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Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution
Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution
Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution
Ebook303 pages5 hours

Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution

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Galaxies, along with their underlying dark matter halos, constitute the building blocks of structure in the Universe. Of all fundamental forces, gravity is the dominant one that drives the evolution of structures from small density seeds at early times to the galaxies we see today. The interactions among myriads of stars, or dark matter particles, in a gravitating structure produce a system with fascinating connotations to thermodynamics, with some analogies and some fundamental differences.

Ignacio Ferreras presents a concise introduction to extragalactic astrophysics, with emphasis on stellar dynamics, and the growth of density fluctuations in an expanding Universe. Additional chapters are devoted to smaller systems (stellar clusters) and larger ones (galaxy clusters). Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution is written for advanced undergraduates and beginning postgraduate students, providing a useful tool to get up to speed in a starting research career. Some of the derivations for the most important results are presented in detail to enable students appreciate the beauty of maths as a tool to understand the workings of galaxies. Each chapter includes a set of problems to help the student advance with the material.

Praise for Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution

‘Dr Ferreras strikes gold here with a precisely targeted exposition of the essentials in galactic studies. Clearly derived from the extensive experience that he and his colleagues at both Oxford and UCL have gathered in teaching this material, it precisely fulfils the needs of advanced undergraduate and postgraduate scholars.' - Duncan S MacKay, Centre for Astrophysics & Planetary Science, University of Kent

PublisherUCL Press
Release dateApr 2, 2019
Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution

Ignacio Ferreras

Ignacio Ferreras is a staff astronomer at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, in Tenerife, Spain and holds an honorary professor position at the Physics and Astronomy department, UCL. He was academic staff at the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL for eleven years. After obtaining university degrees in theoretical physics in Valladolid, Spain, and Cornell University, USA, he embarked on a career in astrophysics with a PhD in Cantabria, Spain, followed by various research and academic appointments at Oxford, ETH Zürich, UCL, and King’s College London. He was a 'La Caixa' fellow and an individual Marie Curie fellow.

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    Fundamentals of Galaxy Dynamics, Formation and Evolution - Ignacio Ferreras


    An introduction to galaxy formation

    Galaxies are the building blocks of the Cosmos. Separated by vast distances, they also serve as tracers of the cosmic expansion and the primordial density fluctuations that gave rise to structure in the universe. Galaxy formation requires an understanding of the most fundamental physical processes: gravitation, statistical mechanics, gas hydrodynamics, radiative transfer, atomic physics, etc. In this book we will focus on the gravitational side of galaxies, dealing with both the statistical treatment of galaxies as an N-body system evolving purely under gravitational forces and with the growth of galaxies from evolving density fluctuations in an expanding Universe. This introductory chapter presents an overview of the field, including the observables typically used to study galaxies, the mechanisms underpinning galaxy formation and the characteristic timescales involved.

    1.1 The main ingredients of a galaxy

    A galaxy is a complex system bound by gravity. In our current paradigm, the gravitational potential is dominated by dark matter, whose distribution is much more extended than the visible part, and forms a spheroidal halo. The ordinary matter – loosely called baryonic matter – is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, in the form of stars, diffuse and clumpy gas, dust, planets, etc. Although the dark matter dominates the mass budget – with a contribution of around 85 per cent in mass of the total matter content – emission in the electromagnetic spectrum is provided only by the baryons, except for potential, but hard to find dark matter particle annihilation events. Therefore, there is a substantial difference between mass and light in galaxies.

    The gaseous component provides fuel for star formation. A highly complex set of processes involving gas infall, turbulence, radiative transfer, feedback from star formation and magnetic fields plays a role in the physics of star formation (something we will leave aside in this textbook). In addition, dust provides an important tracer of star formation as it is typically found in gas-rich star-forming environments. The scattering, absorption and emission of radiation from dust makes this component key in the thermodynamics of star formation. Galaxies with very high star formation rates (starbursts) are often enshrouded in dust, with the most active regions being practically opaque to optical radiation and displaying prominent emission in the infrared by heated dust: this is the case with Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) or submillimetre galaxies (SMGs).

    In addition to these components, it is worth noting the presence of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the centres of galaxies. With masses between a few million and several billion Suns, SMBHs can regulate the formation of their host galaxy. As gas accretes onto the SMBHs, a very luminous Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) is formed. The energetic output from the AGN in the form of jets can affect star formation over the full scale of the galaxy, in ways that are still open to debate.

    1.2 Observables

    This section gives a nonexhaustive overview of the type of observables commonly applied to the study of galaxies.


    In astrophysics, colour is defined as the flux ratio measured through different filters (see section 1.5). The interpretation of a colour depends on the wavelengths covered by the filters. In the ultraviolet/optical/infrared spectral windows, colour can be considered a rough proxy of stellar age. Light from younger stellar populations is predominantly contributed by massive, luminous, blue stars. However, other factors – such as chemical composition or dust – will affect this interpretation: a red colour need not imply old stars. For instance, the red colours found in so-called ERO galaxies (Extremely Red Objects) often originate from a young, but dusty stellar population. Figure 1.1 shows a mosaic of images of the nearby spiral galaxy M81, illustrating how a coverage of different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum allows us to study different processes in galaxies. The X-ray image reveals a diffuse component tracing hot gas; a central bright source betraying the presence of a supermassive black hole; and a number of point sources that correspond to X-ray binaries – stellar systems where one of the members is a compact object (neutron star or black hole), whose strong gravitational potential drags and heats up the outer layers of the companion star. In contrast, the ultraviolet emission is due mainly to massive, young stars and reveals the sites of ongoing star formation. The optical and near infrared windows are dominated by the bulk of the stellar populations, whereas at longer wavelengths, in the far infrared, emission is produced by dust, that – like UV light – also traces sites of ongoing star formation. At even longer wavelengths, in the radio, emission originates from supernova remnants and HII regions (ionized hydrogen around star-forming sites), and at λ = 21 cm, we find resonant emission from neutral atomic hydrogen (HI).

    Figure 1.1 Different views of nearby galaxy M81 (NGC3031, distance 3.7 Mpc). From left to right, images in the X-ray (NASA/CXC/Wisconsin/Pooley & CfA/Zezas), ultraviolet (NASA/JPL-Caltech/CfA/Huchra et al.), optical (NASA/ESA/CfA/Zezas), infrared (NASA/JPL-Caltech/CfA) and radio (NRAO/AUI/Adler & Westpfahl) spectral windows.


    The spectrum of a galaxy is the observed flux density as a function of wavelength, F(λ), or frequency, F(ν). Galaxy spectra carry valuable information about the kinematics and the chemical composition of the stellar and gaseous components. Motions along the line of sight towards the observer affect the position and shape of the spectral features (both in absorption and emission) via the Doppler shift. For instance, the absorption lines of a massive galaxy are significantly broader with respect to the same features in a low-mass galaxy, an effect caused by the higher velocity dispersion of the stellar component. The bulk rotation of disc galaxies is measured by the characteristic ‘S’-shaped pattern of the spectral line centres with respect to galactocentric distance. Moreover, a non-Gaussian analysis of the kinematic kernel – via higher order moments or a Gauss-Hermite expansion – allows us to further constrain the motion of the gas and stars of a galaxy.

    Figure 1.2 Extragalactic spectroscopy at work: high quality stacked spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey are shown for two early-type galaxies with different velocity dispersion – broadly tracing the mass of the galaxy. The insets zoom in special windows that feature absorption lines sensitive to the age, chemical composition and mass distribution of the underlying stellar component. (Source: data from Ferreras et al., 2013, MNRAS, 429, L15.)

    The absorption lines in ultraviolet/optical/infrared galaxy spectra originate in the atmospheres of their stars. Therefore, they carry information about the properties of the stellar populations (see an example in figure 1.2). For instance, spectral line strengths such as Balmer absorption (Hβ, Hγ, Hδ), or metallicity-dependent features such as the Mgb-Fe complex in the 5100-5400Å region provide constraints on the age and the chemical composition of galaxies. In emission, spectral lines originate from ionized regions, and the line luminosities constrain the properties of the gas, including its composition, temperature and ionisation state. For instance, the BPT diagram¹ (named after Baldwin, Phillips and Terlevich) provides a simple diagnostic to discriminate between emission from star-forming and AGN activity, by comparing the ratio between two pairs of line luminosities, such as Hβ/[OIII] and Hα/[NII].

    The dust component can also be probed with spectroscopy, including its overall attenuation effect with respect to wavelength and the presence of spectral features, most notably the NUV 2175Å bump or the silicate features in the infrared at 9.8 and 18μm. Also in the infrared window, emission lines from polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and thermal radiation are also sources of information regarding dust.

    Surface brightness

    Surface brightness (SB) is defined as the flux received from a section of the galaxy, i.e., within a solid angle. Therefore, it is not possible to measure the surface brightness of an unresolved source (e.g., the vast majority of stars observed with standard techniques). A simplified characterization involves the definition of elliptical isophotes, regions with the same surface brightness, leading to a one-dimensional surface brightness profile Σ(θ), where θ is the angular galactocentric distance, measured, e.g., as the semi-major axis of the ellipse describing the isophote. This distance can be translated into the physical projected two-dimensional, radius R, by use of the (angular diameter) distance (Da): R = Da tan θ (note R is often defined as a circularized radius , where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axis, respectively, of the corresponding ellipse that describes the galaxy). Although trivial for nearby sources, there is a second measure of the distance that translates between luminosity (L) and flux (F). This so-called luminosity distance (Dl) is defined such that . For large but noncosmological separations (i.e., where the general relativistic effects are unimportant), Da and Dl are practically the same, making the surface brightness independent of distance, but for cosmological separations Dl = (1 + zDa, where z is the redshift to the source (see chapter 7). The radial distribution of the surface brightness of disc galaxies can be described by an exponentially decaying profile:

    where h is the disc scale length, and Σh is the SB at R = h. In contrast, elliptical galaxies have a much steeper profile (de Vaucouleurs, or R¹/⁴ profile):

    The effective radius Re is defined such that half of the total flux is enclosed within Re, and Σe is the surface brightness at Re. A generic expression often used in the description of the SB distribution is the Sérsic profile:

    where n is the Sérsic index, and κ = 1.9992n− 0.3271 is a normalization factor that ensures the flux within R Re is one half of the total flux.² This profile includes the exponential case for n = 1 and the de Vaucouleurs profile for n = 4. The value of the index is commonly used as a quantitative indicator of morphology, with the early-type galaxies having n ≳ 2.5, and late-type galaxies having lower values of n.


    The morphology of a galaxy gives us information about the distribution of stars, gas and dust. Note that the appearance of a galaxy strongly depends on the spectral window (see figure 1.1). Morphological studies normally concern the stellar component as the main tracer of the gravitational potential of the galaxy. Galaxies are split roughly into three main groups: elliptical, spiral and irregular. The presence of a bar in spiral galaxies motivates a branching in the classification scheme, illustrated by the Hubble tuning fork diagram (figure 1.3). Elliptical and lenticular galaxies are combined into early-type galaxies and present a spheroidal distribution, explained by a major merging event, or some collapse mechanism by which the total angular momentum was kept low. The oblateness of these systems cannot be fully explained by rotation (see chapter 5), and their spectral energy distribution corresponds to old and metal-rich stellar populations, which reflect an early, intense and efficient process of star formation and are corroborated by their chemical composition (see chapter 6).

    In contrast, spiral galaxies, more aptly described as disc (or late-type) galaxies, are flatter systems where a large fraction of the total kinetic energy is in the form of bulk rotation. For example, the (thin) disc of our Milky Way galaxy has a vertical extent about one-tenth of the disc size. The collapse of gas under gravity can develop such a rotating structure, as for instance, during the formation of our solar system. Disc galaxies have a more complex distribution of stellar populations than ellipticals, featuring ongoing star formation as well as a substantial presence of old stars. The central part of a disc galaxy usually hosts a spheroidal structure, a bulge, whose origin also constitutes an open problem, with some bulges resembling an early-type galaxy (classic bulges) and others being the product of secular dynamical evolution (pseudo-bulges). Spiral arms are the most conspicuous features of disc galaxies. Their origin is based on dynamical resonances, which will be briefly explored in chapter 5. Irregular galaxies are more complex dynamical structures, often betraying the presence of an ongoing merger or tidal interaction with a neighbour.

    Figure 1.3 Hubble-de Vaucouleurs tuning fork diagram, showing the major morphological classification of galaxies into ellipticals (left) and spirals (right), the latter consisting of standard and barred spiral galaxies. (Source: The images of the galaxies were created from observations taken by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.)

    The standard method of morphological analysis involves visual inspection of images, preferably done through several filters. Morphology can also be determined from the surface brightness profile (see above), or by the application of alternative methods involving nonparametric observables, which do not make any assumption about the radial surface brightness profile. A number of observables are defined such as the concentration, asymmetry or clumpiness, or even higher order moments of the pixellated surface brightness distribution.³ More recently, machine learning methods are being applied to perform visual classification in a fully automated way, using, for instance, artificial neural networks trained on visually classified data sets.⁴


    It is difficult to provide a clear-cut definition of the size of galaxies. Being diffuse objects, their borders are fuzzy. One typically simplifies the problem to a one-dimensional equivalent by binning the observation radially within elliptical isophotes. A traditional definition of size, D25, hypothesizes that the galaxy extends in a region brighter than 25 mag arcsec−2 in the B band. This choice is motivated by the fact that surface brightness does not vary with distance over noncosmological scales. However, we know that over large distances, the surface brightness does indeed change, decreasing as (1 + z)⁴, where z is the redshift (termed ‘Tolman dimming’). A more robust criterion is based on the Petrosian radius, derived from the following expression:

    This function starts at η ∼ 1 for R0 0 and decreases outwards. The Petrosian radius is defined as the value RP for which η(RP) = 0.2. Its being a ratio of surface brightness eliminates the dependence on the cosmological Tolman dimming. Another option involves fitting the observed data with a generic surface brightness profile such as the Sérsic function presented above (equation 1.3), so that the parametric effective radius of the function can be used as a measure of size.

    Exercise 1.1

    Find the Petrosian radius as a function of h for the exponentially decaying surface brightness case shown in equation 1.1.

    Luminosity function

    Galaxies can be classified according to their absolute luminosity (i.e., their power, or energy emitted per unit time, usually defined with respect to solar luminosity, L⊙, or given by their apparent flux when located at a fiducial distance). The volume number density of galaxies (n) per luminosity interval is the Luminosity Function. It can be suitably described by a power law with an exponential cutoff at the bright end, defined as the Schechter function:

    with three free parameters: the characteristic luminosity (L⋆, usually given in units of L⊙, or as an absolute magnitude, M⋆), the power law index, equivalent to the slope at the faint end (α), and the normalisation, given by the number density of L⋆ galaxies (given, aside from a factor e, by Φ0, usually in units of Mpc−3). We will see in chapter 7 that the shape of the Schechter function is a direct

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