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Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends
Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends
Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends
Ebook451 pages7 hours

Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends

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#1 New York Times Bestseller!

Peter Schweizer has been fighting corruption—and winning—for years. In Throw Them All Out, he exposed insider trading by members of Congress, leading to the passage of the STOCK Act. In Extortion, he uncovered how politicians use mafia-like tactics to enrich themselves. And in Clinton Cash, he revealed the Clintons’ massive money machine and sparked an FBI investigation.

Now he explains how a new corruption has taken hold, involving larger sums of money than ever before. Stuffing tens of thousands of dollars into a freezer has morphed into multibillion-dollar equity deals done in the dark corners of the world.

An American bank opening in China would be prohibited by US law from hiring a slew of family members of top Chinese politicians. However, a Chinese bank opening in America can hire anyone it wants. It can even invite the friends and families of American politicians to invest in can’t-lose deals.

President Donald Trump’s children have made front pages across the world for their dicey transactions. However, the media has barely looked into questionable deals made by those close to Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, and lesser-known politicians who have been in the game longer.

In many parts of the world, the children of powerful political figures go into business and profit handsomely, not necessarily because they are good at it, but because people want to curry favor with their influential parents. This is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. But for relatives of some prominent political families, we may already be talking about hundreds of millions of dollars.

Deeply researched and packed with shocking revelations, Secret Empires identifies public servants who cannot be trusted and provides a path toward a more accountable government.

Release dateMar 26, 2019

Peter Schweizer

Peter Schweizer is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a number one New York Times bestselling author whose books have been translated into eleven languages.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is awesome! I was able to talk about the book after I read it. You did well! ... If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great research. I love Schweizer's work. He exposes so much on our political elite that we'd never know or understand otherwise. Highly recommended.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This carefully researched book the lays and bare in detail, the rampant corruption of powerful Democrat and Republican officials in the White House, also about Joe Biden’s ( previously always depicted as appealing “average Joe” with lots of human compassion ) that'd love to know how elected politicians make millions while in office. Cabinet and Congress, past and present, who use their reptilian positions to massively enrich families and friends. The shadow of activity, as Schweitzer points out, is corrosive and a threat to Iternational Sociaty. "offshore corruption" described in this book is EVER covered in ANY news, and this includes some historical corruption and convictions in China And Europe.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Secret Empires: How Our Politicians Hide Corruption and Enrich Their Families and Friends, Peter Shweizer, author; Charles Constant, narratorThis is a brief, eye-opening exposé of the subtle, if not criminal, than surely unethical, behavior of the people we elect to represent us. Because the rules governing the behavior of our elected officials only cover themselves and their spouses, their children and other family members and friends, use, or are encouraged to use, their relationship to them, to elevate themselves to positions of power that oftentimes includes extremely high, often unwarranted, salaries. They enter the employ of companies and sit on boards for which they are completely unqualified. Without giving away too much information, I will just give a brief summary of what our elected officials do to enrich themselves, their families and their friends.A wide range of elected officials are involved, and they cross party lines, although the most nefarious situation was that of the son and stepson of Joe Biden and John Kerry. Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz, along with their friend Devon Archer, created an investment fund with financial help from the vast fortune of Mrs. Kerry, Teresa Heinz. As time went buy, this fund grew, enabling the “kids” to attract a variety of influential clients. Their business dealings enabled China to gain a real estate foothold in America, to gain control of mining interests and technology that could compromise the United States, and more. They received large payments from the Ukraine, from a company under investigation, an investigation that Joe Biden halted! Yet all of these deals were done under an umbrella that is legal, though certainly unethical. China while guilty of using these so-called “princelings” to advance their expansion in the South China Sea, also used them to invest in companies that would provide them with information on our weapon systems, and our satellite systems, as well. The “children” used their own names to gain influence in many businesses and to enrich themselves with fortunes that most of us could not even dream of attaining. These kids started a company, that, like a tree, sprouted many branches, each one further adding to their loot. They embedded themselves into businesses that they knew nothing about and attained unusually high salaries, as well as positions on their boards. Millions of dollars that cannot be traced, because the laws do not cover them, are in their pockets. At that same time, Obama has also used his power to elevate his friends, among them his best friend, Marty Nesbitt, to positions they may or may not have been qualified for; he stood by, watching as they rose up the ladder installed in jobs and placed on boards for which they had no experience. Of course, one could rightfully say that about Barack Obama, who rose to become President, although some could argue he was unqualified and unproven for that position.Then there is Mitch McConnell and his wife, Elaine Chao. They are both influential and have stood by and watched others, especially Elaine’s family members in China, who used their names to curry favors and increase their business investments in China, sometimes with the Bank of China, one of its major arms. Chao’s family was involved in the maritime industry and their businesses flourished because of McConnell’s influence and Elaine's influence on various government investigations and committees. When Trump was elected, China knew their position was going to be less favorable, and they elevated the relatives of Chao to higher positions in the Communist Party and put them on the board of the Bank of China. They hoped McConnell would behave more favorably to them.When the committees that these elected officials chair, are explored, the nepotism is quite evident, and it can go on for years. Any committee, or field of endeavor, that their influential parent or friend is involved in, is fair game. Actually, they don’t even have to seek anyone out, once they are discovered, these foreign and domestic companies seeking to curry favor, will seek them out. For certain business dealings, only the elected official and spouse have to be transparent about their business dealings, investments and employment. I was shocked to discover how many of the children and influential friends became lobbyists because of their ability to gain the ear of the official. My head was spinning as I learned of their self-interest and greed, regardless of how their behavior negatively impacted the United States. Friends can hide the fact that they have used their advance knowledge to make purchases or investments or to divest themselves of investments because they can deny knowledge by using the excuse that they were visiting as friends, never attended meetings where the information was divulged, never even overheard a rumor. At the very least, they are all guilty of influence peddling, official and associates alike.Using the term “princeling”, the author focuses on the children and family of these officials, some who are relatively unknown, but who chair committees that foreign investors are interested in, in order to gain influence. A son or daughter whose parent is involved in investigations or projects concerning minerals like molybdenum, necessary in the tech industry, and cobalt and lithium necessary for batteries, and uranium, necessary for nuclear enrichment, become huge assets. Biden and Heinz gave away the control of precious and base metals to countries actively competing with the United States. These children and friends are themselves empowered by companies seeking their influence, companies that buy them with huge salaries although they may be totally unfit for the jobs. They wind up, more often than not, working at cross purposes from the government, but if the official is a friend, often the plans are approved to everyone’s shock and amazement. Yet nothing can be done to stop this, at present.The author exposes the politics at play, as well, as he illustrates the way President Trump and his family have been attacked for possibly abusing the Emoluments Clause, while Penny Pritzger, a person, who for years was closely involved with fundraising for Obama, a real estate giant and investor in international businesses, was never attacked when Obama appointed her as Commerce Secretary. These people in power, aware of the politics, succeed in hiding their behavior and excusing their actions that might be questionable, by cloaking them in ways they can insinuate are legal. Since Trump is not an experienced politician, he did know how to use the same tactics as Obama and his friends, and he left himself open to the necessity of being more transparent than Obama or his friends had to be, because his dealings could be considered unethical, while their very same dealings would not be considered unethical, or if they were, they were untouchable. However, his children too, achieved deals they had not been able to before his election. Trademarks were suddenly approved, business dealings went through as well. The major difference is that the Trumps were experienced in business and were investing in their own not someone else's.The narrative is sometimes repetitive since the people involved often share in the the same nefarious deals that enrich them while they betray the country and the taxpayer, in subtle ways: i.e. they gave away the rights to mine minerals necessary for technology, or allowed investments in businesses that could compromise secrets that our military uses because they sell the companies holding them without appropriate restrictions, or they cannot appropriately police the buyer, especially when it is a Chinese buyer seeking to gain information, to pass on to their government in order to gain more influence for themselves and to improve China's position, relative to the United States. It is an ugly circle of quasi-corruption, influence peddling and outright dishonesty masquerading as business.There are many more people in power who have used their influence legally and illegally to gain riches and influence. Some are well known and respected, like Obama, and some are obscure, like Sanchez, but all are greedy at the expense of the taxpayer, who is unaware of the fact that these officials can legally game the system. There are many countries involved in the hiring of these influential people, in order to curry favor, and some of them are well known and some are not. The range goes from China to Japan to Indonesia and Mongolia and on and on, wherever influence can be peddled.This book is very well researched with carefully documented facts that need to be illuminated. The book needs to be read in print. The audio is good, but the names of the people and places are often confusing.I recommend reading this book twice to fully absorb all the information, since the enrichment of these friends and family is often achieved in subtle ways that defy the imagination and the very idea that it is legal.

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Secret Empires - Peter Schweizer



Jack & Hannah



Title Page


1: Corruption by Proxy

2: American Princelings: Two Sons and a Roommate

3: Nuclear and Other Consequences

4: Bidens in Ukraine

5: McConnell and Chao: From China with Profits

6: The Princelings of K Street

7: The Princelings of Chicago

8: The Hyesan Youth Copper Mine of North Korea

9: Barack Obama’s Best Friend

10: More Smashing and Grabbing

11: A Real Estate Mogul Goes to Washington

12: The Trump Princelings


Afterword: A Total F**ing Whale, Among Other Things




Photo Section

About the Author

Also by Peter Schweizer


About the Publisher


Corruption by Proxy

Public office is a privilege, not a right, and people who accept the privilege of holding office in the Government must of necessity accept that their entire conduct should be open to inspection by the people they are serving.¹


A new corruption that is extremely difficult to detect is taking over our political system.

It is most lucrative; instead of thousands of dollars, the sums amount to millions or even billions.

The 2016 election left Americans deeply divided. Some found themselves enthused and encouraged by the outcome. Others were disappointed and depressed. But the vast majority of the American people were unified about one thing: the belief that corruption is rampant in Washington. Polls revealed that three out of four Americans believe that there is widespread government corruption in Washington, and perhaps the holdouts are not paying attention. The concern over widespread corruption is growing. The number was two in three back in 2009.²

Politicians who practice corruption have created a crisis of confidence in our government. Only 19 percent of the American people in a recent survey trust the federal government to do the right thing.³

Americans have known for quite some time that some politicians make themselves rich through public service. Who could forget Louisiana congressman William Jefferson stashing $90,000 in bribes in his freezer?⁴ Or Congressman Randy Duke Cunningham who created a bribery menu that netted him $2.4 million?⁵ Then there was the 2006 Jack Abramoff bribery case that led to a flurry of convictions in Washington. The lobbyist had given gifts to politicians in exchange for favors. Abramoff was sentenced to four years in jail.⁶ Congressman Bob Ney pleaded guilty to taking bribes from Abramoff and was sentenced to thirty months in jail.⁷ Congressional aides for no less than five congressmen pleaded guilty to corruption, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and bribery charges, as did executives in the Bush administration from both the Department of the Interior and the Justice Department.

Other forms of corruption have been exposed over the past decade that, while not leading to jail time, have led to great public scrutiny and embarrassment. In my book Throw Them All Out, I exposed insider trading on the stock market by members of Congress. When the book was published and featured on 60 Minutes, it set off a national firestorm that led to the passage of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act.⁸ In my book Extortion, and in another 60 Minutes story, I revealed how politicians enriched themselves using mafia-like tactics.⁹ In Clinton Cash, I laid out how the Clintons monetized access and official favors.¹⁰ Polls conducted in 2015 and 2016 showed that a sizable portion of the American public believed that the Clintons were corrupt.¹¹ And the Federal Bureau of Investigation launched an investigation based on the book’s findings.¹²

Following the money in those projects was simpler, using financial disclosures required by law.

The corruption by proxy that is the subject of this book is far more troubling and difficult to detect. Because the transactions involved do not fall under disclosure laws, they are invisible or, at least, hidden from public scrutiny. Financial deals channeled through politicians’ family members do not require disclosure. Identifying deals and the parties involved takes intense research. These transactions nevertheless make good money for a politician and his family and friends. Politicians are constitutionally obligated to make decisions that are best for the people they serve. These deals direct the politician’s loyalty elsewhere.

We are used to the typical revolving door corruption where government officials will carry out policies and then, after leaving office, take a job from those who benefited. But with most of the deals covered in this book, these politicians do not wait until they leave office. The accumulation begins while they are still serving. Rather than personal accumulation, the wealth flows to someone who is important in their life—a child, another family member, or a close friend. Those relatives are not required to disclose publicly how much money they are making or from whom. It is a pernicious form of what I call corruption by proxy.

Politicians are like the rest of us in that they avoid overtly criminal or publicly embarrassing behavior. Today, only the most arrogant, desperate, or stupid politician would take a direct payment from someone in exchange for a favor. Even without a clear exchange, savvy politicians are likely to avoid transactions that lead to a dramatic increase in their own net worth, lest they draw negative attention from an already skeptical public.

So a new corruption has taken hold. It involves larger sums of money than ever before. Instead of stuffing tens of thousands of dollars into a freezer, they stuff multibillion-dollar equity deals done in the dark corners of the world into family members’ bank accounts.

As some political leaders are making influential decisions that affect everything from national security to our standard of living, large sums of money are funneled to their families and closest friends. Only the most naive would believe that these deals are a coincidence. This money often flows from foreign governments or oligarchs. The timing of these transactions and the amounts involved raise serious questions about the leaders’ integrity and decision making. The high-level policy choices make the news, but the transactions quietly taking place below the surface do not.

How do I define corruption? By corruption, I mean when officials abuse their positions for private gain . . . Corruption is the dishonest or fraudulent use of power for personal gain.¹³

It is often illegal—but not always. Some forms of what most of us would regard as corruption are still technically legal.¹⁴ These cases, where abuse of power is most certainly occurring, and where the public appears to have no legal recourse short of voting the abuser out of office, are especially demoralizing to Americans. In the old days of the Tammany Hall machine, this was known as honest graft. George Washington Plunkitt, who helped run the corrupt Tammany machine, explained that often what he called honest (legal) forms of corruption were more profitable than the illegal forms. There is so much [honest graft] in this big town that they would be fools to go in for dishonest graft, he famously said.¹⁵

In the world of finance, everyone understands the subterfuge of offshore assets. Corporations and high-net-worth individuals stuff their assets and money into obscure limited liability companies or bank accounts in places like Panama, Belize, and Cyprus. By doing so, it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to map out their transactions. Some do it to avoid taxes. Others try to obscure how and with whom they do business.

When it comes to corruption in Washington, the same sort of thing is occurring. The American political class is offshoring its corruption.

Sometimes, politicians will literally offshore corruption by moving the location of the deal, the entities, and the players involved, abroad. Other times, they offshore corruption metaphorically by shifting the cronyism out of their own hands and into those of their children or a close friend to leverage from afar and avoid detection. Either way, the results are the same: like the financier who puts his assets in a bank in Belize, it becomes very hard to track the flow of money and exchange of services. Politicians and their families are increasingly able to avoid public scrutiny and accountability for the selling of influence. And the sums involved are enormous.

So exactly how are politicians offshoring their corruption?

First, the foreign entities that are providing the funds and favors for politicians oftentimes have fewer disclosure rules than those in the United States. Again, to use the analogy of offshore banking, the financier who is trying to hide his assets would rather put his money in the Bank of Belize than in the Bank of America. The Bank of Belize has far fewer disclosure rules than the Bank of America. Corrupt politicians like this. A Chinese firm providing deals for them or their family is not required to disclose much of anything when compared to a U.S. publicly traded company. So in a strange way, corrupt politicians would rather seek financial opportunities from shady foreign entities than American corporations. Bigger paydays with less scrutiny result.

Second, by offshoring their corruption via deals for their family and close friends, politicians are not required to disclose such financial gains. In American politics, great scandals have fortunately led to ethics crackdowns. The Bobby Baker scandal, which rocked the U.S. Senate, exposed influence peddling, tax evasion, fraud, and theft by an influential Senate aide. This led to the creation of a Committee on Standards and Conduct in 1964. The Senate created its first ethics code four years later following another financial scandal involving Senator Thomas Dodd. In 1991, a scandal involving then senator David Durenberger forced the Senate to ban members from receiving speaking fees. In the House, a scandal involving Adam Clayton Powell Jr. led the House to establish a Committee on Standards of Official Conduct in 1967 and to pass ethics codes in 1968 and 1970.¹⁶

As a positive result of these crackdowns, politicians have been required to disclose their income, assets, and financial transactions, as well as those of their spouses. In short, if a politician or a politician’s spouse directly gets a big payday, it would be illegal to hide. Failing to report it would be a violation of federal law. Yet failing to report that their adult child or friend got a big payday as a result of the politician’s policy actions is not against any law. It is offshore. None of those jackpots needs to be disclosed to the public.

Besides being off the disclosure grid, offshore transactions provide plausible deniability when facing scrutiny. If money lands in a politician’s bank account, there is evidence of a direct benefit. Even if it shows up in the bank account of their spouse, questions would be raised. But what if the money, the job, or the business opportunity falls to a politician’s adult child or best friend? Even if that transaction were to become public, there would be an added layer of legal protection.

In short, this is corruption by proxy. It is essentially a form of political arbitrage, where friends and family members of powerful political figures have positioned themselves to serve as conduits or middle men between those seeking influence and those who possess political power. This creates previously unimaginable pathways to wealth for the political class. Better still for them, because of limited disclosure rules, much of it can go on undetected.

Foreign governments and oligarchs like this form of corruption because it gives them private and unfettered gateways to the corridors of Washington power. There are a myriad of things they may want: approval to take over an American company; the transfer of sensitive technology; trade deals; or favorable policies concerning military or national security matters. Foreign entities cannot legally make campaign contributions, so using this approach creates an alternative way to curry favor and influence America’s political leaders. Simply camouflaging these transactions as business agreements provides another shield of plausible deniability.

Such corruption is especially bad because it makes American politicians vulnerable to overseas financial pressure. The political leaders identified in the chapters to follow have often seen themselves and their families become wealthy with a single deal provided by a foreign government. So we have American politicians whose wealth is tied up with being in the good graces of foreign governments. What could possibly go wrong?

Using a politician’s adult child or close friend as a proxy may provide only an indirect benefit to a politician, but that does not make it less troubling or threatening to the public interest. Indeed, the law says that if an elected official performs an act for someone’s benefit and that someone provides a benefit to their family or close friend—it is still illegal. Just as a foreign bank account set up under a foreign limited liability company does not shield the financier from scrutiny for trying to avoid taxes, proxy corruption should not limit scrutiny of the politician or his shell game.

Make no mistake: enriching a friend or family member of a politician and getting something in return still constitutes a bribe. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international body of the world’s largest economies. As the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention notes, individuals and companies can also be prosecuted when third parties are involved in the bribes transaction, such as when someone other than the official who was bribed received the illegal benefit, including a family member, business partner, or a favourite charity of the official.¹⁷

Direct bribery is only the most obvious form of corruption. Politicians (at least those who are halfway smart) avoid that sort of behavior. It has long been recognized that direct bribes are the least of our concerns when it comes to corruption. Even a century ago, a scholar noted that there are far more troubling and sophisticated forms of bribery. As Professor Robert Brooks wrote back in 1909, It is this condition of affairs which makes the subtler aspects of corruption so much more dangerous and so much less easy to cope with than common bribery.¹⁸

Brooks also noted that the smart politician of his day would avoid obvious bribery. Corruption in its more insidious forms is not the vice of low intellects, he noted.¹⁹ And so it still is today. Corruption by proxy takes some sophistication.


Throughout human history, almost regardless of culture, the family has proved to be an effective gateway to curry favor with the powerful. In Europe, Africa, and Asia, high-ranking political figures and oligarchs have used marriage and family as a means of gaining political standing and influence. European kings would marry off their sons and daughters to rivals or competitors, thereby striking a bargain or alliance. It was an efficient—if less than romantic—means of accumulating power and wealth. In Europe, the royal houses often intermarried out of political expediency. Famously, Mary, Queen of Scots, was crowned after her father James V died while she was but an infant. After a betrothal to Henry VIII’s infant son, Edward, failed to ameliorate tension with England, she was sent to France, her mother’s homeland, as a five-year-old. There she was betrothed to marry Francis, the heir to Henry II, king of France. After the ineffectiveness of the first betrothal, it was part of what was hoped to be a Franco-Scottish alliance against England.²⁰

In the United States, these arrangements have also been historically true, even if the stories lacked the titles of kings, queens, and princes. American politicians from the earliest days would marry their children off to the wealthy, leading to some powerful alliances. As Stephen Hess has pointed out in his classic study America’s Political Dynasties, the correspondence of Presidents John and John Quincy Adams is filled with tales of money miseries; then the latter’s son married the daughter of Peter Chardon Brooks, Boston’s first millionaire.²¹ The powerful Livingston family of New York in one generation had five girls marry U.S. congressmen, creating a powerful commercial-political alliance. The great industrialists of the nineteenth century often married their daughters off to politicians so they could literally be wedded to power in Washington.²²

Of course, today such arranged marriages would be considered outrageous. The notion of an American politician offering his daughter to a Chinese oligarch in an arranged marriage for convenience or alliance offends our modern sensibilities. But such marriages still take place. Instead of taking the form of matrimony or vows of fidelity, the union instead comes in the form of private equity or business alliances. The tie that binds is not marriage but money. The cross-border marriage has been replaced by the cross-border joint venture. Foreign oligarchs are eager to marry into notable American political families via lucrative financial deals, thereby leveraging access to the highest reaches of political power.

The alliance of American political family members with foreign powers is a relatively new phenomenon in the United States. Certainly, there have been occasional examples that were considered scandalous behavior in the past. Billy Carter, brother of President Jimmy Carter, famously took money from the Libyans.²³ President Bill Clinton’s brother Roger took money from the South Koreans.²⁴ President George W. Bush’s brother Neil got a nice deal from a Chinese computer company backed by the son of the Chinese president.²⁵

These alliances seem essentially ad hoc and haphazard, and the amounts of money small when compared to the alliances revealed in this book. Instead of hundreds of thousands of dollars, we are now seeing hundreds of millions of dollars involved in calculated unions that exploit American political family ties.

It is becoming more commonplace, more lucrative, and more systematic for the children of powerful American politicians to go into highly profitable business because people want to curry favor with their important parents.

This is, after all, the way corruption often occurs in other countries. In almost every country, family ties are exploited for financial gain. In many parts of the world, the children of powerful political figures go into business and profit handsomely, not necessarily because they are good at business, but because people want to curry favor with their influential parents. In China, for example, hundreds of children of high-ranking Communist Party officials have gone into business over the decades. They thrive precisely because someone wants something from their powerful parents. They even have a term for them: the Princelings.²⁶

As we will see, many of the deals discussed here involve Chinese state-owned companies doing deals with family members of America’s most senior politicians. China employs a strategy with other countries to make friends with foreign officials and politicians to advance their interests.²⁷ In Canada, the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service noted a few years ago how Chinese officials were cozying up to politicians to score favorable policies. A Canadian member of Parliament went on national television and described how when his colleagues traveled to China they were offered lucrative business deals by Chinese officials.²⁸

China, of course, is not alone in doing this. As we will see, other countries employ this strategy as well. And they largely do it through the family members of politicians because that is the way such deals are done in their own countries.

The problem, of course, is not commercial deals with China per se. I believe that business and trade relationships between American and Chinese firms are healthy. The problem is commercial and financial deals between Chinese government entities and the families of American politicians. It is hard not to see these sorts of deals as sophisticated payoffs or bribes.

Part of the reason that China figures so prominently is because the world’s most populous country is one of the fastest-growing economies on the planet. There is lots of money to be made and passed around. China also boasts a political culture that is comfortable with juicing Princelings into deals, which is one of the reasons Sarah Chayes, in her book on global corruption, considers it one of the world’s most corrupt countries.²⁹ But China is not alone: countries like Ukraine and Russia also figure prominently in this story because they also have political and economic cultures that are deeply corrupt. And America’s top political families appear all too eager to sign fruitful deals with them.

The American media has run endless stories on the Chinese Princelings. But as we will see, American Princelings are the sons, daughters, siblings, and closest friends of America’s most powerful political figures—presidents, vice presidents, cabinet officials, senators, and congressmen—who have accrued financial benefits because of the political power that their parents, family, or friends wield. And it is not just federal officials who have been attracted to the Princeling method. Even mayors have embraced it, striking alliances with corrupt officials halfway around the world.

Foreign governments and oligarchs are seeking personal financial relationships with America’s political elite. And many of those elite appear all too happy to oblige, their increased wealth perpetuating their family empire’s elite status. America’s political elite thus focus their loyalty and obligation on their kids’ financial interests, or the family financial empire, over loyalty owed to their country. While we admire people, including politicians, who prioritize love and support of their families, especially their children, we must also clearly hold them as public servants to a standard that does not compromise our nation by abusing their vested power on behalf of family and friends.


The explosive growth in global business markets has changed the face of corporate America. As American corporations have become global economic players, they have lost much of their American identity and loyalty. Back in 1996, Ralph Nader wrote to the chief executives of one hundred of America’s largest corporations. After pointing out the fact that these corporations received substantial tax benefits and subsidies from the United States, he urged them to show support for the country that bred them, built them, subsidized them, and defended them by opening their annual stockholders’ meetings with the Pledge of Allegiance. Only one corporation responded favorably (Federated Department Stores). The others dismissed the idea on the grounds that, in the words of the Ford Motor Company, they are multinational, not American.³⁰

It has been argued that globalization leads to greater world peace by the blurring of national borders. Commercial relationships between countries and people cause them to share more common interests and become more cooperative, so the reasoning goes. But as commercial relations bring countries closer, they will certainly bring political elites together. What happens when American political elites and their families create strong, that is lucrative, commercial ties with foreign governments? Compromised national security does not equate with world peace.

As our business markets have become globalized, so too has corruption. Globalization is blurring how our politicians view their first allegiance to country. Those exposed in this book would all vehemently deny that their families’ commercial deals with foreign governments and oligarchs influence their decision making or make them sympathetic to the political needs of their commercial partners. Not only does this seem preposterous on its face, but by doing so they are denying a central tenet of the commercial globalism that they endorse. Free trade and exchanges between nations generally create goodwill between countries, but profitable commercial deals between foreign governments and America’s political elite undermine the latter’s vision for leadership by warping their priorities.

American corporations have broadened their allegiances because their customers and operations are increasingly global. In other words, their financial interests extend far beyond America’s borders. The same is happening to some American politicians. Those whose families strike profitable commercial deals with foreign governments or corporations can naturally be expected to show greater sympathy to those foreign entities. But how will they handle issues when the interests of their foreign commercial partners collide with the interests of the United States? Foreign governments looking for favorable treatment from the powerful in Washington easily attach financial strings in the guise of globalization.

Foreign governments and oligarchs have become more aggressive in Washington over the past half-century. This coincides with foreign governments spending more and more to court our politicians. For example, the late Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington allows that in the mid-1980s Mexico was spending less than $70,000 a year on lobbying Washington, and President Miguel de la Madrid (a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government) lamented the difficulty he had getting his diplomats not just to deal formally with the State Department but to develop close relations with the congressmen who had the real power to affect Mexico’s interests.³¹ Today, the government of Mexico and Mexican companies, along with many other countries, hire armies of lobbyists and government-relations operatives to get what they want from Washington.³² Foreign governments who cultivate commercial ties directly with our politicians and their families have realized that this is a more efficient investment.

At a minimum, these sorts of deals make foreign oligarchs and governments unofficial constituencies that politicians are incentivized to please, thanks to these economic ties.

The bottom line is that globalization has transformed the world economy, but it has also, in the words of Laurence Cockcroft in his book Global Corruption, both exposed and accelerated corruption.³³


It has been said that to the extent that government can do something for you, it can also take something from you.³⁴ And sometimes nearly destroying an industry or business can create opportunities for a powerful politician’s friends, who create wealth by proxy, and can then channel some of it back to the politician’s interests or war chest.

We traditionally think of cronyism as politicians doing favors for well-heeled allies and friends. Maybe it takes the form of corporate welfare—that is, providing government grants or favors to connected businesses. Cronyism could take the form of government bailouts for a failing business or perhaps government-backed loans. In short, traditional cronyism uses the power of government to provide commercial opportunities or favors for connected friends and family members.

But there are other favors that the government can perform. In recent years a new method of cronyism has emerged that we will call smash and grab.

Ask any street cop and he or she will describe the crime this way: someone sees a wallet or a purse sitting on the front seat of a locked car. The culprit wants it. So he smashes the window, grabs the wallet or purse, and takes off.

Smash and grab in government works in a similar way, only while one guy smashes, another grabs. Say there is a particular company or industry with large assets. The government, by their words or policies, smashes the industry on the grounds that it

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