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The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War
The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War
The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War
Ebook852 pages11 hours

The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War

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In a few short years after 1914 the Royal Navy practically invented naval air warfare, not only producing the first effective aircraft carriers, but also pioneering most of the techniques and tactics that made naval air power a reality. By 1918 the RN was so far ahead of other navies that a US Navy observer sent to study the British use of aircraft at sea concluded that any discussion of the subject must first consider their methods. Indeed, by the time the war ended the RN was training for a carrier-borne attack by torpedo-bombers on the German fleet in its bases over two decades before the first successful employment of this tactic, against the Italians at Taranto.Following two previously well-received histories of British naval aviation, David Hobbs here turns his attention to the operational and technical achievements of the Royal Naval Air Service, both at sea and ashore, from 1914 to 1918. Detailed explanations of operations, the technology that underpinned them and the people who carried them out bring into sharp focus a revolutionary period of development that changed naval warfare forever. Controversially, the RNAS was subsumed into the newly created Royal Air Force in 1918, so as the centenary of its extinction approaches, this book is a timely reminder of its true significance.
Release dateSep 30, 2017
The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War

David Hobbs

David Hobbs served in the Royal Navy as a pilot, and later became the Curator of the Fleet Air Arm Museum. He has since established himself as an authoritative writer on naval aviation topics, with more than a dozen highly regarded books to his name, most recently of these was The Royal Navy’s Air Service in the Great War published by Seaforth in 2017.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    To a large degree what this book represents is the official history that the Royal Navy Air Service of the Great War never had, as it was wound up and combined with the Royal Flying Corps to create the Royal Air Force before that war had even ended. This remains a sore point with the author as the Royal Navy was on the verge of deploying a true carrier strike force, that likely would have made history by attacking the Imperial German High Seas Fleet in it's sanctuaries; never mind the almost twenty years of lost time that stunted naval aviation development without there being a proper Fleet Air Arm. To be fair though, the RNAS had its fingers in so many pies that one can under the higher authorities deciding that amalgamation was the way to efficiency, not to mention that amalgamation worked out professionally for many naval pilots as they would have had no place in the RN after 1918; the RAF being their one hope for careers as military professionals.

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The Royal Navy's Air Service in the Great War - David Hobbs


By the first decade of the twentieth century the Royal Navy had undergone a half-century of change like no other before it. Iron and then steel-hulled warships, steam propulsion, torpedoes, small warships in the torpedo-boat and torpedo-boat destroyer categories, submarines and the all-big-gun battleship Dreadnought had followed each other in quick succession and some visionary officers were involved in several important projects chronologically. Among them was Captain R H S Bacon RN, the Director of Naval Ordnance (DNO), head of the Admiralty Directorate responsible for the procurement of new weapons and systems. He had joined the RN in 1877 and specialised as a torpedo officer. By 1896 he was a commander and led a torpedo boat flotilla with conspicuous success in the annual manoeuvres that year. In 1899 he served under Admiral Fisher in the Mediterranean and was drawn into the ‘Fish-Pond’, a circle of young officers who enthusiastically supported Fisher’s reforms. He was promoted to captain in 1900 and appointed as the first RN Inspecting Captain of Submarines, tasked with their introduction and development, making them into an effective weapons system and raising the fleet’s awareness of their capabilities together with its own potential for countering enemy submarines. When Fisher became First Sea Lord in 1904 he chose Bacon to be his Naval Assistant and included him on the Committee of Designs that led to the rapid construction of Dreadnought, a warship so revolutionary that all subsequent battleships in every navy became known,generically, as Dreadnoughts. In 1906 he became the ship’s first captain and carried out an extensive trials programme before she became operational. In 1907 he succeeded Jellicoe as DNO, one of the key appointments for a captain who was destined for flag rank.¹ Fisher and Bacon undoubtedly had a close working relationship and after studying the Dreadnought covers Norman Friedman described Bacon as both ‘Fisher’s protégé and advisor’.² When the Fisher/Beresford Scandal appeared to limit his future career prospects, Bacon resigned from the Navy in 1909 to become the managing director of the new Coventry Ordnance Works. He returned to the RN in 1914 and was appointed Admiral Commanding the Dover Patrol.

Over a century later, we look back at early aviation development with the full knowledge of what was to follow but in 1908 heavier-than-air flight was seen as the preserve of a few amiable eccentrics,³ a source of wonder and delight to those stood on the ground watching but offering little obvious naval or military potential. It is widely known that the first manned flight in a powered heavier-than-air aircraft was achieved by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, on 17 December 1903 in an aeroplane of their own design named the ‘Flyer’. Less well known is the fact that the engine was arguably a greater technological achievement than the airframe.⁴ It weighed only 180lbs and produced 12hp and 90lbs of thrust. There was a strong wind of about 25mph at 10.30 on that day but the brothers were keen to prove that their machine worked before they packed up for the winter. Orville and Wilbur carried out two flights each with Orville flying the first.⁵ Orville flew under control at about the height of a man’s head for a distance of just over 150ft. The fourth and last flight that day lasted for 59 seconds and covered a distance of 852ft. The first controlled, powered flight in the United Kingdom was carried out by A V Roe at the Brooklands motor track on 8 June 1908 in an aeroplane he had designed but which was powered by a French Antoinette engine which delivered 24hp. He flew for about 180ft just over 2ft off the ground. The contemporary view of aeroplane development is placed into sharp focus by the reaction to a letter written by Roe to the Times; it was published but the newspaper added a footnote written by its engineering editor which warned readers that ‘all attempts at artificial flight as described by Mr Roe were not only dangerous to human life but foredoomed to failure from an engineering standpoint’.⁶ Roe’s activities led to his being given notice to quit by the management of Brooklands and he moved to Lea Marshes on the outskirts of London where he worked on a tractor triplane powered by a 9hp JAP motorcycle engine which he eventually flew in June 1909. It was both the first all-British aircraft to fly and the lowest powered. The authorities attempted to prevent him from flying over a public place and at one stage police proceedings against him were threatened but when Louis Blériot flew the English Channel on 25 July 1909 a wave of aviation enthusiasm swept the country and the charges were quietly dropped. Roe moved to Wembley Park and then returned to Brooklands which was, by then, being run by a more progressive management.

After the Wright Brothers’ early achievements, the French became the driving force in the design of both aircraft and engines and aviators enthusiastically compared their designs and sought new records. The first international gathering was held at Reims in August 1909 with thirty-eight aircraft present but of these only twenty-three succeeded in getting airborne.⁷ Among these, Henri Farman succeeded in staying airborne for over three hours and travelled over 100km carrying two passengers. By 1905 the Wright Brothers had developed a practical aeroplane that had flown for 24 miles and remained airborne for 38 minutes before it ran out of fuel. However, their attempts to sell their patents to the US Government proved less successful. In 1907 Charles Flint, the Wright’s European Agent, authorised Lady Jane Taylor to act on his behalf and offer Lord Tweedmouth, the First Lord of the Admiralty, a package including fifty aircraft capable of carrying two aircrew over a radius of action of 30 nautical miles from their airfield.⁸ These aircraft were priced at £2000 each but Flint subsequently offered improved aircraft at £4000 each, hoping that the higher unit price would encourage the Admiralty to take the offer more seriously. The idea did not work and in his reply on 7 March 1907 Lord Tweedmouth informed Lady Jane that ‘with regard to your suggestions as to the employment of aeroplanes . . . after the careful consideration of my Board, the Admiralty . . . are of opinion that they would not be of any practical use to the Naval Service’. At that moment in time, his view was undoubtedly correct and the Admiralty was right to stand back and monitor the further development of machines that had little but a few flights of short duration over land to commend them. Ballooning had a significantly longer history but only offered a controlled drifting where the wind took the pilot. A manned hydrogen-filled balloon flew across the English Channel in 1785, giving the press the opportunity to make alarmist statements about the potential for airborne attacks on Great Britain, but military balloons subsequently only found limited use in the localised observation of enemy activity. By 1907 Count Zeppelin in Germany had designed and flown the first practical powered rigid dirigible airship and such machines had obvious merit, both as a reconnaissance platform and for carrying out offensive action, even though they were clearly vulnerable to adverse weather and high winds. By 1914 the Zeppelin Company had produced nineteen airships but eleven of these had been destroyed in accidents. The German Navy ordered its first Zeppelin in 1908.

The catalyst that brought aviation into sharper focus within the RN was a letter from Bacon to the First Sea Lord dated 21 July 1908⁹ which proposed that a new post of Naval Air Assistant should be created within the Naval Staff and also that the War Office should be asked to allow its Superintendent of Ballooning at Farnborough to be consulted¹⁰ on air matters by the Naval Staff. The third proposal that was the most far-reaching, however, that the RN should fund the construction of a large rigid airship to evaluate the use of aircraft with the fleet. At the time Vickers had an exclusive contract with the Admiralty for the design and construction of submarines; Bacon had worked closely with this firm, both as Inspecting Captain of Submarines and as DNO, and he recommended that development could be hastened if Vickers were awarded a contract for the airship as well as bearing some of the development risk. A provisional cost of £35,000 for the airship was quoted from the outset, the same as an ‘A’ class submarine, making it likely that Bacon had already secretly discussed the project with his contacts at Vickers. It is also likely that Bacon’s letter represented the opening move in a plan prepared carefully beforehand since only two days later, on 23 July 1908, Admiral Fisher wrote formally to the Prime Minister, Herbert Asquith, proposing the construction of a developmental rigid airship and Treasury approval, in principle, for the project was given on 4 August 1908. On 14 August 1908 Vickers was requested to forward a tender to the Admiralty as soon as it had calculated sufficient design data and it naturally hoped to gain another exclusive contract with the Admiralty similar to the one already in place for submarines. By July 1908 it was clear that airships had become a practical proposition for the RN. On 5 October 1907 the Army airship Nulli Secundus, piloted by Colonel Capper with Lieutenant Waterlow and Mr Cody as passengers, had flown from the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough to London. High winds forced it to land at Crystal Palace on its return journey but by then it had established a world record with a flight of three hours and twenty-five minutes. This record was broken by the Zeppelin LZ 4 on 4 August 1908 which remained airborne for twelve hours before being destroyed by a storm,¹¹ a disaster which nearly led to bankruptcy for the Zeppelin Company. However, press coverage led to an outpouring of public support from across Germany which secured enough finance to cover the cost of a new airship, LZ 5, which was intended to fly nonstop from Lake Constance to Berlin.

A Committee of Imperial Defence (CID) had been established by the then Prime Minister, Arthur Balfour, in 1902 after the Second Boer War. It had a political focus and reported directly to the Prime Minister about the material requirements of the RN, Army and Civil Service and their ability to meet Government policies and issues of strategy. The Admiralty and the War Department were both Offices of State in their own right with control over their own budgets which could be argued by their political heads in cabinet but since the CID reported directly to the Prime Minister, its views carried considerable weight and it would be difficult to proceed with projects that it opposed. Typically, it set up working subcommittees to investigate and evaluate specific topics and recommend ways forward and this was exactly what happened when aviation was considered. The German enthusiasm for rigid airships was a cause for concern at a time when the German Navy was undergoing considerable expansion, the only possible outcome of which was to challenge the power of the RN. On 23 October 1908, therefore, Asquith instructed the CID to set up a subcommittee under Lord Esher¹² to investigate what was known at the time as ‘aerial navigation’ and make recommendations. The subcommittee, within which Bacon was the RN representative, was tasked to study the recent successes achieved by aerial experiments in France, Germany and the USA and make recommendations. Its terms of reference¹³ noted that Great Britain had, hitherto, been justified in spending less on aviation than the other powers but required comment on:

a)  The dangers to which we would be exposed on sea or on land by any development in aerial navigation reasonably probable in the near future.

b)  The naval or military advantages that we might expect to derive from the use of airships or aeroplanes.

c)  The amount that should be allocated to expenditure on aerial experiments and the Department which should receive it.

The report, dated 28 January 1909,¹⁴ contained an accurate summary of the state of aircraft development and the potential for various types to be used for naval and military operations. Under the heading ‘Aeroplanes’, the subcommittee noted that ‘although great progress has been made towards the successful employment of aeroplanes within the last year, they can scarcely yet be considered to have emerged from the experimental stage’. Further, it noted that ‘it has yet to be shown whether aeroplanes are sufficiently reliable to be used under unfavourable weather conditions’. On the other hand, the subcommittee attached great importance to the construction of dirigible¹⁵ airships as naval scouts and noted that ‘it is not unlikely also that they might also be of advantage for the purpose of attacking foreign warships, dockyards and canal gates’.¹⁶ The subcommittee agreed, unanimously, that a rigid airship should be procured for naval experiments and unsurprisingly, given Bacon’s membership, recommended the sum of £35,000 for its construction. This sum was compared favourably with £80,000 for the construction of a contemporary destroyer and £400,000 for a light cruiser. For fleet reconnaissance work it was pointed out that a lookout on the bridge of a warship could expect to see an enemy vessel at about 18nm in clear conditions whereas an observer in the car of an airship at 1500ft would expect to see the enemy at 80nm in the same conditions. Airships could remain airborne for protracted patrols and carry a large-enough crew to operate in watches; they could support a blockading force by using a wireless transmitter to tell the fleet commander what the enemy was doing in harbour and potentially even warn of torpedo boat and submarine attacks being generated against a blockading squadron. The full CID met on 25 February 1909 and accepted the subcommittee’s recommendation without further comment. Two days earlier, on 23 February 1909, the Treasury had approved the inclusion of £35,000 in the 1909/1910 Naval Estimates for the construction of a rigid airship by Vickers.

The subcommittee took a less positive view about aeroplanes, however. Despite being relatively cheap and simple to construct in large numbers for less than £1000 each, they felt that it was ‘not yet clear that under existing conditions the aeroplane would be of much value in naval operations. Until complete reliability and independence of meteorological conditions has been demonstrated it would be dangerous to utilize them for scouting purposes in the open sea.’ The subcommittee’s support for the construction of a naval dirigible airship was, thus,contrasted with its view that there was no necessity for the Government to experiment with aeroplanes provided that advantage was taken of private enterprise in this form of aviation. One can also detect the input from Bacon in the statement that ‘it is understood that the Admiralty would not construct the dirigible themselves but would invite some firm of standing to contract for the work, including all necessary experiments. The design would be worked out jointly by a representative of the Admiralty and of the contractor. The advantage of this arrangement is that all the resources of a great firm would be available for the experiments necessary at every stage of the work, while the Admiralty representative should be in a position to consult all the scientific and expert opinion in the country. This mode of procedure was adopted in the case of submarines, and the subcommittee strongly recommend that it should be employed as combining the maximum efficiency with the minimum of cost . . .’

His Majesty’s Rigid Airship Number 1

R 1 drawn to the same scale as


Dreadnought to give an idea of her size. (Author’s collection)

After receiving Treasury and CID approval, the Admiralty offered Vickers £30,000 for its share of the work to construct an airship. Vickers replied in April that it could construct the rigid structure, excluding the gasbags and outer covering, for £28,000, and offered to erect a suitable hangar within which the airship could be constructed, at no cost to the Crown. It also asked for a ten-year monopoly on airship construction for the RN under contractual terms similar to those already in place for submarines.¹⁷ On 7 May 1909 the Admiralty accepted these terms and signed a contract with Vickers for the construction of HM Rigid Airship Number 1, officially designated R 1. It was stipulated that Vickers was responsible for the strength of the framework and the Admiralty was responsible for the gasbags, the outer covering and the size and positioning of fins and control surfaces.¹⁸ The Admiralty was thus both the customer and a member of the design and construction consortium in rather the same way that the Ministry of Defence (MOD), acted as both customer and a member of the Aircraft Carrier Alliance that contracted to build


Queen Elizabeth a century later. This distribution of responsibility was to assume critical importance in 1911 after R 1 was completed. The Admiralty specification required R 1:

a)  To fulfil the duties of an aerial scout.

b)  To maintain 40 knots for, if possible, 24 hours.

c)  To moor by the nose to a post on water (or possibly on land also). Floating on water she was to be able to swing head into wind and, hopefully, remain out in all weathers and be independent of her shed except for docking, as in the case of surface ships.

d)  To carry wireless telegraphy equipment.

e)  To have facilities that allowed the crew to live on board without suffering hardship.

f)  To ascend to a height of 1500ft or more.

g)  To be used for experimental purposes and to be constructed as cheaply as possible.

Since structural weight increased as the square of mass but disposable lift increased as the cube of gas volume, it was obviously an advantage to design a large airship. Vickers had originally assumed an aluminium framework but found that wood was significantly stronger. Bacon insisted, however, that since wood was incapable of improvement and ‘there was a certainty of better metal alloys being produced’,¹⁹ the experimental nature of the airship would be largely negated if it was constructed of wood and subsequent craft made of a metal alloy. At the same time plans were drawn up to refit the cruiser Hermione as an airship support vessel with a plant for producing hydrogen, accommodation for airship crews and a mooring mast to secure the ship while she was being replenished. A contemporary view of the R 1 project can be gained from the 1910 edition of Brassey’s Naval Annual in which Commander C N Robinson RN stated that in the construction of airships ‘we have an invention at once reliable, capable of a large range of actions and of very good speed even in practically all types of weather’.

The Admiralty representatives on the design team were Bacon, who was promoted to Rear Admiral in 1909, Captain Murray Sueter, the newly-appointed Inspecting Captain of Airships,²⁰ and several other officers. Sueter had worked with both Bacon and Vickers on submarine development before this appointment. The group from Vickers was led by Sir James McKechnie, managing director of the firm’s shipyard at Barrow-in-Furness, with Charles Robertson, the chief submarine engineer, B Comyn the manager of the Cavendish Dock, J Watson the works manager and S W Hunt the chief draughtsman. When the team started work in 1908 no Zeppelins had been ordered for the German Navy and R 1 was the largest military aircraft project the world had yet seen. They drew heavily on their experience of submarine design along with what little information could be obtained about Zeppelins. R 1 was 512ft long, only 14ft shorter than the battleship Dreadnought, and had a parallel-sided hull with a bow curve of twice the curvature of the hull and a stern of nine times the curvature. For ease of construction the hull was twelve-sided rather than cylindrical and material was ordered in May 1909. Work on its shed started at the same time in Cavendish Dock with one edge resting on the dockside and the other built onto piles driven into the dock bottom. These caused considerably more trouble than anticipated, however, and the shed’s projected completion date had to be put back from August 1909 to June 1910; work on R 1 could not start until it was ready. Once the shed was complete, a removable wooden ‘deck’ was built over the water, above which a cradle was erected on which the airship framework was assembled.

While they waited for the shed’s completion, the design team considered the choice of structural material; Vickers preferred wood but Bacon continued to insist on metal. A trial section 37.5ft long was built in the shipyard workshops with one end made of hollow wooden spars, a central section made of wood and aluminium in equal proportions and the other end of aluminium. Wood proved by far the strongest and bracing wires made of extruded aluminium proved to be useless. However, in November 1909 Vickers’ metallurgists learnt of an alloy made in Germany known as duralumin. It seemed to be perfect for this application and the firm bought the right to manufacture and use the alloy throughout the British Empire. Comprising 94 per cent aluminium and 4 per cent copper with the remainder made up with manganese, silicon and iron, it was found to have nearly the strength of iron with the weight of aluminium. In practical terms the new alloy made R 1’s structure twice as strong as wood but a ton lighter. The Admiralty approved the use of duralumin in 1910 and R 1 became the first aircraft in the world to be constructed from it. The first duralumin Zeppelin did not appear until December 1914 and fixed-wing aircraft continued to be made of wood until after the First World War.

The Admiralty’s selection of fabric for the seventeen gasbags proved difficult and considerable unforeseen research had to be carried out before suitable materials were identified. Although balloon flight was commonplace in 1909, nothing on this scale had been attempted before and previous gasbags had been fabricated with what was known as gold beater’s skin, made from the intestines of oxen which were dried, glued to a cloth backing and varnished, but it was known to become brittle and had a short life. The Admiralty decided, therefore, to replace it with the Continental Rubber Company’s number 21 fabric, which was made up with alternating layers of Egyptian cotton and rubber glued together, for fifteen of the seventeen gasbags which were then made by Short Brothers under an Admiralty contract. The other two bags were made with different fabrics for comparison; number 1 was made by the North British Rubber Company with its own material and number 17 was made by the Dunlop Rubber Company; both were donated to the Admiralty in the hope of gaining more airship work. Every bag had a valve at the top for venting gas; the design limit was for R 1 to climb at up to 3000ft per minute venting gas at up to 4800ft³ per minute to prevent the bags being ripped open by gas expansion as it did so. The outer cover also presented considerable challenges and had to cover an unprecedented 66,000ft² whilst remaining as light as possible. It must not absorb rain water and heat absorption from sunlight had to be minimised. Silk was thought, at first, to be a good option but it degraded badly when rubberised and chemists found that a substance with the trade name ‘Ioco’ offered the best way of waterproofing silk without making it difficult to handle. It could not be sewn, however, and sheets of ‘Ioco’ed silk had to be glued together, a process that took both time and skill to perfect. The material intended for the bottom of the airship was dyed yellow to make it more visible and, at first, the material intended for the top was painted with aluminium dust to reflect the sun’s rays and prevent heat absorption.Unfortunately, this was found to weaken the silk as much as ‘Ioco’ strengthened it and a further process had to be devised in which the fabric was dusted with aluminium powder after being ‘Ioco’ed. The area of outer skin aft of the engines was made of a fireproof material and the control surfaces were covered with two layers of Hart-processed silk stuck together, a process pioneered by Short brothers.

The control cars had to be waterproof and bear some of the airship’s weight while they rested on the water, acting in effect as small boats. They were made of copper-sawn Honduras mahogany and were built by Saunders Roe of Cowes in the Isle of Wight. The forward car contained the control bridge and both cars contained a single Wolseley engine²¹ with its radiator and control systems. R 1 was originally to have carried 2000lbs of petrol and 2000lbs of water ballast but the design was re-cast in 1910 to use petrol for both purposes to give an extended endurance of up to 30 hours at full power. The control surfaces were originally based on those in submarines but in 1911 a Short Brothers’ box rudder design was adopted after it was commented on favourably by the National Physical Laboratory. Once all the design problems had been overcome, construction from mid-1910 was straightforward. Frames were placed on a round wooden table and longitudinals added, onto which a second frame was fitted. The completed section was then carried to the shed and placed in the cradle where bracing wires were fitted and all frames joined together. Eventually the completed framework was suspended from the ceiling of the shed by 3in belly bands under alternate frames.It was raised into place by 300 sailors and marines using block-and-tackle technology that would have been familiar to Sir Francis Drake’s seamen and in January 1911 the cradle was removed so that the keel could be installed together with the cars, fins and rudders.

The arrangements for getting R 1 out of her construction shed for the first time on 22 May 1911 were worked out in considerable detail and included this diagram which was used to brief all those who took part. It was subsequently included in the airship’s handbook published by the Admiralty. (Author’s collection).

On 13 February 1911, R 1 began shed trials during which the engines were run and the control surfaces moved. Captain Sueter took charge but considered the weather unsuitable for basin trials in Cavendish Dock so the gasbags were not inflated at this stage and defects found during these trials were rectified. The seventeen gasbags were eventually inflated in May 1911. Nothing on this scale had ever been attempted in the UK before and 1050 cylinders of hydrogen had to be imported from Dutch firms, giving rise to questions in Parliament about the advisability of relying on foreign sources of supply. The remainder came from the Knowles Oxygen Company in Wolverhampton, Castnor Kellner Company in Runcorn and a few cylinders from the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough. Special goods trains had to be run to carry the cylinders to Barrow and R 1 took over 24 hours to fill with more than 700,000ft³ of hydrogen. Some of the gas was unfortunately lost when Able Seaman Palmer slipped, fell through number 6 bag and ripped it, so there was a slight delay while the necessary repairs were carried out. Numerous gas cylinders were initially connected through a labyrinth of pipes and hoses and new lessons were learned. The high pressure led to sparking on the pipework and lower pressure had to be accepted, slowing the rate of inflation.

The two Wolseley engines were eight-cylinder water-cooled units with vertical piston movement, each designed to develop 180hp. In the original design the forward engine drove two propellers through bevel gearing at 500rpm; both were a fraction under 12ft in diameter and expected to give 606lbs of thrust. The after engine was to drive a single 15ft propeller at engine speed giving 1212lbs of thrust but when this was found to be impractical a number of modifications were made to propeller size and gearbox arrangements. The propellers were all made of laminated wood. R 1 was the first aircraft to have a telephone exchange, a lightweight facility that connected the forward gondola, cabin, observation position on top of the rigid structure and the after gondola through a main terminal box in the cabin. The wireless telegraphy installation was designed specifically for R 1 by


Vernon, the RN torpedo school, which was responsible for all naval electrical matters at the time. It was powered by an alternator driven by the after engine and was expected to have a range of about 600nm. The transmitter used spark gap technology but was ‘quenched’ to reduce the risk of igniting any trace of hydrogen that might be present in the cabin and it was surrounded by light metal screens intended to eliminate the risk completely. The receiver used a five-strand copper wire aerial 1000ft long which was to be lowered beneath R 1 in flight and there was a facility that allowed it to be jettisoned immediately in the event of a sudden nearby electrical disturbance in the atmosphere.

Two crews were selected for the airship’s trials and they underwent a comprehensive training programme. They assembled on 25 January 1910 and in February they began their instruction Short Brothers’ works at Battersea, focusing on the techniques of working with rubberised fabrics including the manufacture of joints, fabric pipes, model gasbags and sticking channel fabrics onto gasbags. In March they moved to Vickers’ yard at Barrow-in-Furness where they were instructed on petrol engine technology using a 15hp Wolseley motor car engine. In April they were taught signals, aeronautics and meteorology and in May they returned to work with fabric. When the support ship Hermione arrived at Barrow in late September 1910 they joined her and carried out all the fabrication work on the gasbags and the outer cover, fulfilling the Admiralty’s side of the construction agreement. In late 1910 when their training was deemed to be complete the Admiralty introduced flying pay by Order-in-Council and the personnel appointed to fly R 1 as part of their naval duties were the first British service personnel to receive it. It was approved on 28 November 1910²² and the formal request by their Lordships had stated:

R 1 being moved towards her mooring mast in Cavendish Dock on 22 May 1911. The shed in which she was built can be seen in the background to the left of the picture. (Philip Jarrett Collection).

Whereas we are of opinion that the Officers and Men of Your Majesty’s Navy who may be selected for service in naval aircraft should receive some pecuniary advantage in recognition of the exceptional nature of their duties. We beg leave humbly to recommend that Your Majesty may be graciously pleased by Your Order-in-Council to sanction the following scale of allowances for Officers and Men employed in naval aircraft, Viz:

R 1’s first inflation was completed on 22 May 1911, the wooden decking in its shed was removed and the gondolas were lowered onto the water so that she could begin basin trials. Boats were secured on either side of the gondolas and padding was fitted to the shed doors which, surprisingly in view of the fact that Vickers had built it specifically for the construction of R 1 and subsequent airships which could well be larger, were only just big enough for the completed airship to pass through them. An elaborate plan for the extraction was prepared and the ship, which lay with her tail near the door, was walked aft by 300 sailors and marines pulling on ropes until the nose was clear of the door. Orders were passed by a Royal Marine bugler who accompanied Captain Sueter wherever he moved and a launch towed R 1 to the centre of Cavendish Dock where a special fitting in her nose was attached to a mooring tower designed to withstand a pull-force of up to 8000lbs. The wind was measured at 17 knots when she was attached and a pull-force of only 530lbs was recorded. A crew of nine remained on board R 1 all the time she was moored to the mast, carrying out a number of acceptance tests although engine runs were cut short by problems with their radiators. On 23 May she successfully rode out a gale with winds estimated at up to 45 knots with no apparent mooring problems. Searchlights were played on the airship during the three nights she was out of her shed to check that all was well and during this time she was found to be buoyant but too heavy to begin the programme of flying trials. The gasbags were found to leak at the rate of about 1 per cent per day and cylinders of replacement hydrogen had to be brought out the airship in one of Hermione’s cutters. Getting R 1 back into her shed on 25 May proved to be more difficult than her extraction because of a slight wind across the door. The evolution took over an hour, one side of the ship rubbed against the shed door and two sailors holding guide ropes were pulled into the dock, fortunately without being harmed. R 1 was widely described as looking beautiful with her silver-grey and yellow hull but she was already over-budget at £41,000.

Captain Sueter with his Royal Marine signallers supervising R 1’s first extraction from its shed. The green flag has been raised rather hesitantly and all three men have their attention fixed on what is happening. (Author’s collection)

Back in her shed R 1 floated 3ft above the water without crew, tools, the W/T set, hawsers, petrol or ballast. Sueter refused to accept her and insisted on the airship being lightened to allow it undertake the planned flying trials. She was hoisted back to her suspension points in the shed roof, the outer skin was peeled off and the gasbags deflated and removed. The keel, cabin and any equipment not needed in flight including an anchor, cable and a collapsible sea-boat, were removed and the heavier gondola moved from aft to forward. The control car was lightened and moved aft to replace it. By July R 1 still lacked sufficient lift and advice was sought from the Advisory Committee on Aeronautics which recommended the insertion of an extra bay amidships containing a further 40,000ft³ of gas. However, the Admiralty decided not to adopt this measure because it would have meant waiting for the shed to be enlarged and it hoped that the weight-reduction programme already in hand would allow a limited trials programme to start before the end of 1911. After three years’ work it wanted results. A further inflation on 17 August 1911 revealed that R 1 was still too heavy and a further 1195lbs of equipment was removed after a further deflation. The forward propeller was reduced to 10ft in diameter and holes were drilled in the engine control levers to lighten them; tool boxes were replaced by canvas bags and the crew designed, made and installed a canvas water-ballast trimming system.

R 1’s second extraction from its shed on 24 September 1911. Note that there are now two propellers on the after car and the keel structure between the two cars has been removed. The Royal Marine on the extreme right has a green flag raised which gives an idea of the breeze blowing across the shed entrance. (Author’s collection)

On 22 September 1911 R 1 was inflated for what proved to be the last time using 1762 cylinders of hydrogen in just over ten hours, demonstrating that many of the earlier problems had been overcome. But by then the gasbags were over a year old and the rate of leakage increased significantly. Under pressure from the Admiralty Solicitor, Sueter accepted R 1 for the Navy ‘pending the completion of satisfactory air trials’. Her crew manned her on 24 September for the second extraction from her shed with Sueter in command. With him was Lieutenant Usborne, the commanding officer designate, to superintend the working of the valves and two other lieutenants, one of whom operated the rudders. A petty officer worked the diving rudder, a contemporary submarine term for the planes used to keep the airship horizontal in flight, and a second petty officer stood ready to work the W/T or replace his colleague on the planes. An engine room artificer (ERA) worked the engine in the forward car. In the after car the First Lieutenant of Hermione was in general charge assisted by a lieutenant who looked out for signals and discharged ballast if it proved necessary. A Chief ERA ran the after engine and an engineering lieutenant supervised the operation of both engines and the airship’s systems. On this occasion R 1 was pulled backwards out of the shed by electric winches but things went wrong as her nose was pivoted towards the centre of the dock. Witnesses heard cracking sounds amidships and she broke in two with only the outer fabric holding the two sections together. Some witnesses thought she had rolled onto her side when caught by a crosswind and it is possible that steadying ropes put an uneven strain on the hull which caused it to fail. Whatever the initial cause, considerably more damage was done cramming the damaged airship back into her shed. Sueter recommended that the airship should be repaired, at the very least for use as a training ship. Her crew clearly did not regard her as a write-off and the damage may have looked much worse than it really was. The estimated construction cost now exceeded £70,000 and there was certainly an argument for getting the most out of the investment but her fate was to be decided by a Board of Enquiry. Much had changed at the Admiralty while R 1 was under construction. The radical Admiral Fisher had retired in 1910, replaced by the conservative Admiral Wilson and in 1911 Winston Churchill became First Lord. He was known to favour the development of heavier-than-air aircraft over airships, leaving Sueter as the airship’s only advocate.

This photograph was taken only minutes after R 1 began to break up after emerging from her shed in September 1911. The frames have been numbered to show exactly where the break occurred and a copy of this image may well have been used by the Board of Enquiry. The break appears to be at frame 24. (Author’s collection)

The Board of Enquiry was convened at Barrow in Hermione on 18 October 1911 under Rear Admiral Sturdee who had opposed the Fisher reforms. Its importance can be deduced from the fact that both the First Lord and the Secretary for War attended on the first day. Three Army airship pilots were called as expert witnesses, together with Sueter and members of R 1’s crew and handling parties. The Board decided that the project should be terminated and the remains of R 1 scrapped but Churchill refused to allow the full findings to be made public.The Board did, however, state that the damage was caused by the breaking of a longeron ‘under less pressure than the designers thought it would stand’. The Admiralty instructed Commander Schwann RN, Sueter’s deputy, to inform R 1’s crew that ‘no blame was attachable to their actions’. The Board minutes have unfortunately been lost and so we will probably never know for certain why R 1 broke as it did but it is interesting to reflect that in 1911 the Admiralty had refused to endorse the exclusive airship construction agreement with Vickers and was also trying to extract itself from the exclusive submarine construction agreement. Relations between the Admiralty and the firm were, therefore, somewhat strained and the alleged failure of an element of R 1’s design for which Vickers had been entirely responsible was an eminently convenient reason to give for her loss.

Had she flown successfully, R 1’s projected trials programme, contained in the Airship Handbook produced by the Admiralty, gives insight into the role envisaged for naval aviation in its earliest years. After tests to determine the flight envelope she was to be used to evaluate the usefulness of aircraft in locating minefields and submarines. She would also have been used in experiments to tow small vessels and see how best she could be moored to both ships and buoys. In due course she was to be used to determine how best to watch ports and spot ships entering and leaving them and to run along potentially hostile coasts taking photographs. Further trials were to evaluate the defence of airships against hostile aircraft armed with guns, what amount of petrol could be sacrificed for a gun armament and whether guns and/or bombs could be carried to attack ships or targets on the ground such as lock gates and docks. Not least, she was to have evaluated the logistic support requirements for deployed airships and Hermione’s worth as a support ship. After R 1’s loss the Admiralty Airship Department was disbanded in 1912 but it was reformed a year later when Zeppelins began to show their value and the need for airships in operational service was accepted as being urgent. R 1 was the largest and most technically complex aircraft of its day and the project was certainly not the ill-considered and poorly-executed failure that some critics have labelled it. Much was learned from it and in this context it is unfortunate that it was known, unofficially as the ‘Mayfly’.

Development of Heavier-than-Air Aircraft

Far from being averse to the procurement of aircraft for naval purposes, the Admiralty did foresee uses for them but was following the CID’s advice. Public funds had been invested in the design and construction of R 1 but the recommendation that development of heavier-than-air craft could safely be left in individual hands for the time being was also heeded. Despite this, the Admiralty maintained a benevolent interest in the work of several naval officers who designed or purchased aeroplanes. One of the first was Lieutenant John C Porte RN,²³ who commanded one of the first operational submarines in 1908 based at


Dolphin, Gosport. Together with a colleague, Lieutenant W B Pirie RN, he designed and built a biplane glider²⁴ and planned to fit a 35hp JAP engine to the machine to allow powered take-off once he had proved its ability to glide. With the help of sailors from his submarine and a few interested friends he had the aircraft hauled to the top of Portsdown Hill, north of Portsmouth on 17 August 1909 on a four-wheeled trolley. It had a skid undercarriage and was placed, unsecured, on top of the same trolley for the take-off run in which it was literally pushed down the steep hillside along a wooden track constructed and laid for the purpose of giving a smoother ride than the surrounding grass tussocks. The aircraft’s control arrangements replicated those of a submarine with two coxswains, Porte and Pirie, who sat side-by-side with one controlling heading while the other controlled attitude and altitude. The aircraft did reach flying speed as the cart hurtled down the hill but the coxswains failed to achieve controlled flight and it was wrecked as it hit the ground. Porte subsequently abandoned this design and moved on but he did subsequently seek Admiralty funding to help with his experiments. It was refused because the aircraft had not achieved powered flight but by twenty-first century standards of human resource allocation, the unstinted use of twenty or more sailors for a considerable period had been a significant investment.

Lieutenants Porte and Pirie RN sitting in their glider on its crude launch trolley at the top of Portsdown Hill in 1909. The quality of the image is unfortunately not good but it does capture a sense of what was happening and shows the mixture of sailors and civilians holding onto the brakeless trolley waiting for the two pilots to give the order to push it down the sloping trackway. (Author’s collection)

By June 1910 Porte was experimenting with a Santos Dumont monoplane fitted with a 35hp Duthiel-Chalmers engine with which he set out to teach himself to fly.²⁵ He modified the airframe with small wheels that projected outboard of the main wheels on the end of what he called stunsail booms to prevent it turning over sideways and a bowsprit projecting forward under the propeller to prevent it pitching onto its nose. He made a series of increasingly fast runs across the Hampshire aeroplane grounds at Fort Grange, Gosport²⁶ but unfortunately ran into what he described as a deep undulation which caused him to be brought up standing. The left wing was badly damaged and, again, Porte moved on. He was not one of the officers selected for the first official RN fixed-wing flying course in 1911 but by July of that year he had been awarded the Aero Club de France’s Pilot Certificate number 548. He took part in the round-Britain air race in a Blackburn Mercury later in July but, unfortunately, he was invalided out of the RN in late 1911 suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis but secured a position as technical director and designer of the British Deperdussin Company at Gosport. He entered and flew one of their machines in the first War Office aircraft trials at Larkhill on Salisbury Plain in August 1912 but the entry of S F Cody was eventually selected as the winner. When the company went into receivership he went to the USA to assist Glen Curtiss in designing the Curtiss H1 America flying boat. On the outbreak of war in 1914 he left the USA immediately to join the RNAS with the rank of Squadron Commander.²⁷

Schwann at the controls of the Avro seaplane beginning to taxi across Cavendish Dock. (Author’s collection)

Photographs of Schwann’s pioneering activities at Barrow-in-Furness are extremely rare and, unfortunately, this example was folded in a pocket book for many years causing some crease damage. It does, however, show the Avro floating in Cavendish Dock after an unsuccessful run with Schwann swimming to the left of the aircraft and a boat being pushed out to help him recover it safely. Note the letters A V R O painted on the underside of the lower wing. Sponsorship perhaps? (Author’s collection)

Another innovator was Commander Oliver Schwann RN²⁸ who stood by R 1 at Barrow-in-Furness as Sueter’s deputy and executive officer of Hermione. He used his own funds and raised more from friends and their wives to buy a 35hp Avro biplane which he had mechanics from R 1’s crew fit with floats which he designed himself and, like Porte, he taught himself the rudiments of piloting skill.²⁹ His seaplane was hangared in the airship shed and he taxied it at ever-increasing speeds around Cavendish Dock whenever the weather was suitable. Unfortunately, inefficient float designs caused it to nose under on several occasions and on one of these he is reputed to have shouted ‘Save the damned aeroplane, I can look after myself’ to the boat crew that rowed towards him after one particularly comprehensive ducking. The aircraft, and more importantly its engine, were salvaged and repaired for further tests and on 18 November 1911 Schwann took off during a high-speed run. Despite having no formal training and no pilot’s certificate he was, thus, the first British aviator to take-off from water but his lack of experience let him down and the subsequent crash cannot be considered the first water landing even though both pilot and aircraft survived to fly again. Some idea of the cost of these early experiments can be gathered from the accounts of the ‘Seaplane Club’, hand-written in Schwann’s notebook.³⁰ Income includes £10 each from Captain Sueter, Commander Masterman, Lieutenant Boothby and Engineer Lieutenant Randall. Mrs Sueter contributed £5. Outgoings included £1 12s 5d for aluminium, 16s for spark plugs, £3 10s for engine repairs and £2 10s for a spare wing. A pound was paid to insure Petty Officer Bobbitt for work on the Avro seaplane that was outside his normal RN duties.

Another photograph unfortunately damaged by folding but it shows R 1’s shed clearly in the background as Schwann carried out a successful high-speed run in Cavendish Dock. (Author’s collection)

A page from Schwann’s notebook from February 1912 showing the income and expenditure incurred by the Seaplane Club at Barrow-in-Furness. (Author’s collection)

Official Training

The Royal Navy’s first official course to train heavier-than-air pilots began at Eastchurch in March 1911. Its early implementation was made possible by the generosity of Francis McClean, a wealthy businessman and enthusiastic aviator who had sponsored the Royal Aero Club facilities at Eastchurch on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, near Sheerness Dockyard. He had been impressed by the number of RN officers and ratings who had visited the airfield from Sheerness wishing to see what was going on³¹ and when he departed on a Government-sponsored expedition to witness a solar eclipse in Tonga in the first half of 1911, he gave instructions that two of his aircraft, Shorts S.26³² and S.28, were to be made available to the Admiralty. He also arranged for flying tuition to be provided free of charge by Mr George Cockburn who had obtained British pilot’s certificate number 5 and had already donated his services to teach Army officers to fly on Salisbury Plain. The Admiralty agreed to pay the aircraft’s running expenses, to make good any damage and paid Horace Short, also based at Eastchurch, the sum of £20 for each pilot to give instruction in a wide range of technical matters. When the Admiralty called for volunteers over 200 officers applied but only four were chosen. These were Lieutenants C R Samson, R Gregory and A M Longmore of the Royal Navy together with G V Wildman-Lushington of the Royal Marine Light Infantry (RMLI). Before the course began, however, Wildman-Lushington was taken ill and he was replaced at short notice by Captain E L Gerard RMLI who was serving in Hermione, standing by R 1. The four officers were briefed, confidentially, by Admiral Drury that they were expected to become instructors, hence the longer than usual period of training. They were to ‘keep in view the adaptability of aeroplanes for work at sea’³³ but they were not to give Short Brothers inside information that would give them a commercial advantage. They were to make at least three dual flights before flying solo and were instructed not to fly on Sundays.

Samson at the controls of Short S.27, Naval Aeroplane number 2, at Eastchurch in 1911. Despite being seated in front of the petrol tank, he is smoking a pipe. (Philip Jarrett Collection).

The first course lasted six months, much longer than the six weeks usually allowed at the time to obtain a pilot’s certificate. Samson and Longmore obtained their certificates at the end of April, the other two slightly later. All four were given technical instruction at Short Brother’s aircraft factory and at various French firms, most notably the Gnome aero-engine works. They also attended the French Military Aviation Trials at Reims before their course formally ended in September 1911, by which time they were considered to be expert in most aspects of aviation and well able to give advice to the Admiralty on developmental matters. They had put in as many hours flying as possible and on 19 August 1911 Samson had achieved a British record for the duration of a sortie.³⁴ Charles Rumney Samson was born in Manchester in 1883, joined the RN in 1898 and was described in his obituary in the Times on 6 February 1931 as ‘a man full of the very spirit of adventure’. He served in the cruiser Pomone on the west coast of Africa and in the Persian Gulf and was promoted to lieutenant in 1904, after which he commanded Torpedo Boat 81 at Devonport. In 1909 he was First Lieutenant of the cruiser Philomel which suppressed gun runners in the Persian Gulf and on one occasion captured 20,000 rounds of ammunition in a vessel he intercepted in the cruiser’s pinnace. He was promoted to commander on completion of flying training in 1911. He and the other three pilots began to establish aviation within the RN on a firm footing and, with the decision not to reconstruct R 1 after the damage caused extracting it from its shed in September 1911, Eastchurch became the focal point for development and heavier-than-air aircraft were the centre of attention. Samson persuaded the Admiralty to purchase the aircraft lent by Frank McClean together with several new ones made to order by Shorts and formal training courses were established for new pilots and mechanics. The latter were drawn from the RN’s pool of specialised carpenters and sailmakers together with a few engine fitters, giving a good idea of how aircraft were constructed in 1911. New ideas had to come quickly if aircraft were to work successfully at sea and specialists in torpedoes, gunnery, communications and other disciplines were appointed to Eastchurch. They were borne on the books of


Actaeon, the Torpedo School at the nearby naval base at Sheerness.³⁵ At the time the Torpedo Branch was responsible for all electrical systems, including W/T, and thus had much to offer the technical progress of aviation systems. Its commanding officer, Captain Godfrey M Paine MVO RN, became closely involved in the administration of air matters and was to become the first commandant of the Central Flying School established at Upavon by the embryo Royal Flying Corps in 1912 and subsequently held several senior appointments in the RNAS.

Eastchurch airfield in 1912 showing how small the complex was at the time. It grew rapidly as the RNAS training establishment expanded. (Philip Jarrett Collection).

2Practical Progress

Practical interest in aviation was not confined to the Royal Navy¹ and significant progress was made in France, the USA and Japan. Frenchman Henri Fabre was the first pilot to take off from and alight on the water in a single sortie, a feat considered at the time to be a key enabler in the development of what were referred to as ‘hydro-aeroplanes’. It was thought at the time that they would be ideal for naval use since the sea surface would act as an airfield and aviation support ships were regarded more as floating hangars than as operating bases. The French modified the torpedo-boat depot ship Foudre to support hydro-aeroplanes in 1911. The Imperial Japanese Navy modified the mercantile Wakamiya Maru to support two Farman floatplanes for tactical exercises in 1913 but it was the United States Navy that made the most significant early demonstrations.

USN Progress

In the summer of 1910 Captain Washington I Chambers USN obtained funding from the Navy Department to equip a warship for flying trials. He invited Wilbur Wright to fly one of his aircraft off a wooden deck built over the forecastle of a light cruiser but he declined. Chambers then approached another aviation pioneer, Glen Curtiss, who accepted and offered his 50hp Model D pusher biplane and a Curtiss Company pilot named Eugene Ely to fly it. A temporary wooden flight deck was erected on the


Birmingham in Norfolk Navy Yard during October 1910; it was 83ft long, 22ft wide and sloped downwards at an angle of 5 degrees from a point just forward of the bridge to the ship’s bow. With the aircraft secured at its aftermost point it gave a take-off run of just over 50ft. The aircraft had no brakes and a hold-back prevented it from moving forward when the engine was started; it was embarked by crane and secured in place by rope lashings while the ship was still alongside. Birmingham sailed on 14 November 1910 to carry out the first aircraft launch from the deck of a warship in history. Ely recognised that there was a considerable element of risk and he wrapped inflated bicycle inner tubes around his shoulders to add buoyancy if he ended up in the water. He also wore a padded football helmet and goggles. The original intention was for the ship to cruise in Chesapeake Bay at about 10 knots to give a wind over the deck that would assist take-off but rain squalls were encountered and she anchored in Hampton Roads to wait for them to pass. At about 15.00 the weather cleared and Birmingham began to weigh anchor while the aircraft lashings were removed but Ely was impatient to be off and started his engine. The noise just forward of the bridge and the hot oil blown aft by the aircraft’s propeller thrust caused some confusion and the ship was still anchored when Ely waved his arm, the signal to his mechanic to release the hold-back and the aircraft began to move. Despite the sloping deck and the propeller thrust, the aircraft failed to accelerate to the 30 knots it needed to become airborne and literally fell off the forward extremity of the deck. Ely pushed the control column forward to trade what little height he had for as much extra speed as he could get and reached flying speed as his propeller tips touched the water, causing them to splinter. He was able to climb away but the vibration caused by the damaged propeller was a concern and he landed at Willoughby Spit about three miles from the ship. The flight had demonstrated that the operation of a wheeled aircraft from a specially-prepared deck on a ship was feasible but it also highlighted the need for a naval pilot who understood what was going on around him. Glen Curtiss offered to train a naval officer at his own expense and the offer was accepted by the USN, pre-dating by several weeks Francis McClean’s offer to the Admiralty in the UK.

Eugene Ely leaving the take-off deck of


Birmingham on 14 November 1910. The aircraft has a downward trajectory and is already below deck level. Note also that the anchor cable is not straight up and down as it would have been if the anchor had broken free of the bottom; the ship was, therefore, still at anchor when he took off. The ship in the background is one of a number of supporting destroyers. (Author’s collection)

Captain Chambers followed Ely’s first success by persuading the Navy Department to fund another

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