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The Noosphere
The Noosphere
The Noosphere
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The Noosphere

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The Noosphere is a "thinking atmosphere" that has been evolving on Earth since the dawn of humanity. The internet is a physical manifestation of it: a worldwide linked network. What comes next? Does mind detach itself from bodies? Can the collective consciousness of humanity leave Earth and enter the heavens? Is the Noosphere a Soul Sphere, composed of the souls of all good people and leaving behind the evil? Imagine the Soul Sphere merging with God. Is that the ultimate destiny of higher humanity?

The Noosphere will not be powered by faith, prayers or superstition. Ontological mathematics and hyperreason will be its engines.

This is the story of the highest human thought, how it's leaving behind materialism and realizing the truth of existence - that we inhabit an immortal, indestructible mental Singularity outside space and time and that the illusion of materialism is produced by holography. The universe is a self-generating, intelligent, living hologram, comprised of infinite souls.
Release dateAug 26, 2013
The Noosphere

Mike Hockney

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George OrwellPythagorean Illuminism, the religion of the Illuminati, formally began with the ancient Greek mystic and mathematician Pythagoras and is the world's only "Logos" religion, i.e. a rational religion founded on reason, mathematics, science and philosophy. It has no connection with "Mythos" religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are based on faith, superstition, irrationality, stories, parables, myths, legends and "divine revelation". These religions are wholly false.Illumination is the only true religion. It's the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, linking science, religion, psychology, philosophy and even the paranormal. It does so via the sole medium of truth and absolute knowledge: mathematics, which Pythagoras declared as the arche, the fundamental substance of existence. Ontology and epistemology are finally united in the doctrine of "living mathematics". Mathematics is not a reflection or model of reality. Mathematics IS reality.Whereas science is based on "mathematical materialism", Illumination uses Leibnizian "mathematical idealism". These are the only two possible accounts of reality. All other systems are bogus, worthless and pernicious.In order to follow the one, true religion, you must be smart. Quite simply, the truth is not for everyone. The truth is a function of reason and logic, not faith. All atheists, agnostics, skeptics and cynics will find a spiritual home within Illuminism. They are most welcome. "Believers" are not.The Pythagorean Illuminati are the sworn enemies of Abrahamism. Do not read our books if you would be prepared to murder your child if "God" ordered it. Equally do not read them if you believe in shape-shifting, pan-dimensional alien lizards. Only genuine seekers of true enlightenment will profit from reading our work.*************Imagine a camera that takes pictures of the human soul. Imagine it could detect how good or evil you are. Imagine it could analyze every aspect of your personality. Imagine it could tell you how many times you have been reincarnated. Imagine it could tell you how close you are to achieving gnosis and becoming GOD!Imagine that a real secret society already possesses such a camera, which operates in accordance with the inviolable, fundamental principles of the cosmos - six-dimensional mathematical idealism (as opposed to the bogus 11-dimensional mathematical materialism of contemporary science based on "M-theory").The Paradigm Shift is coming. Humanity is about to enter its divine phase.Mike Hockney, Michael Faust and Adam Weishaupt.**************These books are anti-Old World Order samizdat and agitprop publications. Uncensored, they are the vehicles of the purest free speech available in the world today. If they have a certain rough and ready anti-corporate quality, it's because teams of expensive, glossy capitalist "packagers" have had no involvement with the production of these books. If you want coffee table books, these are not for you. If you want the truth, WELCOME!Join the Illuminist Revolution! Join the birth of Hyperreason. Enter Hyperreality.

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Book preview

The Noosphere - Mike Hockney


The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. – Albert Einstein

Life is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel. – Jean Racine

If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if you really make them think, they’ll hate you. – Harlan Ellison

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it. – Henry Ford

All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. – Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking. – John Kenneth Galbraith

He who thinks little errs much… – Leonardo da Vinci

"Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.)" – René Descartes

Table of Contents

The Noosphere


Table of Contents

The Mind Sphere

Intellect versus Senses

The Rational Soul


The Soul Hierarchy


Aleister Crowley

Mirror World

The Infinity Multiplier

God of Gods

The God Point

The Wisdom of Saint-Just

The Apocalypse

The Imaginary Shoemakers

Stadium Bands or Gig Bands?

The Dawn of the Modern World


Fangs for the Memories

Religious Homicide


Alice Cooper

The God Failure

The Great Chain of Being

The Ultimate Equation

Want to Be a Virgin Again?

Apollo and Dionysus

All Religions Contain the Truth?

Monads versus Henads

Gentlemen versus Gangsters

The Time Illusion

Innate Knowledge

The Grand Illusion


The Foundations of Mathematics

The Soul

Teddy Bears

Hell on Earth



Lumen Naturae (the Light of Nature)

Unus Mundus (One World)



The Mind Sphere

What is the strangest idea in history? It’s that the mind-bogglingly vast, solid universe we appear to inhabit erupted all of a sudden, billions of years ago, out of nothing at all. If you think that’s really what happened then you’re not thinking at all. Scientists claim that the evidence for their materialist Big Bang is overwhelming. In this book, we will show that their evidence is laughable. There was a Big Bang, but it was mathematical, not materialistic. Bizarrely, given that mathematics is at the heart of science, scientists don’t understand mathematics at all. Existence is 100% mathematical and mathematics is quintessentially mental – it’s what mind is made of. This universe is mental, not physical. The material world is a specific, well-defined mathematical illusion.

The closest analogy to the true nature of the universe is that of an objective dream. In your subjective dreams, you can build apparently solid worlds, which vanish each night. With an objective dream – shared by all the minds in the universe – the apparently solid world created by the dream does not vanish each night. It seems to be there permanently, and we soon conclude that it is anything but a dream because it behaves very differently from our normal dreams. Yet this is the whole point of the difference between ephemeral, private subjective dreams and a persistent, collective objective dream.

What are the only two things of which you can be absolutely sure? One is yourself (the Ego), and the other is everything that’s not-yourself (the Non-Ego; the Other). Your Ego consists of mental activity: thinking, desiring, feeling, willing, sensing, intuiting. Do you have any sufficient reason to suppose that the Non-Ego is any different? Why would you conclude that there are not one but two other things: a) other minds (like your own) and then b) an extremely mysterious thing called matter, which is said to be composed of hard, solid, brute, inert, lifeless, mindless, senseless atoms – of which you yourself are said to be made, and which even allegedly give rise to your life and mind (despite the fact that they possess neither life nor mind). Moreover, you encounter this non-mental matter only via ideas, impressions and sensations in your mind! You are expected to believe in the existence of matter even though you never have any contact with it except mentally.

So, why bother with this strange thing called matter at all? It generates more problems than answers. If atoms are lifeless and mindless, through what magic do they produce life and mind? How do minds interact with atoms? How do we use our minds to will the atoms of our arm to move? If we are nothing but atoms obeying inescapable, inevitable, deterministic, materialist laws then how are we capable of free will? If we are not in fact free then how did the preposterous delusion arise (via mindless, deterministic atoms) that we are free, and what conceivable scientific function could such an absurd, false idea serve?

The brilliant German philosopher Leibniz proposed that there was no such thing as matter. He envisaged a world composed solely of minds: infinite minds. Matter, space and time were, for Leibniz, all mental constructs of this infinite ensemble of minds.


People who have lost their sight can see again in their dreams. Each night, they can create a vivid, realistic, new material world, but it exists only in their dream, in their mind. All of us are world builders in our dreams. Yet if we can literally dream up a material world that has no solid reality, why do we imagine that the actual world we encounter is any different?

Our dreams prove that minds are capable of creating the illusion of matter without a single trace of bona fide matter. Why should the obvious conclusion be avoided? The real world is a dream world – a construct of mental activity – with one quintessential quality that makes it radically different from our normal dreams: it is a collective dreamscape, not singular. All the minds in the universe contribute to this dream. It’s a public, not a private dream. We can wake up from our private dreams, but we can’t wake up from the public dream because we are not in control of it, and nor is anyone else. We can, however, die, and then we do leave the dream. However, reincarnation (or shall we call it periodic re-insertion into the collective dream) throws us back in. Reincarnation is nothing more than waking up, but in a brand new body. Not even death affords an escape from the dream! To quote The Eagles’ famous song Hotel California, You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

There is only one exit from the dream: gnosis (enlightenment). When you finally grasp that your existence has been one long dream, both public and private (waking and sleeping, across many different bodies and lifetimes), you transcend the dream. You become a Dream Master, a God. Like Neo in The Matrix, you can then do whatever you like in the public dream: you have super powers – in fact, divine powers. You can choose to stay within the dream, but, to Gods, the normal dream rapidly loses its attraction.

The Gods can do something else. They can construct a higher dream, reserved for the highest minds. The Gods can build heaven, and from heaven they can look in whenever they like on the lower dream: our world. People imagine that they go to such a heaven when they die. They don’t. They are reincarnated back into the normal world and they will never get out until they have understood the true nature of reality. One might say that there are only two public dream domains – heaven and hell – and we, sadly, are all in hell!

Souls are not involved in a test of good versus evil, overseen by a supreme arbiter of morality, whether it be a morally perfect God or some cosmic moral force called karma that ensures that good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds punished. There is no such God and no such karma. Just about the greatest lie of existence is that it’s inherently connected with morality. Morality per se has nothing to do with anything. There is no such thing as morality if understood as an infallible, absolute set of criteria of good and evil. Morality is always about opinions, beliefs, customs, biases and self-interest. The definitive and unanswerable critique of morality is provided by Friedrich Nietzsche in his book The Genealogy of Morals.

Nietzsche called himself the first immoralist in order to demonstrate that he was the first to see through the lie of morality. He showed that morality is always a weapon wielded by one group against another out of pure self-interest, hence has nothing at all to do with what morality is supposed to be (i.e., entirely beyond self-interest).

The true test of existence is that of intelligence versus stupidity; knowledge versus ignorance. Heaven is full of the smartest people in the universe, not the nicest or most faithful or obedient or sanctimonious or best at kneeling and grovelling or the best at putting on a show of meekness, mildness and rectitude. Life is a cosmic IQ test and the only people who get saved are the geniuses! Geniuses are the true Elect. The people who get into heaven are those smart enough to build it! Simone de Beauvoir rightly said, "One is not born a genius, one becomes a genius." So, your fate is in your own hands.

The ultimate allegory is the tale of Adam and Eve. Here we are provided with the two supreme choices: knowledge or morality. Morality, in this context, signifies absolute obedience to God; it has nothing to do with good and evil unless you deem that absolute obedience to God is good and any disobedience is evil. Hitler and Stalin promoted the same morality but with their names replacing God’s – and no one sees them as anything other than psychotic tyrants and dictators. Why should it be any different for God, the same God who exterminated the whole of humanity (because they were disobedient), bar Noah and his family?

In Genesis 3:3, God says to Adam and Eve, You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die. Note that an order is given, but no reason for the order, and the punishment of death is announced for transgressing the order. In Kafka’s The Trial, Josef K is arrested without any reason, then subjected to a trial where no charges are ever made, found guilty nevertheless and brutally executed. We can imagine that Kafka was writing about the God of Adam and Eve.

In Genesis 3:4-5, the Serpent (one of the great heroes of Gnosticism) says to Eve (a great Gnostic heroine),You won’t die! God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.

So, here we see that the choice is between slavish obedience to God or striving to become God, and sharing the same knowledge. This is nothing other than Hegel’s master-slave dialect in action. You can choose to be the slave of your master (God), or you can choose to become equal to God and thus abolish both masters and slaves.

Our world is one that has preferred slavery to God over becoming God. The ancient Gnostics – the seekers of ultimate knowledge – were those who sided with the Serpent and Eve and saw the attainment of knowledge as the highest good. To attain the highest knowledge was equivalent to transmuting yourself into God.

This choice has never gone away. Are you someone who seeks to define yourself as God’s slave, willing to obey him at all times, even if he orders you to murder your child (as he ordered his first prophet Abraham)? That, astoundingly, is what most people regard as morality: doing God’s bidding at all times even if it involves murder. Of course, it’s not morality at all, it’s blind, mindless obedience. By exactly the same criterion, all Nazis who obeyed Hitler to the letter were the most moral Nazis. Were the Muslim maniacs of 9/11 mass murderers or faithful martyrs of Allah? What kind of morality promotes 9/11 as something that furnishes an instant passport to the highest level of Paradise, to the seats next to God himself? How can anyone imagine that 9/11 has any connection with morality, goodness or virtue? It’s the opposite. That, of course, is the whole problem with morality. It’s whatever anyone, including mass murderers, wants it to be.

Those who want to worship God and obey him at all times are natural-born slaves. Those who want all the knowledge of the universe are natural-born Gods-in-the-making.

You can never become God by obeying God. You can become God only by discovering everything he knows. God promises death and hell to those who seek to know what he knows. Gnosticism promises divinity to those (the mathematikoi) who learn everything.

The obeyers are permanent slaves; the knowers are those on their way to heaven. Our world has been a horrific battlefield between the obeyers (Abrahamists and karmists) and the knowers (Gnostics and scientists). Which are you?

In the absence of God’s physical presence on our planet, the powers-that-be have installed themselves as his Earthly representatives. (The Pope calls himself the vicar of Christ, kings say they rule by divine right, and the super rich say they are the elect and the saved, specially favoured and rewarded by God.)

The message is always the same. In order to obey God, you must obey his agents on earth. In other words, they become the Gods, who are then worshipped as if they were the real thing. Look at the slavish devotion towards popes, kings, celebrities, the nobility, CEOs, the super rich. It’s easy to see why the elite love God so much and so eagerly promote religion. It allows them to enjoy Godlike powers, to be worshipped by the credulous masses and to be absolute masters over legions of slaves, wielding total control over them. Religion is the supreme tool of mass control.

Imagine a world in which religion had promoted not obedience but knowledge, in which Adam and Eve would have been held in contempt if they did not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Imagine if religion said that all stupid, obedient slaves went to hell and only autonomous people of knowledge went to heaven. Our world would be unrecognisable. There would be no controlling elite, and no slaves and no masters in our world.

Slavish obedience is the greatest sin and crime of all, the biggest insult to divinity. Knowledge is its antidote. Only smart people have the imago dei (image of God) imprinted on them. Only they can become Gods and gain entry to paradise. The pearly gates are forever locked to those who failed to understand the true meaning of the tale of Adam and Eve. You must eat the forbidden fruit – or remain a slave forever, someone who robotically obeys your controllers because you are incapable of anything better, because you refuse to take responsibility and control of your own life.


There is one subject above all that reveals the truth of reality, and it’s almost as if the cosmos is enjoying a private joke because this is the most hated, feared and unpopular subject of them all: mathematics. Where else would you hide the ultimate secret – the answer to life, the universe and everything – except in the last place anyone would look? Mathematics is the answer to everything, yet is hidden in plain sight. No one has made the slightest attempt to conceal the truth of existence, but it might as well be buried in a bottomless pit that none can ever reach.

To know the answer to existence, you have to know where to look and you will look there only if you want to. The average person will never look to mathematics because they have no desire to contemplate mathematics at all, and thus they condemn themselves to endless trips on the Wheel of Suffering.

What was the Philosopher’s Stone? It was said to be a miraculous substance that turns base metals into gold and confers rejuvenation and immortality. It was the Great Work of the Alchemists to discover it. Yet, in truth, it is nothing other than complete understanding and mental control of existence through ontological mathematics.

We live in a universe of mathematical information conveyed by precise, analytic mathematical waves (sines and cosines). Such waves are the basis of Fourier mathematics, and Fourier mathematics is the basis of both quantum mechanics and holography.

Here is the remarkable truth of existence. The whole of reality unfolds within a single point called the Singularity. Yet this Singularity (with a capital S) is itself composed of infinite singularities (with a small s). All of these singularities are minds, and nothing else exists. In particular, there is no such thing as matter (except as an idea created mathematically by minds, just as holograms are created by illuminating wave interference patterns, thus generating the illusion of solid things from nothing but intangible waves).

These minds are all fundamental, indestructible mathematical units which have compulsory existence and have been present forever. In religious terms, these mathematical units (monads) have a far more resonant name. They are immortal souls.

Souls are 100% mathematical, defined 100% by mathematics and interact with other souls 100% mathematically. There is nothing other than mathematics. Precisely thanks to that fact, each of us can gain 100% knowledge of the universe and know everything, i.e. we can all become GODS.

Each soul exists in two different ways: 1) privately (in relation to itself, to its own inner space, its own dream world), but also 2) publicly as one node of the whole monadic collection. It’s this latter context that constitutes the real, external, objective world that we mistake as a material world independent of minds. In fact, it’s a collective construct of all those minds. Just as a single mind can generate an internal dream world, so can the whole mind collective, but now that dream is regarded as external to each individual mind, and, moreover, it obeys firm, rigid, objective mathematical rules and laws – precisely those studied by science as the alleged basis of the material world.

The collective dream world is rather like The Matrix, and we are all plugged into it. It wasn’t an artificial intelligence that created it, but our own minds.

So, how does the film The Matrix match up to true reality? In the movie, there is both a real world (a post-Apocalyptic wasteland) and a simulated world that resembles a previous peaceful period of human history. People have real bodies but these are all in life-support incubators plugged in to the simulated reality. Their simulated bodies match their actual bodies.

Each real person is permanently asleep, but experiences two different sleeping modes: waking sleep (when they are directly part of the Matrix simulation and doing things within it) and sleeping sleep (when they go to sleep within the Matrix and are no longer interacting with it). When people wake from sleeping sleep, they enter the waking sleep of normal Matrix life, but no one completely wakes up (to true reality) unless they are explicitly unplugged from the Matrix. Death in the Matrix causes death in real life. (In other words, the simulation can kill you.)

Outside the movies (!), reality comprises a world of minds. Each mind is plugged into a material world (collectively generated by all of the minds), where it’s attached to a specific material body. When its body is awake, the mind is linked to the objective reality of the material world. When its body is asleep, the mind retreats to its own subjective hinterland where it creates its own dream worlds, over which it has complete control.

In this system, the mind is never asleep; only the body sleeps. The status of the body – sleeping or waking – determines what experiences the mind has (subjective or objective). A sleeping body in effect frees the mind from objective, body-focused reality.

Your dreams, remarkably, are the proof that your mind can exist and function without a body, and hence that the death of your body is irrelevant to your mind, except that it deprives your mind of a link to the objective world of other minds. Only via reincarnation is a new bodily connection established. Death is thus simply super sleep. Normally when you go to sleep, you wake up in your familiar body, but, following death, you wake up in a brand new body (that of a newborn baby!), with all of your previous consciousness memories erased. As the ancient Greeks liked to say to explain why people couldn’t remember their past lives, you have drunk of the deep waters of forgetfulness of the underworld river known as Lethe. Death resets your consciousness of the objective world, but does not reset your mind itself, which has full knowledge of all past lives. Death and sleep are basically the same process, but with death effecting a much more radical transition upon waking.

The study of sleep and dreams should be one of the key activities of the human race since all of the mysteries of life and death are contained in sleeping and dreaming. Yet this subject is barely studied at all. That’s mostly thanks to the scientific materialists, who have an inverted understanding of reality, putting matter above mind.

Your body isn’t a physical thing. It’s a mental construct, a kind of avatar that operates on your behalf in the objective world. The key to understanding the material world lies in quantum mechanics. Quantum particles are simply thoughts that emerge from individual minds into the collective mental arena, where they become objective rather than subjective, and thus seem like solid, persistent things (i.e. material objects). They are external rather than internal thoughts. Individual quantum particles display the extremely bizarre behaviour well known in the quantum world because they are so closely related to mental rather than physical things. Only collections of trillions upon trillions of quantum particles take on the solid character of the familiar material objects of our world. If we subjected any physical body to a powerful enough microscope it would, at the highest resolutions, dissolve into oblivion because its particles would vanish into the non-physical minds from which they originally came.

Your normal thoughts are internal and subjective (unextended; dimensionless), but what happens when your thoughts become external and objective (extended and dimensional)? Then they are converted into quantum entities, shared between all of the minds of the universe, and multitudes of interacting quantum particles produce the illusion of a solid, material world. Matter is, however, just a different kind of mental expression: objective rather than subjective, external rather than internal, extended rather than unextended, dimensional rather than dimensionless.

Matter is produced by the thinking of an infinite collection of minds, while normal thoughts are produced by individual minds. So, everything boils down to minds operating on their own and minds operating collectively. Nothing else is going on. Reality is all about minds and thinking, and that’s it. There’s no mysterious matter, independent of minds and thinking.

To grasp Illuminism, the religion of the Illuminati, you have to abolish all thoughts of matter as an independent entity. Minds create matter; matter does not create minds. All matter is actually alive insofar as it all belongs to living minds. This position is known as hylozoism – living matter. We could equally refer to panpsychism, meaning that mind is everywhere and in everything.

What, then, is the difference between a living body and a lump of rock? The stuff of both the body and the rock is the same: atoms, which are generated by the Mind Collective. Atoms derive from the energy content of minds, but are not minds themselves (rather, they are psychoid: relating to mind; resulting from mind). Living things are those things that are directly and efficiently controlled by individual minds. Life is a continuum and things are more alive to the extent that they allow the expression of individual wills. A lump of rock does not express any meaningful will at all, so it can be concluded that either it has no active, individual controlling mind (it is under the passive control of the Mind Collective, hence obeys the deterministic laws of mathematics) or any individual mind linked to it cannot achieve any significant degree of expression, so any such mind is both passive and totally unconscious. A plant is a living thing, but barely expresses more will than a rock. However, any individual mind linked to it is slightly more active and slightly less unconscious than that of a rock. Animals are higher again on the scale and individual controlling minds of animals are active and pre-conscious. Then come human beings. Human beings have controlling minds that are active and conscious (meaning that they are self-aware and can exercise authentic free will – such minds are what we properly call souls: they are active souls as opposed to passive souls).

On Earth, DNA is the crucial factor that allows minds to exert meaningful control over bodies and thus generate the phenomenon of life. Everything is in fact alive since mathematical minds are the only things that actually exist, but only a few of these minds can express their life meaningfully, via bodies they control in the material world. DNA is the living code: the way of organising atoms in such a way as to allow individual minds to take direct control of bodies made of DNA and express themselves through those bodies. DNA is a mathematical information code and contains enormously more information, order and organisation than a lump of rock. It wasn’t Darwinian evolution by natural selection that created DNA, but continual attempts by individual minds – over hundreds of millions of years – to create atomic and molecular information systems over which they could exert direct mathematical control. This mental process would, from a materialist perspective, seem Darwinian and random, but actually reflects unseen and unobservable operations of individual minds, and collaborative collections of minds.

All minds are on a scale of passivity versus activity and unconsciousness versus consciousness. The higher your mind is on the scale, the more active and conscious you are, and the more you control your own destiny. Gods have the highest minds on the scale: they are completely active and conscious. They have fully incorporated all unconscious elements.


Matter, it must be emphasized, does not belong to individual minds and is not defined by individual minds. It belongs to infinite minds and is defined in that context. Since each mind is trivial compared with the whole collection of minds, no ordinary mind can hope to influence the material world, except in the limited arena of its own physical actions, carried out by its body. The material world is therefore a world of rules and laws that no ordinary mind can ever defy. These rules and laws were there before we were born and will be there after we die. These rules and laws endure forever, although, periodically, the universe itself dies and reincarnates. The death of the universe is the same as the death of an individual, but on a cosmic scale; the cosmic mind then requires a new body and it generates it via a cosmic mental event known as the Big Bang! Mathematically, the Big Bang is an antisymmetry event involving infinite minds. We have described this in detail elsewhere in The God Series.

The most notorious problem of quantum mechanics is the so-called measurement problem. This says that things collapse into a definite state only when a measurement or observation takes place, which therefore seems to create a requirement for conscious observers (but no conscious observers were present during the Big Bang, so how did anything collapse into a real state back then?). In Illuminism, this is solved easily. The universe consists of nothing but minds (which are overwhelmingly unconscious or barely conscious), and minds do nothing but measure and observe the universe, albeit unconsciously, so the universal wavefunction is always collapsing (then instantly reforming). There is no such phenomenon as Schrödinger’s cat where a cat trapped in a potentially lethal box –the box has a 50-50 chance of releasing poison gas – is simultaneously alive and dead until someone opens the box to find out, thereby collapsing the cat into the state of alive or dead. The sheer absurdity of this notion ought to have destroyed the conventional interpretation of quantum mechanics (the establishment position known as the Copenhagen Interpretation), but, no, this junk continues to be taught as if it were somehow relevant to reality rather than just a bizarre artifact of a manifestly false hypothesis.


Despite all evidence and reason to the contrary, scientists tell us that we live in a solid, material universe, that mind is entirely derived from matter, i.e. there would be no mind at all without matter, and that we have no free will (because we are parts of inexorable causal chains). Mind, scientifically, is regarded as an epiphenomenon: a secondary phenomenon accompanying and resulting from a primary phenomenon. Thus thinking is merely an epiphenomenon of neural processes of the brain and has no causal influence whatsoever. Mental activity is a by-product of the biochemical activity of the material brain and nothing besides. Therefore, free will is an illusion and we, and all animals and plants, are biological machines. It’s possible, in this view, that inorganic crystals exhibit as much, and as meaningful, mental activity as human beings!

It’s extraordinary that science’s many successes have blinded people to the fact that many of its central doctrines are arrant nonsense. The universe bears no resemblance to science’s portrayal of it. What could be more ridiculous than the assertion that we have no free will, yet that’s exactly what science claims.

According to science, we live in a purposeless universe. Since matter is inherently devoid of purpose and humans are made exclusively of matter then human beings are purposeless automatons. We’re biological robots. When our body dies, our mind automatically dies with it, so death is the definite end. Thanks to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the whole universe will eventually suffer heat death and become a frozen cemetery, cosmic in scale, where nothing of note ever happens. Like a child’s wind-up toy, the universe will run down and never restart (since there’s no one to wind it up again).

Any human being who believes that he has free will and can genuinely choose what he’s going to do next ipso facto rejects the scientific view of existence. It’s extraordinary that religious critics of science choose to attack a central bastion of science such as evolution when they should in fact be pounding away at science’s denial of free will: a truly bizarre and absurd stance. How could mindless, lifeless atoms create mind and life, and moreover how could purposeless, causal atoms create beings who have purposes and are certain they are free (i.e. certain that their behaviour is not caused by mere atomic interactions).

The central tenets of science are incompatible with the reality we as human beings actually experience, yet science receives almost no intellectual criticism from the world’s intelligentsia, who are all cowed by its success.

Science’s Achilles’ heel is the fact that it cannot explain human freedom, nor does it have any hope of explaining it since freedom (action outside of materialistic causal chains) does not exist within the scientific paradigm.

What is the rational alternative to the scientific view? Naturally, it’s the reverse. Rather than matter being primary, mind is primary. The Big Bang was a mental, not physical event. It was an explosion of mental activity. Matter is a mental epiphenomenon. It is entirely derived from mind. There’s no such thing as solid matter. It’s mind existing in a certain way. Matter is caused by collective rather than individual thinking, i.e. when the type of thinking we do privately, inside our own minds, is conducted publicly, inside all minds, it manifests itself as material things obeying scientific laws. To put it another way, each of us is a free, thinking individual (an uncaused cause; an immortal, indestructible, mathematical soul) inhabiting a collective mental, mathematical arena where no individual mind has any control.

The individual mental arena is what we normally associate with thinking; the material domain is what happens to thinking when it is done collectively rather than individually.

When we dream, we build our own worlds and do whatever we like in them; time, space and causality obey no set rules. It’s the Wild West. Anything goes.

When we awaken, we enter a collective mental arena of set, objective rules, where time, space and causality cannot be wished away.

All that has actually happened is that we have a left a private mental domain where we are fully in control to a public mental domain where we are not in control and where we have to obey the deterministic rules of the collective mind. Going to sleep opens the door to our private mind where, more or less, we are cut off from other minds, and awaking opens the door to the public mind where we exist in a vast, objective arena that we share with all other minds (this is the so-called material world). Sleeping/waking corresponds to a straightforward switch between private and public mental experience. What could be simpler?

When we die, we temporarily leave the public mental arena and are stuck in our private dream world, until we acquire a new body through reincarnation and can then once again take part in the collective mental arena. Where’s the mystery? There isn’t one.

The material world is nothing but a mental construct – a Matrix – into which we are all plugged. When we go to sleep (or die), we unplug ourselves and when we wake (or are reborn) we are plugged back in. There’s nothing else going on.

There’s no Architect or God controlling the Matrix. It’s operated by all of its participants, all of whom obey well-defined mathematical rules and laws. Souls, and the Matrix they construct (the scientific world), are entirely mathematical.

Why does freedom exist? Precisely because we are all individual souls (uncreated, uncaused causes), who are not controlled by anyone else, and, mentally, we enjoy our own private space, of which we are the complete master. However, we are also part of the shared, public space where we are not the master and in that space we are subject to its rules (of space, time and causality). Even there, however, we are free as far as our personal behaviour goes. We can’t break the shared scientific rules and laws of the Matrix, but we can do whatever we want within those rules and laws. Those rules and laws set the framework in which we behave; they do not determine our behaviour, as scientists claim.

Mathematics, unlike science, allows for a free universe and also for a framework of rules and laws. Science rejects a free universe and says that rules and laws determine everything, including our own behaviour. It’s time to get rid of science and replace it with ontological mathematics.

Mathematics, but not science, is compatible with freedom. The reason for that is that mathematics is consistent with mind, while science is all about matter and relegates mind to a material epiphenomenon.

It’s time to jettison the scientific materialist view of reality. The world is not a dead lump of rock that generates bizarre epiphenomenal minds subject to the bizarre fantasy that they are alive, free and full of purpose. Rather, reality is a living mental organism made up of infinite individual minds, which collaborate to establish a collective mental arena known as the material world.


The ancients spoke of Creation as a vast crystal sphere, made of spheres within spheres, like Russian dolls, with the sphere of Earth at its centre, the focus of Creation.

Instead of contemplating the Sphere of Reality as a materialist entity, we should consider it in mental terms. A word often used in this context is Noosphere, denoting the Sphere of Thought. It derives from the ancient Greek nous (mind) and sphaira (sphere) and is related to terms such as atmosphere and biosphere.

The word Noosphere was first coined in Paris in the 1920s by French scientist and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French philosopher Edouard Le Roy and Russian geochemist Vladimir I. Vernadsky. According to Teilhard de Chardin, all three jointly developed the broad concept, he introduced the specific word and Le Roy was first to commit it to print.

Teilhard de Chardin envisaged a planetary evolutionary scheme beginning with the geosphere (the densest parts of Earth; the inside of Earth). To this was added a lithosphere (Earth’s rocky crust), followed by the hydrosphere (the oceans). Then came the biosphere (the living sphere of plants and animals) and the atmosphere which sustained it, with the heliosphere (the sun sphere) at the end of the line.

Teilhard de Chardin’s controversial proposal was that mind, especially that of human beings (the anthroposophere), was forming a new sphere to add to all the others – a noosphere, the sphere of the mind: a kind of thinking atmosphere enveloping the world with reason and consciousness.

For Teilhard de Chardin, it was a thinking layer above the biosphere: a new layer, an active mental layer spreading over and above the world of minerals, plants, and animals. The biosphere therefore had brute matter (the lithosphere) below it and pure mind above it. Here we see a gradation of the inorganic to the mindless organic to the minded organic, always getting further and further away from gross, lifeless, mindless matter.

Teilhard de Chardin wrote, "Unless we give up all attempts to restore man to his place in the general history of Earth as a whole without damaging him or disorganising it, we must place him above it, without, however, uprooting him from it. And this amounts to imagining, in one way or another, above the animal biosphere a human sphere, the sphere of reflexivity [reflexive: directed back on itself; reflected back], of conscious invention, of the conscious unity of souls (the noosphere if you will) and to conceiving, at the origin of this new entity, a phenomenon of special transformation affecting pre-existent life: hominisation... Nothing can be compared with the coming of reflexive consciousness except the appearance of consciousness itself."

In other words, reflexive consciousness amounts to an evolving human collective consciousness (the conscious analogue of Jung’s collective unconscious). It implies an ever greater degree of conscious cooperation between people for the common good, and, ultimately, collective telepathy – whereby we become something akin to a single entity, a unity of souls. The film The Village of the Damned (based on John Wyndham’s The Midwich Cuckoos) is about alien children who can think as one. They provide a glimpse of what a noosphere future might bring.

The noosphere, for Teilhard de Chardin, is associated with an evolutionary process that ultimately causes it to detach itself from the biosphere.

In similar vein, Le Roy wrote, Through human action, the noosphere disengages itself, little by little, from the biosphere and becomes more and more independent, and all this with rapid acceleration and an amplification of effects which continue to grow.

Le Roy and Teilhard de Chardin both conceived of the noosphere in highly religious terms and saw it as the means to reconcile religion with science and evolutionary theory. (The only acceptable religions are evolutionary, not Creationist.)

In the Soviet Union, the concept of the noosphere was used secularly, in both a scientific and political sense, which fitted well with the Marxist doctrine of dialectical materialism. This doctrine is hylozoistic, i.e. it sees matter as being alive in some sense (animated matter), and it introduces the notion of the dialectical evolution of material nature. Mind is always tied to matter (dialectical materialism is a strictly materialist doctrine), but matter can become more and more mental, so to speak, and the more that matter expresses mind, the higher quality it possesses. Dialectical materialism is about optimising the quality of matter through optimisation of its mental aspect. Communists, naturally, are the highest expression of dialectical materialism (they are the most rational, moral and decent), while the capitalists and the Abrahamists represent degraded, low quality matter, infected with greed, selfishness, superstition and irrationality. The Communist State is the perfect State – paradise on Earth – where the quality of matter has reached its highest manifestation.

Vernadsky, the Russian, therefore saw the noosphere as always being tied to the biosphere but continually improving the biosphere’s mental expression and quality (as part of the processes of dialectical materialism). He said, "Now we are witnessing an extraordinary display of the living matter in the biosphere genetically related to the appearance of Homo sapiens hundreds of thousands of years ago, with the creation, owing to that, of a new geological force, scientific thought, which has greatly increased the influence of the living matter, the biosphere’s evolution. Being embraced by the living matter, the biosphere seems to increase its geological force to an infinite degree; it seems to also become transformed by the scientific thought of Homo sapiens and to pass to its new state – noosphere."

In Vernadsky’s theory, the noosphere is the third phase of Earth’s development, following the geosphere (inanimate matter) and the biosphere (biological life). The biosphere transforms the geosphere and the noosphere – dominated by human reason – transforms the biosphere. The noosphere is thus virtually a perfect description of the culmination of dialectical materialism, and of the Communist State. The world literally becomes a more rational and civilized place, transformed by science and the human mind.

Le Roy, on the other hand, envisaged a kind of earthly separation, so that humanity would become radically distinct from the natural world (i.e. the noosphere and biosphere would part company, so to speak) and perhaps humanity would be the enemy of the biosphere. Arguably, this is what has happened, especially in the context of global warming.

As for Teilhard de Chardin, he had a much more cosmic conception of the noosphere and promoted the possibility of a decoupling of the noosphere from the biosphere and even from Earth itself. That is, just as the soul detaches from the body (at death), so the noosphere might be able to detach itself from its body (Earth) and become an independent, free-floating entity, journeying through the cosmos.

All such thinking led Aldous Huxley to anticipate a kind of New Age Revolution: Thus since the advent of man, a new habitat has been opened up to evolving life, a habitat of thought: for this I shall use Teilhard de Chardin’s term, the noosphere, until someone suggests something better. This covering of the earth’s sphericity with a thinking envelope, whose components are interacting with a steadily rising intensity, is now generating a powerful psycho-social pressure favouring a solution of least effort, by way of integration in a unitary organisation of ideas and beliefs. But this will not happen automatically: it can only be achieved by a large-scale co-operative exercise of human reason and imagination.

The Noosphere is the atmosphere of thought, consciousness and reason that has been developing over our Earth since the dawn of humanity. The internet is a physical manifestation of it: a worldwide linked network; a global information exchange between people, bringing them ever closer together. Social networking is the next stage.

But what comes next? Does mind detach itself from body? Can the collective consciousness of humanity leave Earth and soar off, as Teilhard de Chardin thought, into the heavens on the most amazing of all cosmic journeys? Is the Noosphere a Soul Sphere, composed of the souls of all good, enlightened, moral, rational human beings, and leaving behind the defective souls of all the greedy, selfish, hateful monsters and psychopaths who have hitherto ruled and oppressed our world (the Wall Streeters, the privileged WASP elite and the Abrahamists)? Imagine the Soul Sphere merging, finally, with the God Sphere and establishing a Society of the Divine. Is that not the ultimate destiny of higher humanity?

New Agers made the error of promoting an emotion (love) as the answer to the world’s problems. That worked out well, didn’t it?! What is needed is a method: dialectical reason. A world of reason would in fact be a much more loving place than a world of love without reason – because it is love without reason that underlies fanatical religions (that hate all other religions and go to war against them), love without reason that supports nationalism (that causes hatred of other nations and leads to war), love without reason that supports the privileged family (that looks out for itself at all times and has no concern for others). Love without reason is the true root of all evil.

The Noosphere will not be powered by love, hope, money, privilege, faith, prayers or superstition. Ontological mathematics, dialectics and hyperreason are its engine. The Noosphere is all about the coming race of HyperHumans, the super smart and meritocratic autonomous individuals who bow to no men and no Gods.


This book is the story of the highest human thought, and how it’s leaving behind materialism and the sensory domain and finally comprehending the supreme truth of existence – that we inhabit an immortal, indestructible mental Singularity outside space and time, and that the illusion of materialism is generated mathematically via holography.

The universe is a self-generating, intelligent, living hologram, comprised of infinite Leibnizian monads – souls. Every soul is a living hologram, and the universe, composed of infinite such souls, is just the collective expression of the individual case. Nothing is truer than the ancient Hermetic wisdom: As Above, So Below. Each of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm, encoded with all of the mathematical laws of the mathematical universe.

Souls are not the weirdest and most unfathomable things in reality; they are in fact the very building blocks of reality, without which nothing else is possible. Souls are the basis of ontology. They have compulsory existence. The most certain fact of all is that you have an immortal soul. You can never die mentally, but you will endure countless bodily deaths. Your consciousness, tied to your body, dies, but each consciousness is absorbed into your Higher Self as a past life.

By fully understanding ourselves, we can alchemically transmute ourselves into the Gods themselves. The inscription on Apollo’s sacred temple at Delphi said it all: "Know Thyself."


In Aristotelian physics, the geosphere was composed of four spheres, corresponding to the four terrestrial elements: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Earth, naturally, was the sphere of the element Earth. This sphere was penetrated by the Sphere of Water (producing the oceans covering the Earth). Above these two spheres was the Sphere of Air (the atmosphere), and above it was the Fire Sphere. Above these four spheres were the heavens, made of the quintessence – aether.

Already, we can see the idea – which is at the core of Teilhard de Chardin’s evolutionary thinking – of an increase in spherical quality as we move from base Earth to divine Aether, as we move up the various spheres, eventually reaching the Empyrean itself (God’s sphere).

Teilhard de Chardin’s noosphere, while firmly belonging to this way of thinking, is far more dynamic than Aristotle’s spheres, and, crucially, is immaterial. It rises through the solid spheres until it arrives at the Empyrean – where it unites with God! Our minds and God’s become one.


James Lovelock’s Gaia Hypothesis presents Earth as a kind of living organism, capable of apparently intelligent self-regulation. We might envisage Gaia theory as suggesting that the whole planet is infused with the noosphere, and humans are just more attuned to it than anything else on Earth.


Marxism can be viewed as a kind of political and economic noosphere: the force of a progressive and universal social evolution and revolution sweeping the globe and ridding the world of ancient injustices and tyrants, obliterating wealth disparities, abolishing privilege, making everyone equal in status and dignity.

Of course, Christianity was supposed to fulfil such a role but ended up becoming the main fortress of the privileged elite. It’s highly significant that no rich person has ever endorsed Marxism (because Marxism specifically and unambiguously denounces the rich), while countless rich people are Christians, meaning that they see no contradiction whatsoever between having a luxurious, rich, princely life of power and privilege on Earth and getting into heaven. Yet wasn’t Christianity supposed to provide a reward of paradise to those who had endured Earthly misery at the hands of the rich and powerful? There is something utterly diabolical at the heart of Christianity that has allowed it to be hijacked by the very people it explicitly condemned in the pages of the Gospel.


Darwinian evolution by natural selection appears to support, up to a point, the development of the noosphere. But why are there far more stupid humans than smart ones?

Lamarckian adaptive evolution is much better suited to the concept of the noosphere since it provides a means for mind to directly change DNA (to cause valuable mutations that will impact the next generation,

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