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Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective
Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective
Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective

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This report documents Sri Lanka's financial management systems covering budgeting, funds flow, accounting and reporting, and auditing systems. It provides insights into Sri Lanka's internal control systems, staffing resource capacity, and information technology structure. The intent is to give project teams and consultants a better understanding of the country's financial management systems to improve project preparation. Find out how high-quality financial management assessments support projects by identifying key risks and enabling the implementation of appropriate actions and reforms to mitigate those risks.
Release dateMar 1, 2018
Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective

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    Public Financial Management Systems—Sri Lanka - Asian Development Bank

    I. Introduction

    This report is designed to support fiduciary risk assessments of projects financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It provides information about Sri Lanka’s public financial management systems in funds flow analysis, accounting, and auditing and related matters that will be particularly useful to project officers as they process and implement ADB-funded projects. The information in this report may be advantageous in financial management assessments of executing and implementing agencies, as well as in the design of disbursement, reporting and auditing, and other financial management arrangements.

    Foreign aid to the Government of Sri Lanka can take the form of loans or grants. Loans can be either foreign loans to the government or guarantees by the government for foreign loans to public corporations and public enterprises. Whether the government decides to award a subgrant or to onlend for a proposed project depends mainly on the ability of the project to generate revenue. Subgrants finance the budget of government ministries, departments, and agencies. Subgrant funds are allocated through the central budget and do not have to be repaid by the project owner. In onlending, funds are loaned from the central budget, and the government enters into onlending agreements with the project owners, who must repay the loans. Guarantees to public corporations and public enterprises are considered off-budget items and are treated as contingent liabilities of the government.

    II. Key Players

    A. Ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs

    Department of External Resources

    The Department of External Resources (ERD) is the national counterpart of the development partners. It is headed by a director general, who is assisted by four addition directors general and eleven directors supervising 14 divisions, including an Asian Development Bank division. The ERD is mainly responsible for mobilizing and coordinating foreign development assistance. Its key functions are as follows:¹

    (i)Consulting with development partners to identify development assistance strategies and priorities.

    (ii)Coordinating the annual country aid programming activities of development partners in consultation with line ministries and agencies.

    (iii)Preparing project pipelines for foreign financing in consultation with line ministries, agencies, and the Department of National Planning (DNP) in line with the government’s Public Investment Program and its Economic Policy Statement.

    (iv)Coordinating the activities of donor missions from fact finding to appraisal.

    (v)Negotiating foreign aid and arranging for loan and grant agreements to be signed and to take effect, including negotiating loans with development partners and lending agencies; obtaining government approval and authority for the signing of agreements; signing subsidiary loan agreements with the implementing agencies; and fulfilling conditions before the loan agreements take effect.

    (vi)Overseeing the implementation of donor-funded projects by coordinating activities connected with review missions fielded by development partners and following up recommended actions; participating in steering committees set up by line ministries to monitor the implementation of foreign-funded projects; and reviewing the implementation of projects together with the development partners.

    (vii)Managing the government’s external debt database, the Commonwealth Secretariat Debt Management and Recording System, by maintaining the foreign loan and grant commitments, disbursements, and repayments database for various users such as line ministries, the Treasury, the central bank, and individual project offices; and providing information about foreign debt servicing to the superintendent of public debt, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).

    (viii) Arranging local bank financing for development projects in line with the government’s Economic Policy Statement.

    (ix)Facilitating the preparation of the government’s annual budget for each foreign-funded development project.

    Department of National Planning

    The DNP ensures that policies, action plans, programs, and projects formulated and implemented by various government agencies are within the bounds of the National Development Policy Framework and the medium-term macroeconomic policy framework. The DNP has the following key functions:²

    (i)Preparing long- and medium-term development plans and the Public Investment Program.

    (ii)Assisting line ministries and agencies in preparing sectoral plans, programs, and projects.

    (iii)Developing the macroeconomic policy framework and strategies.

    (iv)Reviewing economic development policies, strategies, and programs.

    (v)Appraising project proposals submitted by line ministries and agencies.

    (vi)Providing technical input in capital budget preparation.

    (vii)Preparing and updating the project pipeline.

    Department of Project Management and Monitoring

    The Department of Project Management and Monitoring monitors and evaluates the development projects and programs of the government, including projects funded by foreign development partners. The department obtains annual activity plans for the various projects from the respective executing agencies and reviews their progress (both major activities and financial progress) every quarter. Issues identified during the monitoring are discussed with the relevant ministries, development partners, and project staff for resolution. All steering committees for donor-funded projects include a representative of the government. The department also holds midyear meetings with donors (including ADB) to review portfolio

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