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Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2
Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2
Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2
Ebook383 pages5 hours

Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2

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Forced to leave his sister behind when he turned 18, the story of Jace continues after his time in Sanctuary of Orphaned Children. He follows the path he paved to fight for humankind’s survival against the Evolved.

But what can one man do when pitted against magic users, massive stone golems, winged monsters, and other deadly creatures? And if he goes on this dangerous quest, what about his sister? And what about the suspicious activities at the orphanage?

In order to find the truth, he’ll have to call on old favors and see childhood acquaintances. Hopefully, that’ll be enough.

Release dateJun 2, 2020
Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2

J. P. Edgar

J. P. Edgar is an American author who was born in Sacramento, California in 1980. He went to college to obtain his Associate’s Degree in Information Technology, and then got his Bachelor’s Degree in 2010 in Game Design. A man of many faces, J. P. Edgar is a musician, a technical artist, a game designer, and a computer programmer. Now, he is working on the Bloodlines of Atmos series, expanding his web of talents to the art of story writing. Currently, he is writing the story of Jace, a three part story. This is the first of his stories to be published, but many other stories are in the works.

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    Bloodlines of Atmos, The Story of Jace-Savior, Book 2 - J. P. Edgar


    Drill Sergeant Shepard stood motionless in the desert sun waiting for his new recruits. With his hands behind his back and sweat dripping down his face, he stared off at the distant bus that kicked up dust, thinking back to when he first rode to the isolated boot camp. He remembered the stench of the body odor from dozens of recruits, the miserable heat, and listening to nothing but the squeaking of the bus joints because of the no-talking rule. One of the hottest days on record and the recruits were riding in an old, cramped, and stuffy bus. As soon as they agreed to climb the stairs in to find their seat, they were going to be tested on everything. Even the ride to the camp tested them, simulating a prison in all but shackles to let them know their old lives were over.

    Sand pelted his face from the breeze when the bus pulled up. It was time to go to work. It was time to break down these kids and stripping them of their old habits of civilian life and rebuild them into tough, hardcore soldiers.

    The doors opened with a creek, and the recruits started to walk out. They seemed to be a healthy mix of rookies—boys and girls, short and tall. Every single one of them would be fine examples of discipline and valor when he was through with them.

    Shepard blew hard on his whistle, catching the attention of the kids who poured out of the bus. Line up!

    One by one, the children stood side by side, each of them standing with their backs straight. Or as straight as they could. He quickly looked them over, then started to pace in front of the line. He looked for the weak link. An example to help break down the spirit of these kids and to turn them into figures of discipline and respect. My name is Drill Sergeant Shepard. When you address me, you will call me Drill Sergeant. When he reached the end of the line, he turned around and walked back down the row. There are only four words you will tell me. And unless I tell you otherwise, I don't want to hear you say anything BUT those words. Those words are 'yes,' 'no,' and 'Drill Sergeant!'

    He stopped at the shortest recruit in the line. The boy couldn't have been more than five and a half feet tall. Worst of all, his features gave him a feeling of uncaring and lack of discipline, like he stared off in the distance and ignoring the world around him. He had found his first example. Do you understand, recruit?

    The kid nodded.

    What the shit! Shepard stepped up and got close to his face. What did you say?

    The kid shrugged. Nothing.

    Was 'nothing' something I said you could say?

    No, sir!

    Though the reply was better than the last, Shepard had a feeling this kid was going to be a problem. What’s your name, boy?


    Not anymore, Tiny. Drop and do push-ups until I tell you to stop!

    Without skipping a beat, Tiny leaped back, dropped to the ground and began his punishment. Shepard knelt, getting closer to Tiny's ear. Yes, Drill Sergeant! No, Drill Sergeant! I don't want you to say anything else. Is that understood, Tiny?

    Yes, Drill Sergeant!

    Good! Shepard stood up, still watching Tiny while he pumped out one push-up after another. Seems there is hope for you after all. He continued his pacing in front of the row of would-be soldiers. Now, you are NOT to speak unless I tell you to. You are not going to sleep unless I tell you. You will not shit! You will not piss! He spun around and looked a recruit in the eye, a rather chubby-faced kid with a large gut. He would have to work on this kid to get him in shape. If I see you wipe your ass without permission, I'm going to kick it! He leaned in closer. Then you will clean my boot with your tongue! Shepard spotted a grin at the corner of Chubby's lip. He had found another that needed a severe ass-kicking. You find that funny?

    No, Drill Sergeant!

    I bet you're undressing me with your pretty little eyes. I bet you wish I were a rack of ribs you could bite into.

    No, Drill Sergeant!

    Bullshit, Chubby! Drop and give me twenty!

    On command, Chubby fell to the ground and started doing push-ups. Before Shepard continued his pacing in front of his line, Chubby spoke, The concrete is hot, Drill Sergeant.

    Shepard glared at Chubby, who looked up from his push-up position. What did you say?

    Chubby's voice gave a painful quiver. N-Nothing, Drill Sergeant.

    Shepard watched Chubby for a moment while he struggled to pull himself off the ground, then took a step back to look over the recruits. Everything you think you know, forget it! You are mine! And until I tell you otherwise, you're nothing but maggots. Is that understood?

    The battalion answered in unison, Yes, Drill Sergeant!

    The single reply from a mass of people always sounded so good to his ears. Then a whimper sounded from Chubby, who visibly trembled. You're not done, Maggot? He knelt and put his face close to his ear. How many have you done, Maggot?

    His reply came after a struggling gasp. S… Six!

    Six? Holy shit! You're no longer a maggot. You're a piece of shit!

    Chubby's reply was barely audible. Yes, Drill Sergeant.

    What did you say?

    Yes, Drill Sergeant!

    Better. Now get back up, you piece of shit, and get back in line!

    Chubby pushed himself to his hands and knees, then struggled to get to his feet. Tears ran down his red cheeks, and he panted heavily. Shepard looked at him once more, noting the shaking hands. The pavement was hot, and he should probably dismiss the line soon to get some ice on his palms.

    Shepard turned to continue his pacing. From this moment on, if one of you gets in trouble, all of you get in trouble. There is no 'you.' There is only your unit. Shepard paused when he noticed Tiny, who still did push-ups. His back was straight, and he continued at a good pace. Still, he had a schedule to keep, and he needed to get Chubby something to put on his burns. Get up, maggot!

    Tiny quickly got to his feet and stood up straight. Though he breathed deeply, he still seemed to have his breath. Sweat poured down his face, and his soaked shirt. His hands weren't trembling, regardless of the apparent burn marks on his palms. At first, Shepard was pleased with the potential of Tiny, but the kid's gaze—uncaring and uninterested—started to make him angry, as if nothing had happened. This kid was going to be trouble.

    Shepard paused for a few heartbeats. You rested up, Tiny? He didn't care about the reply. Shepard blew on his whistle and announced to the line, Let's go for a run, Maggots. Grab your shit and keep up! He turned and started jogging toward the dunes to the base.

    The following week, Shepard went to check on his recruits. More importantly, to check on Tiny. His attitude and his passive-aggressive defiance was something Shepard couldn't stand. It constantly undermined his authority, making his recruits less like soldiers every day. So every time Shepard saw Tiny doing the smallest thing, he would make Tiny an example.

    When he walked in the door to the barracks, he saw Tiny doing sit-ups. What the hell are you doing, Tiny?

    Tiny quickly got to his feet and stood straight.

    Did I say you could exercise?

    No, Drill Sergeant.

    His arrogance was aggravating. The discipline he tried to teach this child went over his head, and that would put him and his unit at risk. He couldn't allow that to happen. Then it's your turn to clean the bathroom. I want to see my face in the porcelain. I want the floor so clean I can eat off it. Is that understood?

    Yes, Drill Sergeant.

    Tiny marched off, but Shepard decided to give him a bit of motivation. Move, move, move! After Tiny was out of sight, Shepard turned to the rest of the recruits. As for the rest of you… He eyed each of them for a moment, especially locking his gaze at Chubby. I told you to keep an eye on him. The next time he does something, I'm going to make you all clean the shit tank! Now drop and give me twenty!

    In unison, everyone in the room fell to the floor for their push-ups. Discipline. Synchronization. Perfect harmony once more. He calmed down almost instantly, then turned and left the recruits to their punishment.

    Training recruits hand-to-hand combat was always Shepard's favorite time in boot camp. The last strands of defiance were beaten out of the recruits, and it marked when the kids could be turned into soldiers.

    The third recruit fell on the mat with a loud thud. Shepard stood victorious, staring at the three who rolled and moaned on the floor mat. He started to pace as he continued the introduction to his next lesson.

    Being faced against a powerful force is something you all will have to deal with in your lives. Your opponent on the battlefield won't care if you're down or not. They won't care if you're a mother or a father. A son or a daughter. If your enemy overpowers you, you need to find a way to win, or go down fighting! He turned to Tiny, eager to finally break the last defiant member of his crew. Tiny, get up here. As Tiny stood and approached, Shepard continued, Next, I want you maggots to see how to block and counter any given attack. It doesn't matter if it's against a human or those magical creatures who call themselves 'Evolved' or whatever. Urban combat will have a high chance of hand-to-hand combat. So you must be prepared for anything. He turned to face Tiny. Okay, Tiny. Try to hit me. Do whatever you want. Just try to—

    A sudden, sharp pulse of pain shot through his entire body. His head violently jerked back. Before he knew it, he felt himself swept off his feet and crashing hard on the mat. Then, he knew nothing.

    Shepard leaned heavily on his crutch all while trying to keep the pressure off his torso. The uncomfortable neck brace made his skin itchy in places he couldn't scratch, and the bandages around his chest made the hot days hotter. Though no official medical released had been signed, Shepard insisted on getting back to his battalion to teach that little bastard a lesson. He had never been so embarrassed, and the damage to the recruit's discipline, as well as to his own reputation, was severe.

    Tiny sat in an awkwardly shaped chair cleaning and polishing every boot in the base. The sun turned his skin red, and polish covered his hands. Still, the pain that bastard went through was nowhere close to being enough.

    When Lieutenant Westmen's special forces recruits marched by, Tiny looked up, his head turning as he stared at the progression.

    Shepard hobbled up to the table and picked up a boot, carefully scrutinizing the leather. Not a scuff mark on it. You missed a spot! Shepard threw the boot back in the dirty pile, then tipped the table over. Though the movement stung his chest and shoulder, his anger overrode the pain. Do it again. Do it all again and do it right this time!

    Tiny stared hard at him.

    You eyeballing me, boy? Shepard leaned forward, challenging Tiny's stare.

    Finally, the undisciplined recruit replied in a quiet, humbled tone, No, Drill Sergeant.

    Shepard stared hard at Tiny, closely looking over the red skin that already started to peel. Though he wanted this punk to pay, he knew if the captain saw Tiny in such a poor state, a possible court-martial would be in order. Take a few minutes and put some lotion on your skin, maggot. Be back in ten, then get back to work. He turned and slowly made his way toward the barracks. When he turned back, he saw Tiny staring at the Westmen's group. Shepard scoffed, then entered the air-conditioned building, getting out of the intense desert heat.

    Unable to run with his squad, Shepard sat in the back of an ATV, watching the recruits jog up and down the sand dunes. It was especially pleasing because the sun beat on Tiny's sunburnt skin, and knowing wind blew sand into his wounds. And if he couldn't teach Tiny respect and discipline, then turning the group against him would.

    Shepard called out, Come on, maggots! Don't make me come to you.

    Chubby had improved quite a bit over the many weeks they have been in his care, and the weight had gotten more manageable. Still, his lagging behind was inexcusable.

    Shepard had the ATV slow and pulled up beside Chubby. Move it. Keep up, shit head!

    The amount of moisture Chubby had dripping down his face and neck made it look like he just got out of the pool. He put everything he had into his training. Shepard silently commended his commitment and dedication. Still, he was out of breath and was barely able to reply.

    Y-Yes, Drill… Sergeant.

    Thank Tiny for your wonderful run in this cold afternoon. You should have checked to see if there were any spots in the bathrooms!

    Though recruits groaned, no one protested.

    A glance at Chubby showed that he was about to collapse. Shepard decided it was time for a break, but not before reaching the top of the dune. Okay, maggots. That's enough. He stopped the ATV, then hobbled out of his seat. Line up! It's time to hydrate. The driver got out and carried a large ice chest, staying a step behind Shepard. He reached down and grabbed water bottles from the cooler, handing them to each of his recruits. He took an extra moment when he got to Chubby. After nodding his approval, he gave him the bottle. Chubby gave a slight smile, grabbed the bottle, and put it on the back of his neck.

    When he got to Tiny, he paused, staring the little shit in the eyes. That cocky bastard hardly seemed out of breath, unlike everyone else. Shepard took a swig from the bottle, swished the cold water in his dry and sandy mouth, then spat it back into the bottle.

    Hydrate! Shepard ordered as he shoved the slosh in Tiny’s chest. He paced down the line of recruits as they drank. After a couple of minutes, the break was over. Present bottles!

    Each recruit held their arm out, showing empty bottles. All except Tiny, who hadn't touched his water.

    I said hydrate, maggot.

    The disgust in Tiny's eyes made the day in the heat worth it. When he brought the bottle to his mouth, each gulp was a forced swallow.

    That's right, boy. Stay hydrated.

    After Tiny finished the disgusting slosh, he presented the near-empty bottle. Only a thin part of spit and sand remained.

    Shepard grabbed the bottle, then showed it to the group. Bad news, maggots! He tilted it upside down, showing everyone the water that poured out. Tiny here didn't do as ordered. He tossed the bottle on the ground, then returned to the ATV. No more breaks until we're done! Move, maggots!

    After some glances toward Tiny from the squad, Shepard knew his plan was working. He can't punish Tiny, but the team will.

    When the squad finally returned to the base, the sun almost reached the horizon. Everyone looked exhausted and angry. That pleased Shepard. Tiny's squad hazing would be soon, and then he would be ready to be turned into a soldier.

    That's enough, maggots! Line up! Shepard stopped the ATV as Westmen's squad marched past. Probably to do the Hell's Bells obstacle course. Shepard smirked. The course itself was made ridiculously difficult. Almost impossible to complete in the time the base officers wanted.

    As his squad started to line up, many of them struggling to stay standing straight while gasping for breath, Shepard got up and began to pace. Get your smelly hides cleaned up! He noticed Tiny staring at the obstacle course. That was exactly what he was talking about—an evident lack of respect to superior officers. Tiny! That snapped the attention of the daydreamer. Time to clean the bathroom floors. And this time, don't miss a spot, or you and your squad will go for another stroll in the desert. The two stared at each other for a long moment, Shepard seeing the deep red on his face and neck. I can't hear you.

    Yes, Drill Sergeant.

    You're damn right. He took a step back to address the rest of his squad. Same time tomorrow, maggots. Dismissed! He turned and started to make his way into the cooled barracks, but not before hearing someone from his squad say, Thanks, asshole. Knowing that remark was directed toward Tiny, Shepard smiled.

    Before he went inside, he turned to see Tiny approaching Lieutenant Westman. That smug bastard was given an order to clean the bathrooms. Shepard grinned. This was the opportunity he needed to discipline the troublemaker properly.

    Just as Shepard started to make his way toward Westmen, Tiny took off toward the monstrous obstacle course.

    Lieutenant, Shepard said when he stood beside Westman.

    Sergeant, Westman replied. One of yours?

    Yes, sir. A stubborn troublemaker. Even now, he’s disobeying a direct order.

    The two watched Tiny as he made his way through the running tires and past the monkey bars. Tiny conquered one obstacle after another.

    Didn't you just come in from a run in the dunes?

    Yes, sir.

    Seems kind of cruel to have your crew run like that.

    "Necessary, sir.

    Tiny virtually leaped up the climbing wall and raced through the pitch-black crawlspace. Moments later, he popped out of the top from the climbing rope.

    Westmen rubbed his chin. He's making good time.

    Shepard didn't answer.

    Tiny passed people in front of him as he made his way through the course. Finally, he leaped down from the wall, then sprinted back, finishing with him standing attention before Shepard.

    Westmen didn't say anything. And though Shepard was impressed, he still hoped Westmen would permit a proper disciplinary action against Tiny.

    Fall in! Westmen called out. Immediately, the recruits from the obstacle course stopped what they were doing and made their way to line up in front of them. Some of you are still having problems with Hell's Bells. Remember, it's supposed to be hard. It's designed to test you both physically and mentally. Tomorrow, we do the second half. O-six hundred. Dismissed!

    Westmen turned and started to make his way back to the officer's barracks. When he figured Tiny wasn't going to be disciplined, Shepard turned and walked beside him.

    Did you need something, Sergeant?

    It was apparent that Westmen wasn't going to punish Tiny. It would have to be up to him. No, sir.

    Meet me in the lineup tomorrow morning. I'll need a second pair of eyes on the wall.

    It was a good sign to get a remark like that from Westmen. Yes, sir. I'll be there.

    A recruit ran past the two, catching Westmen's eye. Private Marshall, a word.

    Shepard went inside the officer's barracks, smiling. Tomorrow would be a good day.

    Sergeant Shepard walked out toward the obstacle course at the requested time to meet with Lieutenant Westmen. The sun wasn't quite above the horizon, giving the desert a dark blue hue. Even so early in the morning, without a wakeup call, it looked as if Westmen's squad lined up in front of the course. Westmen approached from behind, and the two reached the squad at the same time.

    Attention! Fall in.

    Like a well-oiled machine, the squad lined up in front of him.

    Westmen started to walk the line as he addressed his recruits. Today, we do part two of Hell's Bells! He stopped and looked at someone as if something was out of place.

    Shepard leaned to try to get a better idea of what was happening. There stood Tiny in line with the rest of the recruits.

    Son, you do know that this is the special forces unit?

    Yes, sir! Tiny answered with enthusiasm.

    Westmen glanced back to Shepard. Who did this punk think he was?

    After a brief pause, Westmen looked back to Tiny. So be it. Fifty push-ups. Go!

    The line went to their faces and started their warm-ups.

    Westmen approached Shepard. Start his transfer.

    Shepard was taken back but knew better than to question Westman. Yes, sir.

    Chapter One

    An explosion, then the sting of flying dirt and pebbles. A high-pitched ringing sounded in Jace's ears as he peered through the protective shield that was his arms. When the dust settled to let the intense light from the desert sun come through, he noticed the rock and sand wall in front of him was gone.

    With the ringing drowning out all of the noise around him, Jace gripped his rifle, reflecting on the decisions that led him to this point. His goal was to save humanity from The Evolved. Humanity. To him, that meant never taking the life of a human. Out of all of his missions months after graduating from bootcamp, this one may have him break his promise. That was something he felt he couldn't do.

    When he regained his senses, Jace pushed his back against the building he used for cover. The wall that had been in front of him couldn't have been destroyed by a grenade or artillery. The reports read the militia didn't have that kind of firepower. There must be Evolved somewhere, attacking with their uncanny abilities.

    He looked over to the rest of his small squad across the street. They too were huddled in a thin alley, taking cover from the militia fire. Unlike Jace, the alley they hid in had no escape.

    With his radio broken, Williams, the commanding officer of the squad, communicated to Jace via hand signals. You cover fire. We move.

    Jace nodded, then broke cover, staying low. Three easy targets presented themselves as he lifted his rifle. Human targets. Or at least human-looking. Until he was sure, he couldn't kill them.

    He fired a short burst just as one of the targets took cover. He aimed at a second, who used a bullet hole-riddled car to protect him. Before Jace could take the shot, the second target fired back. The small section of the wall inches away from Jace's face burst into pieces. A sharp sting came from his cheek, but he stayed focused. He returned fire, a three-shot burst, with each shot just close enough to scare the second target into hiding. He then shot up at the third, who hid behind a building.

    The suppressive fire was enough for his squadmates to make their move. One by one, they started to break cover to get to the other side of the street. Each of them fired wildly toward their attackers.

    Jackson, the last of his squadmates, fell to the ground. He didn't trip, but the pavement suddenly melted, turning to some sort of thick liquid. Even though he was only buried hand and foot deep, Jackson visibly struggled to get up. Slowly, he was being consumed by the now slush concrete.

    It was confirmed. Jace turned to call out at his commanding officer. Evolved!

    Williams turned around but was forced to take cover after some bullets blasted away at his surroundings. Pennington, call in the rain!

    Yes, sir! Pennington started to fiddle with his gear to grab his radio.

    Jackson’s wrist and ankles were buried. There was no more time to waste.

    Jace sprang from his cover while taking off his rucksack. Before he reached the edge of the tar-like substance, he leaped up, threw his backpack beneath him, and landed on his gear with a crunch. He gripped the collar of Jackson and pulled, his hands finally getting free from the trap.

    Williams shouted from Jace's left, Cover fire!

    Jace reached a hand out, crouching down to avoid getting shot. Give me your bag. He turned to look around, visually scanning the slightest nook and cranny for the familiar signs of the unnatural. He stopped his search when he felt the weight of Jackson's rucksack in his hand. Like his bag, Jace tossed it behind him into the liquid pavement. Stepping stones. Jace grabbed Jackson's extended hand and yanked him back to his feet. Come on. Leading the way, he and Jackson escaped the trap and made it behind cover.

    Before they could reach the alley, the area behind Jace exploded. He was launched to the side and on the ground, his cheek bouncing off the pavement.

    The muffled sounds of Jackson shouting were heard while Jace lay sprawled on the ground. Man down!

    After a moment, Jace looked up at the hostile militia. There were a lot of people coming. I'm alright. He gripped his rifle, then scuttled to a building doorway for cover. When he looked back to his squad, his heart sank. Jackson didn't mean him.

    Pennington lay on his side, splashes of blood pooling under him. His chest heaved up and down. He was still alive.

    Tims reached Pennington and drug him behind cover.

    Jace brought his rifle to his chest. You got him?

    Tims looked up and nodded. Yeah!

    Jace briefly wondered if the rain was called in, then peeked his head around the corner. More militia moved in. At this rate, he and his squad would be overrun. Once again, it was time for him to act.

    Jace broke cover and started his suppressive fire. Get out of here! I'll draw them off! When his clip clicked empty, he kicked the door open and stumbled in the house.

    A distant yell from Williams sounded while Jace started to make his way through the house. Negative, soldier! Get back here!

    Jace slapped a fresh clip into his rifle as he made his way up the stairs. The roof should provide him with ample cover while he warded off the militia and distract them enough for his squad to finish their retreat.

    Up the third flight of stairs he went to the top floor. His eyes were locked on the ceiling as he moved around the halls—no ceiling access. Jace bashed through a door that he figured would be a room that faced the road, then paused when he spotted a woman cowering in the corner of the sparse bedroom with her children—two girls. They visibly shook, the children whimpering and trying to stifle their tears.

    Jace put out a hand to try to calm the unfortunate family. Shh, it's okay. With that simple gesture, they huddled closer together. They were too scared. They didn't understand, and he didn't have the time to calm the family.

    He went to the window to scan the area. To his left at the center of the village where a huge well was, a dark plume of smoke covered the area. A smoke grenade. Good. They must be going to the safe zone. He looked up the street toward the enemy lines. More armed people were running toward him. One looked up at him and pointed, shouting something in a language he didn't understand. Three men ran into the building.

    Well, he did offer to be the distraction.

    Jace rushed to the door and put his back against the wall, holding his rifle to his chest. He closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. The civilians cowered in fear, and their breaths were heavy. More gunfire sounded from the outside. No explosions. No artillery, just like he suspected. Footsteps came from the stairway. He wouldn't have long before the three armed men were going to capture or kill him.

    He clenched his rifle and whispered to himself after an exhale, Never kill a human. Again, his resolve would be tested. This time though, it was close-quarter combat—Jace's favorite.

    The footsteps approached the room, and Jace opened his eyes. He swatted downward, using his rifle as a club, knocking the gun from the lead assailant’s hands. He stepped forward and grabbed the attacker's shirt to block the entry into the room and to prevent him from running away. The attacker responded with his fists—a right cross, and a left hook. Both were slow and clumsy.

    Jace bobbed and pivoted, his body effortlessly swerving out of the way from the awkward punches while keeping his arm extended to block any possibility of a ground grapple. Each movement threw the attacker off balance. After a dodge of an uppercut, Jace looked behind his attacker at the other two. They each had their weapons up but didn't fire. His plan went smoothly. They wouldn't shoot so long as he had his body shield.

    The other two started to approach with an arm extended, intending to break the grapple to get a clear shot. Jace let go of the shirt, then kicked the first guy hard in the abdomen. The attacker

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