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Enneagram: The Path to Self-Knowledge and Self-Discovery
Enneagram: The Path to Self-Knowledge and Self-Discovery
Enneagram: The Path to Self-Knowledge and Self-Discovery
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Enneagram: The Path to Self-Knowledge and Self-Discovery

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About this ebook

This is a 3-book bundle, which addresses various subtopics, including but not limited to these:

Book 1: The enneagram can show you your personality type and also help you how to live better.

When you know what you are like – and believe me, many people don’t know themselves very well – you are more likely to be content in life, find success, discover hidden talents, avoid pitfalls, and become happier in general.

In this book, the enneagram will show you your true colors. We’ll show you how the origin of the model, the different types, and the importance of self-awareness. Each of these things should help you on your road to self-love and self-discovery.

Book 2: When the nine different personality types clash, or when they show some differences, it can be tricky to know how to interact with others.

That’s where this guide comes in. It will discuss the various ways in which our careers and values are different. It will teach you how to become a happier person by doing what you were meant to do. It will summarize what personalities consist of and how they are made the way they have been made. These are just a few topics to feast your soul on, while discovering more about yourself and those around you.
Get ready to be more aware of yourself and others’ personalities.

Book 3: I’m sure you have heard of the enneagram model for personality types, but what does this mean for relationships, leadership, conflict, and other issues in society?

Well, that’s exactly what we are going to explore today. This guide will touch on the very essence of relationships, which is actually a mix of personality types interacting with each other. Apart from this, topics vary from leadership, mastery tools, high-conflict personality types, dating, and millennials to attachment and communication in relationships.

I encourage you to find out for yourself what your personality type means in your everyday life by studying this short guide and expanding your comprehension.
PublisherEfalon Acies
Release dateSep 30, 2020

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was really amazed. I really was. Developing all this info probably was not easy. Other people who do not enjoy this, must be crazy. So, with this being mentioned, I do strongly recommend it.

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Enneagram - Amy Jileson


Chapter 1: The Definition and Reach

The Enneagram is a personality typing system based around 9 distinct personality types - the principle being that everyone falls under one of these 9 categories. Some say that it is an age-old system with its origins traceable to Sufism, others suggest that it is much more recent. However, it is a fascinating system with more intricacy than meets the eye in the beginning glance.

Our personality develops in childhood - it is our coping strategy which we develop to deal with our own personal environment. There are 9 unique patterns acknowledged in the Enneagram, but it also predicts how each of the nine personalities will change under stress and in addition, when we're feeling completely safe and secure.

So, why would we want to categorize anyone as a certain personality type? Well in spite of the fact that we can go to the moon, most of us have huge trouble comprehending one another. A key to being able to understand other individuals is to first develop an appropriate comprehension of ourselves and one way of doing that is to have a look at ourselves by means of the Enneagram.

It isn't a simple thing to put your own character under the microscopic lense. You have to be prepared to hear and find features of yourself that you may not always want to know. You might not like some of the important things you find. There is no point in discovering something about yourself if you are not prepared to deal with the findings, and changing your conduct takes some time, work and a good deal of commitment.

A couple of things to bear in mind when using the Enneagram: first of all, we really need to identify that all personality types are basically positive and that any negative conduct you might end up being conscious of can be corrected; secondly, you should be really mindful about typing another person or to put it simply putting somebody into a certain Enneagram category.

Understanding where someone else is in the 9 points can definitely cause an enhanced understanding and better communication. However, the disadvantage is that it can also lead to stereotyping people and that may lead you to associate specific negative responses with certain people. For example, we run the risk of deciding that because someone is a type 7, this means that they're uncommitted and always will be. Or if someone is a type 9, they will be lazy. By stereotyping people and trying to forecast their responses, we're imposing our own discriminative ideas and that's just not an advantage.

As we will see, each one of the nine kinds of personality has positive and negative characteristics. That makes perfect sense, since no human being is flawless, but it isn't healthy to concentrate on the negative aspects of anyone's character. Accepting others for who they are and not what we want them to be leads to enhanced communication and more satisfying human relationships.

What does the term Enneagram actually mean?

Broken down, the words Ennea and Gram mean 9 and model respectively. So what are the 9 character types? The real names will depend on whichever Enneagram teacher you follow but the underlying categories are broadly the same:

The Perfectionist/Reformer

The Giver/Helper

The Performer/Achiever

The individualist

The Observer/ The Investigator

The Trooper or loyalist


Confronter/The Boss/challenger


By understanding your own type, you can become a lot more understanding of other people's reactions. Inspiring yourself to achieve things in life will end up being simpler if you comprehend the drivers for your own behaviour. Followers of the Enneagram really believe that everybody has one main underlying inspirational driver that, to a very large extent, determines our thoughts, emotions and actions.

This underlying chauffeur or enthusiasm creates a person's paradigm or view of life. The enthusiasm is given a negative name but it does not mean that the personality type is negative. It means that the character is primarily addicted to that specific behavior. But this is the raw material - with work, self examination and understanding, all character types are very capable of turning this negative into a favorable.

For instance, type 2, the giver, believes that everyone needs help. The underlying inspiration is pride. The type 2 character takes pride in believing that it can help everybody hence developing an inflated sense of self worth. However, by analyzing and understanding this motivation in life, it can transform this pride to humbleness and use its natural gift for helping people in a better way.

The underlying chauffeur for type nine is sloth e.g. being really lazy about life. Making choices takes energy since they must weigh up both sides of the argument, so it is easier just to ignore troubles and wait on them to go away or for someone else to fix them. Nines value consistency above everything else. If an understanding of this chauffeur is not developed, they will spend their lives trying to keep away from dispute or side stepping arguments.

However, Nines, like all of the other character types, can be a fantastic asset to the world. Once they comprehend that their fundamental underlying inspiration is sloth, they can enhance by setting little goals and structuring processes to guarantee that they achieve them. Their natural dream to stay away from dispute permits them to develop psychological detachment which is very beneficial in unpredictable circumstances.

It is very essential to realize that everyone has only one type - you cannot belong to 2 camps! Some people, specifically those that have just begun studying the Enneagram, think that they're a mixture of the different character types. They identify characteristics which appear to support this idea. Our personal attributes are not the same as our underlying inspiration. We can have comparable attributes and responses to others and yet be absolutely different character types.

It could be challenging to categorize yourself as a particular type. We all have an image of who we are instead of knowledge of who we are. It may be beneficial to ask a very close friend, whom you trust 100%, to give you some feedback on your personality. Be careful though; not all relationships can survive this kind of honesty! And

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