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Harry The Dirty Dog
Harry The Dirty Dog
Harry The Dirty Dog
Audiobook7 minutes

Harry The Dirty Dog

Written by Gene Zion

Narrated by Bruce Johnson

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

In this charming classic story, Harry runs away before bath time and plays outside until he changes into a black dog with white spots. Back home again, he must use all his wits and tricks to convince his family who he really is.

PublisherWeston Woods
Release dateJan 1, 1997
Harry The Dirty Dog

Gene Zion

Gene Zion and two-time Caldecott Honor winner Margaret Bloy Graham have collaborated on several favorite stories about Harry: Harry by the Sea, Harry the Dirty Dog, and No Roses for Harry.

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Reviews for Harry The Dirty Dog

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Cute story and I like the narrator’s voice, but the background music is so loud and pretty obnoxious. It’s hard to hear the narrator a lot of the time.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I always read this when I went to my grandma's.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    boring I guess I don’t care for it really yeah
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It’s really funny and great for kids.
    Also a good bedtime story.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Cute little picture book in which a white dog with black spots who does not want a bath escapes for some very dirty adventures that result in him looking like a black dog with white spots. He's so dirty that his family doesn't recognize him! Finally, he brings them a scrub brush for a proper bath, they realize he's their dog, and they're all happily together again. The book's a little dated--kids aren't going to know what a coal chute is and we don't have coal dust-spewing trains anymore. Still, a few props to the author for having a white dog with black spots becoming a black dog with white spots; it doesn't totally avoid the association of black with dirt and wrong, and white with clean and right, but at least it's not a total black-and-white situation (pun totally intended).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Lovely and perfect encouragement for a kid who needs a bath

    A great length for an evening story, with cute, impressively detailed illustrations and a pleasant story. Afterwards my kid was much more excited about taking a bath.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is cute, and my kid loves it, but what's wrong with this family that they can't recognize their own darn dog because it's got some dirt on it?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has passed the two-generation test. I used to read it to my three children when they were young. Now my three-year-old grandson is asking me to read it to him repeatedly.This is a very cute story of a white dog with black spots who doesn't want to bathe so he turns into a black dog with white spots. You'll have to read this book to see how he gets so dirty and what he must do in order for his family to allow him to stay in his own home.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Harry does not want a bath so he hides the scrub brush then goes out to play in the dirt. His family cannot recognize him. Now what does he do? This is a cute read! I looked for Harry on each page. Didn't always see him. Kids will have a ball as they follow Harry on his adventure. This is good for early readers and beginning readers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I like this book for several reasons. One reason I like this book is the writing. Most of the sentences were simple which would allow young readers to follow along easily. Another reason I like this book is the plot. The book is about a dog who ran away to avoid taking a bath. Many young readers would be able to understand this plot because they may have background knowledge about dogs before reading this story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is good for students to practice expression with. I think students would like it because many can relate to not wanting to take a bath and they can relate to wanting to fit in with their families.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion this is a good book, it kept me entertained throughout the whole book. At one point I was really worried about Harry which lets you know that it must have been a good book. The reasons why I like this book were because, I believe the author did a great job writing the book it was well organized and it flowed really well the story was well structured. The plot was also well organized I believe that it wasn’t difficult to follow along the settings were appropriate for the story. The big message of this book was that harry the dog didn’t want to take a bath so he runs away and when he comes back they do not believe it is him because he is covered with mud.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book describes the day of a dog who didn't want a bath. He becomes so dirty running around town his family doesn't recognize him until he finally gets in the bath tub and they wash him. The book was an easy read and was short. The book only featured a white family and was not multicultural at all. All the people in the book were white and looked the same. I think there should be more diverse illustrations so that more readers can connect with the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought this was a very cute book. Any student with a dog can relate to this story. I really like the language in this story. It is simple to read and understand. I also found it easy to use different tones when reading it. It is a fun book to read allowed. I also liked the plot. If your dog has ever wondered away, you wonder what they are doing and why they ran away. In this story, the student reads what Harry does while he is away from home. They also see that Harry comes home and has a happy ending, which would help any student who's dog has run away. The main idea in this story, I think, is be thankful for what you have. When Harry left home, he had fun for a short time but then became hungry and tired. He went home because he missed his family.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion this is a very cute book. The language used is clear and descriptive. The plot is organized and swiftly paced. This keeps young children's attention and keeps them interested. The illustrations fit the story well and help children to understand feelings from the point of view of Harry the dog. I believe that the big message of this story is how important it is for children (and pets) to take baths. If not they will get so dirty that they will be unrecognizable to their own family!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book because it was fun and silly but had a warm and heartfelt ending.The illustrations in the book contributed to the comprehension of the novel. For example, being able to see how the dog changed colors completely, helped me understand the book.The characters were both believable and well-developed. For any children with pets, they will easily be able to relate to how the children felt when they couldn't find their dog.The purpose of this book is to show children that they might not enjoy all of the rules in their home, but they are important and are there for a reason.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book for three reasons. The first reason is that the main character, Harry, could represent more than a dog. He resists taking a bath. Many dogs and children resist baths. When a child is reading this story, they could relate to Harry. The second reason is that the illustrations go along with the story. On each page, there are pictures that clearly match the words. The third reason is that the plot has a happy ending. Part of the big message is that Harry realizes he needs to do something he doesn't want to do. He does this because he wants to be reunited with his family. Overall, it is a good children’s story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    In my opinion this is a great book for grades K-2. I say this because I enjoyed the use of illustrations to depict the emotions of the family and dog, as well as how the story uses clear language. Throughout the story the illustrations show the different activities Harry gets involved in while away from home. When Harry does return, his family is unable to recognize him due to him being so dirty. During this sequence of events the pictures show a very confused family and a very sad dog. In addition to the illustrations helping depict character emotions, I also enjoyed how the story used clear language. The word choice of the author is appropriate for the grades of K-2 and helps the reader to gain confidence throughout the book. Overall this story's big idea is to never judge someone by their outward appearance. If you were to judge someone only on their appearance you would not get to experience everything they have to offer.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really adored Harry the Dirty Dog for a number of reason, but I will name three. The first reason I enjoyed this book was because of the illustrations. I found the author did a great job capturing the written story and transferring it into an image. The author used bright colors and drew captivating images that caught my eye. I could see how dirty Harry was getting as the story went on which I really enjoyed. The second reason I liked this book was because of how easily children, with or without pets, can relate to it. I remember being a kid and not wanting to take a bath until I was completely covered in dirt. My parents had to force me into the bath at times. I also had a dog and she would come home at times with clumps of dirt in her hair. We would try to give her baths, but she would run from the water. The third and final reason I enjoyed this book was because of the authors written language. The author chose easy words that young children could identify. The author kept the story organized and easy to follow. This story is great for young children just starting to read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed Harry the Dirty Dog for three reasons. The book features a silly story about a dog written in plain language that almost every child will be able to understand and laugh along as Harry gets dirty again. The illustrations in the book clearly complimented the writing and helped to enhance the story by letting the reader experience what was happening to Harry as he transformed from clean to dirty and back to clean again. Finally I liked how Harry was characterized. He was not written to be just a dog that liked to get dirty, that would have been too simple. Harry was a dog that just loved to be dirty. The reader saw his discomfort during bath time, his joy while playing in the mud and pavement tar, and his despair when his family did not recognize him. This is a book that children will love for years to come.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I disliked this book, because I felt as if it were bland. I did not think that the writing style was super appealing, as well as the word choice. I also felt like it was hard to understand a message from the actual book. The imagery was pretty dull too, and I though that it was strange that the dogs family did not recognize him when he was dirty, but I also could be thinking way too much into it. The book could potentially have the message of, no matter if you run away from home, your true home will always be waiting for you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book because the author used a few key elements in writing as well as included more than one underlying message. The first reason why I like this book is because the illustrations go hand in hand in with book. When the book talks about how Harry does tricks for his owners to realize it is him, the illustrator places a picture of the dog doing a trick. The next reason why I like this story is because of the plot; it is very well organized and has a nice flow of events. For example the book progresses from: Harry not liking baths: then all of the things Harry does while not at home: to deciding to come home and having to convince his family it is him; and finally becoming a nice clean Harry again. The last reason why I liked this book was because of the characters. All of the characters are written in such a way that it seems like it could be a real family with a dog. There are two main messages: one is that appearances are not everything; and the second is that everyone needs a place to call home.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book for many different reasons. First, the illustrations were eye-appealing and they successfully enhanced the story. After Harry became dirty, the illustrations went from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots. Second, with such clear language, the book can easily be read from guided reading to independent reading with young children. The characters were well-developed and the book portrayed the importance to appreciate family. For example, when Harry attempted to go back home, his family did not recognize him because he was dirty. When he heard the family say, "There's a strange dog in the backyard," he got upset and regretted running away from home. Overall, the message of the story suggests that although Harry doesn't like taking baths, he realizes there are many things about his family that he misses. As a result, he will most likely sacrifice his bath time in the future in order to stick at home and appreciate his family's love.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I absolutely love this book. I grew up reading this book and think it is amazing. This is a perfect picture book about a dog. It is written for very young children, but I enjoyed it just as much. It is a very clever story and told with a lot of humor and warmth. I like all of the Harry books but this is my absolute favorite. The illustrations are absolutely adorable and compliment the story very well. They reveal how much mischief Harry really gets in throughout the book.The theme in this story is about identity. Harry changes his color of hair multiple times. First he is white with black spots, then he is black with white spots. I think that this shows children that it is okay to be different or to change what you look like. Overall, I really, really loved this book and would recommend it to everyone, if they haven't already read it. Or if they have they should read it again.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Harry the Dirty DogBryan O'KeeffeThis book was extremely cute and I enjoyed reading this book a lot. The book was a very quick read that flowed really well and was fast paced. The illustrations were really large and took up most of the page which made this book an easy read. The illustrations helped set the settings during the 1930's or 1940's. The vehicles were made to look older and from this time period which helped place the setting of story. The dog seemed fairly believable, the dog did not talk so most of the narration was from a third person point of view, this made it more believable. The writing was descriptive, however I feel that for the level this book was written for, it was done very well. A first grader can read this book and easily understand what the dog is doing. There was not a lot to think about in this book, mainly because the dog just has a day by himself getting really dirty. The message of this book was harder to think about than most. I had to think about the message in order to get it; even when you get sick of something, take a break to really think about what you love.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book for two reasons. One reason I liked this book was for the way the story was written. The plot was very engaging, and entertaining. The progression of Harry becoming dirtier and dirtier until he turned into almost a completely different dog would definitely be a fun read for children. Another reason I liked this book was for the main character. I thought that the personality that Harry had was very relatable for some children. Some children may have dogs that don't enjoy bath time much like Harry or the children might not enjoy bath time themselves. Overall, I didn't really understand or see the big message of this book. I thought that it was just a fun, cute story for children to enjoy rather than gain a big idea.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review: This book is a wonderful and fun children's book. There are great illustrations that go along with the book. I would highly recommend this book to children or people of any age. Summary: The book starts out with a white and black spotted dog named Harry. He is laying on his bed and hears the bath water start to run. Harry hates taking baths so he runs and grabs the bath brush and hides it outside in a hole that he digs. After this Harry runs away. He runs through town playing in construction sites, train tracks, and many other dirty areas. He was so dirty that he became a black dog with white spots! After he was so dirty he went home to go see his family, but they didn't recognize him. He tries his hardest to show his family that it is him. Finally he digs up the brush and runs up to the bath and begs for the family to bathe him. After they gave him the soapiest bath of his life they finally realize it was Harry all along. Argument:
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this book because it did a good job telling a story along with adding elements that would be good for a read along. This book has text that is large and readable for a young reader and the pictures are fun and inviting. The pictures do a good job describing what is going on in the story and showing the emotions that are being felt. There was a section of the book that was petterned and I enjoyed that. An example of this is when the book read, "Where they were fixing the street / and got very dirty / He played at the railroad / and got even dirtier." The book keeps this pattern for almost half of the book. This makes it seem fun to read. The "big picture" of this book seems to be for pleasure or a good bedtime story. It would be fun to read with a child.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I thought this was a very cute book that young children would find very engaging. One reason I liked this book is because of the language the author used, which both challenged the reader and was on an appropriate level for the reader. Some pages had three sentences on them, while others had one sentence with a simple structure. For example, one page says, “He danced and he sang,” which should be an easy sentence for the target audience to understand. It gives them confidence when they move to pages that have more words and more complex structures. Another reason I enjoyed this book is because of the silly plot. The silliness of the plot definitely engages readers and makes them want to read more. Harry the dog never wants to get a bath, so he hides the scrub brush in a hole and runs around town having fun with other dogs and in the dirt. He gets so dirty that his family doesn’t recognize him anymore, and he has to run in the house with the scrub brush to get his family’s attention. When they wash him, they realize he is Harry and the book ends with Harry curling up happily back in his bed. The text states, “It was wonderful to be home. Harry fell asleep in his favorite place, happily dreaming.” The main idea of this story is that there is truly no place like home when you are surrounded with people who love you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The series about Harry the dog were books that I very much enjoyed as a child and still enjoy to this day. The author uses simple diction in order for young children to be able to read and comprehend the story. For example, "Then he ran away from home. He played where they were fixing the street and got very dirty." Short sentences such as these two are throughout the book making it easy for children to understand. The plot of the story also teaches the children a lesson in a sense. Harry doesn't want to take a bath so he hides his scrub brush and thinks that it will be better to run away from home. He soon regrets this decision because he misses the family and the house. This teaches children that just because they may not want to do something, sometimes they realize that going against the rules isn't as great as they thought it would be.