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What Not To Bare
What Not To Bare
What Not To Bare
Ebook337 pages5 hours

What Not To Bare

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In Megan Frampton's witty historical romance, a woman is judged by her gown, and a man by his reputation—until both are shed in one sexy moment of seduction.

Lady Charlotte Jepstow certainly knows how to make an impression—a terrible one. Each one of her ball gowns is more ostentatiously ugly than the one before. Even she has been forced to wonder: Is she unmarried because of her abysmal wardrobe, or does she wear clashing clothing because she doesn't want to be pursued in the first place? But when Charlotte meets Lord David Marchston, suddenly a little courtship doesn't sound so bad after all.

David will be the first to admit he's made some mistakes. But when he gets yanked from his post by his superiors, he is ordered to do the unthinkable to win back his position: woo his commander's niece. If David wants his life back, he must use his skills as a negotiator to persuade society that Charlotte is a woman worth pursuing, despite her rather unusual "flair" for color. But David does such a terrific job that he develops an unexpected problem, one that violates both his rakish mentality and his marching orders: He's starting to fall in love.

Release dateJun 9, 2020

Megan Frampton

Megan Frampton writes historical romance under her own name and romantic women’s fiction as Megan Caldwell. She likes the color black, gin, dark-haired British men, and huge earrings, not in that order. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and daughter.

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Reviews for What Not To Bare

Rating: 4.294117647058823 out of 5 stars

85 ratings3 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a great read with delightful and funny characters. The author's wit adds a touch of corniness to the story, but overall it is enjoyable. However, some readers feel that the plot development falls short. Despite this, the book is recommended."

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Needs plot development
    Had the makings of a great book but falls short badly. Charlotte is fun. The best part of this book.are the multitude oxymorons the author uses.


    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very sweet and intense love story about two different people

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The author is very witty … her characters are delightful and funny. Sometimes her wit overflows which makes the story a bit corny…overall, a great read.

    2 people found this helpful

Book preview

What Not To Bare - Megan Frampton

What Not to Bare

Dear Ladies:

Your usual columnist has departed for more fashionable shores, leaving you in my somewhat less-than-capable hands. But let me assure you that my primary concern is to keep you fashionable, no matter how many puce prints and overflowing bodices I need to examine in the course of my work.

Let us tackle the first topic right away, then, shall we?


A lovely color; the color of sunshine, butter, lemons, daisies, buttercups; also the color of jaundice and yellow fever, but those are not germane to our discussion.

Yellow, my ladies, is not a color to be wielded lightly, no matter how bright it is. In fact, its very brightness should deter you from wearing it. Bright, bright yellow looks good on no one. Let me repeat: BRIGHT YELLOW LOOKS GOOD ON NO ONE.

If you must wear yellow, make it the palest shade possible, and do not wear it if you have a sallow complexion. You will just look ill, not fashionable, and gentlemen will naturally stay away.

Unless you wish the gentlemen to stay away—and we cannot fault you, can we, they can be most unpleasant at times—wear only the most particular shades of this most lovely color.

Thank you,

The Fashionable Foible

Chapter 1

Write your column? Charlotte looked at her friend in disbelief.

It is only for a few months while I am with my sister; the way she’s acting you’d think women had never had children before. And during the Season, too! How inconsiderate can one sister be? Emma rolled her eyes as though to express her feelings, but her tone belied her exasperation—Emma loved her older sister and would do anything for her. Even leave London in the midst of the Season.

Charlotte, on the other hand, wasn’t leaving anywhere until she got some food. The Davenhams’ evening entertainment included all of their daughters, one of whom had enacted precise tableaux inspired by Gibbons’s Decline And Fall of the Roman Empire. All six volumes.

Charlotte had contemplated eating her shoe around the Roman conquest of the Franks.

And just as she was about to sit down at the table with her small plate of food, her best friend Emma had bustled up, grabbed her, and informed her she would be writing Emma’s fashion column while Emma was away from London.

This, Charlotte knew, was the most ludicrous idea ever imagined. Even worse than Miss Davenham’s Viking song. Who knew those fur-clad Northern Europeans could be so . . . jolly?

But Emma, she replied, spreading her hands out to indicate her gown, I know nothing about fashion. Less than nothing. Look, she said, pointing to her shoes. I somehow thought purple slippers would go perfectly with my yellow evening gown.

Not to mention those red squiggly things wandering randomly through the fabric, Emma said, touching one of the offending stripes And that yellow! It looks like jaundice! What were you thinking? Emma had never been shy about offering her opinion of Charlotte’s use of color.

Charlotte groaned. I was thinking it looked lovely! Instead, when I came downstairs, my mother’s mouth opened and closed like a dying fish, and she made me come into the ballroom five minutes later than she did so no one would think she had anything to do with my gown. She shook her head. Honestly, Emma, I have no fashion sense. Less than none. I am negative in the fashion-sense area. She swallowed. You have heard the nickname I’ve gotten, haven’t you? The Abomination.

She’d almost come to believe her own words. If only so many hadn’t discussed—at length—just how rich she was, she wouldn’t have to indulge her most far-fetched visions of dress.

But they had, and so she did. Hence her reputation, which kept nearly everyone but Emma safely away. And Emma did not wish to marry her, thank goodness.

Emma patted her arm in sympathy, and Charlotte felt momentarily guilty at fooling her friend. Her friend with the loose tongue. I am sorry. But, Emma continued, I don’t care. Charlotte stopped feeling guilty entirely.

She spoke in that decisive tone Charlotte knew only too well. It meant Emma’s mind was made up, whether she’d decided to hatch a chicken egg in her bedroom, ask the Prince of Wales to marry her, or run for the title of Most Beautiful Emma in London.

That last one had the best chance of happening, since so many young men of the ton were enthralled with Emma’s blond tresses, limpid blue eyes, and deliciously tiny figure. Plus she was named Emma, so that was a good start.

Nothing like Charlotte’s own brown hair, equally brown eyes, and a figure her mother euphemistically referred to as healthy. Which was in danger of being less healthy if she didn’t get something to eat soon. Not to mention her name, which always sounded to her like an elderly aunt who smelled of old mint, unlike Emma’s, which rang like a gentle tinkling bell in one’s ears.

Fine, then. When do you leave town? Charlotte plunked her plate on the table and sat. Damned if Emma was going to make her miss her dinner.

Emma took the chair next to hers and beckoned a footman over. Could you bring me a chocolate ice, please? Perhaps that was how Emma kept her trim figure—she just skipped the main course and went straight for the treats.

The Davenhams were wealthy—and not shy about showing it—so they always provided the most decadent refreshments at their parties. Keeping ices cold for several hours was an impressive way of demonstrating the depth of one’s bank balance. It was a tactical move, since the Davenhams did indeed have so many daughters to marry off. And it would take a lot of ice to get a gentleman to take on the history-minded Davenham. She rather looked like some sort of prehistoric snow dweller, Charlotte thought. Perfect for an ice enthusiast.

I leave tomorrow. And normally I have a few columns in reserve, but I got behind. You’ll have to start writing it immediately. Emma picked up her spoon and took a delicate bite of the ice. As though she hadn’t just blown Charlotte’s world apart into little, fashionable bits.

Immediately? Charlotte shrieked, albeit quietly. As loud as her clothing was, Charlotte had no wish to draw attention to herself. Plus she knew her mother would spend an extra half an hour in addition to her normal lecture at the end of the evening if Charlotte caused people to stare. More than her outfit warranted, that is.

Yes. That is why I insisted you come to the Davenhams tonight, so I could help you with what you need to do. It’s really quite simple.

Simple if you have a sense of style, Charlotte thought to herself. Even now, Emma couldn’t help but look beautiful—her gown, a pale-cream color, was accented with pink ribbons just under the bosom. If Charlotte had worn it, she would have added several dozen more ribbons, preferably in varying hues, her favorite pair of red gloves, and perhaps some feathers in her mousy-brown hair.

She knew she looked garish, but even beyond wanting to keep certain types away, she just . . . liked looking that way, despite her mother’s despair. Perhaps because of her mother’s despair? Her mother had long ago washed her hands of Charlotte, sartorially at least, since she could only control so much of what her daughter did.

Besides, Charlotte reasoned, as she always did when she ran through the argument in her head, she wanted to be liked for who she was, not what she wore. Or how much money she had. Which, thanks to her favorite (and now late) great-aunt, was a substantial sum.

That Charlotte hadn’t yet found a husband—even with as much money as she had—was her mother’s Cross to Bear, something she reminded Charlotte of daily. And sometimes nightly.

But no matter how much her mother begged, Charlotte couldn’t resist an item of clothing if it was loud. Preferably screaming. Dressing as she did was a type of disguise, a protection against anybody who might try to infiltrate her defenses for the wrong reasons.

Her mother didn’t understand Charlotte’s explanation, didn’t understand Charlotte at all, but she was determined to Bear her Cross until her daughter was wedded.

While Charlotte waited for someone to brave her defenses, so she could be certain she was loved for herself.

Meanwhile, Charlotte attended every event her mother asked her to, knowing full well that the man who would seek her out for herself was an unusual, special man.

Because she was an unusual, special woman.

Who liked to wear unusual, special clothes.

And then you turn in your article every Thursday, by two o’clock at the latest. I can send the address ’round to you tomorrow, she heard Emma say. Have you even been listening? her friend asked in an annoyed tone.

Uh . . . well, Charlotte began.

Marchston! her mother said in a voice loud enough to silence the room, holding her hand out to a gentleman who’d just arrived. Charlotte’s eyes slid over to see whom her mother was speaking to, and then she felt her knees buckle. And her toes tingle. And a slow curl of something swirling through her body. And it wasn’t her dinner.

THIS WAS QUITE POSSIBLY the most boring evening he’d spent since he’d had his first drink, David thought as he walked into the room. The same dull people gossiping about other dull people, the same petty intrigues and scandals only obfuscating the inevitable ennui that enveloped every member of Society within a few years.

No wonder he’d bought a commission so many years ago. Yes, there was the threat of dying, but at least he wasn’t bored. After he’d gotten injured, he and his bad leg had been assigned to India, where he’d handled delicate negotiations between the government, the company, and the local princes. Not to mention breaking more than a few hearts.

When his leg had healed enough for him to return to England, he’d discovered he’d rather stay, having found something that kept his boredom entirely at bay.

It was unfortunate for him, then, that the most recent heart he’d broken had belonged to a very important general’s wife. Coming back to England had been his only choice; that had been made very clear.

So he’d donned his knee breeches, stuck a neck pin into his cravat, and strolled right back into the same dull environs he’d left ten years ago. All of it had changed, and yet nothing seemed different.

The Countess of Jepstow was still here, wearing the result of ten years of pastries, and a tired feather bobbing from her hair like a becalmed sail. The warm look she gave him was a familiar one; he’d been getting such looks from ladies since he had turned eighteen and grown to over six feet in height.

My lady, he said, taking her hand and bowing over it, barely grazing her skin with his lips. She tittered and squeezed his fingers as he met her gaze.

And so the rogue has returned. It is wonderful to have you back. London has been such a bore since you left.

I can see that, David thought. Surely not with you here, my lady. His reply was automatic. Ladies flirted the same way the world over, no matter what color their skin or what rank they held.

You are too kind, my lord, the countess said, eyeing him as if he were a piece of meat on display at the butcher’s. She glanced over his shoulder and narrowed her lips into a thin line. Oh, of all the—

David turned and looked, too, and was rewarded with a glimpse of the most goddess-like creature he’d seen since his return. And not one of those mean goddesses, either; an Aphrodite renowned for her beauty, not a Juno famous for her temper.

My daughter, my lord, the countess said, her tone revealing clear frustration.

The countess’s daughter? That lovely creature seated at the table, spooning some sort of fairy food into her delicious mouth? David had forgotten just how lovely the classic English rose could be. He turned to the countess. He almost felt sorry for her, having a daughter with those looks. The comparisons would be inevitable.

Please do me the honor of an introduction, my lady. Unwed girls were out of David’s usual stalking area, but at the very least, he wanted a closer look. He wouldn’t risk any kind of entanglement, but a flirtation might lessen his boredom.

Of course. Her words were clipped. She walked to the table and made a demanding gesture. Charlotte, my dear, Lord David Marchston would like to make your acquaintance. Please come here.

David stood beside the countess, keeping his eyes on the countess’s daughter.

And almost missed, therefore, when another woman rose and walked toward them.

CHARLOTTE NEARLY FELL off her chair when her mother spoke. As though she and the chair weren’t already perilously close to parting ways, after her initial sight of him. He wanted to meet her?

She stood, surreptitiously holding on to the back of Emma’s chair to steady herself.

Lord David, her mother said, her eyes practically demanding Charlotte behave, may I introduce my daughter, Lady Charlotte Jepstow. Charlotte, this is Lord David Marchston.

Charlotte held her hand out to him. He took it and bowed over it briefly while Charlotte tried to calm her breathing.

He was more stunning the closer he got. From far away, of course she’d noticed his commanding presence and brooding good looks; he’d walked into the room as if he owned it, his height and dark hair making him stand out from the shorter, lighter-haired men. Which were all of them. He was the darkest and tallest, and definitely the most handsome.

Up close, she could see that his dark eyes, which she’d assumed were brown, were deep blue, like a lake under a full moon. His hair was so dark brown as to be almost black. And his mouth, dear lord, his mouth was sinful to look at, with full lips curled into a knowing smile, which of course meant Charlotte couldn’t look away.

And he was speaking now, which meant she had to stare at his mouth, didn’t it? I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Lady Charlotte. Perhaps you would save me a dance for later this evening? His voice was low and husky, as though he’d recently recovered from a cough.

Charlotte wanted to giggle at the thought of offering him a poultice for his throat. Yes, of course, my lord. I would be honored. She stood silent, feeling as awkward as she ever had. What did a young lady say to such an impossibly handsome man? Goodness, you are lovely. Perhaps you would care to undress so I might compare you against all those statues my mother never wants me to see?

She felt her cheeks flush a bright red; unlike Emma, Charlotte didn’t develop a delicate, ladylike blush, but instead looked as though she’d been sticking her face directly into a blazing fireplace.

Oh, she said, remembering Emma, may I introduce you to my friend, Miss Emma Clarkson? She turned and smiled at Emma, who’d finished her ice and was dabbing at her mouth with a white linen cloth. Emma rose and walked around the table to the group.

Miss Emma Clarkson. Pleased to meet you. Lord David’s voice sounded even deeper now, and there was a different tone to it. More intimate. He took Emma’s hand and held it for a moment, staring into Emma’s light-blue eyes.

For the first time in her life, Charlotte resented her friend’s beauty.

And then despised herself for it. Emma was nothing but a loyal friend, and she couldn’t help it that men tended to fall over their feet when they met her.

But still. Charlotte wished that, just once, a man would look at her with the same blend of longing, lust, and admiration she saw in Lord David’s expression.

A pleasure, my lord, Emma said. Have you just arrived in town?

He finally let go of her hand. If he’d held it any longer, he might have had to pay rent. Yes. I’ve been in India for the past few years.

India! Charlotte had always wanted to go there. Women there were allowed to wear colors as loud and garish as they wanted, she’d heard. There was the added bonus that her mother would never board a ship, so Charlotte wouldn’t have to hear about her failings. Or, scratch that, she would only have to hear about them via the post.

Where in India were you, my lord? Charlotte asked. Emma glanced quickly at her, approval warming her eyes. She was forever urging Charlotte to join in conversation.

Bombay. Have you been?

Charlotte flushed again as she met his gaze. One dark eyebrow was raised in a mocking disbelief—he was likely assuming she couldn’t possibly have gone to India. He probably doubted she’d ever left England.

Which she hadn’t, so he wouldn’t be entirely wrong. But she did want to travel. Didn’t that count for anything?

No, my lord, I have not. But I have read about it. Is it as hot as they say?

His eyes flicked between her and Emma. Yes, so hot you would not be able to wear half the clothing you ladies have on. He made it sound as improper, as he no doubt intended.

I have no desire to travel to India, or leave London at all, in fact, Emma replied in a grumpy voice that somehow still managed to be fetching. My sister demands my presence in Gloucester, my lord, and I do not wish to leave.

Did he exhale in disappointment? Probably; most men did much worse when they heard Emma was leaving their presence.

I am sorry to hear that, Miss Clarkson. My London acquaintance will therefore be reduced by a third.

Surely you know more people than that, my lord, Charlotte’s mother interjected.

Lord David nodded in acknowledgment. Yes, but the crucial question is, how many of the people I know will admit to knowing me?

Charlotte’s mother giggled in reply, something Charlotte had never heard her do before.

I am sure anyone would be glad to know you, Charlotte thought to herself, peeking quickly at him. In a Biblical sense, if nothing else.

THE BLOND ONE WAS NOT the countess’s daughter. Pity. More of a pity that the blond one was leaving town while her friend remained in London. It was difficult to see what the countess’s daughter really looked like, she was garbed in such an outlandish—and unpleasant, actually—combination of colors and fabrics. How could the countess allow her to walk about looking like that?

She was asking him another question. Save him from inquisitive girls.

How many years were you in India, my lord? Her eyes, at least, were a lively brown, not nearly as dull as the mousy brown of her hair. And her mouth was wide, lush, and full, with a tantalizing mole at the corner. He felt an unexpected pang of interest.

Three. Before that I was billeted in France and Spain, until one of the enemy decided I should hop everywhere. He patted his thigh to indicate his injury.

Oh. Her eyebrows narrowed in concern. Were you badly hurt?

She was curious, wasn’t she? He loathed talking about himself. Do you want me to detail precisely where I was injured, my lady? he asked, his voice indicating clearly that he wished to drop the matter. Hopefully his bluntness would dissuade any further questions.

Instead, her expression brightened. Yes, I would be most interested.

Before David could reply, Miss Clarkson grabbed her friend’s arm and pulled her away. Excuse us, my lord, my lady, Charlotte and I need to repair my hem. Charlotte opened her mouth, presumably to argue, but Miss Clarkson had successfully wrenched her far enough away that it wasn’t possible to hear her words.

At least he got to watch Aphrodite retreat. That her friend was wearing clothing perhaps inspired by Bacchus’s worst revelry made it easier to keep his eyes focused on Miss Clarkson’s behind.

Lord David? The voice startled him. He turned to see one of the directors, Lord Bradford, from the Home Secretary’s office at his elbow. An older man, he was sharp and precise with his assignments, and David had thus far enjoyed working with him.

My lord, a pleasure. I didn’t realize you would be here. I had scheduled an appointment with you tomorrow.

I hadn’t planned on it, but then my sister insisted. You were just speaking to her—the Countess of Jepstow? He waited for David’s nod of assent before continuing. But since I am here, we can discuss what I had planned to talk about tomorrow—your next assignment.

David was very pleasantly surprised. Had he just been lamenting that he was bored? A new assignment would make his time in England that much more interesting.

Excellent. David took a glass of something light and sparkling from a passing servant. What is it?

He took a sip as Lord Bradford spoke. I wish you to court my niece.

David choked as the words penetrated his brain. Your—what?

Lord Bradford clapped him on the back. Breathe, my lord. Went down the wrong way, hm?

You could say that. You want me to marry your niece?

Now it was Lord Bradford’s turn to choke. No, not at all. Marry Charlotte? And make her return to India when you do? Her mother would kill me.

Now David was just confused. So what is it you wish me to do if not court her?

Lord Bradford nodded in enthusiastic agreement. Yes, that’s it.

Could his beverage have given him a headache this quickly? Because he felt entirely fuzzy. What is it?

Court her! Lord Bradford replied, as though it were entirely obvious.

Court her, David repeated. No, it didn’t make any more sense when he said it himself than when Lord Bradford said it.

Yes, she is a lovely girl, but not very popular. Lord Bradford leaned in to whisper into David’s ear. She’s on her third Season, and hasn’t taken. Some unpleasant people have dubbed her the Abomination, in fact.

It wasn’t hard to see why. If David weren’t so diplomatic, he might suggest to the lady’s uncle that perhaps his niece should try wearing clothing that didn’t threaten to permanently damage a person’s eyeballs. And you wish me to court her—but not marry her.

Lord Bradford positively beamed. Precisely! If you—forgive me for speaking plainly, but you are an attractive fellow—are seen to be paying attention to her, perhaps some of the other gentlemen will also.

This was not the kind of assignment David was accustomed to. Nor wanted.

In fact, paying marked attention to the Countess of Jepstow’s daughter made him feel as though he were being valued for his looks, not his brain. Something he’d fought ever since that growth spurt over ten years ago.

It had been a source of personal satisfaction, in fact, that he had applied for—and gotten—his current position without an in-person interview. He had been judged entirely on his merits, not on his visage.

I don’t wish to be rude, my lord, but—

Lord Bradford held his hand up. This is an order. You returned here with your reputation barely intact, is that not so? And while your work has been unexceptional, your behavior when not working has been a topic of some conversation.

David snapped his mouth shut. Damn. He was going to have to do this, wasn’t he? Or be in danger of staying in England permanently.

Lord Bradford continued. If you can keep yourself out of trouble for the remainder of the Season while paying attention to my niece—not too much attention, mind you, he said, narrowing his eyes in a pointed stare at David, we will be much more amenable to returning you to your post. But only if your assignment is successfully completed. Is that clear?

He didn’t have a choice, did he? He swallowed all the words he wished to say. Crystal clear, sir. Thank you. I will endeavor to perform the task to the best of my abilities.

Even if he was bored and blinded in the process.

IT IS TIME FOR OUR dance, is it not, Lady Charlotte? He

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