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Unbox Your Life: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success (Positive Thinking Book, International Best Seller)
Unbox Your Life: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success (Positive Thinking Book, International Best Seller)
Unbox Your Life: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success (Positive Thinking Book, International Best Seller)
Ebook179 pages2 hours

Unbox Your Life: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success (Positive Thinking Book, International Best Seller)

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About this ebook

Easy to read and unconventional, it is part workbook, self-help, nonfiction, and narrative; it also features funny comics to illustrate how to:

  • Think in terms of chances and opportunities rather than problems and risks
  • Motivate yourself, forge your own path, and let yourself be guided by your dreams and vision
  • Seek out people who support you, let you grow, and move forward

The book is the perfect introduction to the world of personality development. You can consciously control and drive personal growth. Unbox Your Life is the guide to how everyone can take their life into their own hands and grow.

The book is for those willing to think outside the box and question the status quo. For those who hunger for “more” in life. For those have the feeling that they are different from the masses. For those who are ready to deal with their own lives.

Release dateMay 19, 2020
Unbox Your Life: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success (Positive Thinking Book, International Best Seller)

Tobias Beck

Tobias Beck flog aus dem Kindergarten, der Grundschule und 4 verschiedenen Gymnasien. Vom Flugbegleiter mit Lernschwäche zum Hochschuldozenten und, laut FOCUS: „Dem besten Speaker im deutschsprachigen Raum.“ Die WirtschaftsWoche schreibt über ihn: „Beck macht Edutainment, eine neue moderne Art des Lernens.“ Pro7 drehte mit ihm eine Reportage zum Thema Beliebtheit auf der Bühne und das ZDF betitelt ihn als den „deutschen Superstar der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung“. Beck’s Podcast schoss sofort auf Platz 1 der Charts. Hunderttausende schulte Beck bereits live, zudem vertrauen ihm Unternehmen wie Volkswagen, Ernst and Young, Bugatti und viele andere. Gleichzeitig lädt er Lehrkräfte regelmäßig kostenfrei zu seinem Speaking-Seminar ein. UNBOX YOUR LIFE, wurde in 19 Sprachen übersetzt und in 36 Ländern veröffentlicht. UNBOX YOUR RELATIONSHIP, wurde sofort zum SPIEGEL-Bestseller. UNBOX YOUR NETWORK, war schon vor Veröffentlichung in der 3. Auflage. Seine Freizeit verbringt er mit seinen beiden Kindern.

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    Book preview

    Unbox Your Life - Tobias Beck

    Copyright © 2020 by GABAL Verlag GmbH.Published by Mango Publishing Group, a division of Mango Media Inc.This translation published by arrangement with GABAL Verlag GmbH.

    Cover Design: total italic (Thierry Wijnberg), Amsterdam / Berlin Cover Photo: kucherav / Adobe Stock Layout & Design: Lohse Design, Heppenheim | and Roberto Nunez

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    Unbox Your Life!: Curbing Chronic Complainers, Living Life Liberated, and Other Secrets to Success

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2020933910 ISBN: (print) 978-1-64250-278-7, (ebook) 978-1-64250-279-4 BISAC category code: SEL016000, SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    A Letter from Tobias


    I’d Rather Not Engage in This Conversation

    What Gets You Out of Bed in the Morning? Find Your Passion!

    Mentors and Superstars

    What Are You Waiting For? Change Your Life

    Giving Back: The Four Categories and Happiness

    Everything Was Better Before!

    Programming Your Mirror Neurons: A Guide

    What’s the Point of It All?

    Don’t Ask for Permission

    Your Personal Environment and Your Growth

    The Magic Aquarium

    The Parachute

    You Are Not an Accident

    Diamonds Are Created Under Pressure—Just Like You!

    The Dalai Lama and the Great Mimimi

    My Journey to Within

    Past and Present

    Stay True to Your Path

    About the Author

    A Letter from Tobias

    From a young age, I had somehow found it hard to fit in. Even in kindergarten, Ms. Zenker had called my mother and instructed her to pick up [her] son immediately!

    What on earth could such a little boy do to be sent home? Well, I’d been sledding—like all the other students. However, after sliding down the mountain, contrarily to every other child who took their own sled and pulled it up again, I had five girls pull mine back up—with me still sitting in it.

    This was the first in a series of expulsions—another one in primary school, and five more in high school—until I was issued an official certificate for learning disability that granted me permission to be stupid. Failure became the story of my life, a story that was told to me so often by others that I began to believe it myself.

    The system didn’t want me. It chewed me up and spat me out again.

    After achieving poor results in my school exit exams, I became a flight attendant and later found myself, via a rather circuitous route, studying psychology. I wanted to find out what was wrong with me. Around the same time—call it coincidence—I ended up with a position in a telemarketing company, which also allowed me to discover some of my strengths. Talking was my thing. The system had never made that clear to me, but I found it out by myself—albeit after more than twenty years.

    I became my own guarantor of success, and built up relationships with over a thousand sales partners. Eventually, I became vice president of the company. I had a penthouse with a pool on the roof, a girlfriend who worked as a model, and a custom Mercedes SLK AMG, which I drove through the streets as if I were the king of Wuppertal.

    I really thought I had it all. And I did—until I didn’t.

    Mistakes were made and, after reaching the pinnacle of success, the empire I’d built collapsed within a week. My monthly salary and sales partners, my savings, my penthouse, my car, and, you guessed it, my girlfriend—everything was gone.

    Was that it? I asked, sobbing, sitting on the loft bed of my childhood bedroom. Above me hung the David Hasselhoff poster I had taped there as a child.

    With newfound modesty, I put myself to work. I slowly got to my feet and embarked on a personal journey to gain happiness and find out what success really means.

    I engaged in life-changing conversations with the giants of personality development: Tony Robbins, T. Harv Ekert, Les Brown, and many more. I did my training and put in the hours. I realized that we fight the way we do because we equate success with material goods.

    Moments, not stuff became my new motto. Changing lives instead of making money became my new mission. Giving back to society instead of taking became my new passion.

    From all the adventures, experiences, and conversations I’d had, I derived my personal life principles. As I did so, I found that more and more people approached me and wanted to hear about it. A number of these people encouraged me—or, more accurately, kicked my ass for weeks—until I sat down and finally put Unbox Your Life on paper.

    In my everyday life, I am a speaker, not a writer. As such, this book is authored in a rather cheeky, unconventional, and entertaining style. It is as far as you can get from literary perfection. Marcel Reich-Ranicki is probably turning in his grave.

    Unbox Your Life is bold. I am very much aware of how polarizing it might be. This book is intended to wake you up, scare you a little, and sensitize you. It is based on fifteen years of personal experience in the field of personality development and behavioral psychology. Under no circumstances does it claim to be technically correct.

    I have made it my mission to make as many people as happy and successful as possible. For me, chronic complainers, the people from whom we aim to free ourselves, are those who can never be happy and think the world is out to get them, despite having it relatively good. No matter your culture, skin color or creed: do not let the energy vampire in you gain the upper hand. Help those who are truly in need.

    For me, this is what Unboxing Your Life really means.


    On the plane to Munich, I glanced at the man sitting next to me and a pair of dead eyes looked back at me.

    The aircraft is always late on this route, he said.

    I’d only sat down a minute before, and I’d never seen this man in my life. Yet his words immediately made me want to ring the bell for the stewardess.

    You may be wondering why, so let me ask you this: Do you know people for whom everything is hard work? People who look for hair in their soup, who are too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, people who just know that the pharmacy leaflet heralds bad news, people who let small details ruin their day, and seem to exist merely to rain on your parade?

    Know what I mean? Great. And do you know what I call these chronic complainers? Well, read and learn.

    I pressed the button above my seat, and the stewardess appeared. What’s wrong? she asked me.

    There’s an energy vampire sitting next to me, I said.

    I registered the shock on her face. A what, please?

    An energy vampire, I repeated, without missing a beat. A few minutes later, I was assigned a new seat.

    Why did I go to this trouble? Well, because otherwise, my seatmate would have used the entire route from Frankfurt to Munich to tell me about how hard life is. That’s exactly what energy vampires do—and with great enthusiasm! I’m sure you’ve been in a situation just like mine: when you’ve wished you could just kick someone out of your personal space, so that positive energy could flow again. I’ve found out how best to keep these downers at bay—and you’re welcome to follow my approach in the future.

    Let’s go back to the basics for a moment and define what energy vampires actually are. Energy vampires are people who Google diseases out of boredom. Energy vampires live according to the lunar calendar and look to the changing of the weather to explain their health complaints. Energy vampires get upset that they cannot rotate the square in Tetris. When energy vampires talk about goals, they’re referring to what they intend to do after work. When they talk about long-term goals, they mean the weekend—and then they get upset that the day between Saturday and Sunday is missing.

    In and of itself, the fact that these people spend their lives

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