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Heart Of The Raven
Heart Of The Raven
Heart Of The Raven
Ebook223 pages3 hours

Heart Of The Raven

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Heath Raven had secluded himself away from the world for years, but his self-imposed isolation had not stopped him from fathering a child. Desperate to locate the missing newborn, he hired private investigator Cassie Miranda, a smart, sultry woman who fueled his long-denied desires.

Cassie tried to keep things between her and Heath strictly professional, but after she found his son she couldn’t bear to leave their side. And soon they formed a unique family with a deeper connection neither had believed possible. Yet just as she was getting to the heart of the raven, a startling truth was revealed, one that could send Heath back to his cave...and cause Cassie a crushing heartbreak.

Release dateAug 1, 2014
Heart Of The Raven

Susan Crosby

Susan Crosby is a bestselling USA TODAY author of more than 35 romances and women's fiction novels for Harlequin. She was won the BOOKreviews Reviewers Choice Award twice as Best Silhouette Desire and many other major awards. She lives in Northern California but not too close to earthquake country.You can check out her website at

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    Heart Of The Raven - Susan Crosby


    "I admit I didn’t expect a professional appearance, but I thought at least you’d be clean."

    The crisp voice crawled like ice down Addy’s spine, drawing her up straighter with each word. Pride and irritation kept her from turning around to respond to the man who’d walked into the law office behind her.

    She brushed a hand reflexively over her filthy blue jeans. No sense even trying to straighten her ratty curls. Running her fingers through her hair wouldn’t remove the caked mud, although, according to the mirror in her pickup truck, she was fairly sure she’d managed to pick out all of the twigs. The rest of her muck-covered body was definitely a lost cause.

    I told your assistant this was a bad time for me, but she insisted this was the only appointment you had available.

    Sharp footsteps on the worn linoleum floor allowed her to pull her body to the side, avoiding the man’s passing. As he moved to stand behind the scarred wood desk, she got her first glimpse of the man who’d been leaving increasingly irritated messages on her answering machine over the last month.

    She wondered if Mr. Spencer Reed ever cut himself on the sharp creases in his pants. Certainly the suit he wore as if it had been hand sewn for him by a London tailor was worth more than her entire wardrobe. Even his horn-rimmed glasses looked more stylish than anything she’d ever owned. Ignoring the demon in her mind that whispered of a blond Christopher Reeve in Clark Kent mode, she let her gaze roam casually over his face and body in a manner calculated to return insult.

    Dark blond hair waving in deliberately casual disarray indicated an excellent barber. His cheekbones screamed good breeding, and that firm mouth surely never uttered words unless it was to bend courts and clients to his will. The emotionless ice-blue gaze made it difficult to look away. She reminded herself that she’d always found her family’s uniformly dark eyes to be warm and welcoming. This man, she thought, was easily summed up by a few of her least favorite words.

    Slick. Cultured. Upper-class.

    Because she couldn’t stomach hypocrisy, even her own, she admitted that a couple more words could be added to that list. Compelling. Coolly handsome. The seduction of assurance. If he bothered to turn on the charm, she’d probably be a lost cause.

    The mismatch of his appearance with the ratty look of his office momentarily sparked her curiosity. Mr. Sharp-Dressed Man just didn’t fit in with these worn and tatty surroundings. She forced herself to ignore the temptation to speculate on his circumstances.

    The trust fund on legs was still speaking. She dragged her attention back, annoyed further that he seemed to take no notice of her rudeness.

    I am very busy, and most people find ten o’clock to be a perfectly civilized hour for a business meeting.

    I’m not most people.


    Addy kept a throttling grip on her temper. She wished she possessed the same control over the flush she felt heating up her cheeks. Her awareness of being inappropriately dressed combined with his implication that his time was far more valuable than hers had kindled a fire of embarrassment and anger that she knew he read on her face.

    Listen, Mr. Reed. You called. I came. What’s so important I had to interrupt my job for you?

    Your job. Would that be ladies’ mud wrestling?

    Her vision blurred. Addy was dimly aware that she might have spit at him in her struggle to get the sharp-edged words out fast enough. She glanced at his stunned silence then grabbed the closest solid object. Only his quick grip on her arm stopped her from pitching his etched-marble nameplate at his elegant face.

    I’m sorry. The words took a long moment to penetrate the haze of her anger. I’m sorry. That was completely uncalled for and very unprofessional. I’ve had a long, frustrating morning, but that is no excuse for taking out my bad temper on you. Can we begin again? I’m Spencer Reed. Would you care for a cup of coffee?

    His outstretched hand across the desk was meant as a peace offering, she supposed. And the lopsided grin was meant to be soothing. She managed to keep her mouth shut, but enjoyed thinking about where he could stick his charm.

    Save it for someone you can still make a good impression on, she snapped. What do you want?

    He sighed and eyed her briefly over the tops of his glasses, as if debating whether to continue his apologies. She caught herself before she could ask him to take the glasses off so she could see if he looked as good without them as he did with them on. After a moment, he shrugged and lifted a stack of legal documents off the corner of his desk. With a gesture, he indicated the armchair facing the desk.

    Addy shook her head. Whatever business he had with her, she preferred to hear it standing. Getting cozy was not an option.

    I hope I’m not the bearer of bad news, he said slowly. Last month Mrs. Adeline O’Connell passed away in her sleep.

    A glancing wave of shock made her falter for a moment. Although she’d not seen the woman since she was a baby, Addy was her great-aunt’s namesake. She hadn’t known of her death. Carefully schooling her face to blankness, she replied briskly.

    My condolences to her family.

    You are her family. The stern look he shot at her felt like a scolding.

    Mr. Reed, the last time I saw my great-aunt, I was in diapers. I haven’t heard from her since, and I certainly don’t consider her a part of my family. She clipped the words out as she glanced at the men’s watch on her wrist. There was still time to return to her crew and try to clean up the disaster she’d left behind at the construction site.

    Perhaps you don’t. However, Mrs. O’Connell apparently considered you a part of hers. The reading of her will took place immediately after her funeral, and she has left you a significant bequest.

    With one hand, he plucked a document off the top of his stack and placed it on the desk in front of her.

    Is that what this is all about? Her astonished laugh echoed in the sparsely furnished room. I could have saved us both a lot of trouble if you’d bothered to mention that in your messages. She pushed the papers right back at him. I’m not interested in anything that woman wanted to give me.

    Don’t be too hasty, Ms. Tyler. Think of it as your Free Parking jackpot.

    It took her a moment to place the Monopoly reference.

    Oh, shut up. The words she’d repressed at the mention of Adeline O’Connell burst out of her like an erupting volcano. That woman treated my mother like dirt her entire life. She took pleasure in hurting people. Took pleasure in trying to make people feel ashamed of themselves. She grabbed her backpack from the floor, where she’d originally dropped it. I wouldn’t take anything of hers if you plated it in gold and tied it up with a pink ribbon. Thanks, but no thanks. I’m out of here.

    She swung the heavy pack on her shoulder and whirled to stalk out the office door. His footsteps followed hers more quickly than she would have expected.

    Ms. Tyler. Her name in his mouth rang with the command of an order to halt and his palm smacked against the door, holding it shut. She stopped with her hand on the knob, but refused to turn and face him. There is a monetary bequest of nearly fifty thousand dollars, and also a property.

    These words did move her.

    He was so close that her shoulder brushed against him as she turned. She was shorter, and resented having to look up at him. She also resented that being this close to him, closer than was comfortable, and knowing that his hand held the door shut behind her, was making her pulse race. She was dancing on a thin line between dislike and desire.

    Don’t insult me. She let the words drop like individual stones into a still lake. Your apology was not accepted and neither is hers. Not everyone can be bought.

    His lake-blue eyes narrowed and dropped as he tilted his head a little bit.

    You know, when you’re not behaving with all the polish of a truck driver, he said after a moment, you are quite unfairly beautiful.

    She pulled her shoulders back and turned her face away from him, all of a sudden sure that he would kiss her in a moment if she didn’t move. They stood frozen for silent seconds. She felt more than heard him exhale and realized she was holding her own breath as he dropped his hand from the door.

    The moment had passed, which allowed her to face him again.

    Don’t fool yourself, Counselor. I’m not for sale.

    With those words, she yanked the door open and slammed it behind her. The resounding crash she left in her wake was the most satisfying moment of her morning.

    She would have been even more pleased if she’d managed to shut the door before his parting shot chased after her.

    Everyone is for sale, Ms. Tyler, in my experience. Particularly women.

    In the parking lot outside the nondescript office building, she cranked the key in the ignition and pulled onto the street, tires squealing in sympathetic anger. She took the corners tightly and the straightaways at speed, with two monologues battling in her head. Her conscious mind bowed to her will, focusing on the difficulties she’d faced this morning with the clearly inaccurate geographic survey of her latest engineering project. The shopping center was a tricky design, involving floodplain issues that demanded absolute accuracy. Repeated problems had forced her to the drastic step of going out to the site herself with the surveyors and wading through the January snowdrifts. A heretofore unrecorded runoff stream, hidden under layers of Chicago winter snow, had landed her on her butt in cold, not-quite-frozen mud. She still blamed Mr. Spencer Reed for putting her in the position of embarrassing herself with his insistence on interrupting her workday.

    In contrast to her willed focus, her subconscious made clear her total lack of control, as thoughts of that man and his insulting offer continued to pop into her head throughout the day. During a meeting with one of her project managers, Addy caught herself comparing the brassy highlights of the man’s strawberry-blond mop to the rich, gold glints she remembered in Spencer’s hair. When she took a half hour to review a new proposal, the first residential property she’d been offered, she blinked herself out of a fantasy that the property Reed had mentioned might be a house as intriguing as the one she was being asked to work on. Even her lunch break was interrupted by constant thoughts of the witty, sarcastic comebacks she imagined herself using on the attorney in a world where her off-the-cuff remarks would outmatch his.

    Stop it. Just stop it. She crumpled up the remains of her Italian sub sandwich in its wrapper and pitched it neatly into the wastebasket in the corner of her office. I’m not interested in anything that man has to say.

    It was depressing, however, that Spencer was the first man in aeons to spark anything other than boredom in her. Not her type at all, but still…there was something about the arrogance, not to mention the body, the face and the very mussable hair, that made her want to get down on the floor and wrestle with him.

    She shook her head once and commanded her sex drive to sit down and shut up.

    And stop calling him Spencer, she berated herself. You don’t call your enemies by their first names.

    Adeline Tyler, don’t you dare tromp through my house in those mucky boots! Get back out on the porch.

    Her mother’s voice came rocketing out of the house before Addy had edged more than the toe of one boot over the threshold of the front door. By the time she bent down to begin unlacing her undeniably filthy boots, Susannah Tyler was planted firmly in the doorway, barricading the entrance until the offending articles were removed.

    When the freezing air hit her toes, Addy realized that even her socks were soaked.

    Hi, Mom, she said, and stepped into the welcoming embrace, returning it with a fierceness that had her mother narrowing her eyes in concern.

    Hi, yourself. The concern switched gears as Susannah noticed the debris that had transferred to her own neatly pressed blouse and jeans. Maybe I should take the rest of your clothes while we’re at it.

    I’ll take you up on that, but can I come inside first? Addy asked, grinning, as she swung her mother gently around by the shoulders and stepped into the warmth of her childhood home. The boots, she left on the porch.

    Get in, get in. Her mother handed Addy a pair of slippers as she hustled her into the guest bathroom off the hall, disappearing and then returning moments later with a thick terry bathrobe. Good Lord, girl. What happened to you?

    Ladies’ mud wrestling, she answered with a laugh, and stripped out of her clothes. Her mother accepted them gingerly with one hand. The bathrobe felt wonderfully clean. It’s my new career.

    And to think we could have saved all that money on your college tuition, her mother called as she headed back toward the kitchen. There’s coffee on, if you want some before you take a hot shower.

    Absolutely. She stepped into the sheepskin-lined slippers and followed her mother to the rear of the house. Through the smattering of architectural courses she’d taken for her own pleasure on her way to attaining a degree in civil engineering, she knew that her family’s home was a perfect example of the Chicago bungalow, one of thousands clustered around the city. But in her heart, the house was unique. She’d spent two-thirds of her life in this house and now, as she did each time she came home, she walked slowly through the rooms, pausing in each one to savor the memories evoked by every square foot of space.

    And the photographs. Nearly every table, most of the walls, any shelf with a spare inch of space on its ledge, held collections of the pictures that tracked the Tyler family in their continuing lives. Maxie in fabulously outrageous Halloween costumes. Tyler, two seconds before carrying out his threat to tackle the photographer. Herself, Sarah and her mother caught off guard in dozens of moments.

    Most of all, though, what caught her were the pictures of her father. Michael McKinley Tyler had been killed in a car accident when Addy was eight years old. Maxie hadn’t even been born yet. Addy knew she was the only one of his four children who could remember him clearly, remember his wickedly flashing dark eyes and the music he could pour out of his saxophone like a liquid-gold rain in their small living room. So she took special pleasure in the recognition that flowed warmly through her with every picture of his smiling face.

    Hi, Daddy. She blew a kiss at a photo of her father wailing away on the sax in the smoky darkness of a jazz club. Having greeted the house, she followed the dark aroma of French roast to the kitchen.

    Still the same as you remember? her mother asked as she cracked the oven door and peered inside. Two mugs waited, steaming, on the butcher-block table.

    Addy wrapped cold hands around the heavy ceramic mug and inhaled deeply, drawing in the rich scent. She’d first tasted coffee the day she turned six and the only thing she’d wanted for her birthday was to be allowed to watch her dad play with his band. Perched sleepily on a chair in the corner of the club, up far past her bedtime, waiting for the late set to start, her mother had let Addy sip a milky café au lait to stay awake. Smoke, jazz and coffee were inextricably linked for her from that night on.

    I think I’d run screaming out the door if you ever redecorated.

    Your brother and sisters would have me committed. But before they invade, how was your day? Other than finding your true career path in mud wrestling, that is.

    Disturbing. Her mother’s raised eyebrow encouraged her to continue. Addy bit her lip and tried to find the right words for her questions. In the end, the simplest way seemed best. Mom, did you know that Great-Aunt Adeline died?

    Susannah briefly closed her eyes and dropped her head beneath the light of the stained-glass lamp hanging above the table. When she looked back at Addy, her eyes, and her words, were calm. Measured. Yes, I’d heard.

    Why didn’t you tell us? Tell me? If she hadn’t known, Addy was sure her siblings were equally in the dark.

    Her mother paused before speaking.

    You wouldn’t even remember meeting her. You were just a baby. But I used to send her pictures of you. Your brother and sisters, too, but I always hoped she’d feel some kind of bond with you at least. Since you were named for her. She shrugged. I honestly didn’t think you would even hear about it.

    Surprise, surprise, Addy murmured, mostly to herself.

    Who told you?

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