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It's All in Your Dreams: Five Portals to an Awakened Life (New Age & Spirituality, Dr. Dream Author of I Had the Strangest Dream)
It's All in Your Dreams: Five Portals to an Awakened Life (New Age & Spirituality, Dr. Dream Author of I Had the Strangest Dream)
It's All in Your Dreams: Five Portals to an Awakened Life (New Age & Spirituality, Dr. Dream Author of I Had the Strangest Dream)
Ebook319 pages3 hours

It's All in Your Dreams: Five Portals to an Awakened Life (New Age & Spirituality, Dr. Dream Author of I Had the Strangest Dream)

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Use Your Dreams to Change Your Life

What are our dreams trying to tell us? What can they teach us? With the help of dream analyst and media personality Kelly Sullivan Walden, you can learn how to remember and use your dreams to craft the waking life you desire.

Explore the larger story of your life. Dreams are a magical realm we can enter into every night. They hold within them stories and experiences that can change us and reveal to us truths about ourselves. When we enter into the dream space, anything is possible—we can learn a topic of fascination, study at the feet of a master, converse with a departed loved one, or find an answer to a perplexing question. Dream analysis opens the door for an opportunity to dive deeper into ourselves and tap into a source for both healing and growth.

Learn about the 5-Step Process. As a certified clinical hypnotherapist and dream analyst, author Kelly Sullivan Walden shares with readers her expertise on the topic of dreams and explains how to effectively use your dreams to change your life. Her five-step process (Declaration, Remembrance, Embodiment, Activation, Mastermind) offers a detailed guide for dream interpretation and will teach readers how to become fluent in the language of dreams. If you’ve ever asked, "what do dreams mean?" or "what is my dream trying to tell me?", by the end of this book you’ll have all you need to answer those questions. Dive into this book by dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden and learn how to:

  • Decipher dream meanings
  • Implement Walden’s 5-step process to master your dreams
  • Use your dreams to make your life better

Readers of books such as The Dream Interpretation HandbookA Little Bit of DreamsWay of the Peaceful Warrior, or Why We Sleep will enjoy Kelly Sullivan Walden's It’s All in Your Dreams.

PublisherConari Press
Release dateMay 1, 2013

Kelly Sullivan Walden

Kelly Sullivan Walden is an international bestselling author of ten books, an award-winning dreams expert, an interfaith minister, a certified clinical hypnotherapist, a practitioner of religious science, an inspirational speaker, and a workshop facilitator. Also known as Doctor Dream, her unique approach to dream therapy led her to become a trusted advisor, coach, and consultant, enriching the lives of thousands of individuals across the globe from Fortune 500 executives to celebrities to stay-at-home moms. Her career in dream therapy led her to create podcast, The Kelly Sullivan Walden Show on MindBodySpirit.FM, as well as to found DreamWork Practitioner Training, an online program that teaches people to develop dream mastery. Kelly earned her masters and doctorate in ministry from The New Seminary in New York, the oldest interfaith seminary in the world. Together with her husband, Dana, Kelly co-founded The Dream Project and CHIME IN: youth-empowerment initiatives that support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. For more information and a free dreamtime meditation to enhance dream recall, go to:

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    It's All in Your Dreams - Kelly Sullivan Walden

    Praise for It's All in Your Dreams

    "It's All In Your Dreams is a fun and fabulous addition to any dreamer's bedside table. You'll find simple and powerful techniques for getting ‘round the bouncer in the brain who tries to restrict entry to the same old gang of limited and self-limiting thoughts. You'll learn how to look in your dream mirror and see yourself as you really are. You'll discover that, if you are bold enough, you can go to a theater of the mind and rehearse for the life review you'll do after death, and bring clarity from that to make better choices now. Kelly is a spirited ambassador for dreaming, doing essential work in helping to create a dreaming culture in our times. Her energy and humor come crackling off every page."

    —ROBERT MOSS, bestselling author of Conscious Dreaming, The Secret History of Dreaming, and Dreaming the Soul Back Home

    For those who use practical tools to study how dreams alter their feelings and aspirations, this book will provide many insights. Kelly Sullivan Walden knows that dreaming is about waking up to a larger life.

    —FRED ALAN WOLF, PHD, aka Dr. Quantum, featured in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, National Book Award-Winning author of The Dreaming Universe

    "My life has been successful and more powerful by doing dreamwork. . . . For a profound level of healing, empowerment, and life-changing guidance our dreams offer the guidance our soul is truly hungering for. Kelly Sullivan Walden's It's All In Your Dreams is a refreshing new look at the power of your dreams."

    —LYNN ANDREWS, New York Times bestselling author of the Medicine Woman book series

    As one who values dreams (both the waking and sleeping kinds) I can't recommend this book enough. The 5 Portals contained in It's All In Your Dreams will avail you to the life you came here to live. If you are looking for the formula to understand your nighttime dreams so that you can live the life of your dreams, look no further."


    This book is not simply about exploring dreams but presents a delightful natural approach to embracing your dreams as a guide in the exploration and emergence of who you are and who you can become. Kelly's five-step approach is a natural way to partner with your dreams to declare, remember, embody, activate, and share the emergence of your true self at the deeper emotional and ‘soul’ levels. A must read and a must do!

    —ROBERT HOSS, director of the Dream Science Foundation, President of IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams)

    Kelly's book is the key to unlocking your dreams and your destiny. She has the insights, wisdom, and expertise to help you make your most cherished dreams come true.

    —AURORA WINTER, author of From Heartbreak to Happiness, founder of Grief Coach Academy

    This woman is truly dreamy!


    First published in 2013 by Conari Press, an imprint of

    Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

    With offices at:

    665 Third Street, Suite 400

    San Francisco, CA 94107

    Copyright © 2013 by Kelly Sullivan Walden

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. Reviewers may quote brief passages.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Walden, Kelly Sullivan.

    It's all in your dreams : how to interpret your sleeping dreams to make your waking dreams come true / Kelly Sullivan Walden.

        pages cm

    ISBN 978-1-57324-590-6

    1. Dream interpretation. I. Title.

    BF1091.W195 2013



    Cover design by Fisher

    Cover image: Chagall. Birthday, 1915. Oil on cardboard, 31¾ × 39¼″ (80.6 × 99.7 cm). Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, NY © 2013 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / ADAGP, Paris

    Interior by Maureen Forys, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

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    The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1992 (R1997).

    To my niece, Noel Sullivan, may the family legacy of dreamwork/play live on through you . . . inspiring you to awaken to the truth of the amazing being that you are and the incredible life you are here to live.

    And to the sleeping giant within all dreamers: May this book and these five portals inspire you to fall in love with your dreams so that you can wake you up to your ability to co-create the life of your dreams!

    In the case of dreams, fact is stranger than fiction. In other words, all of the stories and dreams referenced in this book are true. Some of the names, however, have been changed, to protect the dreamer's anonymity.



    Chapter 1: A Sneak Peek at the Five Portals

    Chapter 2: The D-spot

    Chapter 3: Portal 1—D Is for Declaration

    Chapter 4: Portal 2—R Is for Remembrance

    Chapter 5: Portal 3—E Is for Embodiment

    Chapter 6: Portal 4—A Is for Activation

    Chapter 7: Portal 5—M Is for Mastermind




    Where are the answers you seek?

    . . . the guidance you crave?

    . . . the healing you desire?

    It's all in your dreams.


    Though we appear to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream . . . that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.


    When you nestle yourself into bed, turn off the bedside lamp, and close your eyes to your daytime reality, your conscious self goes to sleep. Meanwhile, your dreaming self slips out of the covers and tiptoes upstairs to the attic of your mind to explore the enchanted realm of dreams.

    Within this nocturnal territory you are transported beyond the ego's five senses to a vast, multidimensional playground of unlimited possibilities. In the realm of dreams you can peruse the tale of your past or future, learn a topic of fascination, converse with a departed loved one, study at the feet of a master, find an answer to a perplexing question, discover the solutions to a health challenge, or explore the larger story of your life.

    All this takes place while you are asleep. Yet for most people, by the time the alarm blares and they've guzzled their morning coffee, the exploration of the vast landscape of their multidimensional soul is shrugged off as just a dream. This just a dream scenario can be compared to spellbound lovers on a ship who profess undying love to one another by moonlight and then find, in the harsh light of morning, back on dry land, that the glow is gone. In the swirl of real world demands, the lovers revert to being ordinary, sensible, earthbound mortals, vaguely recalling that something magical transpired on the ocean of their dreams. The experience—so real while it was happening—is now as elusive as wisps of cloud.

    But, what if it wasn't just a dream?

    Many of us 21st-century, fast-paced jet-setters fall prey to placing undue emphasis on the tangible, the text-able, and the three-dimensional while discounting the magical, the mystical, and the multidimensional. We would do well to learn from our ancestors who lived close to the earth and were in sync with the tides, seasons, and realms beyond the ordinary. Our indigenous grandmothers and grandfathers considered the dreamtime to be when they were most awake. They also believed that a society's mental and psychological health was related to dreaming. The more disconnected from dreams, the more sick and out of balance the society. The more in touch with dreams, the healthier the society.

    Unfortunately, most people think

    dreams are unimportant;

    they don't have time to record, share, and/or work with their dreams;

    they've lost touch with their ability to remember their dreams.

    But consider this:

    Science tells us we all have three to nine dreams every night and can learn to remember our dreams.

    Dreams (even the unpleasant ones) can become our greatest allies.

    We cannot afford to not pay attention to our dreams, if we want to thrive while being alive.

    Drama to Phenomena

    I've been an active dreamer since I was old enough to say I had the strangest dream . . . I've had dreams that have guided, healed, and even saved my life, and I've witnessed countless dream-related miracles in the lives of people I've worked with professionally as a certified clinical hypnotherapist for the past seventeen years. I've had my mind blown more times than I can count by the transformative power of dreams to alter a person's paradigm and, quite literally, heal them—I'll share some of these stories with you in this book. Needless to say, I'm one of those people you could call a dream enthusiast . . . and by the time you reach the end of this book, I hope you will be too.

    I believe every challenge is born with a solution. Just as jewelweed grows near poison oak, the remedy, healing, or answer you seek—whether it is related to your health, wealth, relationship, or even climate change—can be found near the scene of the crime (even if the conscious mind doesn't recognize it). When we develop a respect for our nighttime dreams, coupled with a basic level of fluency in (or at least a way to decode) its bizarre language, we are able to find the jewel (weed) in the rough and reap the rewards therein.

    This book is not a passive, leisurely read. In addition to it containing many of my personal dreams, it's an interactive, awakening catalyst with questions for you to contemplate, journaling prompts to inspire soulful writing, guided meditations to alter your consciousness, videos to watch, and action steps to take in your waking life. The intent of this book is to help you bridge the gap between the 3-D and the multi-D, and from the ordinary world of drama to the extraordinary world of phenomena.

    Nighttime Dreams versus Daytime Dreams

    When people find out I'm in the dream business, the question they ask me is generally, Which kind of dreams do you mean: the weird nighttime dreams or the Martin Luther King Jr. kind?

    My response to them is Both.

    They will either look at me with a furrowed brow as if I just told them a Zen koan ("What is the sound of one hand clapping?") and begin to search politely for the nearest exit, or they will look as if they've just found an all-you-can-eat-buffet after starving for days in the desert. At that point they confide in me every dream they've ever had along with their entire life story. Which, I love, by the way . . . as long as I don't have a plane to catch.

    I find that nighttime dreams and daytime dreams/desires go hand in hand, perhaps because they live on opposite ends of the same spectrum. This is what shamans and indigenous dreaming people believe—that we're always dreaming, whether we are awake or asleep; it's all a dream. This may be why, in the telling of a nighttime dream, secret doorways and hidden passages to the fulfillment of their deepest daytime desires are revealed.

    Chapter 1

    A Sneak Peek at the Five Portals

    Within this book, you will discover secrets to remember your dreams, become fluent in the language of dreams, mine the gold from your dreams, reenter your dreams to transform nightmares into rocket fuel for your soul's evolution, program your dreams, and bring the magic of your nighttime dreams to life in your waking state to fulfill your reason for being alive—and much more.

    We are multidimensional beings that, according to the American Hypnosis Association (, inhabit a mere 12 percent of our mental and spiritual genius and potential. This is because we've made the third dimension (that which we consider to be real: the tangible, visible, audible, tasteable, and smellable) king. I believe that what is actually king (or queen, as the case may be) is 100 percent of who you are—all your power, all your talent, all your experience, all your capacities, and all your potentialities, beyond the confines of your five senses. The D.R.E.A.M. formula I share in this book is a simple acronym to assist you to achieve dream mastery via insight into your dreams—the ones you have at night and the ones you have by day.

    Portal 1—D Is for Declaration

    What is it that you truly want? Stronger than setting an intention to be a powerful dreamer, a Declaration is a lightening rod of conductivity to energize the law of your being. Within this portal you will discover nighttime rituals to care and feed your dream zone. You will learn to declare to yourself, to the Dream Maker, and to the universe that you will recall your nighttime dreams. And so it shall be done.

    In your waking life, what is it that you truly desire to explore, manifest, and become? The Founding Fathers of America didn't create the Intention of Independence; they created the Declaration of Independence, and thus a new world was born. In order to make a Declaration, you must search your soul to identify what it is you truly stand for, what it is you truly desire at the core of your being. There is nothing frivolous about a Declaration. A Declaration is a laser that slices through vagaries, egocentric pretenses, and societal conditioning—all the way to the gold at the center of your heart. This portal explores the ongoing inquiry inherent within your Declaration, which is the cornerstone of the life of your dreams.

    Portal 2—R Is for Remembrance

    If you genuinely desire to benefit from the magic of your nighttime dreams in a conscious way, then it begins, at the very least, with you remembering your dreams. As you begin to awaken after eight hours spent journeying through the multidimensions of your dreamscape, don't move a muscle! While remaining in the position you were in while dreaming, allow your first thought upon awakening to be What was I dreaming? Deliberately press the rewind button in your mind and replay your dreams at least three times. This portal explores techniques like this and rituals to help you remember your nighttime dreams by learning to transfer them from short-term to long-term memory.

    If you genuinely desire to live an awakened life, it helps if you can remember who you really are, where you came from, and why you are here. Within this portal you learn to discover your true identity as an infinite spiritual being, powerful beyond measure, and heir to all the blessings this earth has to offer. You explore processes and meet dream guides to assist you in recollecting your core strengths, gifts, and genius. Remembering who you are, thus valuing who you are, is another cornerstone to awakening to the life of your dreams.

    Portal 3—E Is for Embodiment

    The most important aspect of nighttime dreamwork is the embodiment of the energy, emotion, and/or feeling tone of the dream. Whether or not you remember your dream in vivid detail, recalling the way the dream made you feel and the energy it produced is key. Within this portal you explore dream alchemy, dream reentry, sexual dreams, and techniques to assist you in embodying the heightened energy of your dream. These processes are among the most valuable ways to affect quantum-level acceleration in your waking life.

    When it comes to manifesting the life of your dreams in your waking life, embodiment of the energy is also essential. Einstein said that time (past, present, and future) is all happening at once. Imagine the way you'd feel in the future once everything you desire, decree, and declare is in place. Chapter 5 discusses Portal 3 and explores techniques to embody this energy that creates the outer flowering of an inner reality.

    Portal 4—A Is for Activation

    Every nighttime dream requires action in the waking world. For example, your action might simply be to share your dream with your spouse. You might be guided to invest in a new technology that has just gone public. Or, your dream might be prompting you to call a friend to talk them out of boarding an airplane. Within this portal you explore the most common dream types and a cutting-edge dream interpretation formula to assist you in discerning its best real world application.

    Inspired action that leads to magic and graceful manifestation naturally occurs when your dreams are active and alive within you. Struggling upstream will be a distant dream because within this portal you explore the benefits of SleepWorking and Lucid Living. These navigational tools will support you to powerfully participate in living your dream life.

    Portal 5—M Is for Mastermind

    When you tell someone else about your dream, you have the benefit of hearing yourself speak; in the telling, details that might otherwise have been lost forever emerge, and even entire plotlines, previously obscured, pop out from behind a mental corner. You also get to hear feedback about your dreams, offering a different perspective that might have remained elusive. Within this portal you discover insights about how to create a Dream Mastermind Group, dream-sharing etiquette, the Hero's Dream Journey, dream transferring, collective dreams, and group dreaming.

    As they say in the waking world regarding making dreams come true, It takes a team to realize a dream. Within this portal are suggestions for creating your own Dream Mastermind Group—two or more dreamers who are just as invested in your dreams coming true as you are (and vice versa). When you meet (either virtually or in person) in a space of support and accountability, the wheels of your dreams are greased, manifestation is expedited, and you become magnetic to opportunities that will three-dimensionally change your life.

    Chapter 2

    The D-spot

    At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.


    One of my very favorite things to talk about is The D-spot. Not just because it provokes a reaction from people when they think they've misunderstood me. The D-spot is the nexus, the nectar, the sweet spot of your nighttime Dreams, daytime Desires, and your highest Destiny.

    If the D-spot still feels elusive, then try this metaphor on for size:

    Picture a beautiful single-story house. Now imagine the lower part of the house (basement) is where your nighttime Dreams reside. This dark, underground basement of your being is where the primitive, primal, unconscious hard drive of your mind's computer lives. This is where your buried treasure, secrets, most valuable inner resources, sacred memories, family traits, pastlife hardwiring, and belief systems that go back generations are stored. This is where the primitive, foundational, fundamental aspect of who you are is quite at home.

    When you climb the creaky stairs up to the next level, you encounter the main floor of the house and are blinded by the light of your daytime Desires. In the living room of your home, all that blings takes center stage and your ego sprawls out and runs the show. This is where your ego makes its vision boards (collages of images that reflect your desires: a better job, greater love life, more wealth, vibrant health, etc.). This living room is the 3-D reality referred to as the real world, where we are primarily motivated by our ego's desire to look good, have the right stuff, be recognized, and—if there's time left over in a day—make our mark on the world.

    If you choose to peel yourself away from the allure of your daytime desires and explore the higher aspect of yourself, you tiptoe upstairs to the attic. Just a few feet above the hustle and bustle of daily life is where your highest Destiny resides. Calm, cool, and in a perpetual state of meditation is your higher self. Up here in the attic of your being is where you can hear the voice of your higher self and angelic nature. Your higher wisdom whispers and your creativity is sky-high. To get here all you have to do is take a moment to get still and elevate your mind just a few steps above the mundane. The attic is where you know things you have never read in a book; it's when you peer into the level of your highest destiny via premonitions, visions, and higher spiritual encounters.

    For most people these three aspects of self are vastly separate from one another . . . except in the case of a major life transition or trauma. During these times of heightened reality—like during a crisis or a major rite of passage such as a wedding, a birth, or death—the barriers between the basement, main floor, and attic evaporate. During these moments we have an expanded experience of being both in this world and not of it. These special moments are worth relishing, and yet I believe they are meant to be ordinary occurrences.

    When my beloved Grandma Bishop made her transition from the world of 3-D to the realms beyond this world, I remember having particularly vivid dreams and perceiving things with my eyes in waking life that normally I could not see. I was able to see auras as clear as day. I even recall catching glimpses of people that were not embodied (à la Haley Joel Osment's character in The Sixth Sense and his famous line, I see dead people.) For me, this expanded way of perceiving was a gift and something that frightened me at the time, but as I've continued to explore this realm, these kinds of experiences, thankfully, have become more frequent . . . and ordinary.

    The D-spot is where all levels of our house converge. When we are in the D-spot, we are awake, and we have the heightened awareness from our nighttime dreams; insight about how to more accurately navigate the fulfillment of our daytime desires; and, most especially, guidance as to how to live in accord with our highest destiny.

    I frequently envision a moving staircase (a figure-eight escalator, if you will) that connects all three levels of the house in a moving meditation that empowers us to be as awake and aware as humanly possible. In other words, this is where our humanness becomes luminous to the degree that we can be the light of the world (while maintaining access to our ability to pay our light bill). This is the reason I am fascinated by dreamwork. Not just for its ability to make sense of our wacky dreams, but also for its ability to connect us with our roots and elevate us to our highest essence while nudging us toward greater levels of fulfillment and awakening.

    Okay, let's face it: When you are in the D-spot, it can be so ecstatic and enlivening that it feels like the emotional/psychological equivalent of the

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