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The Practical Astronomer
The Practical Astronomer
The Practical Astronomer
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The Practical Astronomer

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This interesting book aims to provide accurate information on astronomy to ordinary readers, mainly those who take pleasure in astronomical subjects and who desire to be familiarized with the instruments through which celestial observations are made. It even includes helpful instructions for the readers to apply their mechanical talent to construct the devices they want to own and provides minute details to build all kinds of telescopes not found or talked about usually.

This well-written guide contains a short description of the general properties of light to prepare the way for a better understanding of the principles on which optical instruments are constructed and the effects they produce. This outstanding work is full of valuable insight into the technicalities of the subject matter and delivers to the masses general knowledge about it.
PublisherGood Press
Release dateMay 20, 2021
The Practical Astronomer

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    The Practical Astronomer - Thomas Dick

    Thomas Dick

    The Practical Astronomer

    Published by Good Press, 2022

    EAN 4057664605795

    Table of Contents



























    Table of Contents

    The following work was announced several years ago in the preface to the volume on The Sidereal Heavens; since which time numerous enquiries have been made after it by correspondents in England, the West Indies, and America. It was nearly ready for publication three years ago; but circumstances over which the Author had no controul, prevented its appearance at that period. This delay, however, has enabled him to introduce descriptions of certain instruments and inventions which were partly unknown at the time to which he refers.

    The title Practical Astronomer has been fixed upon, as the shortest that could be selected, although the volume does not comprise a variety of topics and discussions generally comprehended in this department of astronomy. The work is intended for the information of general readers, especially for those who have acquired a relish for astronomical pursuits, and who wish to become acquainted with the instruments by which celestial observations are made, and to apply their mechanical skill to the construction of some of those which they may wish to possess. With this view the Author has entered into a variety of minute details, in reference to the construction and practical application of all kinds of telescopes, &c. which are not to be found in general treatises on Optics and Astronomy.

    As Light is the foundation of astronomical science, and of all the instruments used for celestial observation, a brief description is given of the general properties of light—of the laws by which it is refracted and reflected when passing through different mediums—and of the effects it produces in the system of nature—in order to prepare the way for a clear understanding of the principles on which optical instruments are constructed, and the effects they produce.

    As this, as well as every other physical subject, forms a part of the arrangements of the Creator throughout the material system—the Author has occasionally taken an opportunity of directing the attention of the reader to the Wisdom and Beneficence of the Great First Cause, and of introducing those moral reflections which naturally flow from the subject.

    The present is the ninth volume which the Author has presented to the public, and he indulges the hope that it will meet with the same favourable reception which his former publications have uniformly experienced. It was originally intended to conclude the volume with a few remarks on the utility of astronomical studies, and their moral and religious tendency, but this has been prevented, for the present, in consequence of the work having swelled to a greater size than was anticipated. Should he again appear before the public as an author, the subject of discussion and illustration will have a more direct bearing than the present on the great objects of religion and a future world.

    Broughty Ferry, near Dundee, August, 1845.


    Table of Contents



    PART I.


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    Table of Contents

    Light is that invisible etherial matter which renders objects perceptible by the visual organs. It appears to be distributed throughout the immensity of the universe, and is essentially requisite to the enjoyment of every rank of perceptive existence. It is by the agency of this mysterious substance, that we become acquainted with the beauties and sublimities of the universe, and the wonderful operations of the Almighty Creator. Without its universal influence, an impenetrable veil would be thrown over the distant scenes of creation; the sun, the moon, the planets, and the starry orbs, would be shrouded in the deepest darkness, and the variegated surface of the globe on which we dwell, would be almost unnoticed and unknown. Creation would disappear, a mysterious gloom would surround the mind of every intelligence, all around would appear a dismal waste, and an undistinguished chaos. To whatever quarter we might turn, no form nor comeliness would be seen, and scarcely a trace of the perfections and agency of an All Wise and Almighty Being could be perceived throughout the universal gloom. In short, without the influence of light, no world could be inhabited, no animated being could subsist in the manner it now does, no knowledge could be acquired of the works of God, and happiness, even in the lowest degree, could scarcely be enjoyed by any organized intelligence.

    We have never yet known what it is to live in a world deprived of this delightful visitant; for in the darkest night we enjoy a share of its beneficial agency, and even in the deepest dungeon its influence is not altogether unfelt.1 The blind, indeed, do not directly enjoy the advantages of light, but its influence is reflected upon them, and their knowledge is promoted through the medium of those who enjoy the use of their visual organs. Were all the inhabitants of the world deprived of their eye-sight, neither knowledge nor happiness, such as we now possess, could possibly be enjoyed.

    There is nothing which so strikingly displays the beneficial and enlivening effects of light, as the dawn of a mild morning after a night of darkness and tempest. All appears gloom and desolation, in our terrestrial abode, till a faint light begins to whiten the eastern horizon. Every succeeding moment brings along with it something new and enlivening. The crescent of light towards the east, now expands its dimensions and rises upwards towards the cope of heaven; and objects, which a little before were immersed in the deepest gloom, begin to be clearly distinguished. At length the sun arises, and all nature is animated by his appearance; the magnificent scene of creation, which a little before was involved in obscurity, opens gradually to view, and every object around excites sentiments of wonder, delight, and adoration. The radiance which emanates from this luminary, displays before us a world strewed with blessings and embellished with the most beautiful attire. It unveils the lofty mountains and the forests with which they are crowned—the fruitful fields with the crops that cover them—the meadows, with the rivers which water and refresh them—the plains adorned with verdure, the placid lake and the expansive ocean. It removes the curtain of darkness from the abodes of men, and shows us the cities, towns and villages, the lofty domes, the glittering spires, and the palaces and temples with which the landscape is adorned. The flowers expand their buds and put forth their colours, the birds awake to melody, man goes forth to his labour, the sounds of human voices are heard, and all appears life and activity, as if a new world had emerged from the darkness of Chaos.

    The whole of this splendid scene, which light produces, may be considered as a new creation, no less grand and beneficent than the first creation, when the command was issued, Let there be light, and light was. The aurora and the rising sun cause the earth and all the objects which adorn its surface, to arise out of that profound darkness and apparent desolation which deprived us of the view of them, as if they had been no more. It may be affirmed, in full accordance with truth, that the efflux of light in the dawn of the morning, after a dark and cloudy night, is even more magnificent and exhilarating than at the first moment of its creation. At that period, there were no spectators on earth to admire its glorious effects; and no objects, such as we now behold, to be embellished with its radiance. The earth was a shapeless chaos, where no beauty or order could be perceived; the mountains had not reared their heads; the seas were not collected into their channels; no rivers rolled through the valleys, no verdure adorned the plains; the atmosphere was not raised on high to reflect the radiance, and no animated beings existed to diversify and enliven the scene. But now, when the dawning of the morning scatters the darkness of the night, it opens to view a scene of beauty and magnificence. The heavens are adorned with azure, the clouds are tinged with the most lively colours, the mountains and plains are clothed with verdure, and the whole of this lower creation stands forth arrayed with diversified scenes of beneficence and grandeur, while the contemplative eye looks round and wonders.

    Such, then, are the important and beneficent effects of that light which every moment diffuses its blessings around us. It may justly be considered as one of the most essential substances connected with the system of the material universe, and which gives efficiency to all the other principles and arrangements of nature. Hence we are informed, in the sacred history, that light was the first production of the Almighty Creator, and the first born of created beings; for without it the universe would have presented nothing but an immense blank to all sentient existences. Hence, likewise, the Divine Being is metaphorically represented under the idea of light, as being the source of knowledge and felicity to all subordinate intelligences: "God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all; and he is exhibited as dwelling in light unapproachable and full of glory, whom no man hath seen or can see." In allusion to these circumstances, Milton, in his Paradise Lost, introduces the following beautiful apostrophe:—

    ‘Hail holy light! offspring of heaven first born,

    Or of the eternal co-eternal beam!

    May I express thee unblam’d? since God is light,

    And never but in unapproached light

    Dwelt from eternity; dwelt then in thee,

    Bright effluence of bright essence increate.

    ----Before the sun

    Before the heavens thou wert, and at the voice

    Of God, as with a mantle, did’st invest

    The rising world of waters dark and deep

    Won from the void and formless infinite.’

    As light is an element of so much importance and utility in the system of nature, so we find that arrangements have been made for its universal diffusion throughout all the worlds in the universe. The sun is one of the principal sources of light to this earth on which we dwell, and to all the other planetary bodies. And, in order that it may be equally distributed over every portion of the surfaces of these globes, to suit the exigencies of their inhabitants, they are endowed with a motion of rotation, by which every part of their surfaces is alternately turned towards the source of light; and when one hemisphere is deprived of the direct influence of the solar rays, its inhabitants derive a portion of light from luminaries in more distant regions, and have their views directed to other suns and systems dispersed, in countless numbers, throughout the remote spaces of the universe. Around several of the planets, satellites, or moons, have been arranged for the purpose of throwing light on their surfaces in the absence of the sun, while at the same time the primary planets themselves reflect an effulgence of light upon their satellites. All the stars which our unassisted vision can discern in the midnight sky, and the millions more which the telescope alone enables us to descry, must be considered as so many fountains of light, not merely to illuminate the voids of immensity, but to irradiate with their beams surrounding worlds with which they are more immediately connected, and to diffuse a general lustre throughout the amplitudes of infinite space. And, therefore, we have every reason to believe, that, could we fly, for thousands of years, with the swiftness of a seraph, through the spaces of immensity, we should never approach a region of absolute darkness, but should find ourselves, every moment encompassed with the emanations of light, and cheered with its benign influences. That Almighty Being who inhabiteth immensity and dwells in light inaccessible, evidently appears to have diffused light over the remotest spaces of his creation, and to have thrown a radiance upon all the provinces of his wide and eternal empire, so that every intellectual being, wherever existing, may feel its beneficent effects, and be enabled, through its agency, to trace his wonderful operations, and the glorious attributes with which he is invested.

    As the science of astronomy depends solely on the influence of light upon the organ of vision, which is the most noble and extensive of all our senses; and as the construction of telescopes and other astronomical instruments is founded upon our knowledge of the nature of light and the laws by which it operates—it is essentially requisite, before proceeding to a description of such instruments, to take a cursory view of its nature and properties, in so far as they have been ascertained, and the effects it produces when obstructed by certain bodies, or when passing through different mediums.


    Table of Contents


    It is not my intention to discuss the subject of light in minute detail—a subject which is of considerable extent, and which would require a separate treatise to illustrate it in all its aspects and bearings. All that I propose is to offer a few illustrations of its general properties, and the laws by which it is refracted and reflected, so as to prepare the way for explaining the nature and construction of telescopes, and other optical instruments.

    There is no branch of natural science more deserving of our study and investigation than that which relates to light—whether we consider its beautiful and extensive effects—the magnificence and grandeur of the objects it unfolds to view—the numerous and diversified phenomena it exhibits—the optical instruments which a knowledge of its properties has enabled us to construct—or the daily advantages we derive, as social beings, from its universal diffusion. If air, which serves as the medium of sound, and the vehicle of speech, enables us to carry on an interchange of thought and affection with our fellow-men; how much more extensively is that intercourse increased by light, which presents the images of our friends and other objects as it were immediately before us, in all their interesting forms and aspects—the speaking eye—the rosy cheeks—the benevolent smile, and the intellectual forehead! The eye, more susceptible of multifarious impressions than the other senses, ‘takes in at once the landscape of the world,’ and enables us to distinguish, in a moment, the shapes and forms of all its objects, their relative positions, the colours that adorn them, their diversified aspect, and the motions by which they are transported from one portion of space to another. Light, through the medium of the eye, not only unfolds to us the persons of others, in all their minute modifications and peculiarities, but exhibits us to ourselves. It presents to our own vision a faithful portrait of our peculiar features behind reflecting substances, without which property we should remain entirely ignorant of those traits of countenance which characterize us in the eyes of others.

    But, what is the nature of this substance we call light, which thus unfolds to us the scenes of creation? On this subject two leading opinions have prevailed in the philosophical world. One of those opinions is, that the whole sphere of the universe is filled with a subtle matter, which receives from luminous bodies an agitation which is incessantly continued, and which, by its vibratory motion, enables us to perceive luminous bodies. According to this opinion, light may be considered as analogous to sound, which is conveyed to the ear by the vibratory motions of the air. This was the hypothesis of Descartes, which was adopted, with some modifications, by the celebrated Euler, Huygens, Franklin, and other philosophers, and has been admitted by several scientific gentlemen of the present day. The other opinion is, that light consists of the emission or emanation of the particles of luminous bodies, thrown out incessantly on all sides, in consequence of the continued agitation it experiences. This is the hypothesis of the illustrious Newton, and has been most generally adopted by British philosophers.

    To the first hypothesis, it is objected that, if true, ‘light would not only spread itself in a direct line, but its motion would be transmitted in every direction like that of sound, and would convey the impression of luminous bodies in the regions of space beyond the obstacles that intervene to stop its progress.’ No wall or other opaque body could obstruct its course, if it undulated in every direction like sound; and it would be a necessary consequence, that we should have no night, nor any such phenomena as eclipses of the sun or moon, or of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. This objection has never been very satisfactorily answered. On the other hand, Euler brings forward the following objections against the Newtonian doctrine of emanation. 1. That, were the sun emitting continually, and in all directions, such floods of luminous matter with a velocity so prodigious, he must speedily be exhausted, or at least, some alteration must, after the lapse of so many ages, be perceptible. 2. That the sun is not the only body that emits rays, but that all the stars have the same quality; and as every where the rays of the sun must be crossing the rays of the stars, their collision must be violent in the extreme, and that their direction must be changed by such a collision.2

    To the first of these objections it is answered—that so vast is the tenuity of light, that it utterly exceeds the power of conception: the most delicate instrument having never been certainly put in motion by the impulse of the accumulated sun-beams. It has been calculated that in the space of 385,130,000 Egyptian years, (of 360 days,) the sun would lose only the ¹/1,217,420th of his bulk from the continual efflux of his light. And, therefore, if in 385 millions of years the sun’s diminution would be so extremely small, it would be altogether insensible during the comparatively short period of five or six thousand years. To the second objection it is replied—that the particles of light are so extremely rare that their distance from one another is incomparably greater than their diameters—that all objections of this kind vanish when we attend to the continuation of the impression upon the retina, and to the small number of luminous particles which are on that account necessary for producing constant vision. For it appears, from the accurate experiments of M. D’Arcy, that the impression of light upon the retina continues eight thirds, and as a particle of light would move through 26,000 miles in that time, constant vision would be maintained by a succession of luminous particles twenty-six thousand miles distant from each other.

    Without attempting to decide on the merits of these two hypotheses, I shall leave the reader to adopt that opinion which he may judge to be attended with the fewest difficulties, and proceed to illustrate some of the properties of light:—and in the discussion of this subject, I shall generally adhere to the terms employed by those who have adopted the hypothesis of the emanation of light.

    1. Light emanates or radiates from luminous bodies in a straight line. This property is proved by the impossibility of seeing light through bent tubes, or small holes pierced in metallic plates placed one behind another, except the holes be placed in a straight line. If we endeavour to look at the sun or a candle through the bore of a bended pipe, we cannot perceive the object, nor any light proceeding from it, but through a straight pipe the object may be perceived. This is likewise evident from the form of the rays of light that penetrate a dark room, which proceed straight forward in lines proceeding from the luminous body; and from the form of the shadows which bodies project, which are bounded by right lines passing from the luminous body, and meeting the lines which terminate the interposing body. This property may be demonstrated to the eye, by causing light to pass through small holes into a dark room filled with smoke or dust. It is to be understood, however, that in this case, the rays of light are considered as passing through the same medium; for when they pass from air into water, glass, or other media, they are bent at the point where they enter a different medium, as we shall afterwards have occasion to explain.

    2. Light moves with amazing velocity. The ancients believed that it was propagated from the sun and other luminous bodies instantaneously; but the observations of modern astronomers have demonstrated that this is an erroneous hypothesis, and that light, like other projectiles, occupies a certain time in passing from one part of space to another. Its velocity, however, is prodigious, and exceeds that of any other body with which we are acquainted. It flies across the earth’s orbit—a space 190 millions of miles in extent, in the course of sixteen and a half minutes, which is at the rate of 192,000 miles every second, and more than a million of times swifter than a cannon ball flying with its greatest velocity. It appears from the discoveries of Dr. Bradley, respecting the aberration of the stars, that light flies from those bodies, with a velocity similar, if not exactly the same; so that the light of the sun, the planets, the stars, and every luminous body in the universe is propagated with uniform velocity.3 But, if the velocity of light be so very great, it may be asked, how does it not strike against all objects with a force equal to its velocity? If the finest sand were thrown against our bodies with the hundredth part of this velocity, each grain would pierce us as certainly as the sharpest and swiftest arrows from a bow. It is a principle in mechanics that the force with which all bodies strike, is in proportion to the size of these bodies, or the quantity of matter they contain, multiplied by the velocity with which they move. Therefore if the particles of light were not almost infinitely small, they would, of necessity prove destructive in the highest degree. If a particle of light were equal in size to the twelve hundred thousandth part of a small grain of sand,—supposing light to be material—we should be no more able to withstand its force than we should that of sand shot point blank from the mouth of a cannon. Every object would be battered and perforated by such celestial artillery, till our world were laid in ruins, and every living being destroyed. And herein are the wisdom and benevolence of the Creator displayed in making the particles of light so extremely small as to render them in some degree proportionate to the greatness of the force with which they are impelled; otherwise, all nature would have been thrown into ruin and confusion, and the great globes of the universe shattered to atoms.

    We have many proofs, besides the above, that the particles of light are next to infinitely small. We find that they penetrate with facility the hardest substances, such as crystal, glass, various kinds of precious stones, and even the diamond itself, though among the hardest of stones; for such bodies could not be transparent, unless light found an easy passage through their pores. When a candle is lighted in an elevated situation, in the space of a second or two, it will fill a cubical space (if there be no interruption) of two miles around it, in every direction, with luminous particles, before the least sensible part of its substance is lost by the candle:—that is, it will in a short instant, fill a sphere four miles in diameter, twelve and a half miles in circumference, and containing thirty-three and a half cubical miles with particles of light; for an eye placed in any part of this cubical space would perceive the light emitted by the candle. It has been calculated that the number of particles of light contained in such a space cannot be less than four hundred septillions—a number which is six billions of times greater than the number of grains of sand which could be contained in the whole earth considered as a solid globe, and supposing each cubic inch of it to contain ten hundred thousand grains. Such is the inconceivable tenuity of that substance which emanates from all luminous bodies, and which gives beauty and splendour to the universe! This may also be evinced by the following experiment. Make a small pin-hole in a piece of black paper, and hold the paper upright facing a row of candles placed near each other, and at a little distance behind the black paper, place a piece of white pasteboard. On this pasteboard the rays which flow from all the candles through the small hole in the black paper, will form as many specks of light as there are candles, each speck being as clear and distinct as if there were only one speck from a single candle. This experiment shows that the streams of light from the different candles pass through the small hole without confusion, and consequently, that the particles of light are exceedingly small. For the same reason we can easily see through a small hole not more than ¹/100th of an inch in diameter, the sky, the trees, houses, and nearly all the objects in an extensive landscape, occupying nearly an entire hemisphere, the light of all which may pass through this small aperture.

    3. Light is sent forth in all directions from every visible point of luminous bodies. If we hold a sheet of paper before a candle, or the sun, or any other source of light, we shall find that the paper is illuminated in whatever position we hold it, provided the light is not obstructed by its edge or by any other body. Hence, wherever a spectator is placed with regard to a luminous body, every point of that part of its surface which is toward him will be visible, when no intervening object intercepts the passage of the light. Hence, likewise, it follows, that the sun illuminates, not only an immense plane extending along the paths of the planets, from the one side of the orbit of Uranus to the other, but the whole of that sphere, or solid space, of which the distance of Uranus is the radius. The diameter of this sphere is three thousand six hundred millions of miles, and it, consequently, contains about 24,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or twenty-four thousand quartillions of cubical miles,—every point of which immense space is filled with the solar beams. Not only so, but the whole cubical space which intervenes between the sun and the nearest fixed stars is more or less illuminated by his rays. For, at the distance of Sirius, or any other of the nearest stars, the sun would be visible, though only as a small twinkling orb; and consequently, his rays must be diffused, however faint, throughout the most distant spaces whence he is visible. The diameter of this immense sphere of light cannot be less than forty billions of miles, and its solid contents 33,500,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or, thirty-three thousand, five hundred sextillions of cubical miles. All this immense, and incomprehensible space is filled with the radiations of the solar orb; for were an eye placed in any one point of it, where no extraneous body interposed, the sun would be visible either as a large luminous orb, or as a small twinkling star. But he can be visible only by the rays he emits, and which enter the organs of vision. How inconceivably immense, then, must be the quantity of rays which are thrown off in all directions from that luminary which is the source of our day! Every star must likewise be considered as emitting innumerable streams of radiance over a space equally extensive, so that no point in the universe can be conceived where absolute darkness prevails, unless in the interior regions of planetary bodies.

    4. The effect of light upon the eye is not instantaneous, but continues for a short space of time. This may be proved and illustrated by the following examples:—If a stick—or a ball connected with a string—be whirled round in a circle, and a certain degree of velocity given it, the object will appear to fill the whole circle it describes. If a lighted firebrand be whirled round in the same rapid manner, a complete circle of light will be exhibited. This experiment obviously shows that the impression made on the eye by the light from the ball or the firebrand—when in any given point of the circle—is sufficiently lasting to remain till it has described the whole circle, and again renews its effect, as often as the circular motion is continued. The same is proved by the following considerations:—We are continually shutting our eyes, or winking; and, during the time our eyes are shut, on such occasions, we should lose the view of surrounding objects, if the impression of light did not continue a certain time while the eye-lid covers the pupil; but experience proves that during such vibrations of the eye-lids, the light from surrounding objects is not sensibly intercepted. If we look for some time steadily at the light of a candle, and particularly, if we look directly at the sun, without any interposing medium, or if we look for any considerable time at this luminary, through a telescope with a coloured glass interposed—in all these cases, if we shut our eyes immediately after viewing such objects, we shall still perceive a faint image of the object, by the impression which its light has made upon our eyes.

    ‘With respect to the duration of the impression of light, it has been observed that the teeth of a cog-wheel in a clock were still visible in succession, when the velocity of rotation brought 246 teeth through a given fixed point in a second. In this case it is clear that if the impression made on the eye by the light reflected from any tooth, had lasted without sensible diminution for the 246th part of a second, the teeth would have formed one unbroken line, because a new tooth would have continually arrived in the place of the interior one before its image could have disappeared. If a live coal be whirled round, it is observed that the luminous circle is complete, when the rotation is performed in the (8½)/60th of a second. In this instance we see that the impression was much more durable than the former. Lastly, if an observer sitting in a room direct his sight through a window, to any particular object out of doors, for about half a minute, and then shut his eyes and cover them with his hands, he will still continue to see the window, together with the outline of the terrestrial objects bordering on the sky. This appearance will remain for near a minute, though occasionally vanishing and changing colour in a manner that brevity forbids our minutely describing. From these facts we are authorized to conclude, that all impressions of light on the eye, last a considerable time, that the brightest objects make the most lasting impressions; and that, if the object be very bright, or the eye weak, the impression may remain for a time so strong, as to mix with and confuse the subsequent impressions made by other objects. In the last case the eye is said to be dazzled by the light.’4

    The following experiment has likewise been suggested as a proof of the impression which light makes upon the eye. If a card, on both sides of which a figure is drawn, for example, a bird and a cage, be made to revolve rapidly on the straight line which divides it symmetrically, the eye will perceive both figures at the same time, provided they return successively to the same place. M. D’Arcy found by various experiments, that, in general, the impression which light produces on the eye, lasts about the eighth of a second. M. Plateau, of Brussels, found that the impression of different colours lasted the following periods; the numbers here stated being the decimal parts of a second. Flame, 0.242. or nearly one fourth of a second; Burning coal, 0.229; White, 0.182, or, a little more than one sixth of a second; Blue, 0.186; Yellow, 0.173; Red, 0.184.

    5. Light, though extremely minute, is supposed to have a certain degree of force or momentum. In order to prove this, the late ingenious Mr. Mitchell contrived the following experiment. He constructed a small vane in the form of a common weather-cock, of a very thin plate of copper, about an inch square, and attached to one of the finest harpsicord wires, about ten inches long, and nicely balanced at the other end of the wire, by a grain of very small shot. The instrument had also fixed to it in the middle, at right angles to the length of the wire, and in an horizontal direction, a small bit of a very slender sewing needle, about half an inch long, which was made magnetical. In this state the whole instrument might weigh about ten grains. The vane was supported in the manner of the needle in the mariner’s compass, so that it could turn with the greatest ease; and to prevent its being affected by the vibrations of the air, it was enclosed in a glass case or box. The rays of the sun were then thrown upon the broad part of the vane or copper plate, from a concave mirror of about two feet diameter, which, passing through the front glass of the box, were collected into the focus of the mirror upon the copper plate. In consequence of this the plate began to move with a slow motion of about an inch in a second of time, till it had moved through a space of about two inches and a half, when it struck against the back of the box. The mirror being removed, the instrument returned to its former situation, and the rays of the sun being again thrown upon it, it again began to move, and struck against the back of the box as before. This was repeated three or four times with the same success.

    On the above experiment, the following calculation has been founded: If we impute the motion produced in this experiment to the impulse of the rays of light, and suppose that the instrument weighed ten grains, and acquired a velocity of one inch in a second, we shall find that the quantity of matter contained in the rays falling upon the instrument in that time amounted to no more than one twelve hundred-millionth part of a grain, the velocity of light exceeding the velocity of one inch in a second in the proportion of about 12,000,000,000 to 1. The light in this experiment was collected from a surface of about three square feet, which reflecting only about half what falls upon it, the quantity of matter contained in the rays of the sun incident upon a foot and a half of surface in one second of time, ought to be no more than the twelve hundred-millionth part of a grain. But the density of the rays of light at the surface of the sun is greater than that at the earth in the proportion of 45,000 to 1; there ought therefore to issue from one square foot of the sun’s surface in one second of time, in order to supply the waste by light ¹/45,000th part of a grain of matter, that is, a little more than two grains a day, or about 4,752,000 grains, or 670 pounds avoirdupoise, nearly, in 6,000 years, a quantity which would have shortened the sun’s diameter no more than about ten feet, if it were formed of the density of water only.

    If the above experiment be considered as having been accurately performed, and if the calculations founded upon it be correct, it appears that there can be no grounds for apprehension that the sun can ever be sensibly diminished by the immense and incessant radiations proceeding from his body on the supposition that light is a material emanation. For the diameter of the sun is no less than 880,000 miles; and, before this diameter could be shortened, by the emission of light, one English mile, it would require three millions, one hundred and sixty-eight thousand years, at the rate now stated; and, before it could be shortened ten miles, it would require a period of above thirty-one millions of years. And although the sun were thus actually diminished, it would produce no sensible effect or derangement throughout the planetary system. We have no reason to believe that the system, in its present state and arrangements, was intended to endure for ever, and before that luminary could be so far reduced, during the revolutions of eternity, as to produce any irregularities in the system, new arrangements and modifications might be introduced by the hand of the All Wise and Omnipotent Creator. Besides, it is not improbable that a system of means is established by which the sun and all the luminaries in the universe receive back again a portion of the light which they are continually emitting, either from the planets from whose surfaces it is reflected, or from the millions of stars whose rays are continually traversing the immense spaces of creation, or from some other sources to us unknown.

    6. The intensity of light is diminished in proportion to the square of the distance from the luminous body. Thus, a person at two feet distance from a candle, has only the fourth part of the light he would have at one foot, at three feet distance the ninth part, at four feet the sixteenth part, at five feet the twenty fifth part, and so on for other distances. Hence the light received by the planets of the Solar system decreases in proportion to the squares of the distances of these bodies from the sun. This may be illustrated by the following figure,

    Figure 1.

    Suppose the light which flows from a point A, and passes through a square hole B, is received upon a plane C, parallel to the plane of the hole—or, let the figure C be considered as the shadow of the plane B. When the distance of C is double of B, the length and breadth of the shadow C will be each double of the length and breadth of the plane B, and treble when AD is treble of AB, and so on, which may be easily examined by the light of a candle placed at A. Therefore the surface of the shadow C, at the distance AC—double of AB, is divisible into four squares, and at a treble distance, into nine squares, severally equal to the square B, as represented in the figure. The light, then, which falls upon the plane B being suffered to pass to double that distance, will be uniformly spread over four times the space, and consequently will be four times thinner in every part of that space. And at a treble distance it will be nine times thinner, and at a quadruple distance sixteen times thinner than it was at first. Consequently the quantities of this rarified light received upon a surface of any given size and shape when removed successively to these several distances, will be but one-fourth, one-ninth, one-sixteenth, of the whole quantity received by it at the first distance AB.

    In conformity with this law, the relative quantities of light on the surfaces of the planets may be easily determined, when their distances from the sun are known. Thus, the distance of Uranus from the sun is 1,800,000,000 miles, which is about nineteen times greater than the distance of the earth from the same luminary. The square of 19 is 361; consequently the earth enjoys 361 times the intensity of light when compared with that of Uranus; in other words, this distant planet enjoys only the ¹/361 part of the quantity of light which falls upon the earth. This quantity, however, is equivalent to the light we should enjoy from the combined effulgence of 348 full moons; and if the pupils of the eyes of the inhabitants of this planet be much larger than ours, and the retina of the eye be endued with a much greater degree of nervous sensibility, they may perceive objects with as great a degree of splendour as we perceive on the objects which surround us in this world. Following out the same principle, we find that the quantity of light enjoyed by the planet Mercury is nearly seven times greater than that of the Earth, and that of Venus nearly double of what we enjoy—that Mars has less than the one half—Jupiter the one twenty-seventh part—and Saturn only the one ninetieth part of the light which falls upon the Earth. That the light of these distant planets, however, is not so weak as we might at first imagine appears from the brilliancy they exhibit, when viewed in our nocturnal sky, either with the telescope or with the unassisted eye—and likewise from the circumstance that a very small portion of the Sun—such as the one fortieth or one fiftieth part diffuses a quantity of light sufficient for most of the purposes of life, as is found in the case of total eclipses of the Sun, when his western limb begins to be visible, only like a fine luminous thread, for his light is then sufficient to render distinctly visible all the parts of the surrounding landscape.

    7. It is by light reflected from opake bodies that most of the objects around us are rendered visible. When a lighted candle is brought into a dark room, not only the candle but all other bodies in the room become visible. Rays of the sun passing into a dark room render luminous a sheet of paper on which they fall, and this sheet in its turn enlightens, to a certain extent, the whole apartment, and renders objects in it visible, so long as it receives the rays of the sun. In like manner, the moon and the planets are opake bodies, but the light of the sun falling upon them, and being reflected from their surfaces, renders them visible. Were no light to fall on them from the sun, or were they not endued with a power of reflecting it, they would be altogether invisible to our sight. When the moon comes between us and the sun, as in a total eclipse of that luminary, as no solar light is reflected from the surface next

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