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InkShard: A Compendium of Essays
InkShard: A Compendium of Essays
InkShard: A Compendium of Essays
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InkShard: A Compendium of Essays

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InkShard is a compendium of articles and social commentary, written by author Eric Muss-Barnes, between 2004 and 2018. Revised and expanded, this volume assembles various topics culled from posts on social media websites to the scripts of video essays. Carefully compiled from the finest of his journalistic work, InkShard represents the definitive collection of Eric’s most compelling dissertations and beloved editorials.

Release dateJun 16, 2019
InkShard: A Compendium of Essays

Eric Muss-Barnes

Raised by the 1940's swingkid generation of his maternal grandparents, Eric Muss-Barnes grew up 2500 miles outside of Los Angeles; has spent years working at Walt Disney Studios; piloted hang gliders over 6000 feet above the Earth; dated fashion models, rockstar goddesses and glamazon actresses; been thrown and dragged by horses (arguably similar to his dating experiences); earned a living as an American Greetings toymaker and a Hollywood game designer; ridden motorcycles through mountains and desert sandstorms (make that "over" mountains, he's not Buckaroo Banzai); produced, directed and edited music videos and an award-nominated film; briefly wed a tattooed MENSA astrophysicist chick; crewed on an Academy Award nominated movie; skateboarded in pools all around California with XGames medalists; written an epic series of vampire novels; photographed numerous Playboy models and sold his images in art galleries; been published in multiple fiction/non-fiction anthologies; served 12 years hard time in parochial schools; and created and programmed a blog called InkShard where you can see videos and essays about his life as a writer.

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    InkShard - Eric Muss-Barnes

    Death by Shyness

    17 July 2004

    Did you ever watch Star Trek: The Next Generation?

    There was a character on that show named Lieutenant Barclay. He was one of my favorite characters. He was a balding, middle-aged nerd who was utterly crippled by shyness, and he would spend countless, unhealthy amounts of time, acting out fantasies on the Holodecks. Fantasies where he was brave and dashing and heroic and suave and debonaire. Everything he wanted to be, but never was.

    In one episode, Barclay explained, he was the type of person who would go to a party and stand in the corner and pretend to look genuinely interested in a potted plant.

    To this, another character replied, Oh, come on, Barclay. You’re just shy.

    And Lieutenant Barclay’s face changes. His brow rumples and he looks downright angry and says, "Just shy?... Just shy?.... You say it as if it’s nothing. No. You have no idea what it’s like... You have no idea."

    In that moment, he became one of my favorite characters. Because I knew exactly what he meant. I know exactly how he feels. That inner rage. The disappointment in oneself. The frustration. With those simple words, you have no idea; I knew exactly the things he has gone through.

    Tonight, I went out to a big, beautiful masquerade ball. While I was there, I saw a girl I have had a crush on for an entire year. I’ve only seen her twice in my life. Tonight was the third time.

    First time I saw her, we never even spoke.

    She and I have only really met once, at a wedding last fall. So tonight, we were talking in the crowd, while she awaiting the arrival of her new boyfriend. While we were standing around, she asked me if I came with anyone. I told her no. I didn’t. She seemed surprised.

    You’re really hot, she said, why did you come alone?

    I was stunned. She thought I was hot!?

    Well, I said, "I tried to ask you out."

    You did? When?

    Back when you were single a few months ago and we talked on the phone.

    You did? I thought you just wanted to hang out and stuff. Oh my gosh! You need to be more overt. I would have totally gone out with you!

    I froze. "... What!... You would have?"


    ... Oh. Well... I... uh... Oh.

    Gee, great. What do I say to that?! A woman that I have desired for over a year. One I was far too shy to be overt with; as she put it. One of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Totally out of my league. No way she’d like me or want me in any way... But she thinks I’m hot?... And she would have gone out with me?...

    Oh. My. God.

    In that moment, I felt like such an ass. Just like Lieutenant Barclay.

    Oh, Eric, you’re just shy.

    Just shy?... JUST SHY!?

    No. You have no idea what it’s like... You have NO idea...


    She was a liar, of course. Now that I’m a bit older and wiser, I know better. Looking back, obviously she was just being nice to me. If she had truly found me attractive, and was willing to go out with me, she would have never turned me down when I asked her to spend time with me. Her berating me that I had to be more overt; was nonsense. If she truly liked me, she would have accepted my invitation. Period.

    At least I am no longer foolish enough to regret mistakes that I never actually made.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018


    22 September 2004

    A friend and I went out to dinner recently and she told me she would never have a boyfriend again. From now on, she announced, I am either married or single.

    And I understood her point. There reaches a point in life when you see that emotional or sexual exclusivity feels rather illogical. Wouldn’t relationships founded on openness and freedom and strength and confidence be better than jealousy and possession and insecurity and sorrow? Isn’t there a glorious beauty in saying, We don’t own each other. We are free to do anything we want and be with anyone we desire. I love you and trust you and support you and believe in you enough to know that you will always return to me. I am confident in my worth and know that I will never be abandoned by you, even if you love people other than me. And if you ever do choose to stop seeing me, I will be okay with that. Because I know that I am still a loveable person and I don’t need our romance as a validation of my self-worth.

    Maybe the notions of betrayal and cheating and jealousy should be avoided simply by eliminating the notions of exclusivity and monogamy and devotion until you get that ring on your finger. You know? As my friend said, married or single. Period.

    Of course, I haven’t always thought that way. And sometimes, the principal of such an open freedom is certainly easier said than done.

    In 1994, I had an incredible girlfriend whom I was madly in love with.

    She cheated on me.

    The funny thing is, she tried to wriggle her way out of the technicality of cheating by breaking up with me and making out with the other guy on the same night. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. If you are in a committed relationship, and you fall for someone else, you can’t break up with your significant other, go fool around with the new person on the same night, and pretend you are not cheating. You may not be breaking any promises of physical intimacy that way, but you were cheating emotionally for weeks prior. I mean, cripe, the corpse of the relationship is still having the chalkline drawn around it at that point! While I was in my bedroom crying my eyes out, she’s off making out with some other dude? No. That’s cheating. You don’t get to clear your conscience on a technicality. Breaking up with me 15 minutes beforehand does not absolve you from that sin.

    So, anyway, I didn’t find out about the cheating until about 6 months after it happened. Thankfully, her cheating just consisted of making out and kissing. No sex. Years later, I had all that confirmed through the grapevine too. I mean, sure, it was still hurtful, but at the time, it would have hurt a lot more if she had fucked him. Looking back, to some degree, I almost wish they had. But I’m getting ahead of my story.

    Sure, I suspected about the cheating. I mean, I knew. We all know. When our lovers betray us, we know. We see it. We feel it. We just lie to ourselves and deny it. Rationalize it away. But it doesn’t take much to find out. All you need to hear is some tone in their voice. You can’t quite describe it. But you recognize it when it’s there. Your lover can say something as innocent as, We talked on the phone this afternoon and there is something about the way they say it - you know they are interested in this other person.

    So, yeah, I knew. And I denied it.

    The guy she cheated with was a friend of hers, and an acquaintance of mine. I actually introduced them to each other.

    At first, of course, I hated the guy when I found out. Bastard. How dare he!? This prick knew she was my girl. He knew me! And he pursued her anyway? What a dishonorable asshole! Why on earth would my girlfriend be attracted to some worthless jerk like that?

    Naturally, I was even more angry with her.

    After all, he was a dishonorable asshole, but he owed no loyalty to me or to anyone. He wasn’t betraying anyone’s trust. My girlfriend was dishonorable and she was a betraying, liar, slut-whore-bitch from hell. Right?

    I’m such a victim here! I am the innocent, nice guy who got his heart broken by some scumbag bastard and a sleazy tramp! Right? What did I do to deserve this!? Why me!? How dare they!? I hate them! Self-centered assholes! They deserve each other and I hope their genitals rot off! That’s what they should get! Right?

    But as time went on, I had to look at things a bit differently.

    Maybe I simply asked why me one too many times. And once I started to see the truth and face the honest answer to that question, I had only one choice to make.

    I forgave them both.

    No. No. More than that. Forgiveness implies wrongdoing. Not only did I forgive them but I began to realize that they never really did anything so terribly wrong in the first place.

    Could I blame my girlfriend? How could I? Clearly, she wasn’t happy with me. If she were happy, she would never have been tempted to cheat in the first place. Right? If I was fulfilling her needs, she wouldn’t have felt any desire to find that fulfillment in someone else.

    And in that case, how much of the blame falls to me?

    Was I being good to her?

    No. Not really. I was a bit distant and wasn’t very giving during that period of our relationship. Does that justify her looking for attention elsewhere? Yes. Absolutely. Why should she be expected to stay with a guy who wasn’t bringing joy into her life and was neglecting her?

    Could I blame the guy she fooled around with? How could I? My girlfriend was an amazing person. Beautiful. Bright. Fun. Intelligent. Spirited and vibrant. Of course he would be attracted to her. How could I despise him for being interested in her? Should I fault him for being too weak to do the right thing and keep away?... And, honestly, was keeping away from her truly the right thing for him to do?... After all, as I said before - why on earth would my girlfriend be attracted to some worthless jerk like that?... Well, maybe because he was being less of a worthless jerk than her boyfriend was being... Maybe he was a good guy who truly cared about her, and just wanted to make her happy, because he knew I wasn’t bringing her the joy she deserved. After all, if she was complaining about me to him, telling him all my faults, talking about how unhappy she felt, could I blame him for wanting the opportunity to be good to her?

    In the end, I saw that we were all to blame.

    No one was completely innocent.

    All of us were a little bit guilty.

    Or were they?

    Was he wrong for pursuing her? Perhaps. But not really. Not if she was unhappy with me.

    Was she wrong for pursuing him? Perhaps. But not really. Not if she was unhappy with me.

    Was I wrong for neglecting her? Yeah. Hell, yeah.

    So who is really the person I have to point a finger at?

    That is why I said that I almost wish they had slept together. After all, it would have been nice if she was feeling that deeply desired and wanted by someone, since I wasn’t doing enough to provide her with that sense of worth.

    Ironically, after feeling like the victim for so many years, the truth is, if I’m brutally honest with myself, the experience was something I brought upon myself. I may have been more responsible for what happened than anyone.

    Now, a decade later, it is all so much water under the bridge. I have no idea what became of him. She’s happily married to another guy. And ultimately, I can now see the experience for what it was; we were just three people in a mess, and none of us did anything that was horribly unforgivable.

    The truth is, hey, none of us had rings on our fingers. Right? So, really, did any of us do anything terribly immoral or cruel or dishonorable? No. Not really.

    Can I honestly say, My girlfriend cheated on me?

    Yes. Technically. But you don’t get to clear your conscience on a technicality.

    I can more accurately say, I was neglecting my girlfriend and someone else was making her happy, so she temporarily decided she’d rather be with him than with me.

    How can I be angry with anyone but myself for that?

    Considering that I cheated on her about 6 months later, she might have been better off staying with the other guy instead of me after all... But that’s another story.

    Mothers Say The Darnedest Things

    12 February 2005

    So, I’m on the phone with my mom today and she shocked the hell out of me again.

    You know I love you. And no matter what you say, I will never think less of you. But there is something I need to ask you, she said.

    Lately, she has often been talking about coming to visit me. So, I figured she was leading up to asking if I really wanted her to come or not.

    Okay, I said.

    Okay, she paused. Are you gay?

    Oh, dear God. I have been single for way too long.

    If I hadn’t already been laying on my bed, I might have fallen over into it. WHAT!?

    Well, you never mention any girls. You never talk about seeing anybody. I was just starting to wonder.

    Mom! I couldn’t be any farther from being gay. And I just went out with a girl last night!

    Okay. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Now I feel embarrassed. I’m sorry. Then she got all defensive, But you never talk about girls!

    I was not offended or embarrassed. Honestly, I was laughing and rather speechless, because I was so shocked by her assumption.

    Well, I replied, that’s because I’m not in a serious relationship. If I had a girlfriend, I would talk about her. But if I go out with someone once or twice, there isn’t much to talk about. I go out with girls all the time and they are around for 2 weeks. So, most of them aren’t worth mentioning.

    Good God.

    Since when does being single translate into being gay!?

    So, it’s time for me to come out of the closet. It is so hard for me to say this in public, but here goes:

    Yes, I am a flaming heterosexual and I love to have sex with... women. I know it’s perverse and wrong. Disgusting to imagine. But no matter how much it is accepted, I will never want to touch any penis but my own. I know. I know. I’m a sick and deranged deviant. But what can I say? I’m straight and proud and faaaaaaaaaaaabulous!


    This little story also appears as a longer scene in my novel Voodoo & Loveshadow but I figured I’d include the original version, as I told it on my blog, many years ago.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018

    Irritated With People Who Are Irritated

    26 February 2005


    I was going to exclude this essay, because it is so brief and meaningless. In fact, it makes references to the website MySpace, which doesn’t even exist anymore.

    But, then I got to thinking, for the sake of posterity and history, it can be an interesting little insight into an attitude of the times.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, October 2018

    I have a few friends on my friends list and I have NO CLUE who they are.

    Now and then, some random person asks to be my friend and I approve them.

    Why? Because they’re cute? Because I want to appear popular? Because I’m lonely and want to delude myself into thinking I have more friends than I actually do?


    None of those reasons.

    There is only one reason that I add total strangers: Because it is kind.

    So to all you fucking fucks who complain about friend requests from people whom you don’t know, here’s a tip - Stop being a fucking fuck. WHO CARES!? It’s just a silly website. It’s just MySpace. It means NOTHING.

    So, if some disillusioned soul thinks it DOES mean something and approving a friend request helps that person feel better about themselves, I’m going to do it. Because it takes about 0.5 seconds out of my day and it is nice.

    For those of you who feel compelled to comment on this and say things like, But I get 500 a day and it takes forever and it’s annoying and blah, blah, blah . . .!

    Again, I say, it is MySpace. It’s just a website. If you are too cool and too important to approve friend requests, get over yourself. Be nice to people. Or go fuck yourself, you self-centered scumwad.

    And for the record, I’ve never had a single friend-request denied. So I’m not venting over a personal rejection. I’m venting over fucking self-important primadonnas.

    Thank you. That is all.

    Growing Up

    10 April 2005


    This essay amuses me, simply because it exhibits a juvenile mentality I had forgotten I still possessed at the age of 34.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, October 2018


    So, I finally fixed the flat tire on my mountainbike.

    I’m out riding the oval trail in the park near my place where people jog a lot. The trail is only about a half mile long at most. So, once you start, you will often pass the same people 3 or 4 times going in opposite directions as you loop around for a few miles.

    So, I pass this really hot girl.

    And for a split second, I think, Whoa! Okay, time to turn around and hit on her.

    The best part was - she was out to meet someone. She was wearing makeup. Perfume. Late 20’s perhaps. Blond hair, pulled-back in a ponytail and tucked under a cute baseball cap. Huge bolt-on boobs with a grey, tight t-shirt that read ANGEL in gold lettering across her chest. Painted-on black shorts. Jogging weights in her hands.

    She looked so hot, stylish and... stupid.

    Little voice in my head said, Eric, would you ever TRULY want to date a woman who wears perfume and makeup when she goes out jogging?

    Good point. She wasn’t even breaking a sweat. Probably because she didn’t want her makeup to run.

    I smiled contentedly to myself, feeling slightly more mature. Slightly more grown up. And a little proud of myself.

    It was a nice feeling.



    The OTHER little voice in my head was screaming, Dude! The bitch is wearing perfume and makeup when she’s out jogging!? No respectable woman does that. She’s a dirty little whore! You know she puts out! Go hit that shit!



    Growing up? I don’t think so.

    Behind Every Great Man

    9 July 2005


    When I wrote this essay 13 years ago, I had a very different attitude toward romantic relationships. It is strange to look back at different eras in life and see how your values and priorities have changed. I have not preoccupied myself with silly philosophizing about love and romance for years. And I certainly do not think romantic partnerships are a prerequisite for a successful and fulfilling life. But, apparently, that was exactly what I believed in 2005, foolish as that seems in retrospect. Publicly chronicling an embarrassing philosophy is a great way to remain humble.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, October 2018


    Women love successful men.

    These days, women want men who have accomplished things and have money and stability in their lives. Women expect that from men. They want a man who is a somebody.

    I’m too old fashioned.

    I always believed that old phrase, Behind every great man is a great woman.

    I think I believe that phrase so deeply, and have taken it to heart so strongly, that I have convinced myself of the further implication that no man can ever become great without a great woman supporting him in the first place. Even though countless men prove they can do it on their own, I have long held the belief that I can never get anywhere without someone behind me. A self-fulfilling prophecy at it’s worst.

    Hence we get to the irony.

    I have come to believe that the only way to attain greatness is through a mutual support with someone. A partner in crime. Someone who is constantly there for you and supporting you and whom you, in turn, will constantly support. Two against the world.

    That’s not what women want.

    Women want to be strong and self-sufficient and independent and they expect their men to be the same. Two successful individuals. Not partners. Not a team. Two separate people who pull their own weight. The new paradigm might be, Behind every great man is his own ambition.

    That sounds terribly isolating to me.

    Years ago, I once saw a movie where one character said of another, I will tell you something about my grandson. And I say this with love - He has been a failure at everything he has ever tried... Except life.

    Those lines resonated within me. My whole life flashed before my eyes and I thought, Yes! When I am laid out in my coffin, THAT is what I want people to say about me. That I did not fail at life. The hell with money and business and career. I just want to get to the end of my journey knowing that I had LIVED.

    Somehow, I fell into a faerietale that has never existed.

    The old faerietale was the knight in shining armor, rescuing the princess in the tower. That was how the old world worked.

    The new faerietale is a king building his own castle and a queen building hers, and they meet at a ball. That is how the new world works.

    But my faerietale is the knight on the battlefield, back-to-back with his shieldmaiden. The two of them fighting as a team. Equals. Against the world. That is how I always saw my own world.

    But there are no shieldmaidens. There are no women who will fight bravely on the field. There never were. There are only princesses (women who need to be rescued) and queens (women who don’t).

    So I fight.

    Unable to rescue the princess.

    Unable to build my castle.

    Just fighting. Hoping that I might get some backup before I am overcome.

    Curvy = Good, Stinky = Bad

    21 July 2005

    A few weeks ago I was at the Labyrinth Masquerade in Hollywood.

    As I stood on the edge of the dancefloor, at the start of the night, a rather plump young lady asked me to dance.

    Immediately, I had a flashback to that scene in Braveheart, when William Wallace is just about to ask his lifelong love to dance, but he gets interrupted by the young girl who asks him to dance first. And he smiles at his love, smiles and the young girl, and says, Of course I will!

    You knew he didn’t want to. But, then you knew he elected to do the right thing instead. And what’s more, you got the impression that he was genuinely glad to do it. Not because he was phony, but because he was just a damn good-hearted man.

    I loved that scene.

    So, when this girl asked me to dance, I hesitated for a moment, thought of that scene, and immediately said, Of course I will!

    She was very sweet and quite flirty. Lets just say her dancing often veered away from being ladylike and her true intentions were being made VERY obvious. Sounds good, right? Meet a cute girl at a masquerade ball, dance, take her home, fool around. Right?

    Well, maybe.

    Except for one big problem...

    How to put this delicately?

    Now, here was the problem...

    The girl had some majorly stinky breath.

    Yes, she was a bit curvy too. But I honestly didn’t mind that. Being a bit plump is not a turnoff for me. I have no problem with a full-figured girl. But I really can’t abide the raunchy halitosis, you dig?

    My question is - don’t these people think? You’re going out in public to dance! Brush. Floss. Take a freakin’ breathmint. SOMETHING for the love of God!

    Bad breath is an unavoidable dilemma when you are dancing with someone. No matter what you do, you are never more than an arms-length away from them. There is no escaping the cloud of their personal hygiene. And if that cloud smells like a satchel of rotten rat penises, you just have to deal with it.

    I was polite and cordial, and we danced to about 2 songs before a band came on, and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I respectfully excused myself and went in search of some fresh air.

    Too bad too. She was kinda cute.

    Ladies, please don’t forget that Listerine is your friend.



    This is another type of story that I hesitated to include. I’m not very happy with this. I do not think it is particularly well-written. However, I think it can be important to reveal work that is less than our potential, because it shows an evolution in the quality of what we can produce. I view this book as a bit of a retrospective, so I can still include work which may not be all that great today, but I was doing my best at the time.

    Plus, for whatever reason, this event is one of those strange moments in life which I recall very distinctly, even 13 years after it occurred.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018

    Fucking Easter Eggs

    25 August 2005

    I just found out that a girl I’ve had a crush on for like 2 years, but has always been in a relationship, Erin Layne, is no longer with her boyfriend.

    Good news!

    So, wasting no time, I immediately asked her out. After all, it’s been 2 years. No way I’m gonna let this chance slip away, right?


    I forgot to mention she’s seeing someone new already. Consequently, she pretty much totally shot me down.

    It’s the fucking Easter Eggs all over again.

    My grandfather was in the American Legion. When I was about 4 years old, I went to an Easter Egg Hunt at his Post. So, the adults went around hiding those plastic Easter Eggs all around the grounds of the building. In the grass. In trees. In bushes. On fenders of cars lining the parking lot. Wherever. You know, a freaking Easter Egg Hunt.

    And of course, there were tons of children there, all armed with the intent of gathering as many of those plastic Easter Eggs as they could get their grubby little mitts on.

    So, I had my basket and my calm and patient demeanor and when they shouted GO! I proceeded to walk to the nearest Easter Egg. Which, of course, was snatched away from me far before I ever got to reach it.

    This was a bit rude and insulting, I thought. After all, I had clearly seen the egg first. Therefore, it was mine! This was a hunt after all. Hunting means finding and seeing an egg means you found it. Right? Who did this little brat think he was, stealing away the egg I was about to claim!?

    But, no problem. I spotted another.

    I began to slowly meander on over to that new egg, among the throngs of shrieking, running children. I couldn’t understand why they were so darned frantic about the whole ordeal.

    Well, before I could grab the second egg, some little chick came along and stole it! Just like that first little jerk!

    This whole process repeated over and over throughout the hunt.

    And in the end, I was in tears. Walking back to my grandfather, feeling totally humiliated and defeated and hurt. I was literally the ONLY child who had not ONE egg in his Easter basket. I was the ONLY kid who came back with nothing.

    As I grew older, I never forgot that day. It became kind of symbolic for my whole life. I move too slow. I take my time. I think I’m all set to plan things out, and spot my goals and ambitions, well in advance. But the truth is, someone always comes in and sweeps things away from me, before I have a chance to grab what I have spotted. I’m not aggressive enough. I don’t push people aside. I stroll.

    And in the end, what happens?

    I end up with nothing and I hate and resent everyone around me... because I didn’t knock them down and move faster and take things before they could.

    You would think, by now, I would have learned my lesson. Especially since radiant women are a lot more rare and special than plastic Easter Eggs.

    I’m not giving up on this one. I saw this egg first and I’m running as fast as I can. And I’m going to knock aside any little schmucks who get in my way. Because for the first time in years, I’ve found a woman whom I would actually want to pursue.

    Men with my attitude used to be called suitors but now I think stalker is a more common definition. To quote Wayne from Wayne’s World, She will be mine... Oh, yes... She will be mine.

    5 September 2005 Update:

    I now know more details. It wasn’t the Easter Egg Hunt after all. Someone already had this egg in their pocket... Who knew? Ah well, plenty of other fish in the sea... and eggs in the bushes...

    Can I Find A Woman Who Is Not Psychotic?

    12 October 2005

    Okay. Now you have to see this and tell me that I’m not crazy.

    I was talking to a lovely woman on the phone tonight. We met several weeks ago. We were flirting and kissing in a nightclub. She called me tonight. I asked to get together with her this evening. She turned me down, but said she’d like to see me tomorrow. Then our phonecall was disconnected before we could finalize plans. So, I emailed her. This was our exchange.

    Dear Girl,

    Well, either you hung up on me or your phone died.

    I’ll assume the phone died. (smirk)

    I’d love to go out with you tomorrow evening, as you suggested. I typically get home by 6pm or so. I will call you when I’m leaving work (around 5pm or thereabouts) and we can work out details from there.

    I will gladly come pick you up and we can go hang out and grab dinner or ice cream or whatever.

    And allow me to be clear - yes, I see this as a date with each other. No ambiguous hanging out or undefined time where we don’t know where each other stands. I like you. I want to date you. So let’s see where it goes tomorrow.


    Looking Forward To It,


    Now remember, we were making out the night we met. Kissed a few times in the club. In fact, she kissed me. I didn’t go for it. She was making moves on me. I want to be very clear about that. I was not the aggressor. She was. She hit on me and made the first moves.

    So, I wanted to be upfront that I like her. I am interested in her. I am reciprocating the feelings she obviously initiated with me. I didn’t want to do the let’s hang out crap and have us not know where each other stands. Right? I wanted to be an adult and make it clear that my intent was to date her and not to be just friends or have that awkward, ambiguous malarkey that happens when you’re 23 years old. I hate that nonsense. If I want to date someone, I tell them. If not, I tell them that too. I’m never mysterious about it. I don’t play games like that.

    Also keep in mind that SHE CALLED ME tonight and it was HER IDEA that we get together tomorrow.

    Her reply:

    My phone didn’t die, I just lost signal.

    No, I don’t have people pick me up at my house, especially under the current circumstances.

    Also, I am very unclear on what you mean by this date thing? If that is your way of making sure that there is some form of action that takes place then let me save you some time and tell you right now that you are talking to the wrong person. I am getting the impression with you that there are a lot of assumptions here and it is not very comforting to me especially at the current place I am in.

    I am thinking that maybe this is not a good idea, I am just not in a neutral frame of mind right now.

    The Girl


    Now, was I out-of-line in any way?

    Did I say, Hey, I can’t wait to fuck you tomorrow?

    Did I send pictures of my penis and a swordfish up my ass?


    To me, I thought I sounded like a fella who liked a lady and was looking forward to seeing her.

    Apparently, in her mind, I sounded like a sex-maniac who assumed that I’d be gettin’ lucky... Who knew?

    This was my final message to her:

    Dear Girl,

    Some form of action that takes place?

    I’m not clear on what you mean. I’m a very blunt and upfront person. What you see is what you get. I don’t play games.

    When you say action, if you meant sex, then I can assure you I was not assuming that at all. I have no intent or desire to dive into bed with you. That’s not my style. That isn’t what I was looking to do. When you say action, if you meant a goodnight-kiss, then, yes, I was thinking that. Because we’ve done that already.

    I’m sincerely sorry about your current ordeals with your ex-boyfriend whom you claim is supposedly stalking you. That sucks. I understand that it would be upsetting. I’m even more sorry that you are allowing those issues to upset you so much that you are choosing to reject the chance to get to know me by canceling our plans for tomorrow.

    But, rest assured, I had no assumptions about you whatsoever. I’m just a guy who met you, liked you, and wanted to spend time with you. You said I am very unclear on what you mean by this 'date' thing.

    Well, dating is what men and women do when they like each other and want to know each other better. I wanted you to know that I liked you. I wanted to be clear and not bullshit you or play games.

    I really thought you’d be a great choice as someone to get to know and date. It saddens me that you have elected to reject that opportunity before it even got started.

    As blunt and honest as I may be, I also don’t pester people. So, if you think it’s a bad idea to go out with me, then that’s fine. I won’t bother you or ask you again. I genuinely wish you well and hope things turn out for the best with all you’re going through. Take care.


    Needless to say, I never heard from her again.

    Nor did I want to.

    That settles it. I honestly can’t ever make the effort to date anyone again, as long as I live. All women are psycho. Truly. They are. Not worth the trouble.



    Holy cow.

    This one is humiliating. How embarrassing to see I was such a desperate weirdo.

    What a complete jackass I was!

    I am glad she stayed away from me. Smart lady. I was a jerk.

    I never should have emailed her in the first place!

    What I should have done was call her back, and when I got her voicemail, left a simple message:

    "Hey, we got disconnected. But, in answer to your question, yes, I would love to hang out with you tomorrow. Thank you so much for inviting me. Just give me a call back when you can. Talk to you soon."

    That’s it.

    Nothing more.

    Man, I was an idiotic asshole.

    The worst part is that her alleged stalker was not alleged at all. I know, because he later contacted me, thinking I was dating her. He sent me a few weird emails, detailing a lot of personal things about her, and I informed him to leave me the fuck alone, because I barely knew this girl, and hadn’t spoken to her for 6 months.

    I felt even more guilty after that. Poor chick. She was scared of her psychotic ex-boyfriend and I made her totally uncomfortable too. What an idiot I was.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018

    Back Away From The Nice Guy Slowly

    27 October 2005

    Dear Single Men & Women,

    There is no such thing as a nice guy and both men and women need to learn this simple fact of life.

    We all know the drill; Women date assholes, while secretly longing for nice guys, while the self-proclaimed nice guys sit at home alone, wondering why they don’t have dates.

    Well, sporto, I can tell you why you don’t have any dates. You ready for this newsflash?... You are NOT a nice guy at all. In fact, you are sort of a deceptive sleazeball. Women instinctively (yet subconsciously) sense this, and that is why they won’t date you. The assholes guys are easy to figure out. They are safe. Because women immediately see the guy is an asshole. She knows what she’s getting. But the repressed deception in you self-proclaimed nice guys scares the bejezzus out of women because they don’t know when you just might go postal and break the neck of her cat.

    What makes you a deceptive sleazeball? The fact that you want to fuck all of your female friends, but you feign being a nice guy who wants to be just friends just so you can be close to them. You know that you’re a pathetic loser with no hope whatsoever of winning over the love or the poon of these fine women. So, you pretend to be a friend and hang around, all the while masking your desperate longing and thinking maybe someday the chick will notice you.

    Well, she notices. And you’re not getting any. You’re an idiot if you think your patience will pay off. She isn’t into you. It ain’t gonna happen.

    Ladies, you are playing with fire by letting these guys hang around. Because one day, they will either daterape you or piss on your toothbrush. Every man has his breaking point. How far he goes when he reaches it, no one knows...

    I will tell you what kind of men exist out there for you. There are only two types.

    Nice guys and assholes, you think?


    ALL men are assholes. There are just shy assholes and outgoing assholes and that is all. Every man falls into one of those two categories. It’s those shy assholes who lie to everyone (including themselves), and convince people into thinking they are nice guys... and THOSE are the dirty bastards you have to watch out for.


    Because shy assholes don’t know how to get what they want from women. That is why they are so shy - because they have no backbone or confident determination. They talk a good game. They have lots of female friends but they never have girlfriends. I’m telling everyone reading this, both men and women, STAY AWAY from these shy assholes! They are dangerous people. And I do NOT mean cool, Indiana Jones-dangerous men. No, I’m talking, Hannibal Lector-dangerous men. These are the men who will snap and go postal. These are the serial killers who are quiet guys who keep to themselves and are just waiting to roast your liver.


    Because they are constantly rejected and repressed. They are quiet and shy and reserved and alienated from society. Women befriend them, but never fuck them. This only makes things worse. Because, although they may START as genuinely decent human beings, they begin to slowly and gradually build an unmitigated rage within themselves. Left too long, loneliness turns into a seething anger and animosity. Resentment. Cruelty takes root and begins to fester like mushrooms in a dead mans ass.

    Now, with an outgoing asshole, you know what you’re getting. Sure, he’ll lie to you and fuck other women. He won’t call when he says he will. He’ll blow you off to hang out with his buddies.

    But guess what.

    You KNEW that ahead of time. Sure, ladies, you can pretend that his actions surprise you. You can cry on your shy asshole, er, I mean nice guy friends shoulder and ask them WHY your boyfriend is so shitty to you.

    But the truth is, you already KNOW why he is shitty. Because he’s a real man. And that’s what you want.

    And all the while, the shy asshole will sit there confused, agreeing with you. Not knowing that the more he agrees with you, the more you see him as a pathetic pansy of a male whom you will never fuck in a million years.

    So, girls, remember, a nice guy is a like the Knight in Shining Armor... he doesn’t exist. Stop looking for him.

    Instead, just live your life. Have fun. Do the things you enjoy. Do what makes you happy and what you love. And along the way, you’ll meet some great friends. And if you happen to befriend a good man and start hanging out with him all the time because he is so cool that you don’t really want to hang around anyone else - THAT is your knight. That is your nice guy. And sure, he can be kind of an asshole sometimes. But he’s fun, and outgoing, and a great confidant without being a pushover, and you’ll love him for being a real man.


    A Shy Asshole



    Reading this kind of psychoanalytical relationship nonsense is very difficult for me these days. It just reads like, Blah, blah, blah, blah... and my brain kind of glazes over. This kind of topic just feels so irrelevant and so pretentious.

    Reminds me of that television show Sex And The City, which I used to watch religiously, and I loved every single episode... until one day I woke up, and realized every single character was a vapid and worthless shell of a human being, and each and every one of them was a miserable blight on the human race.

    That is how lame I feel for writing tripe like this essay.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018

    Revenge Of The Exotic Dancer

    19 November 2005

    In my day, I’ve dated a lot of strippers. Yet, at the age of 34, I’ve never been to a stripclub in my life.

    Now, these facts always raise a few legitimate questions.

    1. Why do you date strippers?

    2. Why have you never been to a stripclub?

    3. What, are you freaking gay?!

    Let me answer them one at a time.

    No! I’m not gay, for cripesake! Would I date strippers if I was gay? Next question, jackass.

    Why do I date strippers? Well, that’s the irony of it; I never seek them out. I don’t go looking to find strippers that I can sleep with. I just randomly meet and go out with beautiful women, and then I find out later that they happen to be strippers. It’s just a strange knack I have for finding these girls. Don’t ask me how. Strippers just seem to land in my lap... No pun intended. It’s a bizarre cosmic-fate-thing that I don’t pretend to understand. I’m not proud of it. I’m not happy about it. I’m not bragging about it. I wish it didn’t happen, quite frankly. Because I don’t like strippers. But I date them all the time. It’s just something that happens to me inadvertently. It’s weird.

    Why don’t I like strippers, you ask? Because, I must say, in my experience, all the stereotypes about strippers are true. For one, they want to be called dancers and not strippers most of the time. And, strippers are all completely insane and crazy. Seriously. They were all molested by daddy or uncle Joe or their big brother. If you are a man who dreams about dating strippers - don’t. It sucks. And honestly, they are not the wild sexual dynamos that you fantasize about anyway. Quite the opposite, actually. The fact is, most of them are either frigid or bad in bed, because they have more wacked-out sexual baggage than you would EVER want to imagine. Not kinky, cool baggage. No. I’m talking about deranged-in-the-head, creepy-psychotic baggage. Do you really want to screw a girl who starts having flashbacks to being raped in the janitors closet by her gradeschool math teacher? No. Not really.

    Why have I never been to a stripclub?

    Well, think about it. First of all, I have dated tons of strippers. Most men go to stripclubs because they want to fantasize over these women. Now, I’m not trying to brag, but, the fact is, women of that level of beauty are the kind of women I date. So, I don’t need to go to a club and slip them $10 bills to fantasize about them. I just make out on their couch and take them to their bedroom. All it costs me is renting her a movie from Blockbuster and buying her a pizza.

    I’m also a photographer. And sometimes I shoot erotica. Hence, another reason I don’t see much appeal in stripclubs is because if I want to see beautiful women completely naked, I just call one of my models and we shoot photos all day.

    All that being said, why would I ever go to a stripclub? For someone like me, it’s truly a waste of time and money. Because I can be with women like that for free, and for much longer periods of time than the duration of one pop song.

    All that changed tonight.

    Tonight, I went to a stripclub for the first time ever. Why? Because Mary Carter, a good friend of mine (yes, she is a stripper too), was moving out-of-town and was having her going-away party at her club. Okay. Fine. I decided to show up.

    Now, first of all, let me clarify. This club was technically full of dancers and not strippers per se. These girls were not nude. Not even topless. They were just in bikinis, lingerie or g-strings. But who are we kidding? It was still a stripclub.

    So how was it? Well, being in that club was undoubtedly one of the most pathetic and depressing things I’ve ever seen. Seriously. I mean, WOW! What a horrible experience! It was truly one of the most depressing nights of my life. I felt like some empathic alien in a bad Star Trek episode, picking up on the unmitigated loneliness in the place.

    How so, you ask? Let me paint a picture...

    You have this club full of smarmy customers; All old, fat, unattractive men. The young men were were just plain weird and freakish-looking with unkempt hair and Coke-bottle glasses. In other words, men who could never hope in a million years to hook up with these girls.

    All my life, I’ve always fallen for the bullshit lie that dancers preach; I used to think that dancing was empowering for women and they were just using their assets of physical beauty to get ahead in the world. I thought strippers/ dancers/ escorts/ hookers/ whores/ prostitutes were VERY different things. But after tonight, I see that strippers/ dancers/ escorts/ hookers/ whores/ prostitutes are all the identical line of work.

    The only difference between them is what the customer will get for his money.

    The ONLY difference.

    So, back to the stripclub...

    I’m watching these girls writhing around on their stages, and leering men are throwing them dollar bills. Yes, dollar bills. Now, I’ve never been to a stripclub, but I thought the stereotype was that you slip $20 bills to strippers. Nope. Not this place. One lousy dollar at a time. So, the girls are dancing to crappy music and when the music ends, the girls desperately scrounge up the $14 in singles they have been given, and hastily get off stage to make room for the next girl.

    The haste and desperation to scrounge up such meager cash was disheartening to a level that sucked every ounce of joy from your soul.

    Just visualize that humiliation.

    Mostly-naked women, snatching up scraps of paper off a stage, to earn enough money to buy some pancakes at the local diner.

    Heartbreaking and pathetic.

    I honestly wasn’t sure if I felt more pity for the girls or for the customers. It was like this nauseating symbiotic relationship of men and women using each other, not for sex and money; but for the illusion of sex and for insultingly-miniscule-amounts of money. These poor girls, who are desperate to pay rent, get all dressed up and looking hot, so they can implore men who are desperate for companionship, to give them some cash. It was honestly one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen.

    I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking I am being too quick too judge. How do I really know what they are going through? Maybe the dancers and customers were genuinely happy and enjoying themselves. Right?

    No. That is my whole point. It was a vibe. A feeling. An emotion hanging in the air. The emptiness and emotional void was so overwhelming it could not be denied.

    No one looked happy. No one looked like they were enjoying themselves. I mean sure, the girls smiled. The girls were friendly. That is their job. But their eyes were just hollow pits of absolute nothingness. Empty. And the customers, these men full of yearning, were just as hollow inside. Shells of human beings, pretending to have a good time. But in their eyes, all I saw was anguish. I used to think the men in stripclubs would be obnoxious jerks who objectified women. I had visions of rowdy frat boys yelling, Show yer tits, baby!

    That stereotype was so far from the truth.

    In truth, I saw tortured, lonely souls who were starved for attention and intimacy. These grown men all looked ready to cry.

    I stayed for about 30 minutes. I honestly couldn’t take it any longer. The countless vacant eyes of strippers and customers were breaking my heart in a million pieces. I was getting sick to my stomach.

    But wait. That’s only half the story.

    I didn’t get to the punchline yet.

    So, this past summer, I met a cute redheaded model on the Internet. As I mentioned earlier, I do a lot of photography, mostly as a hobby. So this model and I exchanged a few emails. We discussed shooting photos together. We flirted a lot too and wanted to meet each other in person. She wanted to go for a ride on my motorcycle, but wanted to meet me first.

    (Can you see where this story is going already?)

    So, this hot little redhead and I decide to hook up at a cute little coffeehouse with an outdoor patio. Based on our flirting, the intent was obvious - to see if we wanted to shoot photos AND to see if we were sexually interested in each other. Call it a pre-date if you will. Sort of a professional meeting with personal undertones you might say.

    So, we meet. She’s gorgeous. Her eyes are vibrant and alive and sparkling. We seem to be getting along. I often screw things up by saying something completely freaking retarded and not realizing until after-the-fact that I just made a complete ass of myself. But this time, I didn’t. To my knowledge, I hadn’t said anything too terribly inane this time.

    But then...

    About 20 minutes into our conversation, some old dude shows up on the outdoor patio with his dog. Next thing I know, this chick starts talking to the guy about his pooch.

    No big deal. Right? In fact, I sort of liked the fact she was so sociable and friendly. It actually made her more attractive to me.

    But then she kept talking.

    And talking.

    And talking.

    Suddenly, she’s ignoring me completely and carrying on a 10 minute conversation with this 57 year old dude about his freakin’ mutt! It went from being something that was impressively friendly to being incredibly damn rude.

    I know what you are thinking.

    Why did I stay?

    Why didn’t I get up and leave?

    Why did I tolerate my lunch date ignoring me for 10 minutes?

    Because there reaches a point when some is so rude, so selfish, so inappropriate, their behavior becomes fascinating. Like you are watching a sociological experiment and wondering, How much longer can this girl possibly behave so badly? Two more minutes? Five minutes? Ten minutes perhaps?

    I watched myself evolve beyond the fury of being ignored, into being intrigued by the wonderment of her malice.

    Make no mistake, the bitch elevated rude behavior into an art.

    To make matters worse, as she finally winds down her conversation with the guy after talking to him for like 19 hours, she tells me she needs to get going. She didn’t even try to make it up to me by focusing her attention back to me! She just talked to him and decided to split!

    Excuse me?!

    Okay. Fine. So at this point, I’m still trying to be polite. I get up and walk with her and offer to walk her to her car. That’s when she explains to me that she isn’t leaving to go to her car yet. She wants to walk to some of the little shops and go window shopping first. And she then offers out her hand for me to shake. No hug. No kiss on the cheek. A goddamn handshake.


    Does she invite me to windowshop with her? No.

    So I’m getting blown off for windowshopping... with a handshake? That was our first and last pre-date right there. I’m not too good at taking hints, but WOW, she gave a hell of a hint with that crappy behavior.

    Granted, there might be a chance that I misread things. Right? Maybe she wasn’t blowing me off. Maybe she liked me and I totally misinterpreted her being cold and distant.

    Well, no.

    Because I never spoke to her again. I didn’t call her. Didn’t email her. Nothing.

    And she never contacted me again either. So, clearly, she wasn’t interested.

    So, that was it. That was our one and only time meeting. We never communicated again after that. Not one single time. This all happened over the summer, about 6 months ago.

    Now we get to the part where these two stories come together.

    The minute I walked into that stripclub tonight, guess who was dancing on the main stage...

    Yup, you guessed it. My coffeeshop redhead; Those sparkling eyes glazed-over into emptiness; Shutting off her emotions so she could portray her stripper persona.

    Yeah. That’s right. Unbeknownst to me, she was yet ANOTHER stripper that I almost dated. Er, tried dating... Or something like that.

    You know, as I said earlier, I didn’t know if I felt greater pity for the customers or the strippers tonight. But after how rude she was to me, I do know that a certain bitter and cruel facet of my personality felt a grim satisfaction when I saw that redheaded girl up on stage.

    My dark-side wanted to toss her a penny, just out of spite.

    But honestly, I was far too depressed to bother.

    As I walked out of the club and went back to my motorcycle, I was smiling with the comfort of one thought; Hey... At least I didn’t make the mistake of dating a stripper again.

    Indeed, her farewell-handshake was a blessing in disguise.



    Off all the essays in my relationship section of chapters, this remains one of my favorites. To this day, I am still stunned at the astonishing serendipity of seeing that girl in that strip club. I mean, this is Los Angeles, California! There are about 9 zillion strip clubs. What are the chances I would end up in the club where that girl worked, on a night she was working, considering I have never been to a strip club before or since? The odds were staggering.

    I got sweet revenge and she didn’t even know it.

    - Eric Muss-Barnes, November 2018

    Me, Me, ME...

    22 July 2006

    Isn’t it odd how clear things become with the proper perspective? I finally figured it out. Why didn’t I see it sooner?

    Here’s the deal...

    I’m surfing around on MySpace and I came across a profile for a cute woman. More accurately, I merely saw a photo of a cute woman. Her actual profile wasn’t so cute, once I began to read what she had to say.

    Here are some of her vile highlights:

    "I want a man who thinks of me all the time. Who opens the door for me - always, not just at the beginning. I want a man who respects me. I want a man to be a man! Not a man who is needy or whiny! I want to feel special. I want a man who, all on his own, sends me flowers just BECAUSE he is thinking of me and gets excited that I am a part of his life! I guess I want the impossible. :(

    But if its out there, that’s what I want! And I don’t necessarily mean I want a man who is loaded with money or anything like that. Money doesn’t make the man!!! Money only makes a man more egotistical! Stop being so insecure, guys, and overcompensate by being a jerk. Just be who you really are. Have compassion.

    Be witty and charming - SINCERELY! Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not! The charade can only go on for so long before the real you comes out. Just be you, perfect and perfectly imperfect at the same time. Do you understand? If this doesn’t make sense, don’t bother."


    Stop right there.

    That doesn’t sound unusual. Right? I mean, she’s blunt and honest and talks about the things she really wants. I can respect that.


    Something just didn’t sit right with me in reading that. She sounds like a million other profiles on MySpace, and on dating sites, and personals ads, and there is just something about her attitude that really bothers me. But up until just this moment, I was never able to figure out what the hell it is about these people that upsets me so much.

    Finally it hit me.

    I was reading about her and I thought, What about YOU? What are YOU like? What do YOU bring to the table? What can YOU provide? What makes YOU appealing? Why should someone take an interest in who YOU are?

    I finally figured it out!

    This is why these people are single.

    Because their perspective is all about themselves. What they like. What they expect. What they want. What they desire. What they are looking for. Me. Me. ME.

    Here’s a thought...

    Maybe, if a woman wants a man who thinks of her all the time, she first needs to pay attention to

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