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History of Science
History of Science
History of Science
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History of Science

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This book is about the history of science – astronomy, physics, chemistry, life sciences, earth sciences and computer science. It is not a book about the lives of the scientists, though brief biographical details are given for important figures. It aims to get to the bottom of the great discoveries of the modern era. The book is about 78,000 words long – about a quarter of the size of other books on the same subject – but it contains more actual science than most of the others.
No one doubts that there are some difficult ideas in science – for example the general theory of relativity, the laws of thermodynamics or quantum mechanics. Yet these can be explained in quite simple terms. What is more, science can be fun!
No special knowledge beyond basic school science is required to read this book.
There are 35 illustrations including diagrams, photographs and portraits.
Release dateMar 12, 2013
History of Science

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    History of Science - John Priestley MA MSc

    History of Science


    John Priestley

    MA (Oxford)

    MSc (Liverpool)

    Copyright page

    Published by Lulu Books

    ISBN 978-1-291-35186-6

    © Copyright 2014

    Second Edition

    Revised August 2014

    By the same author:

    Tyke on a Bike – the canals of northern Britain, as viewed by a Yorkshireman

    History of the British Isles to 1714 AD

    History of the British Isles  1714-2010

    History of England (also published as History of Britain)

    Oracle e-Business Consultancy Handbook – Essays, Hints and SQL scripts for system users in Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Finance

    The Armchair Geologist – including a stratigraphical history of the British Isles

    Jeeves and Wooster Short Stories

    Geography of China

    List of illustrations



    Retrograde motion of the planets

    Nicholas Copernicus

    Conjunction of the planets

    Elliptical orbit of the Earth

    Isaac Newton

    White light as split by a prism

    Experiment with a Bird in an Air-pump

    Benjamin Franklin

    Young’s double-slit light experiment

    Geological unconformity


    Mont Blanc

    Charles Darwin

    Gregor Mendel

    The inheritance of pea colour


    Structure of the carbon atom

    Faraday’s experiment creating motion from electromagnetism

    Structure of methane

    The hydrogen bond

    Alpha, beta and gamma rays

    Harmonic and interfering waves

    Fruit fly inheritance

    Mammoth Hot Springs

    Frontal weather systems

    Precession of the Equinoxes

    The Mid-Atlantic Ridge in Iceland


    Transform Faults

    Parallax measurement



    Chapter 1 – Early Science

    This book will not dwell for long on ancient and medieval science, for the simple reason that most of it turned out to be wrong.  Nevertheless mention must be made of the first scientists, who were of course the ancient Greeks. After the great flowering of the civilisation of Athens in the fifth century BC, Greek culture spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean, and it was sometimes these new centres which supplied the earliest scientists. The most important of these centres was founded by Alexander the Great himself in 331 BC, the eponymous Alexandria in Egypt. Despite its later political eclipse by the Roman Empire, Greek culture continued to flourish for hundreds of years over a very wide area.

    The title of first scientist is generally accorded to Thales of Miletus, said to have predicted the eclipse of the Sun which took place in 585 BC.  Certainly one of the first mathematicians must have been Pythagoras (570-495 BC), whose theorem of right-angled triangles is still valid today.  We all learnt it at school!

    The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.

    This man also derived a value for Pi, at the same time concluding that this value is what we call an irrational number – it cannot be stated exactly.  Another name which survives from the early years of Greek civilisation is Hippocrates (460-370 BC), the father figure of medicine, whose name we know from the Hippocratic oath taken by doctors.   (Note that the lifespans of the ancients are usually approximations, and indeed it does not seem likely that Hippocrates lived a full  ninety years!).  The ancients had also glimpsed the possibility of the atomic structure of all matter.  Democritus (also 460-370 BC) and his mentor Leucippus devised an atomic theory which stated that all matter is made of tiny particles or atoms which are indivisible and indestructible.


    Many ideas which survived for centuries came from Aristotle, who lived in the fourth century BC.  His model of the universe with the Earth at its centre was to survive until 1510, and as far as the Catholic church is concerned, until 1835!  Democritus was known to Aristotle, but Aristotle rejected his ideas.


    Early chemistry also hailed back to Aristotle, who apparently made the mystifying (to modern eyes) but long-enduring claim that everything is made of a mixture of fire, earth, water and air – surely Aristotle must have know there was more than one kind of earth!  It makes a little more sense if we substitute the word energy for fire.  In the case of water, Aristotle made an understandable mistake, because nobody, on the bases of their common sense and everyday powers of observation, could possible guess that water is in fact not an element, but is composed of two inflammable gases – hydrogen and oxygen!  For that matter – science again defying common sense – how could anyone realise that a substance like common salt is in fact made by chemical bonding between a dangerous and highly reactive metal (sodium) and a poisonous gas (chlorine)?  Aristotle then added a fifth element, the ether, in which sat the bodies of the heavens.  We derive the words ethereal and quintessence from this root.

    If Aristotle did not acknowledge different kinds of earth, then others of his era did, and in fact eleven modern elements were already known to the ancient Greeks: antimony, carbon, copper, gold, iron, lead, mercury, platinum, silver, sulfur and tin.  The ancient Egyptians before them recognised seven elements, and associated them with the seven known heavenly bodies, a usage which lingers on to this day: gold for the Sun, silver for the Moon, and mercury for Mercury!

    The geometry of Euclid of Alexandria, still taught in schools, dates from around 300 BC.  As early as the third century BC, one Aristarchus of Samos described a model of the heavens with the Sun, rather than the Earth, at its centre.  Other famous scientists were Archimedes (287-212 BC), who came from Syracuse in Sicily, and the astronomer Ptolemy (90-168 AD), who lived in Alexandria.  A contemporary of Archimedes was Eratosthenes (276-195 BC), the librarian from Alexandria who measured the circumference of the Earth!  From the Greek heartland itself – Pergamon, in Asia Minor – came the greatest name of ancient medicine, Galen (129-200 AD). 

    Of these scientists and mathematicians, Archimedes established a principle which has survived intact – that a floating body displaces its own weight in water.  This apparently occurred to him whilst floating in his own bath, causing him to cry Eureka! – I have found it!  A fully immersed body displaces its own volume in water, but if it floats, this changes to its own weight.  This has some important consequences today in the area of global warming.  If the Arctic ice sheets melt, this will have no effect on worldwide sea levels, since they already displace their own weight in water.  If, on the other hand, the Greenland ice sheets were to melt, then that would cause a dramatic rise in sea levels, because it would represent new water flowing into the oceans which is currently locked up on land.  Archimedes, also famous for inventing the spiral water pump or screw which carries his name, had the misfortune to be murdered by Roman soldiers invading Syracuse.  Despite orders that his life should be spared, he was killed before he was recognised; nevertheless he was by that time about 75 years old.

    In his way even more remarkable was Eratosthenes. Born in what is now Libya, he became a librarian in the Great Library of Alexandria.  By his time, the concepts of the equator and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn were understood, the tropical meridians being the points at which the Sun turned back in its seasonal movements.  Eratosthenes understood that the Egyptian city of Syene (modern Aswan) lies on the Tropic of Cancer, as at noon at the summer solstice, the Sun is directly overhead there (casting no shadow as it shone down a well).  At the summer solstice in his home town of Alexandria, he found that the Sun is at an angle of 1/50 of a whole circle, or 7o 12".  He did this by observing the shadow of the sunlight as it entered a well.  Assuming that the Earth is a full circle of 360 degrees and that Alexandria lies directly north of Syene (both correct) , then all he needed to know was the distance between Alexandria and Syene, and he could work out the circumference of the whole Earth.  The distance to Syene was already known, and he corroborated this by enquiring how long it took a camel to get there.  From this information he calculated that circumference of the Earth is (in modern measurements) 39,630 kilometres (24,600 miles) – within 2% of the modern figure.

    Eratosthenes also correctly calculated the distance between the Earth and the Sun; the tilt of the Earth’s axis (23.5o); and invented the system of latitude and longitude – all without leaving his home in Alexandria – quite an achievement then!  It is said that in Medieval times, some people thought that the Earth was flat, but this clearly did not apply at all to Eratosthenes.  One big clue was that it was perfectly obvious that both the sun and the moon were globes, so probably the  earth was as well.

    The Romans, who came to rule the lands of Ptolemy and Galen,  though great builders who produced monuments unrivalled for a thousand years or more, made few advances in science or mathematics.  In any event, most of the works of the Greeks were lost to western Europe for centuries after the fall of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century AD, though they survived in the eastern Mediterranean, where political mastery passed back to the Greeks in the Byzantine Empire.  It was from here that many were later translated into Arabic.

    The Arabs made some progress with chemistry.  The best-known of them is Geber or Jabir, who lived in Baghdad in the eighth century.  He managed to accumulate a basic set of ingredients.  One of these was sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride), which is deposited around the mouths of volcanic vents.  He also distilled vinegar to make a strong acetic acid, and managed to prepare a weak solution of nitric acid.  Another  chemist, or more specifically pharmacist – and in the later Middle Ages, a very famous one – was Avicenna (980-1037).  He was a Persian from near Bukhara in what is now Uzbekistan.  His book Canon of Medicine, a pharmacopoeia which detailed the medicinal properties of chemicals and plants, became a standard text in western universities.

    The next chemist of note was an anonymous European of the thirteenth century, known as False Geber as he signed his works Geber.  It was he who discovered how to prepare sulphuric acid, about 1300, and then known as oil of vitriol – and, as every schoolboy knows, you can’t get far in chemistry without sulphuric acid!  False Geber also described how to make concentrated nitric acid, known as aqua fortis.  These liquids are highly reactive and in sufficient strength can dissolve metals to create salts such as sulphates and nitrates of copper.  Their discovery was a major step forward for chemistry, albeit one which had little immediate impact.

    It was also in this period that the first useful new metal to be discovered in thousands of years was first isolated – zinc.  It was extracted from its ore, calamine, a zinc oxide famously used in medicinal preparations, in India in the thirteenth century.  However it was not until the eighteenth century that exploitable ores were found for zinc in Europe.

    Until as late as the seventeenth century, there was then little chemistry as such, but only alchemy to search for the philosopher’s stone, thought to be a catalyst which would turn base metal into gold.  Needless to say, no one ever found this, despite years of searching by some otherwise respectable people, including Isaac Newton, and the wastage of an unconscionable quantity of eggs (which have, of course, gold yolks).  Other hopeful materials were sand and urine (both yellow).  There was a Chinese version of alchemy, but the objective was different.  The Chinese sought an elixir which would confer eternal youth.

    In terms of science (if not, say, of architecture), there were no advances in western Europe until the Renaissance, the rediscovery of the knowledge of the ancient Greeks in the later Middle Ages.  This was greatly encouraged by the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453 AD, as this caused a diaspora of learned men to the cities of the west.  From this time onwards, old texts became increasingly available in one form or another.  One of these was called De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things), a Latin poem from the first century BC by Lucretius, a single copy of which survived into the Renaissance.  Amongst other things, it contained the idea that all matter ultimately consists of atoms.

    Educated men looked at the ancient texts with new eyes, and came quickly to realise that improvements could be made.  Even the Romans had been in awe of Greek learning, but the new thinkers of the late Middle Ages were not.  This rethinking affected not only science, but also religion.  The first significant breakthrough in science – the heliocentric solar system of Copernicus– came by 1510, and in religion – the permanent establishment of Protestantism by Martin Luther in Germany – in 1517.  Beguiled for so long by those twin impostors, alchemy and astrology, the scientists of the late Middle Ages were about to break the codes of a new world of knowledge.

    The first of all the sciences was one based on direct observations of nature, astronomy.  Up until 1510, most astronomy derived from Ptolemy and his great work, known generally as the Almagest (The Greatest). There were only five known planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.  Joining them in the heavens were the Sun, the Moon and the fixed stars.  It was held that all these bodies circled in the sky around the Earth, each set in its own crystal sphere – crystal in this case meaning clear, rather than made of glass; and according to Aristotle, embedded in the ether.  In fact some ancient Greeks had already come up with the idea of a heliocentric system, with the sun, not the earth, at its centre.  The fact that Ptolemy ignored this concept was a serious error which was to mislead thinkers and navigators for a thousand years.


    Jupiter at first appears ahead of the Earth in the sky, but at the second observation point it has gone retrograde, or fallen behind.

    In fact there were problems – fully realised by Ptolemy – which could not be explained on the simple model of the earth at the centre of the universe.  The first of these was that instead of simply going round the Earth in a forward direction, the planets could appear to move backwards; something known as retrograde motion.  This is quite easily explained on the modern scheme, where we know that the Sun lies at the centre of the solar system.  The Earth orbits the Sun, and beyond that, much further away, so does Jupiter.  As the Earth overtakes Jupiter on its short inner circuit,  then instead of moving ahead in its orbit, Jupiter falls behind.  For this reason, Ptolemy and the ancients invented the epicycle, a device where each planet had its own mini-orbit within its own crystal sphere, like a wheel within a wheel.  This solved the main problem, but the orbits calculated in this way were still not consistent with the observations.  So it was that a second abstract construction was invented, known as an equant.  This was an offset from the Earth around which each crystal sphere revolved – the Earth was near but not quite at the centre of the universe; in fact the universe had many centres on this scheme.

    There were also problems with the orbit of the moon.  In order to account for the changes in speed with which the Moon appears to cross the night sky, Ptolemy’s scheme required that the Moon should be significantly nearer to the Earth at some times of the month than at others (and so its size should also change noticeably, and by a calculable amount).  However, the size of the Moon did not change in this way; everyone involved was aware of this, but simply brushed aside this inconvenient truth, as it were to await a better explanation in later times.

    Finally, there was one issue which even the thinkers of the Renaissance were unable to resolve – the mechanism which lay behind the movement of the heavenly bodies.  Until the time of Newton, no one had any idea how it worked, and, as usual in these cases, ascribed it all to the hand of God.

    It is a well-known aspect of science that messy theories are unlikely to prove correct, and Ptolemy’s was a messy theory, but it was all there was for almost 1400 years after the publication of the Almagest around 147 AD.  Great theories are characterized by elegance or simplicity – after all, what could be simpler then this?

    E = mc²

    (Einstein’s fundamental equation of relativity.)  It is also a notable feature of science that common sense is not necessarily a very good guide.  The great virtue of the Ptolemaic theory was that it fitted in with the seemingly obvious fact that the Earth stood still while the rest of the universe spun around it.  However there were grave doubts about the theory, because if even a tiny discrepancy is found in the observations, this is likely to mean that a theory is wrong.

    Ptolemy also produced a second great book, Geography, an annotated atlas of maps.  He set out the principles of lines of latitude and longitude here, and defined useful concepts in map-making including the idea of minutes and seconds of degrees.  However, once again, he made a great error, by rejecting Eratosthenes’ estimate of the circumference of the earth, instead accepting another which made the earth seem only three-quarters of its actual size.  He also assumed that the known world covered 180 degrees of longitude, from the Canaries in the west to the eastern tip of Asia in the east.  He seems to have had no evidence to support this, as Asia only extends this far in the frozen north-east of Siberia; at navigable latitudes, 180 degrees from the Canaries stretches to the middle of the Pacific.  These errors, once again, were to persist for a thousand or more years, seriously misleading the early global navigators, including Columbus.

    Chapter 2 – Renaissance Scientists

    The man who started the heavenly revolution did not mean to do so.  He was a German who went under the Latinized name of Regiomontanus.  In his book the Epitome, he sought to summarize the Almagest.  He also added more observational data, and provided a commentary.  It was in this commentary that he pinpointed the problem of the orbit of the Moon and the way in which its apparent size does not change in the way that Ptolemy requires.  When the books was published in 1496, twenty years after the death of Regiomontanus, this crucial point was noted by a young man of twenty-three called Nicholas Copernicus.  Had the book been published during the lifetime of its author, it is likely that someone other than Copernicus would have achieved a place in the scientific pantheon.

    Copernicus (1473-1543) came from the town of Torun, on the River Vistula in the north of Poland.  There remains some doubt as to whether his native language was German or Polish, because for centuries this area, known as Old Prussia, was of mixed German and Polish settlement.  His father was a wealthy merchant, but he died when Nicholas was still a boy of ten or eleven.  Henceforth his patron would be his maternal uncle, Lucas Watzenrode, who in due course became the Prince Bishop of Varmia, in this region, at a time when bishops were both rich and powerful men.  As a result, Copernicus received a very expensive education, much of it in Italy.  He emerged from this as a physician.  Meanwhile in a typical piece of graft from the Middle Ages, his uncle saw to it that he became one of the twenty-four canons of Frauenberg (Polish Frombork) Cathedral.  The practice of nepotism (the appointment of nephews – in practice often illegitimate sons – of bishops or the Pope himself to church sinecures) was one of the besetting sins of the Catholic Church, later frowned upon as such by Luther and the new Protestants.  At first this job was a pure sinecure, with no duties attached, though on his return to Poland Copernicus did become involved in the administration of the vast estates of the bishopric.

    Nevertheless Copernicus set to thinking about the configuration of the heavens, one of the intellectual hot potatoes of the day.  This in fact did not involve much else but thinking, as he was no great observer of the heavens.  He particularly disliked the idea of equants, as these offsets meant that the system as it stood had no single centre.  The result of this thought experiment was the heliocentric theory of what became known as the solar system.  It is known that Copernicus had reached his conclusions by 1510 as he circulated his ideas in letters to friends and acquaintances.  Note that there is nothing wrong with thought experiments – effectively speculation on existing data – and indeed these were to achieve great things for Albert Einstein in his annus mirabilis of 1905, when he published a string of new theories, including special relativity.


    Nicholas Copernicus

    Copernicus placed the Sun at the centre of the system, with the planets including the Earth orbiting around it, newly lined up in the correct order – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, with the fixed stars beyond that, and the Moon with an independent orbit round the Earth.  With this system, many of the discrepancies in the Ptolemaic system disappeared at once.  There was no need for equants, though a form of the epicycles remained, as the new model still could not explain why the planets appeared to speed up and slow down in their orbits (the reason for this was that the orbits are not perfect circles, but ellipses).  However another great puzzle disappeared immediately.  This was the known fact that Venus and Mercury could only be observed at dawn and dusk, and never at night.  The reason for this became clear – their orbits lie between the Earth and the Sun, so at night, when the Earth faces away from the Sun, they cannot be seen.

    Copernicus was loathe to publish his new theory for fear of upsetting the notoriously conservative Catholic authorities.  He was also aware that the new theory raised new problems.  If the Earth span round at the speed required, why wasn’t there a constant gale caused by this rapid motion?  Again, if the Sun lay at the centre, why didn’t everything else simply fall into it?  These were real problems, but they do demonstrate that a good theory – and it was a very good theory – doesn’t have to have all the answers.

    After the death of his uncle, Copernicus was a busy man with both his medicine and his church duties, though he sometimes got into trouble with the new bishop, especially in the matter of his housekeeper, one Anna Schilling.  Towards the end of his long life, however, he was visited by a young German Lutheran academic known as Rheticus, who, in the manner of a modern literary agent, coaxed the book out of him.  In 1540 Rheticus himself produced a pamphlet called the Narratio Prima ("First Account"), summarizing the key features of the new model.

    Rheticus then oversaw the production of

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