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Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The: An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction
Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The: An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction
Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The: An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction
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Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The: An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction

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Extinction of species has alarmingly increased in recent decades due to anthropogenic activities, natural calamities and climate change. The life history, ecology and evolution of such species have often not been well studied.

Gymnocladus assamicus is an archaic tree endemic to the Eastern Himalayan region of Northeast India. Locally known as 'Menangmanba-shi' by the Monpa tribe of Arunachal Pradesh (India), mature G. assamicus pods contain high saponin and are used traditionally for cleansing purposes and rituals. We rediscovered the species after more than 70 years from high altitude areas in the Himalayas through extensive field explorations and employing an ecological niche modeling approach. Our study revealed a very few actively reproducing mature G. assamicus trees surviving in unique microclimatic conditions. The species is classified as 'critically endangered' (IUCN red list).
The book contains detailed information about G. assamicus and discusses its current distribution, population status, ethnobotanical uses and other ecological parameters. Major intrinsic and extrinsic factors that might be responsible for population decline are described. More importantly, we reported a very rare mating system known as 'androdioecy' in which male and hermaphrodite individuals co-exist in the natural population. Overall, the book highlights the story of a critically endangered tree species with a unique biological and socio-cultural importance and will serve as a case study and referencefor other similar species both locally and globally.
Release dateOct 17, 2019
Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The: An Ecologically and Economically Important Tree on the Brink of Extinction

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    Himalayan Soap Pod Tree (Gymnocladus assamicus), The - Baharul I Choudhury

    General Introduction

    Gymnocladus assamicus is an archaic tree with a rounded spreading crown endemic to the eastern Himalayan region of northeast India. Locally known as Menangmanba-shi by the Monpa tribe of Tawang district in Arunachal Pradesh (India), meaning ‘soap pod tree’, mature pods contain high saponin which is used traditionally for cleansing purposes. The soap pod tree is also intricately associated with their local tradition and religious activities. The tree remained unreported for more than 70 years in its home range and was included in a priority list for the national plant recovery programme in India. Extensive field surveys and employment of ecological niche modelling approaches could locate only 28 mature trees from 14 discrete populations, of which only 9 trees were actively reproducing. Our study thus revealed ‘critically endangered’ status of the species and therefore its need for a special recovery plan.

    We identified both natural and anthropogenic pressures to regeneration of the tree and developed suitable strategies for an effective recovery programme. Hard seed coat imposed seed dormancy, seed hoarding by animals and over-harvesting of mature pods were found to be major limitations of regeneration for G. assamicus. More importantly, a very rare mating system known as ‘androdioecy’ was discovered, in which male and hermaphrodite individuals coexist in natural populations. The androdioecious mating system is considered an intermediate step towards the evolution of dioecy; however, it is not clear whether androdioecy in G. assamicus may have evolved from dioecy as a result of selection for male function in females for reproductive assurance during colonization. Phylogenetic studies in the light of mating systems among related species will be helpful in understanding evolution of androdioecy in G. assamicus and other such species.

    Overall, the book highlights the story of a critically endangered tree species having unique biological and sociocultural importance. Our initial experiment on ‘conservation through cultivation’ showed great potential to recover G. assamicus from extinction. The book will serve as a case study and provide guidelines for conducting similar research for other rare/endangered species in the region as well as elsewhere in the world.

    In Chapter 1, the biology, distribution and population status of G. assamicus is elaborated with informative field data. The genus Gymnocladus belongs to the family Leguminosae and subfamily Caesalpinioideae. It has a basal position in phylogenetic schemes and is highly diverse in floral form and ontogeny. G. assamicus mostly grows on hill slopes and along the banks of streams. The tree remains completely leafless for over two months during winter. New leaves appear during early March followed by flowering during April which lasts only for 15–20 days. Fully mature pods persist on the trees until the next flowering season.

    An attempt has been made to understand the phylogeny and phylogeography of the genus Gymnocladus and its close relatives in Chapter 2. Gymnocladus is a small archaic genus belonging to the family Leguminosae, having very few species and showing interesting patterns of distribution. The genus was first described by Lamark with two species Gymnocladus canadensis and Gymnocladus arabicus from eastern Canada and Egypt respectively. Guilandina dioca (L.) is an earlier name for the Canadian species Gymnocladus canadensis which is again synonymised to Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K. Koch. Another sister genus of Gymnocladus is Gleditsia which was described by Linnaeus with a single species Gleditsia tricanthos from Virginia (North America). Currently, there are about 14 species in the world out of which 10 species are found in temperate Asia, 2 or 3 in North America, G. amorphoides (Griseb.) Taub. in South America and G. caspica Desf. around the Caspian Sea. In India, the genus Gleditsia is represented by G. assamica Bor. and G. delavayi Franch and is also restricted to the northeastern region of India. Occurrence of Gymnocladus burmanicus from Arunachal Pradesh in India is also highlighted in this chapter.

    Chapter 3 presents a detailed account of the G. assamicus reproductive ecology which was revealed through pollination ecology experiments conducted in the field. Breeding systems in the genus Gymnocladus are confusing and described either as polygamous or dioecious or with unisexual flowers. Mature G. assamicus trees bear male and bisexual flowers on separate trees. Morphology of flowers in both the morphs is similar except that male inflorescences possess more flowers than hermaphrodites. Controlled breeding experiments confirmed clear sexual dimorphism with males lacking female function and hermaphrodites with both sexual functions. Such co-occurrence of male and hermaphrodite individuals in the same population is known as functional androdioecy and is very rare.

    Seed biology and modes of regeneration are important criteria for management of threatened species and are highlighted in Chapter 4. Information on the ecological requirements at the seed and seedling stages is vital both for conservation and rehabilitation and is seldom articulated in silvicultural and forest management plans. The present study, based on scanning electron microscopic observation, showed the very compact nature of testa which may prevent uniform intake of water throughout the seed surface. This may have led the seed to become highly impermeable in nature. Different seed pretreatments in laboratory conditions could break the dormancy effectively and may be used in forestry practices.

    Seedling dynamics of G. assamicus are highlighted in Chapter 5 providing results of in situ and ex situ studies. A seedling survival and growth study revealed that G. assamicus expresses full growth and development in rich soil moisture areas under lower irradiance levels. Therefore, plantations of G. assamicus should be raised along river or stream banks where soil moisture is sufficient even during drier seasons. Seedlings may be planted under medium irradiance levels along established forest/plantations with small or medium gaps.

    Conservation and management of G. assamicus is critical. Chapter 6 provides a general biodiversity profile of northeast India and specific details for management of G. assamicus, highlighting both short-term and long-term goals. A conservation through cultivation approach may become successful in the case of G. assamicus for its brilliant autumn colour as well as its ethnobotanical importance.

    1 Biology, Distribution and Population Status of Gymnocladus assamicus

    1.1 Introduction

    The eastern Himalayan region of northeast India is a global ‘biodiversity hotspot’, home to relict species found nowhere else in the world. However, the region’s biodiversity has been threatened by anthropogenic activities such over-harvesting, habitat degradation and agricultural extension, and thus requires an integrated approach for effective management at local and international levels (Dong et al., 2017). Soap pod tree (Gymnocladus assamicus Kanj. ex. P.C. Kanjilal) is a tree species facing tremendous extinction pressure in its natural habitat due to several such activities. The species possesses enormous economic and ecological importance throughout its distribution range and an effective conservation initiative is urgently needed. G. assamicus is a medium-sized deciduous tree with horizontal ascending branching. Etymologically, Gymnocladus means ‘naked twigs’ (Greek), a name which is derived from the tree’s branches, which remain leafless for a prolonged period and appear ‘naked’ after leaf fall. G. assamicus is locally known as Menangmanba-shi among the Monpa tribe and Minkling among the Lish Monpa tribe in Arunachal Pradesh, meaning ‘soap tree’.

    Ethnobotanical use of the G. assamicus pods is very popular among the local people, and is intimately associated with the culture and tradition of the region. However, the species has been listed recently as critically endangered in the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List due to natural and anthropogenic activities, and requires urgent protection measures (Saha et al., 2015). Natural populations of actively reproducing G. assamicus trees were found to be extremely small (Menon et al., 2010) and, as such, the species has been included on the priority list for the recovery programme in India (Ganeshaiah, 2005).

    1.2 Taxonomy of G. assamicus

    The taxonomic position of Gymnocladus assamicus as par Benthum and Hooker (1862–1883) is as follows:

    •    Phylum: Angiospermae

    •    Class: Dicotyledonae

    •    Subclass: Polypetalae

    •    Order: Rosales

    •    Family: Leguminosae

    •    Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae

    •    Genus: Gymnocladus Lamarck, 1785

    •    Species: G. assamicus Kanjilal ex. PC Kanjilal

    Botanical name: Gymnocladus assamicus Kanjilal ex. PC Kanjilal, 1934.

    Type: India, Assam, Khasi Hills, Laitkshe, Marngor, 1800 m, UN Kanjilal 7624, holo: DD; iso: ASSAM, CSL, K.

    1.2.1 Taxonomic description

    This is a medium-sized tree with average height of 15 to 17 m (Fig. 1.1.); the trunk is horizontal with ascending branching. The bark is greyish-brown with an outer reticulate corky layer having parallel furrows (Fig. 1.2). Bi-pinnate compound leaves are alternate, 38–45 x 20–25 cm, obscurely glandulose with a swollen base, having 10–12 pairs of pinnae (Fig. 1.3). The pinnae are opposite or distantly sub-opposite, 10–22 x 6–8 cm with 15–20 leaflets. Leaflets are shortly petioled, subopposite to alternate, 2–2.3 x 0.64–0.67 cm, oblong to ovate oblong, minutely mucronate, nearly glabrous above with minutely brown pubescent beneath the midrib. The main lateral nerves are 5–8 in number on either side and are very obscure, slightly elevated above and depressed beneath. The base of the leaflets is rounded to slightly cuneate with short petiolules mounted with sparsely adpressed hair.

    Fig. 1.1. Habitat of a mature G. assamicus tree (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Fig. 1.2. G. assamicus bark: reticulate corky outer cover having parallel furrows (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Fig. 1.3. Bi-pinnate compound leaves of G. assamicus (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    1.2.2 Floral sexuality

    The inflorescence of Gymnocladus assamicus is of terminal racemose type, having fine pubescence throughout. Male inflorescence is larger, 13–16 x 5–6 cm, with nearly whorled lateral branches comprising 15–20 flowering nodes (Fig. 1.4). In comparison, hermaphrodite inflorescence is smaller and varies from 4–6 x 5–6 cm (Fig. 1.5). The average number of flowers per male inflorescence was observed to be 72.50 (±4.01, n=20) and that of hermaphrodite flowers per inflorescence was observed to be 23.40 (±4.01 n=20). Both male and bisexual flowers are small, tubular, violet-coloured and odourless.

    Fig. 1.4. Male G. assamicus inflorescence (photo: Prabhat C. Nath).

    Fig. 1.5. Hermaphrodite G. assamicus flowers (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    1.2.3 Hermaphrodite flower

    Complete, pedicellate, actinomorphic, pentamerous, tubular, narrowed at the base and becoming gradually wider at the mouth. Corolla is with five united petals. Petals 10–15 mm long, hairy, shaggy throughout, corolla tube ca 3.43 mm wide. Calyx with five basally connate sepals, subequal, lanceolate to ovate, 4–6 mm long with shaggy brown hair. Corolla tube is 5–7 mm long and 3.43 mm wide at anthesis and is also shaggy brown hairy outside.

    Calyx comprising five lobes, which are subequal and lanceolate to subulate, 4–6 mm long with shaggy brown hairy outside. Stamens 10, didynamous, alternate with 1.5–2.5 mm long filaments. Anthers are oblong, ovoid and dithacous.

    Pistil one, 9–10 mm long at anthesis, slightly arched, thick and compressed, well demarcated into stigma, style and ovary. Ovary superior, unilocular with 5–8 ovules in each locule, style straight, slightly thick and compressed with oblique stigma. Stigma surface is slightly slanted, papillate with wet sticky exudates.

    1.2.4 Male flower

    Male flowers are shorter pedicellate as compared with hermaphrodite flowers. Each corolla tube is 4–6 mm long and ca 3 mm wide at anthesis and is also shaggy brown hairy on the outside. Vestigial carpel is visible at the base of the perianth tube.

    1.2.5 Fruit

    The fruits of G. assamicus are of typical pod type and range from 10–16 to 2.5–4 cm in dimension, and are compressed and turgid over the seeds. Pericarp is polished and fleshy; mesocarp is highly saponaceous (Fig. 1.6). Each pod contains 4–8 seeds. Seeds are 14–15 x 15–17 mm in dimension, ovoid or subglobose, have black horny testa, and are extremely hard. Radicle is comparatively small and erect. Fully mature pods are fleshy, having a pungent smell which persists on the trees for a prolonged period of time (Fig. 1.7). Wood is moderately hard and yellowish white. Pith is soft, spongy and more prominent in young shoot (Fig. 1.8).

    Fig. 1.6. Highly saponaceous G. assamicus mature pods (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Fig. 1.7. G. assamicus mature pods from previous fruiting season (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Fig. 1.8. Longitudinal section of G. assamicus wood (Photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    1.3 Ethnobotanical Uses of Fruits

    Ethnobotanical information forms a rich knowledge system for the health and nutrition of indigenous people, particularly within resource-poor rural communities. Such invaluable information is often unwritten and inherited through generations via verbal communication. However, this knowledge system is being threatened by modern cultural practices and global economic changes. Therefore, documentation and preservation of ethnobotanical knowledge is crucial for sustainability of natural resources, preservation of tradition, resource management, conservation and community development.

    Traditional societies in the eastern Himalayan region are integral to the local ecosystems, and play a significant role in the maintenance of their ecological surroundings. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) have been collected and used for generations for subsistence and trade. G. assamicus pods are unique in multiple aspects. Pods become brown and fleshy during maturation and develop an alluring smell. Post-maturation, pods persist on trees for an extended period and are clearly visible (Fig. 1.7). This trait helps local people locate mature pods from a fair distance and harvest the pods for future use.

    The local Monpa people are largely dependent on NTFPs for food, medicine, dye, firewood, resin and fibre (Saha and Sundriyal, 2012). G. assamicus is intimately associated with the daily life and rituals of the Monpas of Arunachal Pradesh due to its multiplicity of ethnobotanical uses (Choudhury et al., 2007a). Local people are familiar with the locations of most of the mature trees in the neighbourhood, and harvest fully mature pods mainly from the tree directly, or from the ground. Large-scale harvesting, often of all mature pods, has been found to be common. Excess pods are stored for future use, sometimes for four to five years, as documented in the Monpa community. In some cases, pods are harvested by cutting down the branches, which severely damages the tree (Fig. 1.9). Monpa people consider mature G. assamicus pods sacred, and exchange them as gifts within the community. Additionally, Buddhist monks, locally known as lama, gratefully accept the pods as religiously significant gifts.

    Fig. 1.9. Mature pods have been collected here by cutting down branches of the G. assamicus tree (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Pods are exploited for multiple purposes. They are primarily used during worship at monasteries, locally known as gompa. The Buddhist people of Arunachal Pradesh prepare a decorative, colourful and sacred structure known as a torgen, meaning ‘flower’ (Fig. 1.10), to perform rituals. The main ingredient of the torgen is torma which is a mixture of wheat flour, clarified butter (ghee) from yak milk, and wax. Torma is very sticky in nature, and clings to the hands during torgen preparation. Pre-soaked pods are rubbed between the hands to prevent such clinging during preparation, as a substitute for detergent (Fig. 1.11). The use of G. assamicus pods is more effective than commercial soaps in eliminating the stickiness of the torma. More importantly, use of this natural soap substitute for such rituals is regarded as sacrosanct.

    Fig. 1.10. Torgen made of highly greasy materials assisted with the use of G. assamicus pod (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Fig. 1.11. Demonstration of G. assamicus pod use during torgen preparation in Dirang monastery (photo: Baharul I. Choudhury).

    Cleanliness is a human necessity, and traditional ways of maintaining cleanliness using available means and methods have been practiced for centuries. Multiple plant species with rich saponin content and effective cleansing properties have been reported in India (Mehta and Bhatt, 2007) and other parts of the world (Osbourn, 1996). The fruit of Sapindus mukorossi, popularly known as soapnut, is recognized in many cultures across Asia for its cleansing properties (Nakayama et al., 1986; Suhagia et al., 2011). The cleansing action of soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) has also been known for centuries (Osbourn, 1996). However, due to a lack of documentation, G. assamicus pods are lesser known despite their strong cleansing properties. Pods are popularly used for domestic cleansing purposes such as washing clothes, hands and utensils. Older generations still prefer the pods for bathing, in lieu of soap. We documented a very efficient cleansing properties of the pods against a wide range of strong fats, oils and other complex stains from daily activities. Women use the pods for shampooing, and cite them as superior to commercial shampoos for the removal of dandruff. In one study, MeOH extracts from the fruits of Gymnocladus were found to exhibit anti-HIV activity (Konoshima et al., 1995). In

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