasy

    In Another World

    Mystical Night

    Kissing Raindrops

    Goddess Of The Night

    No Matter

    Mis Deseos Prohibidos

    My Forbidden Desires

    My Desires

    Kibou (Hope)

    In A Few Words

    To The One Who Has My Heart

    She Longs For Him


    This Should Not Be

    My Broken Heart

    My Heart Is Yours

    Her Mind Of Shadows

    Mystery Man

    A Forbidden Love

    The One I Met In The Park

    Love Is Like A Flower

    El Regalo De Ti

    The Gift Of You

    A Sorry Letter

    The Broken Child

    Little Life

    I Belong To You

    Always Here


    Away Is A Soul Set Free


    Forever Yours




    Revealing love

    Our Secret Place

    My Inner Demon

    I Try


    Distant Lover


    The White Castle

    Deception Part 1

    Deception Part 2

    Suffering Baby

    Strawberry Kisses

    With You

    Tearful Nights

    Sweet-Sweet Harmony

    Burning Love

    How A Voice Can Kill You


    My Tears

    How Could You?

    Thinking Of You

    My Sorrow


    You Are


    Painful Night

    Thoughts of You

    Your pain My pain



    My Curse

    Love Curse


    Forgotten Feelings

    Dance Me Into The Moonlight

    Thank You

    Will You?

    My Dear Friends

    Forgotten Tears

    My Heart's Fortress

    To My Love

    My Pledge

    The Unexpected Kiss

    Oh Heavenly Father

    A Forbidden Kiss


    El Hombre De Mis Sueños

    The Man Of My Dreams





    Our Dance

    The Dream

    The Reasons I Push You Away

    Eyes Of Water

    Secret Feelings

    Spanish Angel

    Our Nation's Tears (December 14, 2012)

    Kawaii -- chan

    The True Me

    Where Are You?

    Treasured Heart

    Live Forever

    Shooting Star

    Il Nostro Viaggio

    Our Journey

    Sensual Desires

    My Only Christmas Wish

    Secrets Of My Heart

    About the Author

    Dedicated to: My guardian angels and grandmothers Dee Dee and Jennie. May they continue to watch over me from their perches in heaven.

    Special Thanks to: Photographer Bradley Thornber for shooting my cover and author's photo IG: @fotobrad; Professor Donatelli for editing my poem Il Nostro Viaggio; and Professor Weinstein for looking over and editing my poems.

    Dear Reader,

    I hope you enjoy reading my collection of poetry and short stories. They express many parts of my heart and life since they were written from 2003 to present. They are not in chronological order, but you will most likely be able to decipher the origin of when they were written by reading them.

    Some of my poems and stories are written in Spanish and Italian. They are accompanied by their English translations immediately after. I composed them when I was studying the languages, because I feel expressing myself through poetry, while learning a new language, helps me comprehend and cherish the language more easily. I truly hope you enjoy them and I apologize to any native speakers if there are any grammatical errors. I am still learning and perfecting my understanding and comprehension of the languages.

    I dedicate this collection of poetry and short stories to my grandmother, Dee Dee, from whom I inherited my love for writing poetry and short stories. When she was alive, she longed to have her own works of poetry published, but could not when they were destroyed in a fire, originating in her bedroom. All of her precious writings were devoured by the flames; and with a heavy heart, she refused to write again. Instead, she turned to painting to express her creative urges.

    Unfortunately, I did not discover my own love for writing until after her death; but I would like to believe that she is forever by my side, helping to guide my hand and heart as I pursue my own dreams. I would like to believe that a little bit of her essence is within all I create. Therefore, in truth, these are not only the secrets of my heart, but they are the secrets of her heart as well.

    Following my little collection, there is a sneak peek of my romance novel, Eyes, which will be published and available September 29, 2016. I hope you will enjoy it and get your copy of it when it's released. For more updates, please follow me on Twitter/ Instagram: @imaniamargria, my Instagram literary page: @imania_margria,, and tumblr:@scarletimania99. Thank you once again for reading my book, Secrets of My Heart. I am truly grateful. Blessed Be.

                                        Love Always,

                                                 Imania Margria


    Everyone has secrets hidden somewhere deep inside of them. Some are great and some are small. Some are deep and some are shallow. Some are dark and some are light. Yet not everyone can reveal their secrets in fear of how they will affect those involved in the secrets or those to whom they reveal their secrets. It takes a lot of strength and courage to bare the secrets we keep hidden away for we are risking a great deal. However, some risks are worth taking. For once the burden of our secrets is lifted, we realize the reward of our revelation is greater than our fears.

    This is why I choose to reveal to you these secrets I have kept hidden away for so many years. I have finally found the strength and courage in my heart to reveal them to you. I want you to know them in hopes that you will use some secrets in your own life situations and heed the warning of others. These are my heart's secrets. Secrets of love, loss, desire, hope, and passion. Secrets that are so vast I cannot even contain them all in just one volume. Secrets that are better left hidden, but must be revealed for I can no longer contain them.

    From this moment on, you now have the key to open and discover the secrets of my heart.

    I Need You

              Every day I dream about you,

              Every day I want to tell you that I secretly love you.

              But every time I get the chance I blow it.

              I would tell you in person but I'm afraid.

              I need your help and guidance.

              I guess what I'm trying to say I need you.

    Let your innocence show as brilliant as your dreams because only then can you discover the true beauty of love. -- I.M.


    Whenever my body is touched,

    I pretend it is you.

    I pretend you are the one caressing,

    Holding me.

    I close my eyes and pretend you are the one penetrating me.

    I speak no word,

    I utter no sound,

    I just take a breath and pretend.

    My shackles I cannot break,

    Until I get you back.

    I only see you among the darkness of my mind,

    Penetrating me.

    You are the one holding me.

    You are the one I belong to,

    But when my eyes open you are not there.

    I am once again alone restrained to the wall.

    I am a prisoner,

    A prisoner of my true desires,

    A prisoner of my true intentions,

    A prisoner of fate,

    A prisoner of my heart.

    Our hearts may be strong and resilient against the trials of life, but they become weak and fragile against the trials of love. -- I.M.

    Be My

                                Strength be my legs,

                                Desire be my mouth,

                                Kindness be my hands,

                                Love be my heart,

                                Wisdom be my head,

                                And hope be my wings.

    To dream is to desire, to desire is to long for, to long for is to want, and to want you must work to attain all you dream of, desire, long for, and want. -- I.M.

    My Deepest Secret

    Night takes over and my heart soars,

    I close my eyes with the hope to dream,

    For in those dreams is where the deepest secret of my heart lies.

    I pray a soft prayer,

    Praying to hear just a whisper of your voice,

    To satisfy my longing heart.

    As the shadows loom over my room,

    I fear my prayers are trapped in their dark clutches,

    They disperse,

    Failing to reach heaven's ears.

    I close my eyes once more,

    This time to think of you.

    I summon the vision of you to my consciousness.

    Your defined-divine beauty,

    Your lovable smile,

    And hypnotizing eyes,

    Sends my heart into a frenzy.

    I cannot breathe,

    With only the thought of your mesmerizing voice.

    It warms my heart,

    And my body as it echoes through

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