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The Choices That Make Love Last: How To Start Building A Solid Relationship
The Choices That Make Love Last: How To Start Building A Solid Relationship
The Choices That Make Love Last: How To Start Building A Solid Relationship
Ebook60 pages59 minutes

The Choices That Make Love Last: How To Start Building A Solid Relationship

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Disney movies and fairy tales end on a 'Happy Ever After' without ever showing that Real Effort and Hard Work goes into a Long-Lasting Relationship

Skipping over that fact, sets a lot of us up for failure...

Remember the excitement of meeting someone new - the butterflies, the laughs, that first kiss, oh the tingles! You want to know every little detail about this person, fall asleep in their arms every night, and seem to easily talk for hours about anything that comes to mind.

You're in a great new relationship, you feel elated and excited about this person for months, you're spending more and more time with each other..

And then, eventually, everything changes. The honeymoon period ends.

You are comfortable around each other. You still love each other very much, but that excitement seems all but vanished. You no longer talk for hours at a time. The sex becomes less frequent.

Sound familiar?

What happened? Is there an EASY way to get that magic back?

The Choices That Make Love Last - How To Start Building A Solid Relationship, By Sarah Hart goes into the complex issue of how to make love work, in an easy to understand way.

Especially focusing on the fact that love, while being beautiful and amazingly warm and fuzzy, ultimately has to be based on much more than skipped beats.

This title goes into both the small and the more significant choices we can make throughout our daily lives regarding ourselves, our partners and our relationships so that we can enjoy closer bonds and get through the hard stuff life throws our way.

It dives into important aspects of any solid relationship, including but not limited to, trust, honesty, and sex. It goes on to reveal how these elements are important, what the experts say, and includes stories from couples that have gone the distance on what makes their relationship work, as well as actionable steps you can take in your relationship to keep the flame burning brighter than ever!

Ultimately, when it comes to creating solid relationships that work for the long-term, it's all about those little choices that help fortify the relationship and make the big decisions easier.

If you want your partner to look at you again with an insatiable desire every day, or set up your next relationship with the right tools so that the honeymoon period doesn't have to end - You NEED to get this book!

Would You Like to Know More?

Get started right away with easy steps you can take today and discover how to make the honeymoon period last much longer than just a few months!

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PublisherSarah Hart
Release dateNov 10, 2019
The Choices That Make Love Last: How To Start Building A Solid Relationship

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    Book preview

    The Choices That Make Love Last - Sarah A Hart

    The Choices That Make Love Last

    How To Start Building A Solid Relationship


    © 2019 Sarah Hart – All Rights Reserved

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

    Read More By Sarah Hart

    Swipe Right: How To Successfully Navigate Modern Dating


    What is Love?

    The Relationship

    The Honeymoon Period

    The Fight


    What exactly is Mindfulness?

    How is this supposed to help a Relationship?

    Choices to Make the Relationship Work

    Be Kind

    Be Realistic

    Love Yourself




    This is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

    Perfection in the Imperfect

    Giving Each Other Space


    Stop and Take Stock

    Don’t Mind Read


    Speak Openly


    Conflict Management


    Catching Waves



    Fight For Each Other


    Let’s Get Physical

    Have Fun

    Final Thoughts


    About the Author

    What is Love?

    Clinical psychologist Yana Dubinsky asks the question, When a couple stands in front of all their friends and family on their wedding day, they promise to love each other ‘til death do us part.’ If love were a feeling, how can we make a promise about how we will feel in 20, 30, or 50 years? Therefore, it stands to reason that no matter how many Disney movies tell us to follow our hearts, love has to be much more than a desire.

    So what exactly is love then? If we go to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is defined as strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties or attraction based on sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers. The Greeks, on the other hand, had six different words to refer to love: Eros, or sexual passion, Philia, or deep friendship, Ludus, or playful love, Agape, or love for everyone, Pragma, or longstanding love, and Philautia, or love of the self.

    The Bible has its definition of love: Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, [love] is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury, it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

    Whatever definition you decide to choose to define love, one thing is for sure, love is never easy. It's hard work and consists of a series of choices and decisions that have no shortcut or fast track to making it last.

    There are a million different ways to love and we use the word ‘love’ to express our affection towards various different people and things, each in its own degree. When it comes to discovering how to make love last, first we must decide what love is. To love someone is to want the best for that person. The key to making this love last is to remember that Love is not just a feeling, it is not something we have, or we don’t. Love is not something we can hold it’s not something we can lose. Love is a verb. It is a skill that needs

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