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Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft
Ebook619 pages7 hours

Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

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A history of the high-speed wooden aircraft—from bomber to fighter, to photographic and weather reconnaissance—from the author of B-17 Memphis Belle.
During the history of aviation there have been very few aircraft that have achieved immediate success when entering front-line service. The de Havilland Mosquito was one such aircraft. It was not designed to an RAF requirement, but was the result of an initiative of the designers and builders to utilize the skills of woodworkers and the relative abundance of wood in the crisis years of World War II. The result was an airplane that could be built quickly, was extremely fast and extremely versatile. The pilots loved it.
This book describes how it was built and utilizes many hitherto unpublished photographs from the design studio and production lines. It illustrates and explains the many different roles that the aircraft took as the war progressed. Fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, night fighter there were few tasks that this brilliant design could not adopt.
“To most Britain at War readers, the de Havilland Mosquito needs little introduction. Dramatic as such low-level attacks were, there is, as Graham Simons reveals in this latest insight into a remarkable aircraft, far more to the wartime service of the ‘mossy.’”—Britain at War
Release dateMar 19, 2011
Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

Graham M. Simons

Graham M. Simons is a highly regarded Aviation historian with extensive contacts within the field. He is the author of Mosquito: The Original Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (2011), B-17 The Fifteen Ton Flying Fortress (2011), and Valkyrie: The North American XB-70 (also 2011), all published by Pen and Sword Books. He lives near Peterborough.

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    Mosquito - Graham M. Simons



    Throughout the history of aviation there have been very few aircraft designs that have achieved immediate success when entering front-line service. The de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito was one such machine: it proved to be a winner from the start.

    The concept of an unarmed wooden bomber possessing the performance to out-fly all contemporary fighters originated in a progressive company, blessed with a design office made up of extremely gifted designers and highly talented engineers. All were prepared to demonstrate supreme faith in their ideas and incorporate into them a far-sighted understanding of the forthcoming conflict that was unmatched by others. Their efforts resulted in a completely radical private venture design, totally against the thinking of many members of the Air Ministry who were only prepared to consider metal machines bristling with defensive armament.

    The battle to get the design into production continued until the last few days of 1939 when, due to the foresight and support of Sir Wilfred Freeman - the Air Council’s Member for Research, Development and Production - a single machine was sanctioned as a light bomber with the ability to carry a 1,000 lb bomb load over a range of 1,500 miles. Such was the drive and determination within the company, that less than eleven months later the prototype Mosquito took to the air.

    Flight tests soon established the machine as the world’s fastest operational aircraft, a distinction that the type enjoyed for the next two and a half years. Being small and with the manoeuvrability of a fighter, the Mosquito was rapidly developed into a multi-purpose aircraft, a factor which allowed an increased economy of tooling in the factories of Britain, Canada and Australia. The bomber version increased its load and was eventually able to carry a single 4,000 pound ‘Blockbuster’ bomb, two ‘Highball’ bouncing bombs or a myriad of other explosive stores. It could also be used as a specialized target-marker from almost ground level to six miles high.

    Although originally conceived as an unarmed bomber, fighter variants were rapidly developed. Armed with four 0.303 inch machine-guns in the nose and four 20mm Hispano cannon under the cockpit floor, the Mosquito took on the role of night-fighter defence of Great Britain during 1943. With minimal modification, the basic airframe was adapted to take airborne radar, thereby creating a formidable night-fighter version that prevented virtually any night intrusion by the enemy. Mosquitos had accounted for nearly 660 enemy aircraft destroyed by the end of November 1944 and brought down over 600 flying bombs during the first 60 nights of this new threat. The aircraft’s armament became increasingly sophisticated: rocket projectiles slung under the wings allowed the Mosquito to pound ships, U-boats, harbour installations and other ground targets; and one variant was equipped with a 57mm cannon which automatically fired a six pound shell every one and a half seconds.

    A combination of the two main aircraft requirements resulted in the creation of the fighter-bomber in 1941, a variant which was used extensively against the V-weapon sites and was later active in support of the D-Day landings. Of the more bizarre tasks performed, was that some machines were supposed to have delivered beer to the invasion beachhead!

    Towards the end of the war the Mosquito was given a hook and folding wings to become the world’s first twin-engined deck-landing aircraft - along with the ability to carry a eighteen-inch torpedo. The Mosquito was also the Allies’ only real and effective long-range photo-reconnaissance and weather-reporting aircraft. It photographed and surveyed the whole of Europe to the borders of Russia, along with much of Africa and Asia. Urgent combat requirements consistently led from variant to variant as the war progressed. During the latter stages of the production run, the Air Ministry changed the mark designation system from Roman to Arabic, producing a much clarified system. However, in the interest of historical accuracy, both systems are used throughout this book.

    From bomber to fighter, to photographic and weather reconnaissance, and also as a high-speed emergency airliner, the Mosquito airframe was easily modified to suit all needs. The combination of a superb airframe structure, coupled with a parallel effort to increase the power of the Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, meant that no matter what the requirement, whether it be increase in weight, or change in equipment, the DH.98 design could accommodate it; it was truly a multi-role combat aircraft.

    This book takes the reader from conception - including the thinking behind the project - through the somewhat protracted birth and on into the development of what must be one of the most versatile aerial weapons systems ever devised.

    This edition is not so much a revision as a ‘jack up the title and slide a new book underneath! The original 1990 book had been written to a much larger size, but was edited down to suit that publishers requirements. This edition has restored the work to its original what it was supposed to be and then revised to bring things up to date with current research.

    Throughout the book the reader should be aware that ‘de Havilland’ refers to the man - either Captain (later Sir) Geoffrey or his son Geoffrey Jnr, whereas ‘De Havilland’ refers to the company.

    It also should be understood that as the subject of this book covers a time frame from the late 1930s through to the 1950s when Imperial dimensions was the standard unit of measurement in use, so those are the figures used. This means that if a statement of ‘a range of 3,000 miles with a 4,000 lb bomb load’ is used, it makes much more sense than the ridiculous-looking metric equivalent of ‘a range of 4828.032 kilometres with a 1814.369 kilogram bombload’.

    For those wishing to convert:

    1 inch = 25.4 millimetres

    1 foot = 0.3 metres

    1 mile = 1.6 kilometres

    1 pound = 0.45 kilograms

    1 Imperial gallon = 4.54 litres


    ‘Germany is already well on her way to becoming, and must become, incomparably the most heavily armed nation in the world and the nation most completely ready for war... We cannot have any anxieties comparable to the anxiety caused by German rearmament’.

    So spoke Winston Churchill when addressing the House of Commons on 21 October 1933. Churchill may have over-estimated Hitler’s readiness for war at that time, but he had correctly judged the scale of things to come.

    At the end of World War One the Royal Air Force was, without doubt, the most powerful air arm in the world, but within a few short years it had shrunk to a shadow of its former self. Re-trenchment was the order of the day. In addition, the RAF suffered from internal battles to decide its exact composition; these in turn created a lack of urgency to modernize and rearm. The League of Nations disarmament commission, which had begun work in 1925, did little to help matters by conducting a series of unsuccessful negotiations which dragged on until 1933 and contributed to the negative mood pervading the Air Force. A change of mood from 1934 onwards brought forth a series of RAF expansion plans, each one quickly overtaking the previous plan, after the Air Ministry discovered that both the quality and quantity of its aircraft were generally below international standards, with many of the newer technical aspects sadly missing. It was not until the inception of Expansion Scheme F, during 1936, that the Air Ministry finally began to take the threat from Adolf Hitler’s new Germany seriously.

    The De Havilland team: Left to right: Charles C Walker, Capt Geoffrey de Havilland, Richard M Clarkson and Ronald E Bishop.


    First Air Ministry Requirement

    Of the many specifications drawn up for new aircraft. Air Ministry Specification P. 13/36 - which itself stemmed from Operational Requirement 41 - issued on 8 September 1936 by Air Commodore R H Verney on behalf of the RAF Directorate of Technical Development (DTD), was one of the most significant. It called for a ’...twin-engined medium bomber for world-wide use aircraft that could exploit the alternatives between long range and very heavy bomber load which are made possible by catapult launching in heavily loaded condition. During all operations it is necessary to reduce time spent over enemy territory to a minimum. Therefore the highest possible cruising speed is necessary. It appears there is a possibility of combining medium bomber, general reconnaissance and general purpose classes into one basic design, with possibly two 18-inch torpedoes carried.’

    The DTD requirement called for two forward- and two rearward-firing Browning machine-guns; horizontal bomb stowage, in tiers if necessary; suitability for outdoor maintenance at home or abroad; consideration of remotely controlled guns; and a top speed of not less than 275 mph at 15,000 ft on two-thirds engine power and a range of 3,000 miles with a 4,000 lb bomb load. From this eventually came the Avro Manchester, the Handley Page H.P. 56 (which in turn evolved into the Handley Page Halifax and the Vickers Warwick powered by a pair of Rolls-Royce Vulture engines.

    The DH.88 Comet Racer. The DH.98 Mosquito design can be traced back to this design.


    The first reaction from De Havilland to Specification P. 13/36 was to propose an adapted DH.91 Albatross. This machine had originated as a fast airliner and was based on the clean form of the DH.88 Comet racer which had won the 1934 MacRobertson Air Race from Mildenhall in England to Melbourne in Australia. The Albatross had not been allowed to realize its full potential until 1937 when it emerged as a North Atlantic mail carrier. Powered by four 525 hp De Havilland Gipsy Twelve inverted-vee twelve-cylinder engines, it had an all-up weight of 32,000 lb, which allowed the carriage of a 1,000 lb payload over a range of 2,500 miles against a 40 mph headwind. For a shorter range it was calculated that the aircraft could carry a payload of 6,000 lb to Berlin and back at 11,000 ft - a suggestion that raised cries of horror from appeasers and pacifists when it was mentioned in Parliament. De Havilland were wary of competing for Government military contracts due to unfortunate experiences in the 1920s, preferring instead to build civil aircraft for the open market. They felt on this occasion, however, that a modified Albatross airliner would be the most effective way to make a positive contribution to re-armament. After all, it made as much sense to have a fast, aerodynamically clean aircraft for a bomber as it did for a civil airliner; furthermore, it was a time-saving possibility.

    The DH.91 Albatross ‘Fortuna’ in the colours of Imperial Airways. The Albatross was the second-generation forerunner to the Mosquito.

    During April 1938 studies were made for a twin Rolls-Royce Merlin-powered version of the aircraft. On 7 July De Havilland sent a letter discussing the specification to Sir Wilfrid Freeman, the Air Council’s Member for Research and Development. The letter contained two reasons why they thought that the eventual end result of all these discussions would be so good: wooden construction and the Merlin engine.

    De Havilland felt that the use of wood was not as antiquated an idea as it first appeared. Indeed, wood offered a considerable number of advantages: the strength for weight (except in torsion) was as great as that of steel or duralumin; it was more readily available and placed less strain on the country’s valuable metal resources; the technology of such structures was already developed and had been proved in the Comet racer and Albatross; the stiffness of a thick, stressed skin wooden fuselage did away with the need for much internal reinforcement, thus leaving many clear spaces for bombs, guns, fuel tanks and equipment; any shell or bullet holes would represent a much smaller percentage of mass lost in a bulky timber structure - a shell fragment that could destroy a strong metal member would hardly weaken a continuous wood shell or spar; wood offered natural buoyancy and no greater fire risk; its weathering properties were well known; finally, the surface smoothness required was easily manufactured into the aircraft during construction and could be exploited to the full to produce a reduction in drag.

    When Geoffrey de Havilland and Charles C Walker first suggested the high-speed bomber in 1938 they suggested a load of four 250 lb bombs. At the time, this bomb load had seemed impressive. However, in 1940 it presented a new challenge.

    Captain Geoffrey de Havilland with Lois Butler, wife of the company Chairman. They are standing in front of one of the DH.91s under construction. Directly behind and above them is one of the DH Gipsy King inverted vee-twelve engines.

    (both©BAE SYSTEMS))

    Chief Designer for De Havilland, Ronald E. Bishop and his team studied the standard 250 lb bomb and decided that the tail fin was wasting too much weight and occupying too much space. Bombs may not have been De Havilland business, but they began to consider the problem. Bishop suggested that they cut down the fins - they did, and tested the sawn-off bomb by dropping it on their own airfield at Hatfield - it worked. The new high-speed bomber’s payload was therefore doubled ‘at the cut of a hacksaw’ and a first step had been taken towards the time when Mosquito bombers would carry 4,000-pounders.

    Concerns about using plywood construction - and the need to provide reinforcement at all the stress concentration points - were clearly demonstrated during overload tests on the DH.91 Albatross E.3 G-AEVW during 1937. The aircraft was repaired and back flying again within weeks.(©BAE SYSTEMS)

    Engine Development

    The other important influence in the design lay in the choice of engines. To understand why the Merlin was chosen, one has to consider the development of this engine from its conception. The Rolls-Royce Merlin twelve-cylinder upright Vee in-line engine of 1,650 cubic inch (27 litre) capacity was a development of the company’s PV.12 design, which in turn derived from previous engines dating back to 1925. The first of these was the ‘F’ with a modest capacity of 1,295 cubic inches, which was type-tested at 490 hp and broke with tradition by using cast-alloy monobloc banks of six cylinders, the pistons running within thin carbon steel liners.

    In 1926, before it entered production as the Kestrel, Henry Royce had begun design work on a much larger engine intended for heavy aircraft. This was the ‘H’ which had a 2,240 cubic inch capacity; it evolved into the Buzzard, of which only 100 were built, mainly for flying-boats. Such developments served to illustrate the lines upon which Royce was thinking.

    One of the few surviving Rolls Royce ‘R’ engines, the forerunner to the ‘PV’ that evolved into the magical Merlin.

    By late 1928 a new engine was required for the 1929 Schneider Trophy air race and Rolls-Royce were keen to develop one to power the Supermarine S.6 seaplanes. Their resultant design, the ‘R’ or racing engine, was based on the earlier Buzzard but few of the components were exactly alike for every part now had to be designed to withstand running at speeds and stresses that had never before been encountered. No existing light alloy could stand up to these stresses, so a whole new range of materials had to be developed in the company’s metallurgical laboratories; these were eventually licensed to outside firms under the title of ‘Hinduminium’.

    The engine was first started up on 14 May 1929, by which time its power had been increased from 1,545 to 1,900 hp. With the ‘R’ engine fitted, the S.6 won the race. Following further development which took the power to 2,350hp, the ‘R’ was installed in the S.6B where it repeated the feat in 1931 - thus winning the Trophy outright for Great Britain. A ‘sprint’ engine, running on a specially developed ‘cocktail’ fuel was created, which was capable of a phenomenal 2,780 hp. This kind of power enabled Flt Lt George Stainforth AFC of the RAF’s High Speed Flight to set a new world speed record of 407.5 mph.

    So much progress had been made that it became obvious that either a complete redesign of the Kestrel was required, or a brand new engine would have to be produced. The Air Ministry stated that it had no money to fund such a powerplant, so the Rolls-Royce board of directors decided to finance the project themselves. Sir Henry Royce and A G Elliott studied a series of possible designs, before deciding, in 1933, upon a size bigger than the Kestrel but smaller than the ‘R’ to give a nominal 1.000 hp. This new twelve-cylinder engine was designated PV.12, the PV standing for Private Venture. All the design work had been completed by the end of April 1933 and the first engine was started up at Derby on 15 October 1933. It immediately ran into trouble; the main reduction drive gearbox, which was designed to use double helical gears, failed repeatedly and had to be replaced with plain spur gears.

    The Rolls Royce Merlin. The difference between it and it’s forerunner is noticeable.

    To gain maximum strength for minimum weight, the entire body of the engine, both cylinder blocks and the upper part of the crankcase, had been manufactured from one large alloy casting. It was then discovered that this method of production created a much more serious problem: the cylinder water jackets kept cracking. Eventually this fault was cured by casting the cylinder heads, blocks and crankcase top separately.

    The Rolls-Royce Merlin III that formed the basis for development from a basic 1,000 horsepower up to over 2,000 horsepower on the test bench that was an indicator of things to come.

    The result was a more definitive engine lying somewhere between the Kestrel and the ‘R’. It retained the 5.4 inch bore and 6 inch stroke of 1,650 cubic inch capacity and created with room to spare for further development, the desired 1,000 horsepower as a normal combat power. It did all this while also maintaining minimum frontal area in order to reduce drag.

    By 1936 the early examples of the engine had flown in the prototype Spitfire and F. 36/24 Hawker high-speed monoplane, forerunner to the Hurricane. It now carried the name ‘Merlin’, after a bird of prey and following in the tradition common to other Rolls-Royce aero-engines.

    The Union Flag flies proudly over the De Havilland Aircraft headquarters at Hatfield.


    During 1937 the company began work on a special racing version of the Merlin to power the Supermarine 323 Speed Spitfire as it prepared to attack the world speed record. This engine was basically a Merlin III strengthened to take the extra loads; it produced a staggering 2,160 hp on the test-bench, thereby demonstrating the possibilities of what was to come. A year later production Merlins were fitted with a two-speed supercharger gearbox which gave better performance at all altitudes. A major change in cylinder head design had also been adopted by Rolls-Royce as a result of data gained from single cylinder tests. This innovation was the semi-penthouse combustion chamber which, although offering great promise, did not produce the expected results in engine tests and also suffered from cracking during manufacture. So, having designed a two-piece block to eliminate the internal coolant leaks to which the one-piece Kestrel type block was prone, the company found that the Merlin continued the problem in a much more serious form. The decision was therefore made to revert to the one-piece block with a single plane combustion chamber in order to meet immediate production needs. Meanwhile, work was to begin without delay on the design of a two-piece block that would enable the Merlin to achieve major power increases with a reliable and intact cylinder assembly.

    This then was the position of aero-engine development in the pre-war era. The Merlin engine offered good prospects for a powerful high-speed aircraft design, but no one could have been aware just how much actual future power development was to be gained from the engine.

    A radical proposal from De Havilland

    With the benefit of hindsight it becomes clear that the original specification laid before Britain’s aircraft manufacturers was merely a ‘catch-all’ for any potentially good ideas that were floating around the Directorate of Technical Development at the time. Even then, the Ministry were evidently considering a form of ‘multi-role aircraft’; this is borne out by the specification which read: ‘...the aircraft was to be suitable for day and night operation, at home or abroad, and to combine the medium bomber, general reconnaissance, and general purpose classes into one basic design which could then be adapted during construction into a specific role’.

    The paper, however, was not clear enough in its requirements, nor was the accepted thinking of the Air Force and Air Staff conducive to such a machine being built using the technology then available.

    A V Roe , however, did pick up the challenge, with a design that eventually became the ill-fated Rolls-Royce Vulture-powered Manchester bomber. The Vulture engine was, in effect, two Kestrel cylinder assemblies joined together by a common crankcase to create an ‘X’-form powerplant. Problems abounded with this engine and it’s associated steam evaporative cooling system that were never fully solved. The Manchester was later transformed into the highly successful Lancaster, but it took the loss of many valuable aircrew and a major redesign of the airframe - plus a change to four Merlin engines - to make this so.

    Another picture showing more of the De Havilland management team.

    From left to right: Frank R Hearle, Wilfred E. Nixon, Captain Geoffrey de Havilland Snr, Charles C Walker, Francis E N St. Barbe, Alan S Butler.

    (both ©BAE SYSTEMS)

    De Havilland were certain that the targets laid out in Air Ministry Specification P. 13/36 would produce a mediocre aeroplane. Their further studies indicated that a wooden twin- Merlin-powered Albatross, redesigned to meet the specification, would require a minimum crew of three. It should also have six or eight forward-firing guns, along with one or two manually operated weapons, with provision for a rear turret. The weight would be 19,000 lb with a top speed of 300 mph and a cruising speed of 268 mph at 22,500 ft.

    The DH.95 Flamingo - in this case R2766 - shown in RAF markings. It only ever flew in a transport form. (©BAE SYSTEMS)

    The Hatfield firm therefore suggested a radically different approach to the specification requirement. It reasoned that a conventional bomber’s defensive guns - along with the gunners, structure and fuel needed to both operate and carry them - could amount to around one-sixth the total weight of the aircraft. Escort fighters, for the purpose of offensive defence, would still be needed. Any guns fitted to the bomber were no real defence against anti-aircraft guns; it was only with speed and manoeuvrability, coupled with height, that an aircraft could take evasive action against fighters and ground- based guns. The larger armed aircraft would obviously take more man-hours to build, fly and service; whereas the unarmed, fast bomber would be a much smaller investment all round - taking less time to build, require fewer hours to maintain, and a smaller crew which, because of the higher speed, would be exposed to a smaller danger for less time. In turn this meant that an aircraft could make more trips and therefore deliver more bombs for a given period of time.

    In a further letter, sent on 27 July, De Havilland concluded that the specification could not be met on two Merlins alone. If speed was of prime importance, then only half the load could be carried; if load was important, then a larger, slower machine would result. A compromise bomber design was arrived at during August, but again De Havilland disliked the results.

    The Munich crisis of September 1938 suddenly brought the message home to everyone just how critical the world situation had become. Hatfield now felt that the most useful aircraft the company could contribute was a bomber that sacrificed everything for speed - it could not now be just an Albatross conversion. Geoffrey de Havilland considered that it should be a small machine, have a crew of two, and be powered by two Rolls-Royce Merlins. Thus the die was set, but how were they to convince the doubters at the Air Ministry?

    The Service protagonists. Staunch supporter of the DH.98 - Air Chief Marshal Sir Wilfrid Rhodes Freeman, 1st Baronet, GCB, DSO, MC, RAF (18 July 1888 - 15 May 1953)

    De Havilland had always argued that in a future war all the metal industries would be overstretched, while wood workers would be under-employed. Geoffrey de Havilland and Charles C Walker went to the Ministry with this proposal in October. They wanted a timber construction, as with the Albatross conversion, for this would save a year of time in the prototype stage, and speed up development of every subsequent variant. The suggestion raised very little interest, for it was against all accepted thinking at the time and the project was set aside.

    The DH.95 Flamingo twin-engined airliner remained a possibility. This all-metal aircraft had first flown in December 1938 and adaptation of the design into a heavily armed bomber, carrying four 500 lb bombs, was considered, but the proposed speed was uninteresting and the service ceiling was, at around 24,000 ft, too low. Consideration was also given to fitting Bristol Taurus radial engines of reduced diameter, and therefore drag, but the top speed was still only estimated at around 280-290 mph, which did not meet the De Havilland high-speed requirements. During December another new bomber specification, B. 18/38, appeared but this was of no interest to the company who continued to make efforts throughout 1939 to try to discover a formula that would be worthwhile and of interest to the Air Ministry.

    Why did this continuing gulf exist between De Havilland and the Air Ministry? Basically the Air Council still wanted a metal aircraft, no matter how convincing a case the company could make. They regarded as highly suspect the estimates of speed provided by De Havilland for a clean aircraft based on the performance figures taken from the Comet and Albatross. Even if the manufacturers were correct, it was constantly in the back of Ministry minds that the Germans would develop and build even faster fighters than were at present expected, thereby placing the proposed unarmed bomber in great danger. Thus the novel design made absolutely no progress right up to the outbreak of war.

    Once war was declared on 3 September 1939, there was no future for the company’s civil aircraft designs and many of the civilian design staff were now freed for other duties. The following Wednesday Geoffrey de Havilland approached the Air Ministry again, finding them less sceptical but still by no means receptive. A long list of doubts were still expressed about the bomber out-running enemy fighters; it was thought that the crew of two would have too high a workload; the pilot would have no relief at the controls and the navigator would have not only to look after the radio and watch for enemy fighters, but aim, drop the bombs and watch out for their own vapour trails.

    Air Chief Marshal Sir Edgar Rainey Ludlow-Hewitt GCB, GBE, CMG, DSO, MC, DL (9 June 1886 - 15 August 1973)

    Still further studies and estimates were made during September and October, including versions powered by two Rolls-Royce Griffons, two Napier Daggers or one Sabre; but the design staff still kept coming back to Merlin powerplants, as these were now becoming readily available and offered good prospects for further development. Exhaust propulsion, drag and the effect of adding armament were all investigated, together with the effect of adding a two-gun turret - which would cause a speed reduction of at least

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